ch 12 A good hunt

Ruby had finally made it to the roof of the building and saw Pyrrha fighting with Cinder. She didn't waste any time and jumped into battle with her friend. She jumped from behind her and swung her scythe at Cinder. Although, Cinder saw it coming and quickly backed away

Pyrrha: Ruby!?

Cinder: Oh great there's more of you

Ruby: Hello

Pyrrha: Ruby you need to get out of here, this isn't your battle

Ruby: No way, Pyrrha, I'm not letting you die

Cinder: At least you know who's stronger

Pyrrha: Ruby, please!

Ruby: No I'm not leaving you!

Cinder: Touching, really..... Anyway, time to die now

She put her hands out and small fireball appeared. In a matter of seconds the fireball started to enlarge till it was bigger than a alpha Grimm

Cinder: Do me a favor and stay still, like it would matter anyway

She threw the fire ball right at them and, withe no other option, they started shooting at it hoping it would do something. And when they were about to get hit a miracle happened


Nora jumped in front of them and swung her, ignited, hammer and swings at the blazing fireball. As expected the fireball hits her and blows her far back and burns her severely

Pyrrha/Ruby: NORA!?!?!?

Yang: Ruby!!

Ruby: Yang?!

Nora: *weakly* N-nora!

Cinder: *chuckling* What a noble sacrifice. Not that it would matter, the outcome will remain the same

Nora: That's where you're wrong!

She looks at Nora and sees her charred skin slowly healing. Her burnt skin healed itself and small trickles of blood spills from her mouth as she throws a vial away

Cinder: Impossible!

Nora: That's exactly what I said the first time. So trust me when I say this, you have no idea what's possible!

She ignited her hammer once again and walked up to her friends. They stood side by side and prepared for their battle, making Cinder grunt with annoyance

Cinder: You really need to learn that life isn't a fairytale, the power of friendship means nothing!!!

She brought two flaming swords as the girls got ready to fight. Ruby reloaded her Cresent Rose, Yang readied Ember Cecilia, and Pyrrah readied hers. They ran at her and jumped at Cinder whole she ran straight at them as well. Meanwhile, at the very top of the tower, (Y/N) looked at the monstrous creature. The blood drips from the blades and as the droplet hits the floor he appears in front of the nurse and attempted to strike her. Much to his surprise she blocked the strike and threw him back. She then followed by appearing behind him, ready to strike him down, but he spun and swung his sword, with the blood extending his reach, and made her dissappear

Salem: All this sudden movement is making me sick, and I don't even have a stomach

(Y/N): Shut it!

He combined his blades and focused on the nurse. He thrust forward and makes a beam of blood shoot out from the blades. The creature moves out of the way but isn't quick enough and has one, of it's many, arms severed. It screeches and holds it's wound before looking back at (Y/N). The area around him starts to darken till it eventually turns pitch black, not even the moon light could pierce the darkness. The creature stepped back into the darkness and disappeared completely. He looked around trying to see if he could spot it anywhere

Salem: Behind you!

He turned just in time to see the creature charging at him, swinging its blades wildly. He jumped out of the way as the creature dissappears into the darkness once again. Once again the creature tried the same thing but Salem warned him and dodged again. Although, this time there was an unexpected surprise, another creature came from the darkness and swiped at the hunter several times. Swipe after swipe the creature dashes from the darkness and cuts him each time it did that

(Y/N): Mother, lend me your strength!

He stabs himself with her blades once more, but this time he goes deeper, and goes past the handles. A puddle of blood spews from his wound and forms under him. He then feels arms wrap around him and something heavy pressed up against him. Looking at the reflection on the puddle on the floor he sees "her" laying her head besides his. Her gentle, closed eyed, smile on her face was more than enough strength she could've given. Slowly the blood and himself started to float as Salem looks around confused at what's happening. He suddenly felt an extreme burning sensation inside his guts and pulled the blades out immediately with flames covering the bloody blades. A ring of fire shot out and dispelled the darkness while cutting one of the creatures in half. The walls were also cut in half and the rubble fell down a couple floors and nearly Nora. They all look up to see the bright flames of the blood

Cinder: Those flames!! They're hotter than mine!?!?!

She couldn't help but get enraged at whoever was up there and was going to deal with that later

Nora: Fight back!

She looked back at the four and got hit in the face with with Nora's hammer. Following the momentum Yang punched her right in the face followed by shooting her up to the sky, with Ember. Ruby then emerges from behind Yang and uses her shoulders to jump up high and smack Cinder back down. She hits the floor and bounces off the floor causing her to lose gasp for air. Pyrrha then kicks her to the away and takes her spear, turns into a gun, and shoots her. Cinders aura then shatters as soon as the bullet hits her and and hits the wall of the lecture building.

Cinder: How is this happening!?!?

Ruby: Because we're stronger together. That's why were winning

Cinders blood started to boil as she heard her stupid excuse

Cinder: Don't give me that! I'M THE ONE WHO'S BEEN TRAINING DAY AND NIGHT FOR THIS MOMENTS. Your friendship means nothing in the real world! NOTHING! You think that JUST because you're together you're stronger

She had gotten up and grew a deranged smile as she laughed like a lunatic

Cinder: Lets tell you something, there is no such thing as a happy ending! You think that if, IF, you beat me everything will happily fix itself. NO! People still died, kids still died, your friends still died! They aren't coming back!! Face it fairytale only exit for ignorant children, like you!

Ruby: Why are you still fighting?! Your aura is depleted, please stop! You already lost

She couldn't believe what she was hearing. She couldn't help but laugh slightly, then a bit louder, and louder, till she was full on laughing

Cinder: I forget, you're still an ignorant child. You see in the real world you don't stop fighting, even after your aura is depleted, you only stop till one of you is fucking dead!

A sudden wave of hot flames shoot out of her palms causing the four to jump away. But she didn't let up and from the flames she jumped through and attacked Ruby. She blew her away with a small explosion and immediately attacked her sister by shooting a fireball at her. She blocks it but burns her hands severely using the rest of her aura to heal them. Both Pyrrha and Nora try and attack the crazy girl and succeeding. Pyrrha rammed her with her shield and sent her forward to Nora's hammer. Cinder screams in pain as the side of her face burns due to the hammer but she ignores it and points her palms at the two. A large wave of fire consumes both of them but Pyrrah had her shield and hid behind it. Nora wasn't as lucky.

Ruby: NORA!!!!

Cinder stopped her attack and saw Nora's burned body, but still alive. She couldn't help but smile at the sight of her suffering


Nora had broken a vial in her mouth by biting down on it hard. She gulped down the blood and her wounds started healing shocking everyone looking at her. Cinders shock was replaced with anger and was gonna blast her again but Nora swung her hammer with a trail of fire making Cinder jump back

Cinder: That damn Vial! What is in it?!

A tick mark appears on her face as she grows furious at the students. Their Aura was nearly depleted, except for Nora, and they got into their stances, albeit weakly. She focuses all her remaining powere and starts forming a fireball, one bigger than the whole area they are fighting on, and with little to no aura they couldn't stop her. As the ground shakes Ruby sees dust moving behind her and sudden cracks form on the ground near the ledge. She then sees Nora's hammer flying at Cinder but misses completely. But her hammer doesn't go off the edge, it bounces off nothing and lands to the side of Cinder

Cinder: Are you kidding, that was your last ditch effort! You missed, it's over, I WON!!

Nora: Are you sure about that!

Cinder them grew a look of confusion. She then felt an immense amount of pressure and unable to move a muscle. She tries desperately to move and contain her giant fireball only to fail and see it dissipate

Nora: I wasn't aiming at you

She feels the pressure build up and soon coughs up blood and her eyes start popping out. She then sees it. An Amygdala staring at her with its many eyes looking into hers. She couldn't help but shed a tear as the God squished her completely popping her eyes out and spewing blood from her sides. The girls couldn't hold back their dusgust. Yang vomited while Pyrrha just looked away from the gruesome scene in front of her. Meanwhile both Nora and Ruby continue to look as Cinders body drops on the floor like a we rag. A yellow glow then comes out of her body then flies into Pyrrha

Nora: Wow. That was worse than I thought

Yang: What just happened?!?!

Nora: The less you know the better

Pyrrah: Still though, I feel bad, no one should go out the way she did

Nora: Well it was either her or us and you guys can't die yet. Not when you're so close to your brother!

Ruby/Yang: WHAT?!

Nora: Oh..... *awkwardly* Surprise

Yang: Nora don't play with us like that! Are you sure it's him, Nora?!? ARE YOU?!

She then felt Ruby put her hand on her shoulder with tears threatening to come out of her eyes

Ruby: Are you sure it's him.... is it really my brother!?

Nora: *smiling* Of course I'm sure it's him

The tears fell from Rubys face as a large smile grew on her face. Yang on the other hand couldn't help but cry tears of joy. It took her a while to regain her composure but had gotten to it soon enough

Yang: S-so where is my lil bro then?

A large red flame then erupted from the top of the building causing the whole building to shake. Nora then pointed up at the area

Nora: I think he's up there

(Y/N) jumps up into the air and spins around, with the blood flowing and catching fire, and slams down with an explosion. The creature tries to dodged but is caught in the explosion and catches fire. It dissappears and reappears with the fire gone as (Y/N) is breathing hard and gripping the blades

Salem: You're getting tired

(Y/N): So is that thing

Salem did her best to look at the thing and and saw that it was slow he'd down a bit. She also noticed that as they were fighting it moved significantly slower than when they started. She also noticed that the clone wasn't appearing anymore either. It was definitely getting weaker with each strike from the hunter

Salem: I would recommend finishing this as soon as you can. Kill it while it's weak!

(Y/N): That's the plan, weaken it then finish it

Salem: Then carry on

He just looked at the creature and grips both blades tightly. He points the larger blade at the creature while resting the smaller blade on his forearm. The creature then spreads the remainder of its arms ready to cut hid to bits. It jumps at him and he immediately spins around at blinding speeds making a blood circle and cutting the creature. It then explodes into flames as the creature passed him and comes to a halt. The blood on the blades dissolve and, knowing the fight is over, he reattaches the duel blades. The creature then falls over and splits in half then slowly starts to dissolve

Salem: I must say, I do miss being in the action. Although I never expected returning to it like this

(Y/N): For a evil immortal your awfully chipper

Salem: I've been reduced to a head so there's not much to enjoy in my eternal life anymore. Just let me enjoy this

He decided to leave her be and looked up at the blood moon. A white light appears around him and he looks down at himself. He sees that he is slowly disappearing, most likely going back to the hunters dream. Meanwhile on the elevator up ti the top the girls notice Nora also disappearing

Pyrrah: Nora! What's happening?!

Nora: I don't know but it doesn't matter! (Y/N) is close, you can see him again

The elevator reaches the top and Ruby and Yang immediately run to the roof. Using her speed, Ruby is the first one out onto the roof and there she spots him. The world feels as if it's moving slowly as she finally gets to see him again, with the glint of his grey and blood red eyes shining in the moonlight. Looking back (Y/N) also sees her running straight at him with open arms, ready to hug him and never let go

Ruby: (Y/N)!!!!

She jumps at him and gets ready to pounce on him just like she used to when they were kids. And just as soon as she saw him he disappeared right in front her. Moments away from being reunited and he dissappears, along with Nora, just like before. She lands on the floor with a face full of dirt and looks back confused and heartbroken

Yang: (Y/N)!? Where did you go?

Ruby: Big brother?!

With a teary-eyed look she looks down at the area he was standing. On the floor she looks and picks up what looks like to be an umbilical cord. Confused, she held onto it, not knowing it's origin but feeling the power from it she kept it as she looks at the sky wondering where her brother disappeared to again

Ruby: *tearing up* I won't stop, I'll keep looking for you. Till we're all together again, as family!!!

Hunters Dream

Once back in the dream they see an unexpected sight. The hunters dream was on fire. The small church was now ablaze as Nora looked frightened while (Y/N) looked unaffected. Although he did have something bothering him

(Y/N): Ruby?

From behind them they heard footsteps approach them and they see the Doll. Standing there with her usual loving smile she approaches him and rubs a tear from his face

Doll: You've come at peace with yourself. I feel...... proud, happy. I don't know why but I love the feeling

(Y/N) couldn't help but bring her into a hug. She looked just like her and in a way she felt like her was in the doll considering she treated him like her child. The Doll immediately hugged back, a motherly instinct kicking in, and even let each other go

Nora: Awwww!

She looked over at the orange haired girl looking at the two with a ear to ear smile. The Doll then walks up to her pulls her into one as well. She couldn't help it either and hugged the fragile Doll back

Doll: Gehrman awaits for the two of you. Dawn will soon break. This night and dream will end soon

Nora: Wait, really?

Doll: Yes, hurry please, he awaits at the foot of the great tree

(Y/N): Is this goodbye?

She gently rubs her hand on his cheek

Doll: I'm afraid so but I'll always be with you in your heart

She puts her hand on his heart and rubs a tear off her face. They share one last hug before leaving to see Gehrman. They spot him at the foot of the tree and approached the poor man

Nora: Hello, Mister Gehrman

Gehrman: Haha it brings me great joy to see you both, especially you (Y/N). The night is coming to an end. I will show you mercy. You will die, forget the dream and awake under the morning sun

Nora: Really?! We can go back home!

She jumps up onto (Y/N) who catches her with little effort

Nora: We can see them again. We can go back to Vale!

Gehrman: I'm sorry

Nora: Huh?

Her good mood is immediately brought to a halt by those words. She knew it couldn't be anything good

Gehrman: You won't be able to return home. Instead you'll awaken in Yharnam and live out the rest of your days in peace

Nora: But what about my friends!?!? I promised them that I'd come back, I can't abandon them!

Gehrman: It brings me no joy to say this but you will forget them too. You two are the link to that world. If you both awaken then it will be severed and the beast will be forced back into Yharnam

Nora: But... but

Gehrman: If you really love your friends then you will submit. Do it to save your world and their future

Nora couldn't believe the words that came from his mouth. All the hell she's been through just to never see her friends again. She couldn't accept

Nora: (Y/N) we can't, we have to go back

Gehrman: You must!

Nora: Don't you wanna see Ruby and Yang again. They're your family

(Y/N): I..... I

1. 𝔈𝔫𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔫𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔢

2. ℭ𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔲𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔫𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔢

3000 words! Wow

There will be one and only one chance. You get one chance at the ending because I won't make another version so choose wisely. Either risk all of Remnant to see your family or sacrifice everything so they can live.

The next chapter will be the end. It's crazy, I started this story with 50 followers now I have 1k and it'll be the first story I ever finished, and thanks to all of you who were here since day one. Also you have a lot of time to choose because I happen to take my time writing

On another note, a good writer had his account taken down for unknown reasons and no notice. Hambo_Again Please go follow him again, you may have read his story, Fake it till you make it. He's really good and I hope you guys can help get him back on track.

Anyway that will be all for today. I hope you guys enjoyed this long chapter and just a heads up the next one might be short. That's all for now, bye

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