「My Hero Saki-Chan~」
「Kumagawa Speech Patterns」
❨Saki Fake Shyness❩
"「Whaaat? No way~」"
Back inside the abandoned building, Kumagawa Misogi could be seen laying down on the couch, that they bought a week or so ago, and was in the middle of reading a newly issued Shonen Jump Manga', to which he was very into and was very much invested in the story that it told
"「Oh My God! What A Plot Twist!~」"
As Kumagawa continue to have dramatic reactions to what he was reading, at the corner of his eyes, he was able to notice Saki Sukinasaki preparing to leave, judging by her wearing outdoor clothing and holding a purse by her side, though before she could exit the room, Misogi quickly sat up and lower his piece of literature he was reading
"「Where you going Saki-Chan, gonna make some more money?」"
Kumagawa tilts his head in curiosity, to which Sukinasaki response with a huff and grabbed her mask from bag and was putting it on her face
"None of your damn business, hmph, I'll be back in an hour or so, don't wait up for me."
Was all Saki had to say to the Minus, before completely leaving the room and him, who was now all alone, he taps his chin and let out a thoughtful hum
"「Hmmmmm~ I hope she's not prostituting herself for money, if so, I need to go in another murder trip... Though not without paying for her 'Special' service first, hehe~」"
Kumagawa gave an innocent perv smile as he lay back down and continued reading his Japanese Comic, all the while thinking about what he might do if what he thought was true...
"Would that be all Miss?"
Meanwhile, at a random store that seems to sell a whole lot of CD, Instruments and other Songs/Music related stuff, the Female Minus stood before a Cashier, who was in the middle checking the items and putting them in a bag, while also asking if she needed anything else
"❨No thank you~❩"
Saki had put on her 'Shy Girl Persona', as she digs in her purse to get out the appropriate amount of cash she would need to pay for the stuff, to which she finds and gives to the Cashier, who takes it and gave their customer the bag of stuff they bought
"I hope you have a nice day, please come again~"
The Cashier gave a friendly smile, to which the Masked Girl return the favor by bowing and waving goodbye before walking away, once she did, and was somewhat out of sight, she quickly hugs the stuff she bought and let out a small exhausted sigh
'God it's so annoying to be around these many people, I've never realized how much I would miss Kumagawa's company and his natural ability to repel such large crowds...'
Saki rubs her temples in annoyance, she doesn't have some kind of crippling anxiety or was some type of introvert, but it does get tiresome being constantly surrounded by people that she doesn't know and is not familiar with at all, and being in a 'Alternate Universe' doesn't help with that feeling at all
'Oh God, did I actually admit to liking that 'Things' company, ewww, this New World must be getting to me if I'm starting to think like that...'
Saki shivers in disgust, but actually managed to calm herself when she in her bag, seeing what she bought and wore a more relaxed and slightly excited expression
'Oh well, at least I've got the things to continue my hobbies, now all I gotta do is go back home and finally-'
Before Saki could actually leave and go back home, so that she can enjoy herself with the stuff she actually fines enjoyable, the front entrance of the 'Music Store' suddenly exploded open, forcing her to cover her face, so that it wouldn't be hit by dust and debris
Sukinasaki, after the dust settled, looked back up to see some kind of squad of Quirk Supervillains, who had some kind of 'Music Related Powers', which made them look goofy in all honesty, but we're legit threats that scared everyone in the store
'Oh God Damnit!'
Saki wanted to scream in frustration and release her anger in some kind fashion, maybe with something violent, but due to being in public, and without having a certain Crawling Chaos to hide her criminal activities, she had no choice but to continue her 'Shy Girl' act and pretend to be scared like everyone else, and just like everyone else, they did what they were told and got down on the ground, once doing so, the Squad of Quirky Villains did their 'Evil Stick' and started doing more threats stuff, most specifically towards the workers, and started stealing all the cash and Music related stuff, to which made the Female Minus hide her stuff and hope they didn't notice, and much to her relief, not only did they not bother her, but we're about to go and leave the store once they got everything they needed
'Just leave, just leave, just leave, just leave-'
Saki was so impatient that she gritted her shark like teeth, making her accidentally bit her lip and cause it to bleed, though she was to focused on watching what happens next to even care, which was seeing the Villains getting ready to go through the hole they made, before getting sent back by some kind of '[Sound Blast]' and actually made them land closer and near herself
Saki slams her face on the floor in silent rage, she was having a very difficult time keeping up her fake face and act from all this unfortunate events that kept happening, after a second of keeping everything under control, she looked back up to see who was responsible for making this so much worse for herself
"Oh my goodness, it's Present Mic!"
"Oh no, it's Present Mic!"
"We're Gonna Be Saved!"
"We're So Going To Jail!"
Standing near the entrance of the Music Store, was some kind of Quirky Hero, who's named was Present Mic, his sudden appearance made everyone have a different reaction to this, the Civilians looked hopeful and excited, the Villains looked scared and worried, the Bystanders watch and record everything that was happening with extreme interest, and, as for a certain unhappy individual, who was the only hating all of this
'Ughhhhh, I'm never letting Kumagawa leave my side ever again...'
Saki never realized how much she would regret going out on her own without her Nightmarish Kafka by her side to protect and get her out of this situation
"Stop Your Evil Deeds You Evildoers, You Have No Chance Of Escaping When I, 'PRESENT MIC', Is Here To Stop You!~"
The one known as Present Mic was very showy and dramatic, like some kind sport announcers, which made Sukinasaki want to slam her head on the ground in the ground, in hopes to knock her out and not hear all of this 'Flashy Hero Vs Villain' bullshit, though before she could consider and actually do it, she was suddenly grabbed by the back of the shirt and held very tightly by one of the Villains, much to her surprise
"Step Back Present Mic, Or I'll Kill This Girl With My Quirk, '[FluteFlute Shoot]', Which Allows Me To Use Flutes As Guns!"
With one are, he had the struggling Female Minus in his arms, while in the other, he had a flute that was aimed at the back of her head, which actually made the Hero look worried and drop the whole dramatic act
"H-Hey, there's no need to go that far, why not put down the Civilian and Flute so that we can, um-"
As Present Mic was about to try and attempt to defuse the whole situation, the Villain pushes the Instrument Weapon closer to the 'Shy Girl' head in a very threatening manner, which made her lightly growl and narrows her eyes
"I'm Going To Count To Three, And If You're Not Gone By That Time, I'm Going To Blow Her Brains Out With Literal Music!"
Villain's threat was very real, making the Civilians scared, the Hero even more panicking and the Bystanders curious on what will happen next
"I-Isn't That A Bit Extreme-"
"Now Hold On A Minute There-"
"Why Not Negotiate About This!-"
As the Villain was about to blow, and the Present Mic was stumbling and freaking out about this situation, Saki had finally lost her patient with all of this, not only was does she not want to die today, but she was finally sick of what she been hearing and seeing this entire time and wanted nothing more than for all of this to stop, she quickly pulls out a few of her [Error Message Plates] and throws them all the head of the Villains, much to everyone's surprise
"❨M-May you please let go o-of me and g-go to jail?❩"
Even though Saki wanted to say or do something much more worse than send these so called Villains away, but couldn't, because of obvious reasons, so she had no choice but send them towards the Hero in a surrendering fashion, to which said Hero wore a dumbfounded confused expression, as he easily handcuffed the criminals without any effort, though as for the Civilians and Bystanders, they couldn't help but cheer and clap for Sukinasaki, saying stuff like 'What An Awesome Quirk' or 'So Brave And Inspiring', though despite all the praise and somewhat new fame she was getting, she just ignored it all and hugged her stuff, though after making sure it was ok and nothing was broken, letting out a slight breath of relief
'Good, with all that over, I can finally leave and forget all that happened today...'
Saki, after feeling much more calmer, turns away from the crowd, who was now interviewing Present Mic, and was about to head towards the back exit and hopefully leave the area without being seen or noticed, though before she could, a hand grabbed her shoulder, nothing to forceful, but enough to make her stop
"You do realize that you used your Quirk illegally?"
The Female Minus looked up and saw a tired looking man with long black hair, yellow goggles and wore a very big and long scarf, and even though his eyes and his mouth was covered, she could tell that she was not going home early today
A few hours later, it was night time, the sun and blue sky had fallen, while the moon and stars has risen, and once that has happened, Saki was finally able to return home, who looked like a lifeless person with no emotions or willpower, she even walked in the abandoned building with no motivation to continue living
"「Where Have You Been, Young Lady?!~」"
The Masked Girl exhaustedly looks up and see Kumagawa suddenly stand before her, now dressed up like some kind of 'House Wife Mom', who looked to be angry with her daughter, to obviously he was pretending and just having some fun
"「Do you realize how late it was, not only did you miss both Lunch and Dinner, but even your bedtime as well, if it was your Father, he would've given you the Belt while being drunk and blaming our marriage, but luckily, as your mother, I will only-」"
Before Kumagawa could continue his role play as the 'Worried Angry Mother', he was suddenly tiredly hug and held close very tightly, which cut him off and looked at her with a surprised expression
"Can I stab you repeatedly, please? I've had a bad day..."
Saki looked up to Misogi with such a defeated face, which made him noticed and suddenly drop his silliness at the moment
As soon as Kumagawa gave the ok, he was suddenly and instantly stabbed in the throat by a [Filer], which made him cough up blood and fall on the floor, once down, the 'Shy Girl' was suddenly replaced with something filled with 'Rage', 'Hate', and 'Violence', and she just sat there on top of him, repeatedly stabbing him all over his body without mercy or hesitation
"Do You Have Any Idea What Kind Of Day I Had?! All I Wanted Was To Visit The Music Store And Come Back Home! That's All I Freaking Wanted! But NOOOOO, I Have To Be Surrounded By Annoying People Who Brags About Their Powers, Get Caught In The Middle Of A Robbery, Have The Hero's Make It Worst, BE USED AS A FUCKING MEAT SHIELD, FORCING ME TO USE MY [MINUS], AND FINALLY GETTING CAUGHT, TAKEN AWAY AND INTTEROGATED FOR THE REST OF THE FUCKING DAY!!!"
Saki, after finally ranting and venting everything she had to bottled up, she gave on last final stab to the Minus, who was nothing more than a bloody mess, and was left there panting and breathless
"After reviving yourself, could you kill me, only death will get rid of my headaches and stress..."
Saki lays on the floor next to the bloody corpse, rubbing her temples and looked so done with life
"「That's rough buddy」"
In a blink of an eye, Kumagawa was already all fixed up and good as new, laying next to the Female Minus and looked up at the ceiling, to which he erase and reveal the night sky with many twinkling stars
"「At least you weren't sent to jail, would be bad to be labeled as a criminal in your non existent records~」"
Kumagawa couldn't help but wonder what would happen if either one of them went to prison, most likely break out obviously, but was still curious on how they would go about it
"I wish I was sent to jail..."
Saki lets out a small sigh, what she said confuses the Crawling Chaos and was about to ask what she meant by that, but stopped when she reaches in her pocket and pulls out a piece of paper, to which she shows and gives to him, who he takes and looks at it
What Kumagawa read made him sit up in surprise
"「Due to your unique 'Quirk', and amazing 'Potential', we would like to invite and welcome you to U.A High School with open arms, not only to help and train you to use your abilities to the fullest, but we genuinely believe you would become one of the greatest Heros of all time, we hope you consider this offer and join us, you would not regret it」"
Once Kumagawa finished reading the important stuff, and skim over the 'Less Important' stuff, like the fill out form and all that, he lowers down the paper and looks back at the Shark Tooth Friend, who was trying to hide her face with her cap
"Ughhhhh, I hate this very much, I don't want this, I never wanted this, I don't want to be part of some kind of 'Superhero School', that is such a waste of my time, I would literally do anything with YOU, of all people, before I even consider going there..."
Saki sounded to exhausted and done with everything, just laying there, with her hat on her face, and doing nothing but wanting to forget everything that has happened, though as she does this, the Nightmarish Kafka couldn't help but rub his chin and thinks about something
"「I think you should join~」"
As soon as Kumagawa suggested this, a [Filer] was thrown and went into his eye deeply
"I will give you one second to take that back..."
Saki growls in anger for such a suggestion
"「Come on, just think about it, this is a perfect opportunity to destroy the concept of 'Heros'~」"
After Kumagawa said this, the Real Character pause from getting another one of [Filer] to throw and look at him with confusion
Saki was now curious on what her Crazy Friend was thinking about now, to which made Kumagawa chuckle and wore a very large insane smile
"「This is gonna be so much fun~...」"
Ok, very important question, what kind of 'Hero Name' and 'Hero Costume' would you give to Saki-Chan, would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions~
(BTW, sorry for an abrupt ending, but I kind of want to keep their plans and ideas of taking down the Elite a secret and surprise, and because I'm still thinking of a plan to do so, lol~)
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