ch 2 the door
3rd POV big king crimson (10 years)
Ruby and her sister Yang are over a grave that belonged to their brother (Y/N) who is presumed dead and their mother
(Y/N) Rose
Kind, Funny, Caring, and a good brother
"I don't feel so good"-(Y/N) Rose
They never found a trace of (Y/N). Qrow went to Raven to get her to make a portal (Y/N) but she said she couldn't because her bond with him wasn't strong enough. And now here are his sister's at his grave for the 9th time this year
Ruby:hi (Y/N). Hi mom. Sorry I haven't been around here lately. I've made it into beacon early by stopping a robbery. I hope you guys are proud of me. Yeah I can't remember the every thing she said and to be honest I don't want to write it so I'm going to skip it. *sigh* I wish you both were still here. I need to go can't get kicked out of beacon. I've made it this far so see you two around
With that said she left with Yang and Tai on a bullhead back to beacon. You being gone made tai more protective of his kids so he wouldn't let them be alone after you were gone. Yang rarely talks about you because she's still trying to get over your disappearance. The one it hit the most was ruby, she wouldn't eat cookies for weeks and moved into your room hoping you'll come back.
Scene change
Ruby and Yang were now back in their dorm with their teammates Blake Belladonna and Weiss Schnee. Blake was reading filth and Weiss was studying till they heard a knock on their door.
Ruby:who is it?
???:It's me Goodwitch
Ruby opens the door for her
Ruby:oh hi professor. What can I help you with?
Goodwitch:professor Ozpin needs your team and team JNPR at his office so please be there in 30 minutes.
Ruby:yes professor
She then left and Ruby informed her team about what happened so they got ready and went to his office
King crimson
When they got to his office team JNPR was already there waiting for them
Weiss:sorry were late SOMEONE pressed all the buttons on the elevator
Ruby:it wasn't me. I swear
Ozpin:*chuckle*it's fine. Anyway I need both of you to go on a mission
Ruby got excited by this but Yang had to hold her so she doesn't do anything crazy
Ozpin:I need both of you to go to a small village a little bit out of vale that's been having a problem with Grimm. Think you can handle it
All:yes sir
Ozpin:good. A bullhead will pick you up in a short while. Make sure your ready
After that the team went back to their rooms to get ready for their missions. Ruby was so excited because this was their second mission in a long time.
Ruby:oh my OUM I can't believe we got another mission
Weiss:ruby calm down it's just a mission
Ruby:but it's been so long since our last one
Blake:just let her be. It's been a while since our last mission
Weiss:but were going to be huntress and we need to act professionally
Yang:calm down ice queen were still only first years
Weiss:*sigh* I don't know why I even try. Let's just go
They left for the bullhead to see yet again team JNPR already there
Ruby:how are you guys already here
Jaune:I don't know.
Weiss:let's just get going
They got inside the bullhead and it went to the villagem they had time to sleep or relax because it'll take an hour or two before they reached there. But Weiss and Blake got curious of where Ruby and Yang were in the morning
Weiss:hey where were you two this morning
Blake nods in agreement
Yang gets up and leaves because she doesn't want to talk about it and Ruby had to explain where they were and team JNPR got curious because of this
Ruby:oh we were just visiting my mom and brother
Blake:if that's the case then why did Yang leave
Ruby:because they're both gone
Weiss:oh! I'm sorry I didn't mean to bring back bad memories
Blake:yeah sorry
Ruby:no it's ok..... I miss them....... i still hope that my brother is out there somewhere
Blake:i thought you said he was gone
Ruby:well it was never confirmed. One day Zwei got out so (Y/N) went to go get him. But Zwei came back and (Y/N) never did.*starts to tear up* today was the day he dissapeared
Ren:I'm sorry for your loss we didn't mean to bring back those memories
Nora:yeah were sorry
Ruby:no it's fine it feels nice to be able to talk about him
A short while after the bullhead made it to the village and the teams got ready for their mission
Nora POV
I felt bad for Ruby now. Not only did she lose one but two loved ones. I started to think if (Y/N) was out there like me and Ren were when we were younger
Me:hey Ren do you think that (Y/N) is still out there
Ren:very unlikely. If he was still out there he would've came back by now
Nora:yeah but-
I got interrupted by a little girl grabbing her skirt and I looked down at her
Nora:yes? You need something little girl?
Said girl had ragged clothing a dirty face with red eyes, pitch black hair, and looked about 5 or 6 years old
???:are you here to help us miss
Nora:why yes I am little miss uh.... sorry but what was your name
???:my name is Lily
Nora:well Lily have no fear. You know why?*shakes head no* because I AM HERE!!!
All Lily did was giggle about how energetic I was.
Ren:hey come on Nora we got to go
Nora:coming Ren*turns to girl* bye Lily
After my talk with Lily I caught up with the rest of my friends
Ren:who were you talking to back there?
Nora:her name was Lily and she seems nice and cute
Nora:oh almost forgot! Let's go
I ran to catch up with the others and Ren just followed
King crimson
After we were told of where the grp problem was we went to their nest to kill them. After breaking many of the grims legs less and less were showing up.
Nora:wooooh this is fun!
Ren:Nora stop messing around
Jaun:um guys there's a Deathstalker
We turn and see the Deathstalker and we get ready to fight it but I hear screaming coming from behind us
I turn to see Lily running away from am Ursa
Nora:LILY!!!! guys I'm heading after her
I didn't listen. I just ran after her. When I got to her I saw a door with a symbol on it
But I didn't care I needed to find Lily
Lily:*muffled* I'm in here
She was behind the door
Nora:It's ok to come out now the Ursas gone.... wait where is it?
Lily:*muffled*I don't know I lost it when I got here
Nora:ok I don't know how but you can come out now it's gone
She opened the door but on the other side it wasn't a room it was a city and it made my eyes widen
Nora:what the
I turn around to see the Ursa behind me and it was about to hit me but I used my weapon to block it but it somehow broke it. I had nothing to defend myself from the Ursa so in a last ditch effort I pushed Lily and myself trough the door and shut it
Nora:oh darn you ok Lily?
I waited for her to respond but I didn't hear her. I look around and I didn't hear her
Nora:um he-
I passed out before I could say anything
Back in Remnant 3rd POV
Team JNPR without Nora and Team Rwby just finished fighting the Deathstalker and went to go look for Nora
Yang:Nora hellooooo!
Weiss:Nora c'mon
Jaune:Nora you there!
Pyrrah:Nora hello!
Ren:Nora come on this isn't funny
They were searching for their friend but didn't get any response. They search for a while longer but didn't get any closer till Blake found something
They head over to her
Yang:what is it
Blake holds the broken weapon that belonged to Nora and it was in pieces. Their eyes widen and were getting worried by the minute. Ren was worried the most. So they searched some more and couldn't find anything after hours of searching they thought that she might've headed back to the village so they headed back. When they got back the villagers welcomed them back and thanked them.
Villager:thank you very much
V2:yeah thanks
They accepted their thanks but Ren was asking if they've seen a Nora come back
Ren:um excuse me have you seen an orange haired girl with a pink skirt come here with a girl named Lily
They answered no and they started to get worried even more but what confused them was that some of the villagers didn't know a girl named Lily
V1:sorry but there's no one here named Lily
V2:yeah sorry
V3:we know almost everyone here and not once have I heard of a Lily
All the villagers nod and the hunters and huntresses in train were getting worried and confused by the minute. Ren was about to run back into the forest but the team didn't let him
Ruby:Ren calm down it's Nora I'm sure she's fine
Pyrrah:Nora will be fine trust me we'll stay here till she comes back
This calmed him down a bit so they asked the villagers if they had a place to stay. They gave them a room to stay in and they called miss Goodwitch and told them that they were going to stay there for the night.
Yharnam Nora POV
Nora:ugh my head hurts
I looked around to see where I was and noticed that I was at a clinic. I got up and started to explore. I went down stairs and saw a wierd dog thing. It looked scary and I didn't have my hammer so I sneaked past it. I opened the door only for it to make a loud squeaking noise
Nora:just my luck
I turn around to see the dog bite my shoulder
I punched it in the eye making it yelp and back away. I got up and tried running but I was getting tired pretty because of blood loss. The dog came at me again and I was scared
Nora:please someone...... help me
I didn't want to die and as the dog attacked me a blade came trough it's stomach and split it in half. The man on the other was covered in blood and had a mask so I couldn't see his face
Nora:help me please
???:a new hunter I see. Well I'll see you at the hunters dream
He walked off and I was left there dying of blood loss crying
Nora:wait please*sob* don't leave*sob* I-I don't w-w-want to die*sob* ....... please
I passed out and died..... but I woke up outside church. It looked beautiful. Then I saw the man that left me to die
???:welcome back new hunter
Nora:what happened?
He offered his hand and I took it
???:you are in the hunters dream where all hunters go to upgrade their tools or themselves
His voice had no emotion like he's been trough a lot. The blood he had on his clothes was gone like it never happened. He had some old gear on and I could see some of his hair and his eyes. They were silver and he had red tips with pitch black hair
???:welcome new hunter let me show you around
I was gonna ask why he didn't help me but I noticed that my wound was gone. Wait why didn't my aura protect me and why didn't it heal me back there
???:come on we have to get you prepared for the hunt
Nora:what hunt? What's happening
???:*sigh* look the old life you had with you is gone get rid of it. Trust me when you give up on hope it becomes easier
What is he talking about I need to get back to my friends. He walked off and I followed to this...... doll?
Doll:hello are you the new hunter? If so it's a pleasure to meet you
Nora:um thanks. Can you explain what's happening because my guide doesn't want to help
Doll:ah well he's been trough a lot you see-
???:Don't. I don't trust her yet
The doll stayed quiet for a bit then spoke
Doll:well this is Hunter. He is nice when he wants to be
Nora:you still didn't explain what's happening
Doll:ah yes but first give me your hand pleases
I did as she asked and gave her my hand then it started to glow and I felt stronger
Doll:there that should help in your hunt. Oh do you have a weapon?
Nora:no it was broken before I got here
Doll:I see. Hunter can you lend her a weapon
Hunter:*sigh*what do you prefer
Nora:um a hammer if you have one
He stood still for a moment then out of nowhere he pulled out a hammer
Hunter:here don't break it
I grabbed it and it looked kinda old but still cool
Hunter:it's called the boom hammer. It's a trick weapon used by the old hunters. It lacks a transformation but it has a small furnace that deals a great amount of fire damage. And as the name implies it's also explosive
I looked at the weapon and it might not be like my other hammer and not as good but it still beats having to fight with my fist
Nora:thanks for explaining how it works
Hunter:here's a pistol it might not be strong but it helps
Hunter:c'mon let's get started with the hunt. The faster the better
Nora:hey wait *to the doll* thanks for you help miss
She just waved at me and I caught up to hunter. He was standing next to these things on the floor
Hunter:they are called messengers. Don't be alarmed they are supposed to help us
He grabbed my and kneeled down next to the messengers then he became transparent. But I also became transparent and next thing I know were back at the clinic. We walked back and I saw the giant dog again.
Nora:wait I thought you killed it!!
Hunter:I don't know why but they never stay dead. They come back when were far enough or if we enter the hunters dream
He walked up to it and killed it with ease. I got a closer look at his weapon and it looked like two blades connected to be one
Hunter:come this one's a little bit too strong for you. Let's look for something easier
Nora:what do you mean I Grimm way stronger than this
He seemed a little shocked by what I said. I wonder why
Hunter:c-come on you won't just be killing beast...... you'll be killing the infected as well
Hunter:civilians that went crazy and kill anyone they see
Hunter:trust me killing them will be mercy for them
I just sighed knowing that I wouldn't get anything out of him. I just hope I can get home. I followed him thinking that it couldn't be that bad............ how wrong was I
2618 words
Sorry it might be bad and I couldn't figure out how to end it. Anyway yeah Nora the main girl so hunter will help her on her journey. How will nora react to the little girl and how will she take the outcome of her fate. Can't wait I'm gonna take a quick break because this is so long. Also notice I didn't mention Rens gender so you want a gender bender or nah. Anyway bye
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