Chapter 8: Room 1

Liz took me back to my room to change out of my dress. I put on my white t-shirt and shorts and made my out.

Not telling Liz where I was going.

I went to their rooms, the rooms I'm not allowed in. I noticed on of the doors opened and went straight to it. Not thinking twice about it.

'I need help' I thought.

I went inside the room and shut the door.

There was a single bed nothing else.

Besides a long mirror that took up one wall with Korean words written on the bottom of it.

'This is so wierd' I thought as I continued to look around the room.

I went to over to the loney bed when I heard voices coming outside of the closed door.

I quickly went and hid under the bed just in time when the door opened revealing Namjoon.

'This must be his room.' I thought trying not to get caught.

"I could have sworn." He says talking to someone.

"That I saw something come into my room."

"Maybe your just tierd." I recognized the voice as Yoongis.

"Yeah maybe. I still have to meet her tonight." He says as I hear his footsteps leave.

'Sheww that was a close one' I thought as I crawled out.

I suddenly felt a lose floor board under my hand as I got out from the bed.

'Why is this loose.'

I decided to see why. I lifted the floor board up and noticed an old purple box.

I grabbed the box and placed the floor board back where it was.

I got off the floor and sat on the bed and placed the box in front of me.

'I wonder whats inside' I thought as I opened the tatered box.

When I opened the box there was an old white rose that if you barley touched it it would break to pieces.

I carefully moved the rose aside and saw a white letter with a purple seal on it.

I carefully opened the letter and read it.

April 1801

To whomever is reading this,

I hope this room can help you with your selection. I know it truly helped me with mine. The selection is hard but you truly will come to love one of them. This will not be the only room that will help you on your journey. I have made 6 other rooms specifically for each prince. Use them wisely.


P.s. the words at the bottom mean you have to stay alive.
~ask yourself who do you see in the mirror?

Who is S? I thought as I placed everything back in the box and put the lid back on.

'Stay alive? What could that mean?' I thought as I held the box in my arms and was about to leave.

When I looked at myself in the long mirror.

I observed my whole face from my dark circles to my wild hair.

'What do I see?'

"I see a confused girl" I said outloud.

I don't know why I did. I just had a feeling that I needed to. I moved quickly away from the mirror and towards the door.

'I am so stupid why did I even come in here.'

I opened the door and looked both ways to make sure no one was coming and bolted to my room to hide the box.

When I got there I quickly shut the door and locked it.

'Where could I hide this?'

I went inside of my closet and noticed a space above where only I could reach. I placed the box there and placed some books infront of it so no one would notice.

"Perfect" I said as I placed the final book.

I shut my closet door and went and laid down on my bed.

'How many selections have came before me' I thought as I started to close my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Time skip~~

Liz had came and woken me up telling me that dinner is ready and they are ready for me.

"Is dad coming to dinner?" I asked Liz as I brushed out my wild hair.

"No. He wants you to spend time with them alone." She says.

"Why does he want me to get married so soon?"

"Thats something to ask him. Now the real question is who are you gonna meet up with later?" Liz says as we walk out of my room.

"How did you know about that?" I say with confusion.

"They have been arguing about you all day today. Especially prince Namjoon and Taehyung."

I didn't say nothing else. I really didn't know who I wanted to see.

"Well Ill see you later Alex." Liz says as she opens the door to the dinning room.


Before I could even get in there I hear arguing from V and Namjoon who were sitting beside each other.

"She is obviously gonna come with me tonight!" I hear Joon shout.

They still haven't notice me by the entrance.

"You think she will. Lets all see who she choses in the end!" Tae shouts back.

"Whatever! You brat!" Joon yells.



"Stop!" I shout and they all looked at me.

"You two are acting like big babies! This is my choice and you two won't make my decisions! Got it." I say sitting in the middle of the two.

"Yeah we got it" V says with a smirk.

"Yeah" Joon whispers in defeat.

"Dang Alex you have already got them whipped" Jimin says laughing.

"Shut up chim" Joon says.

I just couldn't help but laugh.

"So how was your guys day?" I say not being awkward.

"Good because I was with you" Jimin says and winks at me.

"Flirt much" Yoongi says beside him.

"It was good, have you decided who you are gonna choose later?" Joon says as he takes a drink of his water.

"Just chill you'll find out after dinner." I say taking a bite of my food.

Time went by and dinner was really quite a little too quite. Usually the boys are joking around but they seem tense.

"Well I'm gonna go." I say standing up before I left V grabbed my hand.

"Please" he whispers.

I just let go of his hand and walked away. As I made it back to my room I went and got out the purple box.

I looked at my night stand before opening the box and saw the white rose V and given me.

'The white rose. Since the first day he always rememberd.' I thought.

I opened the box again to make sure everything is still there. Even the brittle white rose.

'Maybe S is telling me something.'

I quickly shut the lid because I heard someone coming.

"Alex?" I hear Liz say.

"Yes! Come in"

I hurried and hid the box before she came in.

"Kin...Prince Taehyung has told me he is waiting for you. Are you gonna go to him or Prince Namjoon?"

"I know exactly who."

"Ok well when you come back I'll have the bath ready for you"

"Thanks" I say as I made my way out of my room and down the marble stairs.

I went outside and the sidewalk to the garden was Lit up with purple lights.

It looked beautiful under the night sky.

I walked the path until I came upon out spot and saw him.

"So you choose me?" V says as he stares at the white Rose bush.

"Not exactly. You intrest me." I say.

"Why do I intrest you?" He says looking away from the roses and at me.

"You are the only one to bring me my favorite thing out of all the boys."

He didn't say nothing and just went over to the bench and sat down.

"Why do you bring me a white rose often V?" I say sitting down beside him.

"You are wearing my necklace" he says looking at my neck where the rose necklace hung.

"Yeah so?"

"So I shall bring you a rose every time I get a chance." He says taking my hand.

"Why are you and Namjoon fighting?" I say catching him off guard.

"Over you obviously."

"Why you both know I don't want to get married"

"Yeah. But he knows who you will choose if you did want to."

"How do you both know who I would choose?"

"Why so many questions?" V says.

"I have a lot. I'm a confused person."

"Aren't we all." He says as he pushes a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I think,I'm gonna go Liz is waiting for me." He then kisses my forehead.

"Goodnight Alex."

"Night V" I says standing up and heading back.

Taehyung POV:

I watched as Alex left.

'She is something else' I thought as I watched the water streaming down in the fountain.

Then suddenly I was on the ground looking at a furious Joon.

"Why would she choose you?!" He shouts.

"What the hell is your problem Namjoon?!" I say as I get off the ground.

"I want to be with her but you keep getting in my way!"

"How?! I like her too!" I yell.

"I see how she looks at you Taehyung! She loves you!"

"Because I know what she likes!"

"I do too! What are you gonna do when she finds out your little secret!"

"I'll tell her soon. Mind your own business!"

"Just don't break her Tae."

"I won't. She will choose me you know that right?"

"Not if I have anything to do about it." Namjoon says as he walks away.

'We'll see'



Thank y'all so much for over 60 reads! I hope yall are enjoying it!

Love, Alex💜

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