ch 1 Prologue
Ok before we start (Y/N) is 6, yang is 7, and Ruby is 5. Also your semblance gives you a boost in strength anyway enjoy
3rd POV
It was Saturday morning and (Y/N) just got woken up by his younger sibling
Ruby:(Y/N)! C'mon get up I want to play
(Y/N):*groan*five more minutes please
Ruby:no get up and quit being lazy
(Y/N) eventually got up and got dressed even though he really didn't want to
(Y/N):*yawn*morning everyone
Tai:hey bud you doing good
(Y/N):same as every morning lazy and wanting to go back to bed
Tai:sounds about right
(Y/N) got to the table and sat down as Tai got his breakfast and served it to him. Things seemed peaceful for a minute.... till his sisters came around
They tackled him out of the chair halfway through his breakfast
Tai:hey girls you need to calm down. You almost broke the damn chair. AGAIN
Ruby:yeah sorry dad
They got off of him and helped him stand up
Ruby:(Y/N) let's go play. Please please please please please pleeeeaseee
(Y/N):ok ok let me just finish eating please
He then got straight back to eating while ruby and yang went outside to play
Tai:you lasted 25 minutes this time
(Y/N):25 minutes of piece and quite*sigh* better get out side before they tackle me again
Tai:*chuckles*yeah see yah bud
(Y/N):later dad
He went outside only to be tackled again
(Y/N): please get off of me
Ruby:*pouts*ok fine*gets up*come on let's go play
(Y/N ):alright alright what do you girls want to play
Ruby:hide and seek!!!
Yang:and your it
(Y/N):*chuckle*alright go on and play
They both went to hide while (Y/N) started to count. After he was done counting he went off to find his sister's. He found Yang first then Ruby. They played for almost all day switch games every now and then but it was getting late.
Tai:kids c'mon inside it's getting late
As they went inside Zwei managed to get outside and run into the forest
(Y/N):relax I'll go get him
Tai:alright just don't take long
(Y/N):I know dad
(Y/N) went into the forest and saw Zwei scratching a door? It also had a strange symbol on it
It was made out of blood and (Y/N) could hear whispers coming from the door
???:oh gooood hunteerrrr
(Y/N):Zwei come here boy let's head back
(Y/N) and Zwei were gonna head back till the door opened. That made (Y/N) turn around and get curious
(Y/N):Zwei go home
Zwei went back home and (Y/N) went to open the door. When he did instead of seeing a room he saw........ a city. It looked like it was in ruins
It's night time
(Y/N):ok yeah I'm not doing this
He turned around and headed home till for some reason he couldn't move forward
(Y/N):what the hell is happening
He tried pushing forward but he started to get pulled back into the open door. (Y/N) noticed this and looked for anything he could grab onto. But there wasn't any so he used his semblance and his silver eyes turned red then he dug his hands into the ground. But he was getting dragged leave a trail of blood in the dirt from his nails
(Y/N):oh crap oh crap oh crap. HEEELP ANYONE. PLEASE *looses grip* DAAAAA-*door shuts*
He was pulled into the door and now it disappeared like it never existed
Meanwhile few moments before 3rd POV
Tai was waiting in the living room for (Y/N) to return. He heard a knock on the door and thought it was (Y/N) so he opened the door.
Tai:hey your finally back
Tai:oh hey Qrow sorry I thought you were (Y/N)
Qrow:now why would you think that
Just then Zwei came running out of the woods and into the house
Tai:well Zwei's back so where's (Y/N)
He was expecting to see him walk through the woods any second now but he didn't
Tai:ok I'm starting to get worried now. Qrow can you please find him while I stay here and wait
Qrow:lazy ass but yeah sure
Before he left the heard screaming and Tai knew who it was
Qrow:shit please tell me that wasn't who I think it was
Tai didn't even answer he just ran into the forest hoping it wasn't his son
When Tai arrived at the supposed source of the screaming he didn't find anything except marks on the floor with a bit of blood
Tai:shit no no no NO please don't what I think it is
Qrow came shortly after
Qrow:hey don't run off like that the girls are worried now
Tai:Qrow please help me find (Y/N)
Qrow:what? What happened to him
Qrow looked behind Tai and saw the marks on the ground and went wide eyed
Qrow:oh shit. Go back to the house he shouldn't be far
Tai:......ok...... please Qrow find my son
Qrow:don't worry I will*in mind* I hope I will at least
Qrow went off to find (Y/N) and Tai was heading back home hoping he won't have to explain to the girls that they lost another family member
When he got back the girls were in the living room waiting
Ruby:Hi daddy
Yang:hi dad
Tai:g-g-girls what are you doing up this late
Yang:we heard screaming so we got up and tried finding you but you were gone
Ruby:yeah and (Y/N) was gone too even though Zwei was back already
Yang:yeah where is (Y/N) dad
Tai:well you see-
He was cut of by Qrow opening the door with a sad look on his face
She tackled him but he didn't budge
Qrow:ruby not now I need to have a word.with your dad ok
She let go of him and Tai walked over to him and they both walked over to the other room. But two little devil's decided to eve's drop on them
Tai:please tell me you found him
Qrow:I tried but I couldn't. So I went to examine the marks he left behind..... Tai the trail just dissapeared like he literally dissapeared
Tai:what do you mean unless raven came and grabbed him-which I doubt- he should've just dissapeared
Ruby:daddy*sniff*is (Y/N) really missing
Tai:*in mind*crap
He looked behind him and saw that Ruby and Yang were both on the verge of crying
Yang:*sniff*yeah dad it's a joke right. Right. He'll just come back
Tai didn't know what to do. First summer now (Y/N) he didn't know how they would react
Tai:I'm so sorry girls but I lost (Y/N)
They started to cry Qrow was just quiet and Tai was holding back his tears
Tai:I promise we'll find him eventually. Then we can be a family again
They didn't answer they just kept crying the whole night
I woke up in a infirmary with a needle in my arm. I pull it out and start to walk outside. When I walk out I see a large wolf looking creature eating someone. I slowly walked back
I moved a full bottle and it made a shit load of noise. The wolf looked at me and I tried to activate my semblance. But I couldn't it just wouldn't work.
(Y/N):oh crap
The wolf charged at me and bit my shoulder
(Y/N):AAAAAHHHHHHHH*in mind* Is this really it. Am I going to die. I'm sorry guys I'll miss you. I'll tell mom you said hi
I passed out and woke up in a church with a doll out front
I walked up to the steps and saw some wierd creatures on the steps with weapons on them and grabbed what looked like a saw cleaver and a pistol.
I grabbed them and they dissapeared. I walked inside the church and saw an old man
(Y/N):um excuse me sir
???:ah a new hunter
(Y/N):oh no sir I'm too young to be a huntsman
???:no not huntsman a hunter and you are one of them
(Y/N):is there a difference
???:yes there is. I am Gehrman the first hunter and you are the newest hunter
(Y/N):me a hunter I'm only 6!
Gehrman:hunters come in many shapes and sizes. Look at me I'm as old as this church and I'm still a hunter
(Y/N):really. Wait what is this place anyway
Gehrman:this is the hunters dream. All hunters come here to upgrade weapons and other things. You may even use the doll if it pleases you~
I question what he meant by this then I finally noticed what he meant and blushed
(Y/N):no I would never do that!!!!
Gehrman:Haha ah the youth what I would give to have it again. Anyway you should head back and start the hunt also talk to the doll she might have something for you
With that said I left and to my surprise the doll was ALIVE!!!
Doll:hello have you spoken with Gehrman yet!
(Y/N):yeah he said you might have something for me
Doll:oh yes I do. Just hold out your hand
I held out my hand and it started to glow but I felt stronger somehow. The glow died down and she moved her hands away from mine
(Y/N):wow. What did you do because I feel great
Doll:*giggles*just gave you a small boost. You can have more if you bring me blood echoes from slain beast
(Y/N):thanks I'll keep that in mind
Doll:oh and another gift
She hands me a box and I opened it to reveal some clothes
Doll:a gift to help you on your journey
(Y/N):thanks I guess I should head back now
Doll:yes goodbye. Good Hunter
With that I went to a grave that had the creature's. I should've asked them what they were well maybe next time.
Scene change
I was back at the clinic and I saw the creature that killed me last time. It wasn't gonna happen again. I am ready this time
It looked at me ready to kill me. I'm kinda scared to be honest
(Y/N):*sigh* let the hunt begin
1781 words damn I hope you guys enjoyed becomes I really like bloodshots and I think that RWBY in bloodborne would mix well. Also this will follow the bloodborne storytelling. Sorry if you wanted it the other way around but I'm pretty sure you get tired of the same plot over and over again. Don't get me wrong the stories are good but I'm gonna try something different so yeah bye.
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