「Nuuuuu! I Hate Tests!~」

「Kumagawa Speech Patterns」
❨Saki Fake Shyness❩
Kumagawa Misogi was in the middle of looking at himself in the mirror, rubbing and tapping his chin, clearly thinking about something that requires a lot of attention and thought put it into it

"「Should I get a haircut? Or maybe a new change of costume, a Coat maybe? Hm, thinking of a costume is oddly hard to come up with… How about some Screws Design?」"
Though before Kumagawa could think of anything that sounds fitting for him to wear, he thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sound of the door opening and closing, which made him look back and saw Saki Sukinasaki coming in the room and fall on the couch with a exhausted expression, which made him tilt his head curiosity

"「Did your entrance examine go well?」"
Kumagawa was genuinely asking, quickly taking the seat right beside his 'Friend' and look at her with interest in his blue eyes

"I don't know, I was told what to do, did it and hoped that I was bad enough to be rejected and kicked out…"
Despite the whole plan to 'Ruin Both Villains And Heroes', Saki was still wasn't trying that hard to get into UA, even if the plans requires it

"「Ah, hm, can I have the whole story please?~」"
Kumagawa clearly wanted to learn more, wanting to hear the whole story about what Sukinasaki did today, to which made her whine and groan, before just sighing in defeat


'God Damnit, why did I have to agree to do this?'
Saki stood in front of the entrance of UA, looking at the entire building, and the many teens entering it with extreme excitement, with a very unenthusiastic and slightly annoyed expression

'Ugh… Whatever, let's get this over with…'
Saki was about to walk forward and start her 'Uneventful' day, though before she could, she quickly stopped and noticed a certain Broccoli Hair Boy, who got saved and was in the middle of talking to a Round Face Girl, which made raise an eyebrow in slight confusion

'Huh, I guess he had a Quirk after all, hm.'
Saki couldn't help but narrow her eyes lightly in suspicion, but just shook her head and decided to ignore it, since she doesn't really care enough to, well, 'Care', starting to walk away from them and just go inside

'Though if he doesn't, then he'll most likely die after his first Villain, oh well.'
Soon, once inside the 'Hero School' building, plus talking and avoiding some people here and there, she finally arrived at some kind of auditorium, and when she was there, she quickly noticed a certain someone that turned her calm annoyance into 'PURE RAGE'

At the stage of the auditorium, was none other than Present Mic, aka, the one responsible for the Female Minus even being here, which made her bite her lip hard enough to draw blood

'I swear to fucking God, that you will be the first one to die…'
Though before Saki could think of any ways to murder the Superhero, and get away from it, she was immediately interrupted by someone tapping her shoulder, which made her snap out of her evil thought and look at the one touching her

"Hey, you ok?"
The one that snapped her out of her thought was another female, who seemed to be around her age, but had blue purple hair, slightly lazy looking expression, though did show some kind of concern or confusion, and, what honestly stood out to the Masked Girl, was a pair of earphones cords that hanged out of her ears, to which she assumed was her 'Quirk'

"❨O-Oh Yes! I'm fine, just um, thinking about something that made me upset, p-please forgive me if I bothered you!❩"
Saki got into her 'Shy Girl Persona' and immediately tried to whisper yell apologize to the person next to her, who just waves it off, as if saying it was fine

"You're fine, I just thought you were feeling sick or something, no need to apologize."
The Earphone Girl wanted to reassure her that she was fine and was bothering anyone, which made her sigh in relief

"❨Ok, and thank you for your concern, but I am fine, so don't worry about me❩"
After Saki explain that she was fine, the Earphone Girl nods in acceptance and looks back at the stage, as did the Sukinasaki, there was a moment of silence between them

"❨….. Is your 'Quirk' a pair of Earphones?❩"
Saki mentally cursed herself for asking this question, usually she would try to keep things to herself and not stand out with anyone, but due to her interest with 'Music' and 'Music Related Stuff', she couldn't help but ask that question, which honestly surprised the person next to her, clearly wasn't expecting such a 'Shy' person to talk to her

"O-Oh, um, yeah, more specifically my Quirk is called 'Earphone Jack', which allows me to both hear something specific or send out powerful shockwaves if I plug them into something."
The Earphone Girl gave a quick summary on what her Quirk was and how it works, which definitely made the Masked Girl more interested and curious

"❨Can you make your own sound, where does it come from?❩"
Saki couldn't help but think of some musical related possibilities of making your own specific sounds with that kind of Quirk

"For now, the source of my sounds come from my heart, though if I enter this school, hopefully I'll be able to make my own sound, maybe even with my own voice or thoughts."
The Earphone Girl definitely had goals and hopes, both involves entering the UA and becoming a Hero, which did ruin Sukinasaki mood a bit, as she reminded on where she was at and what she needed to do here

'Ugh, right, Hero Academia whatever…'
Saki sigh and rubs her temples in annoyance, starting to hate her life again, which the Earphone Girl noticed and looked confused, and maybe slightly worried as well, clearly doesn't know what was troubling her, though unfortunately she couldn't ask about her problems, because the two were then quickly interrupted by the Pro Hero on stage

Once Present Mic said this, everyone started to get up and leave, which included the Female Minus, who didn't look enthusiastic or happy about any of this, though before she could leave, she was tapped on the shoulder by same person with the cord ears, which made her look at her with a confused expression

"I noticed you seem upset, and, well, I know it's not my business, but if you need someone to talk to, you can just fine me, though if you want, I won't force you."
The Earphone Girl, even though she hardly knew her, and wasn't sure if they were gonna meet again, still wanted to offer some form of kindness and help, both because it's what a Hero would do, and because she was a genuine good person, the 'Shy Girl' just stared at her

".... ❨What's your name?..."
Saki decided to finally say something, her voice sounded a bit weird to the Earphone Girl, but didn't comment on it nor think about it that much

"I'm Jirou Kyoka."
Once the one now known as Jirou Kyoka, Sukinasaki just nods and gave a happy expression

"❨Hello Jirou, I'm Saki Sukinasaki, it's nice to meet you~❩"

[End Flashback]
The Flashback was quickly interrupted by Kumagawa hugging Saki very tightly and very dramatically

"「AWWW!~ You Actually Made A Friend!~」"
Kumagawa smiles happily, as if he was actually proud of Sukinasaki, who blushes and got very angry and annoyed

"Shut Up! I only found her Quirk interesting! And maybe talked to her about Songs and Music, But That Doesn't Mean Anything!"
Saki clearly tries to deny or reject the idea of making any kind of friends, to which made Misogi giggles, clearly knowing it was a bit fat lie

"「Hehe, you're definitely a Grade A Tsundere~」"
This immediately earns Kumagawa a stab in the eye by the Shark Tooth Friend 'Filer', she lets out a growl and glares at him

"Do you want me to finish the story or not, cause I'm fine with not telling you anything…"
What Saki said made the Minus pout and puff his cheeks, but kept quiet, as he clearly wants to hear the rest of the story

"Good, now, as I was saying, after taking some… 'Interest'... With that random girl, I was told to take a test, to see if I was qualified or whatever, but after that was done, I was told to go somewhere else."
Saki then rubs her chin and lets out a small 'Hum', as a small evil smile slowly crept up on her face

"Somewhere that I can release all my frustrations, that was so much fun~..."

[Flashback Again]
Meanwhile, at some abandoned yet clean City, a lone low Grade A Type Battle Robot seemed to be running through the empty streets in such great speed, even though it's supposed to be a emotionless killing machine, for some reason, it was experiencing fear, extreme fear, unbelievable fear, unrealistic fear

"It's so sad, I can't take out my frustrations on another human being..."
And a certain familiar voice could be the reason why the killing machine was suddenly turning into a wimp robot

"I'm usually not the one who enjoys the suffering of others..."
Unfortunately, before the Grade A Robot could run even more and escape it's fear, it suddenly ran and crashed into something large, making it fall backwards in slight pain

"But I admit, whenever I'm having a really bad day…"
The Grade A Robot suddenly look up, looks to be almost crying, because what it saw, was Saki Sukinasaki, riding on the top of even bigger and much more dangerous robots, who all had some kind of cards attached to their heads, which must be the reason why they weren't attacking the Female Minus, while also acting very strangely, like all of them aiming their weapons at the fearful Grade A Robot, who seemed to oil itself

"It feels so refreshing to see someone suffering far much worse than me~..."
Saki evil grin was hidden under the mask, as she snaps her fingers and made all the slave robots shoot their own kind, who lets out static, gurgling screams, as oil from the dying machine all got over the face of the, quote on quote, "Shy Girl", once the machine was nothing more than shredded metal, she immediately stop them from shooting, climbed into another robot, and removed the card of the robot she was on, which made it snapped out of it and look around in both confusion, and soon to be fear

"❨Hello stress reliever 46, would you run in fear for me please while we hunt you down~❩"

[End Flashback Again]
"「It's nice to know that your Minus was showing, it makes me sad whenever you express yourself properly~」"
Kumagawa was happy and proud again when he heard about her bringing terror to something that shouldn't be able to feel anything to feel fear, Sukinasaki just rolled her eyes from that

"Anyway, yeah, all I did was kill a few robots, maybe be forced to 'Save' a few people that were about to be killed, and that's pretty much it."
With that, Saki finally finished her story, and after she did, she used the 'Filer' to sharpen her teeth and just took this a moment to relax, most likely trying to forget today

"「Wait, really, that's all you did today?」"
Kumagawa couldn't help but felt cheated and disappointed for, in him opinion, such a boring and short story, he clearly wanted to hear more or have something more dramatic

"What do you expect? That I would show off my true powers and wreck some shit? I'm not like you, I'm not here for dramatics, I'm only doing what's needed for the plan that 'YOU' wanted me to be a part of."
Saki didn't even bother looking at the Good Loser, who couldn't help but be disappointed for such a lack luster beginning

"Though, speaking of which, how well did you do?"
Saki gave him a sideways glance, a bit curious on what he managed to accomplish while she was away, to which made the Crawling Chaos be in deep thoughts and try to remember what he did today

[Flashback Again x3]
"You definitely have an amazing talent for taking down multiple Heros all at once."
Kumagawa Misogi, who was surrounded by multiple dead Heroes, all stabbed with 'Screws' and covering the entire area, and himself, with a lot of blood, he quickly looked behind himself and see adult guy who wore purple and was smoking a cigarette, to which he took a buff, before removing it from his lips

"But if you want, I can take you to a place where you can be a part of something bigger~"
As soon as the Mysterious Guy offered this, the Nightmarish Kafka couldn't help but innocently tap his chin and thinks about the offer he was given

"「Does it come with free dental care?」"

[End Flashback For Hopefully The Last Time]
"「We're discussing dental plans」"
Was all Kumagawa had to say about that, which instantly confused Saki, clearly not understanding the context that was purposely being left out

Weird question, out of all of Class 1-A, who would you consider the Top useless characters? For me one of them would definitely be that Tail Guy for sure, but I'm unsure who the other two would be, hm.
(Slight spoiler, I think, but just to let you know now, unless something happens in the future Chapters that I can't ignore, then there's gonna be a point in where I stray away and make up my own story, if that makes sense, ok? Like following the road that was made for me, before driving off it and traveling in the grassy ground filled with 'Original Ideas')

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