The Rooms

Anthony ran around the rooms, searching for his idiot boyfriend who got lost in there for the 4th time this week. He found Dominic in the same room he always ends up in, the one filled with portraits of his deceased friends. He was kneeling and looking up at the recently hanged picture of his brother. They all died in these rooms, but the one the only two survivors were in was different. It was the Room of the Dead. Anthony felt extremely uncomfortable in there, he felt like someone was watching him. He slowly walked up to Dominic to help him up, but as soon as he touched him, he backed away in fear.

Dominic's body was cold.

Anthony looked around the room but a portrait didn't appear out of nowhere. This meant that Dominic was somehow still alive.

- Dominic? Are you alright? - he quietly asked.

Dominic flinched and turned to face his partner. His eyes were red, like he was crying and there was no life in them. His eyes were empty.

- Wh... How... W..when did you come in here? - he said, staring into Anthony's eyes.

- I literally just came in. We don't have time to chat. The Cleaners are gonna penetrate the rooms again soon, we have to go back to Safety.

- Then what are we waiting for? - Dominic stood up and took Anthony's hand.

- Wait. I forgot to tell you that... that they're already out.

- What?!

- I was running like an absolute idiot down the rooms and hallways trying to find you while two of them were chasing me. We are stuck in here. I just hope that they won't come into this room.

- They do clean this room. We have no choice than to get out of here and run

Anthony nodded in response and opened the door. Dominic peeked his head out and as soon as he saw that the corridor is empty, he started to run while dragging Anthony behind him.

They were just a few meters away from Safety when they heard the characteristic, robotic voices behind them.

- Anthony, listen, you need to go to Safety now. You have to survive this - Dominic said.

- What are you talking about?! I am not letting you die! - Anthony almost screamed. - I lost both of my siblings in here, I can't lose you too! You're the only person I have left on this world..

- I'm sorry love, but you have to go. I don't know if I survive this so if I die then please, tell the world what is happening in this warehouse.

They kissed, not knowing if they will ever be able to see each other again.

Anthony wiped his tears and ran into Safety, leaving Dominic behind. As the door shut behind him, he could hear that the fight has started. He heard screaming, screeching of metal against the cement floor, an explosion and then silence. He stood in the middle of the room, waiting for... something, someone? He didn't know until the door opened.

Dominic walked in, bleeding from a wound on his chest and visibly roughed up.

- What..? How did you..?

- Shh, it's okay. That's just a scratch. I have no clue why or how I'm still alive

- Are you sure you're okay? You're really pale

- It's fine, I'm just- oh dear

He passed out. Anthony rushed to him, but there was not much he could have done. There were pieces of rusty metal in the wound, big enough for him to notice. They couldn't be moved, if Anthony tried to take them out then Dominic would bleed out to death. There was also a slight risk of tetanus. Infection itself didn't seem too bad, but suffocating was one of the worst ways to die he could imagine.

- I'm not leaving you here - Anthony whispered and softly ran his hand through Dominic's hair. - We gotta break out of this place..

He looked around Safety, trying to spot a place which would be easy to break through. Unfortunately, the only way out seemed to be through the main entrance, which was sealed shut. It only opened to let a group of people in and to let just only one person out. Anthony started to panic. His hands began to shake as he realized that he only has two options: try to force the door to open and get out of the warehouse with his lover, or kill him.

He flopped on the floor and tried to fall asleep but Dominic's short, sharp and shaky breath kept him awake. Anthony knew that even if he fell asleep, Dominic would be dead by the time he woke up. And he didn't want that. He decided to pull an another all-nighter, but this time to make sure that Dominic makes it.

A few hours passed by, Anthony was aimlessly walking around the room and throwing things at the door every now and then. He usually stopped by Dominic, who was now laying on the couch. Everything seemed to be okay, the bleeding stopped but the wound itself still looked horrifying.

He then remembered how Dominic used magic to destroy the robots earlier. They were basically indestructible, but this proved that they in fact have a weak point. So this could mean that...

- ...magic can destroy the door - Anthony said out loud.

But before he could even try he heard a pained sigh and a bunch of groans. He turned his head to see Dominic attempting to sit up but falling on his back again. Anthony ran up to him and kissed every single inch of his face as an attempt to keep him from passing out again. Dominic smiled slightly and gently nudged Anthony's face away from his. His eyes were empty, yet full of love and pain. Anthony frowned. He knew that his boyfriend was dying. Even if he managed to break out it would be too late.

- H- How are you feeling? - he managed to stutter out.

- Could be better, I suppose - Dominic mumbled and flinched slightly. - You know I'm dying, right?

- I guess so... - Anthony sighed. - I'm trying to break us out of here.

Dominic laid his head on the pillow and closed his eyes. It took him a few seconds to gather enough strength to take a deep breath, but he ended up hissing in pain again. Anthony softly placed his hand over Dominic's. He took a few sharp breathes before speaking again.

-That's not gonna work - he said. - The door is indestructible

- You destroyed the robots with magic - Anthony opposed. - I'm gonna try that on the door

- Please love, don't do this. You see... - Dominic gasped, feeling sharp pain on his heart and tried his best to not wail. - ...t-the explosion i-is what caused the debris t-to hit me... - he stopped for a second, his vision got cloudy. - E-even trying to destroy t-the door will k-kill you-

Anthony looked in fear as life slowly drained from Dominic's eyes. They looked even more lifeless with each second and he knew he can't do anything more about it. Dominic was dying.

- I'm sorry dear, but I'm getting us out of here no matter what - Anthony felt tears stream down his face. - I don't care if I get killed. We ride together or we die together.

He got up, went to the door and focused all of his energy in one of the weaker spots, which was near the keyhole. Just a few seconds before the explosion he heard Dominic scream in agony. Then, as soon as the heatwave hit him, he slipped into unconsciousness.

He didn't know how long he was out but when he woke up he realized that it worked. He was free, but then he remembered Dominic's scream. He slowly sat up and looked around the hospital room.

He was alone. He might have broken out, but he lost anyway.

His entire body hurt and he noticed that he had something on one of the fingers of his left hand.

It was a silver ring with a tiny white gem in it.

- W-What? - he whispered.

Then he heard someone walk in.

- Anthony? - a familiar voice said.

Anthony's heart skipped a beat. For a brief second he hesitated to look at the person who came in. When he turned his head though, he started crying.

Tears of joy of course.

The person in the doorway was Dominic.


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