At the Beginning
Y/n p.o.v
It's been days or years since the kraang invasion and I asked myself how did it ever happen? Why are we here? How can we defeat the kraang I see my daughter and my husband the love of my life and my future son in law fighting against those beast but where am I?
Third p.o.v
You were injured and Leo was also injured, you guys have to retreat the resistance are down Leo's brother Donnie and Raph sadly died and April she died fighting from the kraang with big mama as for Mikey he is till alive.
Leo was holding an old photo of his family and friends you and April
(Imagine your in the photo)
Casey was holding his master while they are running your daughter hold on to you and start running with them but you and Leo were panting, you stop and then you collapse on the ground your daughter looked at you in shocked.
D/n: MOM!
Your daughter scream you lay on a rock behind you but you called her.
Y/n: d/n.... (Inhaling) my Angelita mi reina (inhale) I don't think.... I'm gonna make it.....
Your daughter was crying of sadness seeing her mother dying saddens her because she loved you and you love your daughter and your husband and the thing is you were having Leo's second child is a boy your daughter said this.
D/n: M-mom mamita please don't say that you are gonna make it p-please don't go not yet...
You sigh and respond her.
Y/n: I have too mi Nina.... I'll be right here with you *you were touching your daughter's heart* and (exhales) I have someone you want to meet..
You hold your baby boy named Leonardo after his father..
(What he looks like)
You saw your daughter,she was in shock because now she has a little brother to protect on
D/n: mom he is so cute.
Y/n: (chuckles) yes like your father.... Mija can you do something before I pass.
D/n: yes mother anything....
Your final words were " take care of your brother and herself and promise to have courage and be kind" and with that you died in Rest In Peace and your daughter cried in mourning of your demise. But she kept running away from your dead body and now go to her father and Casey.
Back with Casey and Leo
Leo was panting and grunting for the injury he has now and looked the city in front of him it was all destroyed by the kraang robots or their armies their was shooting and chaos everywhere and a craft ship was crashed a whole robot army was taking over the resistance.
Leo groans of his injury and he looks down to see block leaking out of him but he looks at his left to see his apprentice holding him while these two are running and Casey said this.
Casey: I got you,Sensei. Stay with me.
Leo reply
Leo: You're a life saver , Casey Jones.
Casey took his hockey mask and reply to his master.
Casey: I learned from the best. Come on, we're almost there. I'm sure that lady y/n and d/n are ok.
Leo response
Leo: yeah I hope so I love them with my whole heart especially my y/n.. she is the best person to ever live in this world.
Leo and Casey are still running for their lives as for d/n she's still running from the chaos happening while holding her baby brother so that she can show her father the baby that his wife never told him that she was having.
Back to Casey and Leo
They were still running while they are running for their lives a group of monster dogs coming after them. They see a destroyed Statue of Liberty while still running and the year was 2044 while running those evil dogs were about to shot or take down both Casey and a injured Leo when something or someone stopped with their powers and he spoke.
???: Bad Doggies!
Leo and Casey stopped running they turn around to see Mikey alive with his powers and chains around him like a circle
The fight was going down Mikey vs those dogs
(Y'all is it just me or us that when y'all see this movie we think Mikey looks and acts like doctor strange)
D/n ran fast as she could but when she sees her father, Casey and Mikey she was happy that they're still alive and she looks at her little brother and said.
D/n: (pants) don't worry little brother I'm here soon you'll meet our daddy.
Your daughter still runs and yell out
they see your daughter but not you it worries them but Leo the most but seeing his daughter it makes him glad that she's ok.
D/n walks to Casey they embrace not knowing that the baby is on d/n back.
They put their master/ father on the ground since Leo was injured and he moan at his injury and Casey spoke to Mikey.
Casey jones : Help him, Michelangelo. He's hurt bad.
Leo looked at his injured womb to see blood in his plastron and his robotic hand ( the hand was Raph's hand)
That's when Leo ask and look directly at his daughter.
Leo: D/n where's your mother?
And Mikey was giving you the questionable look as he could ask you the same thing.
D/n couldn't say a word, all she do is cry knowing she lost her mother.
Leo, Casey and Mikey were in shock.
Well to Casey and Mikey they lost their friend. but to Mikey lost his sister in law with his 2 brothers , his father and his friend April. As For Casey he lost a very important aunt figure in his life and a soon mother in law since he will never have a chance to tell you that he loves your daughter and wanted to ask for his blessings to you and Leo for your daughter to marry Casey... now that you died he will never have that chance.
But For Leonardo oh man.... He was heartbroken, he lost his beloved wife, his angel, his everything, the love of his life and the mother of his child.
All Leo can do is cry and mourn and scream
Leonardo: Y/n...... y/!
Leo cries but he hears something a baby cry
That's when your daughter spoke.
D/n: dad, Casey and uncle Mikey, I want you to meet my baby brother and your second child, your son dad, Leonardo.
D/n presented the newest member of the family Leonardo m/n Hamato, as for Leo and Casey and Mikey they were surprised that you have Leo's kid again, Leo hold your baby boy and spoke.
Leonardo: h-hey there my little man, my boy, you're just like me.
When the baby open his eyes he has your e/c eyes. The gang gasped of his eye color your son inherited your color eyes.
Mikey: he's looks just like his mother.
Casey: he does... lady y/n may be no longer with us but she's here in her sons eyes and our hearts.
The gang sees the massive destruction of the kraang and see in the sky where that's were the kraang is ruling.
Leo: Casey your right. But that's it, the resistance failed. The kraang won. But .... but it isn't over. We've still got a ninja's greatest weapon... "Hope".
He turns to see Mikey and he said
"That and a badass mystic warrior."
(Sorry that's what the movie says not me but ooh Leo cuz)
Mikey, we need a time getaway.
Mikey looks at him in shocked but he response by
Mikey: It'll take everything I have.
Leo response
I know, but this is our last chance. It's our only chance.
Mikey nodded and starts to fly and do a time get away.
D/n: Wait, what's going on? Dad.
Casey: Where's he going.
But Leo spoke to Casey and d/n while he still holding his infant son.
Leo: Casey and D/n listen.
While later Mikey stands and does his awesome moves to make a time gateaway and he extended his arms to make the portal open and he's concentrated. And Leo talks
Leo: the kraang first came to our planet through a mystic doorway.
He grabs the photo of them past selves and starts drawing of the key through the doorway where the kraang came into but he drew it on the back of the photo.
" the key that opened the doorway looked like this" and d/n I have a photo of your mother in the past and she looks like this.
Leo hand Casey the doorway photo and handed d/n the photo of you in the past.
(Just pretend that their is a sketch of you I'm lazy to do it sorry) and that's when Casey spoke.
Casey: why are telling us this?
Leo said something shock that will change his daughter and his son forever.
Leo: Because Mikey's about to send you two back in time to the day that the key was stolen.
Both Casey and d/n: Wait, he's gonna what?
As the suspenseful music plays Mikey's portal it's starting to grow but as this happening his body starts to crack as he strains himself to open that portal.
Back to Leo
Leo: the people who stole that key opened the doorway for the kraang. You and d/n have to find it before that happens.
"Find the key, stop the kraang"
Casey and D/n: But, Dad/Sensei—
Leo: Say it! Both of you.
Casey/D/n: "Find the key, stop the kraang."
Leo looks at them with proudness and pride and he looks at his son who is sleeping In Peace and his daughter who is in tears.
Leo: what's wrong エンジェル (Angel)
D/n: I don't want to lose you dad, I lost a grandpa,my uncles, my aunts, now mom and you no, I don't wanna lose anyone.
Casey: me too Sensei we don't know what to do without you.
Leo: Casey, it's not about me and d/n I know your scared but I'm always here with you and your brother in here *touch his heart* no matter what.
There was something exploding when they see giant robots they know what it meant.
Casey: They found us.
Casey and Leo stand with their weapons while d/n holds her sleeping brother and another robot saw them and they gasp.
Leo: Mikey.
It took minutes to get the portal open as he looks at his body staring to crack he won't give up and starts grunting as the portal starts to open and his body fading. But d/n spoked.
D/n: Uncle Mikey don't! You're gonna—-
But Leo stop d/n as the 3 look at Mikey see their master/brother/ and uncle figure fading away into crystals.
This is so sad right comment a heartbroken emoji if you cried in this scene and who love Michelangelo in the entire tmnt franchise.
D/n: NO *cries* Mikey No,No,No.
Casey: is ok d/n I'm here, I'm here.
Casey hug d/n as they mourn of the death of Mikey.
The portal still there and the monsters were growling as one of the monsters was about to shot lasers and one try to attack.
Leo put his arm in Casey's back and tell him and d/n.
Leo: Casey, D/n.
When you both are done saving the world, do me a favor. Grab a slice!
Leo throws Casey and as for d/n and Leonardo. Leo said this
Leo: D/n take care of your brother and tell your past mother that I love her and Please accept to Casey's proposal.
D/n: What?
Leo throws his daughter in to the portal and starts to look at them back while he Attacks the monsters and then all of the sudden
The Laser shot Leo and Casey and d/n were in shock and start to go back..... in time back to....
New York City year 2022
And everything went to black
Casey and D/n were unconscious as for Leonardo he was in a basket 🧺 still sleeping in peace little did Casey and d/n know that.
D/n was on top of Casey.
D/n was the one who woke up first and saw she was a top of Casey and Casey saw d/n in top of him.
They both blushed and step away from one and other.
D/n: o-oh Casey I'm so sorry I didn't mean to...
Casey: no,no,no it's not your fault is mine but where here in New York.
They look around to see that they are in the past New York long before the kraang took over.
D/n: we made it. Thank you uncle M.
Casey: All right, Casey and d/n here we go. We must find the key.
D/n: And stop the kraang. Let's go.
D/n holding her baby brother in her arm while her baby brother was in the basket sleeping and holding Casey hand with an other hand.
They both ran to find the turtles in the past which leads the title of the movie and operation save New York City..
The Rise Of The Teenager Mutant Ninja Turtles .
Yeah Hoo I'm tired and guys I'll keep this story I need love and support from you guys with school I'll find way to tell the Leo x reader story of this movie since no one ever had an idea to do so i legit myself by doing so..
Y'all thanks for reading and Have a Magical Day.
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