ch 13 Selfless
(Y/N): I wish to end this nightmare
Nora: What?!
Gehrman: I knew you would be reasonable
Nora: No you can't! What about Ruby, Yang, you're Dad!?!? You can't just give up when you were about to be reunited!
(Y/N): That girl, before we came here, that was my sister wasn't it? I didn't recognize her and I was about to kill her for jumping at me
Nora: But she's your sister, family, how could you not remember!?
(Y/N): It's for the best that I don't, it just makes the decision easier. Now please Nora let's end this, it's for the best
Nora: It may be easier for you but I still remember my friends and they're waiting for me, even you!
(Y/N): You would put them in danger of a fate worse than death, just to see them again? I've seen what this plague does to the innocent and believe me when I say that I wouldn't wish this fate on my worst enemy
Nora: Together we can stop them! We've stopped it together just now so what's stopping us from doing it again
(Y/N): We didn't stop anything! We just delay the inevitable and if we're lucky we give them a quicker end!
Nora: We're going back (Y/N) and we're gonna see our family!
She ignited her hammer and got into her stance ready to drag him back to Remnant
Gehrman: My oh my! To make an old man have get his hands dirty
Gehrman attempts to get up from his wheelchair but (Y/N) puts his hand on his shoulder. He looks up at him and (Y/N) hasn't removed his gaze away from Nora. Is eyes were filled with sadness but also filled with drive, a look he knew all too well. He had was going to do something he doesn't want to do
(Y/N): Please sit, this is not your fight
His piercing red eyes never left Nora's eyes either. They both stared at each other each with different goals in mind, one trying to go home while the other tries to save his home. He grabs her Rakuyos and doesn't bother separating the two blades. Then, as if he isn't trying to hurt her, he walks with a caring smile. He then reminisce of a time when was on the other side of the blade
(Y/N): Why!? What could be so important that you'd break your promise to me!!
She didn't say anything. All she did was walk towards him with that motherly smile he loved so much. He shot at her with his gun but she took the bullets without flinching. As she got closer he swung at her with his saw blade but she redirected his attacks and lunged at him. She wrapped her arms around him and held him close, for once in his 15 years of this life he felt at peace in between her arms
He smiled, it's been so long since he felt her warm hugs even though she was a walking corpse. In between her arms were when he felt the most at peace, the most safe, the most happy. Nora swung at him with a trail of fire and he swiped at her hammer and redirected the fire upwards as well as disarming Nora. He wasted no time and rushed through the fire and frightening Nora at the same time. She shut her eyes and awaited her demise but instead she felt him wrap his arms around her. She opened them to see a beautiful loving smile, a smile that made her hear flourish
Nora/(Y/N): Why?!
(Y/N)/Maria: Beacause I've felt your pain once before
He removes his hand from her gut but doesn't let her go from his grasp. Meanwhile Gehrman had gotten up from his wheelchair and slowly approached both of them with his scythe in hand
Nora: But *cough* what about Ruby
(Y/N): I'm sorry Nora I know it hurts, but they'll be safe, they'll live without a worry in the world
Nora: *crying* But I just wanted to see them, one last time
(Y/N): Don't worry you're not alone
He careces her face with that same loving smile on his face
(Y/N): I would've gone mad if it wasn't for you, thank you Nora
Gehrman holds his scythe up high above his head while (Y/N) still holds Nora close. He sees the fear in her eyes then in attempt to calm her down he brings her closer and kisses her. For that brief moment her worries disappeared and it was a long enough moment for Gehrman to bring down his scythe and decapitate their heads
Gehrman: May you find your worth in the waking world
In the rubble of Yharnam the sun rises high and the sunlight hits the faces of both (Y/N) and Nora. Both of them awaken from their nightmare and look around confused at what just happened. They could only recall a bad dream but nothing more. After finally gathering their surroundings the walk away from the chapel they awoke outside of. For some reason they couldn't help but hold each other's hand as they walk out and away from Yharnam with no memories of the night prior but a feeling of trust and love for one another
Back in Remnant, Ruby and Yang looked at the umbilical cord still unsure of why she could feel so much power coming from the thing
???: You little one, mind giving me a hand, or a body
She looks up and sees no one
???: Down here
She looks down and sees none other than Salem herself without a body
Ruby: Uhm hi?
Salem: Yes hi, hello. Do you mind picking me up, the floor smells horrible
She puts the umbilical cord away and grabs Salem by the cheeks. They both look at the head utterly confused but not surprised
Yang: Talking head, weird
Salem: That boy, (Y/N), do you know him?
Yang: He's our brother, do you know where he disappeared to, why he disappeared, anything do you know anything!?!?
Salem: I know nothing but that cord holds power. You can feel it can't you? It may hold the answers to your questions
Yang: What are you talking about, wait, who even are you!?
Salem: My name is Salem, queen of grimm. I can help you find your brother?
Ruby: You can?!
She gripped the head harder making Salem squirm, she had surprisingly soft cheeks. Then Pyrrha approached the two of them
Pyrrha: Guys I think we should head back and regroup with the others. We can talk about what happens next
Salem: NO!
Her sudden outburst caused them to get frightened for a moment
Salem: If they see me they will take me away and lock me away for good. I won't be able to help you if that happens, you won't see your brother again!
Ruby grew conflicted, she wanted to see her brother again and who knew if she would ever get this chance again. She didn't trust the grimm queen herself but she was tired of losing her brother
The building started shaking and from the distance a Nevermore could be seen flying towards them. Cracks on the floor appeared separating Ruby from her sister and Pyrrah. The buildings split in two as Yang held her hand out for Ruby to grab
Yang: Ruby, come on I'll catch you!
Salem: Jump on the Nevermore and I'll help you. You want to see your brother again don't you
She looked at the Nevermore and then once more at her sister
Yang: Ruby?
Ruby: I'm sorry!
She ran towards the edge of the building while Yang tried to stop her only to get stopped herself by Pyrrha
Yang: Ruby!!!
Ruby jumps on the Nevermore and, although she stumbles, she gets in a comfortable position, as if she's done this before. She then holds Salem up face to face and her eyes start getting bright, Salem knew what she was capable of and she was frightened, even more so knowing who she was related to
Ruby: If you're lying to me I will make you suffer
Salem: Then it's a good thing I'm not, we need the relic of knowledge. Use it and you'll have all your answers
She then wraps her around her waist using her hair and they fly off in the search for the relic of knowledge. Meanwhile Pyrrha and Yang escape the falling building and when they do Yang breaks down, having lost another sibling
King Crimson
The events that happened at Beacon shocked the entirety of Remnant. Several innocent turned murderers and killed due to their insanity. It wasn't easy to recover from the events that followed after the fall of Beacon but they managed, after years they managed to recover, but this was something they will never forget. An event burned into their minds
As for team RWBY, them and their friends went on the search for poor ol Ruby. Not being able to take the loss of another sibling Yang searches for her sister without rest. Even working with her mother to find her but no such luck came her way. As for Ruby, her whereabouts are unknown, she stole the relic of knowledge and has disappeared ever since. Only a few have allegedly seen a red cloacked figure in the midst of night but only for a second
As the years passed both (Y/N) and Nora grew closer together. They didn't have any reason why to trust each other like they do but something told them that they should. In a small house ran children and the two sat together on a porch watching the them enjoy their youth, along with their dog Bubba
Nora: It's getting late don't you think?
(Y/N): We should get them to bed, I bet they're already tired themselves out by now
Nora: I bet they haven't!
(Y/N): We'll see! Mary, Joseph!
Two kids run up to them, Mary had her father's hair and eyes but her mother's energy, and Joseph resembled his mother also with her energy
(Y/N): Time for bed
Mary: But we're not tired!
Joseph: Yeah! Just a while longer!
Bubba: Bark *translation* I can literally go back in time and play some more. Don't tell me when to go to bed!
Nora: Told you
(Y/N): Kids you know how dangerous it gets after dark!
Mary: *sigh* We know
(Y/N): Tell you what, wake up early morning and we'll head out to the park, how's that sound?
Mary: Really!?
Joseph: Can we really?!
(Y/N): Of course
They jump on him and push him down on the ground
Nora: Hey! I'm pary of this family too!
She then proceeds to jump on all of them and squeezes the life out of them as they beg for her to stop. (Y/N) smiles at his family but can't help but feel something missing. Unbeknownst to him a red hooded figure stands in front of a door with a head around her waist and umbilical cords in each of her hands
The end!
Holy shit I finished a story. I never thought I would ever finish one let alone one I started so long ago. I guess I finished this one because I just love the series so much, who knows I might even do Dark souls if I feel like it
Anyway tell me what you guys think of the story. Did you like it or not. And sorry for those who wanted the other ending but the people have spoken. Tell you what, I know I said I won't write the second ending but if this chapter gets 1k views, easy enough, and 100 likes, not so easy, I'll write the second ending
As always I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time, and for possibly the last time on this book, goodbye
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