ch 5 old Yharnam

(Y/N) and Nora were back at the cemetery going up the stairs that were near the side. They go up and open the gate and went up a ladder that was inside. They go trough the door to be meted with a chapel of some kind

They both entered ignoring the dweller in red. Nora looks around amazed at the scenery till she sees the dweller. She gets scared and screams while backing up a bit

CP: oh sorry for the scare I would've said something if I knew you were there

Nora: oh sorry I just didn't see you there

CP: it's quite alright. Tell me are you a hunter by any chance

Nora: why yes. Yes we are

She pulls (Y/N) towards her and he remains silent

CP: "we" there's two of you. The incense must've masked your scents. Good good. I've been waiting for one of your ilk

Nora: well you got two now so that's cool right

CP: yeah cool. Sorry if I'm not too happy. These hunts have everyone locked up inside. Waiting for it to end... it always does, always has, y'know. Since forever. But it won't end very nicely not this time. Even some folks hiding inside are going bad

(Y/N): I'll admit this hunt has felt strange. It's not the same as the others

CP: you believe me. The stench of blood, the snarls of beasts..... nothing is too uncommon now. Yharnam is done for I tell ya.

Nora: is it really that bad

(Y/N): I'm afraid so this hunt could very likely be the end of Yharnam

CP: it's sad I know but if you spot anyone with their wits about 'em. Tell 'em about this here Oden Chaple. They'll be safe here. The incense wards off the beast. Spread the word tell 'em to come over if you don't mind..... Hehe..... hehe

Nora: sure thing if we see or hear anyone well let them know

(Y/N) just nodded and went to light the lamp. He motioned to Nora to follow and she did

Hunters dream

They woke up in the dream and (Y/N) went to a fountain while the doll just smiled and waved. Nora walked over to Doll to channel her blood echoes

Nora: hello Doll how are you

Doll:ah new hunter it's good to see you again. Do you wish for more strength

Nora: yes I would like that very much

Doll: then please lend me your hand and close your eyes

She did as asked and she felt herself getting stronger. She eventually opened her eyes and the Doll let her hand go

Nora: thank you doll

Doll: no thank you for saving Rose hunter

Nora: oh you don't have to thank me I just didn't want to lose him

Doll: yes ofcourse. He hasn't been the same since had to kill "her"

Nora: "her"?

Doll: oh..... I have said too much. I wouldn't ask him about "her" till he's ready. Just a bit of advice

Nora nodded and said goodbye to the Doll. She went over to (Y/N) who was still at the fountain with the messengers. One messenger had a blood vial on it and Nora reached for it

The messenger moved away from Nora and looked at it confused. (Y/N) grabbed the vial from the same messenger and it didn't move away but gave it to him. He then handed it to Nora

Nora: why did it give it to you and not me. Does it have a grudge against me or something

(Y/N): you don't have enough blood on you so it refused to give you it

Nora: why would I have blood on me

(Y/N): let me see your arm

She did as he said and and he pointed at her forearm. On it was a number then (Y/N) showed his and it was a bigger number

Nora- 120

(Y/N)- 309,310,457,899,152

(Y/N): this indicates how much blood you have on you and seeing as you wasted all of yours on your strength, you don't have a lot

Nora: well you should've probably said something before I wasted all of it. Now I can't even afford any blood vials

(Y/N): relax I already bought you stuff to help........ as a thanks for staying with me

He brought out some new clothes and Nora looked at it. She was surprised at this and gave him a bear hug. He just patted her back and told her to get off

(Y/N): please get off me

Nora: nope *hugs tightly* you just proved that you do care

(Y/N): *blush* it's not like it meant anything. It was just a thank you gift

Nora: *teasingly* suuree it was~

(Y/N): *tsundere* just put it on before I change my mind

She smiled and took the outfit then went inside to change and Gehrman was nice enough to wait outside. She changed and came out with her knew outfit

Gehrman gave a thumbs up and the doll clapped her hands while giving her best smile. (Y/N) just nodded while his mask hid a small blush

Gehrman: now you're starting to look more like a hunter

Doll: oh yes. You look quite stunning



(Y/N): you..... you look nice

Nora now had a bright smile on her face and wore her outfit with confidence. (Y/N) for the first time years smiled but nobody saw it due to his mask

(Y/N): c'mon we need to go back to the hunt

Nora: coming (Y/N)

She happily followed him back to the Oden Chapel

Back in Remnant

Team RWBY and J_PR made it back to beacon still worried of their missing friend. Ruby brought back Nora's weapon so she can fix it.

She took it to her dorm and Zewi was still fast asleep. He woke up and saw Ruby then ran to her leg. He jumped on Ruby and caused her to drop the hammer

Ruby: Zewi be careful it's already broken

Zewi: Bark *translation* worship me human

Ruby put Zewi down then he caught a familiar smell. He looked at Nora's hammer then started sniffing it. Ruby looked at Zewi and thought it was cute

Zewi: bark bark bark bark bark *translation* this smell. It smells of pancakes and something else. It's the smelly type of smell that smells. Smell a smells smelly. The smells that smells.... smelly

He sniffed it a bit more till the realization hit him like a truck in an anime

Zewi: .....




Zewi started growling at the hammer then barked at it. Ruby was shocked by this because she's never seen Zewi like that. Yang came rushing in to see what's happening

Yang: what's wrong with Zewi

Ruby: I don't know he just sniffed Nora's hammer then he started barking at it

Yang: Zewi almost never barks like this

Ruby: what do you mean he never barks like this

Yang: just put the hammer away

Ruby quickly puts the weapon away in the bathroom and Zewi keeps his gaze on the bathroom door while growling. Ruby now looks at Zewi worriedly

Ruby: *worriedly* what's wrong with him

Yang: I don't know I only saw him get that mad at the forest

Ruby: but I've taken him go into forests before and he was just fine

Yang: ruby it's not just any forest it's the forest were "that" happened

Ruby: oh...... that's quite a coincidence huh

Yang: yeah. Crazy huh

There was now an uncomfortable silence in the room. The only noise was Zewi growling at the door but one thought came to Ruby's mind

Ruby: you don't think...... this can be related do you

Yang: ruby please stop

Ruby: but Yang think about it Zewi only acts like that to one place and now he acts like that to Nora's hammer

Yang: Ruby stop please

Ruby: but what if it's-


The sudden outburst caused Ruby to whimper. She then noticed that there were now tears forming in her eyes

Yang: please ruby stop. I don't want to cry anymore please. I miss him too..... I want to believe he's ok..... but I can't it's just..... please I don't want to talk about this anymore

Yang was now crying and Ruby felt guilty because of it.  She quickly hugged her sister hoping it would calm her down and Yang hugged back. She started to cry even harder on Ruby's shoulder

Ruby started crying as well and after a while they stopped and calmed down. Eventually Blake and Weiss came in from the cafeteria

Blake: I'm telling you those pancakes were great

Weiss: I will never eat fish pancakes EVER

They then noticed both their teammates with red eyes and got concerned

Weiss: uhm are you guys ok

Yang: yeah just had a talk

Blake: that was a helluva talk then

Yang: yeah sorry about that it was really personal

Weiss: oh alright then *noticed Zewi* what's wrong with Zewi

Blake: what isn't wrong with him

Ruby: well talk about it tomorrow ok

They nodded and got changed into their sleep wear and went to sleep but Ruby was still hoping Zewis growling was somehow related to her brother

Ruby: *in mind* I'm sorry Yang but I just want some confirmation

She then fell asleep shortly after while coming up with a plan to find out what happened

Old Yharnam

Nora- 520

(Y/N)- 309,310,457,899,356

Back in old Yharnam (Y/N) and Nora were currently getting shot at from a minigun on a clock tower. (Y/N) managed to run into cover while Nora wasn't as lucky as him


(Y/N): you can't blame him, he has reason to act like that

Nora: this better be a great reason

(Y/N): he's protecting the beast

Nora: aren't hunters supposed to kill beast not protect them

(Y/N): these beasts used to be human you know. Were supposed to protect them but we also kill them if they turn.

Nora: oh that sounds like a good enough reason.

(Y/N): you're taking this surprisingly well

Nora: well I already knew that people can turn into beast. You know uh let's just move on

He nodded and quickly ran to avoid the bullets. Nora followed as well and now they were safe from the hell storm. They saw a ladder heading up the clock tower and (Y/N) looked at Nora

(Y/N): you wanna head up there and make him stop

Nora: no he's just trying to protect what he believes in

(Y/N): usually I wouldn't ask and just go up and kill him but as far as I known you, you would've tried and reasoned with me to not do it

Nora: aww~ thanks for taking my feelings into account

(Y/N):  are you going to be doing this every time now

Nora: maybe~

She giggles and (Y/N) walked away with Nora. They went through a church and killed any Beast patient they came across. They eventually came across a room a room full of Beast Patients worshiping a blood starved beast

Nora was actually scared at the sight of the beast. (Y/N) instinctively grabbed Nora's hand without realizing it. She looked down and smiled not saying anything just enjoying the moment of having a scary beast hanged in the air making the boy she likes grab her hand

(Y/N) then saw what he did and let go of her hand much to her disappointment

(Y/N): sorry.... I don't know why I did that

Nora: *muttering* I didn't mind

(Y/N): let's hurry this up

He goes ahead and pulled out a torch making some beats back away. He takes this chance and cuts off one of their heads then swings the torch making them back away again

(Y/N) motions Nora to follow so she does sticking close by him. They make it out of the area but (Y/N) keeps the torch out incase they run into anymore on the way

As they walked the streets of old Yharnam a wolf beast burst trough a church door and pounced on (Y/N). It bit on his shoulder but he didn't flinch and was about to push it off till a hammer did it for him

Nora proceeded to bash in the wolf's head killing it after the second swing

(Y/N): well you're getting better at this

Nora: thanks

They continue to walk down the streets till they see a blood starved beast in a church of some kind.

(Y/N): great another one. *sigh* Listen when I throw this *bottle* you hit it with your hammer and set it on fire ok

Nora: sounds easy enough

(Y/N): also here *gives pills* consume them when you feel poisoned. They aren't hard to kill if you're prepared

Nora: wait what

(Y/N): ready. Ok let's go

Nora: hey wait

(Y/N) whistled at the beast and they got a better look at it. It's back skin was hanging off showing its spine and it was extremely skinny

The beast charged at them and it was about to attack till (Y/N) threw the bottle at a wall. The beast immediately stopped it's action and went to lick the wall. (Y/N) then threw an oil urn at the beast covering it in oil

Nora quickly turned the furnace on and attacked the beast setting it a blaze. It screeched causing Nora to cover her ears but (Y/N) just set his Rakuyo on fire?

He proceeded to slash at the beast making it back away as it caught more fire. The beast slashed back at (Y/N) furiously making (Y/N) quickly back away. The beast then focused its attention on Nora and lunged at her

Nora quickly pulled out her pistol and shot at the beast making it stagger a bit. She took this opportunity and reached into its mouth and pull out its tongue

Nora: eww eww eww why did I do that

(Y/N): Nora focus

The beast screeched again and slashed at Nora and hit her. She winced a bit then moved away but noticed that the beast was dripping of something

She suddenly felt weak and exhausted making her look at (Y/N) for help only to see him consume something. She then remembered the pills he gave her and brought it out consuming it as well.

She felt better and immediately went back on the offensive. She went behind the beast and broke it's knees making it fall. (Y/N) then threw more oil at it and then tossed a molotov cocktail at the already downed beast

They both move away from it as it trashed around trying to put itself out. It started moving less and less till eventually it stopped moving all together

Nora- 12,640

(Y/N)- 309,310,457,901,100

(Y/N): nice job breaking it's knees you made it easier to kill

Nora: thanks if you weren't here I think I would've died a lot. I'm lucky to have you

(Y/N): don't mention it, now let's get the lantern lit

He walked over and lit the lantern then saw what the beast was feasting on before they got there

(Y/N): what's a member of the healing church doing all the way out here?

He searched the body and found a key on them. He looked at it a bit before putting it away and going back to the lantern

Nora: what you find on him?

(Y/N): a key most likely to the healing church. Well head there now

Nora: oh uh ok

He walked towards the lantern and looked at Nora. He then did something unexpected and patted her head. She blushed and looked away from him.

They both went back into the hunters dream and Nora was happy about his praises

I always write so much when it comes to this story like seriously more than average. Anyway I hope you like it and that people can tell where I'm heading with the story

Well that's all I hope you guys enjoyed and I will see you all later

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