Chapter 8

Korra woke up as she saw Y/n there as she then pounced hitting the cage with her bare fists

Korra: let me out of this fucking cage!!!!

Y/n didn't respond as vertigo came her hand sliding across his unformed chest

Vertigo: such aggression, The master will love you!

Korra: I ain't serving no master

Y/n: you have no choice! Like I had

Korra was shocked to hear no emotion in Y/n's voice just drone like

Storm woke up as well

Storm: Y/n please! Logan....

Suddenly Y/n's neck is stabbed with a needle as his entire eyes went black and lifeless, as Korra glared seeing Mr sinister there

Mr sinister: Korra and Storm welcome

Korra: you fuck......

Y/n had struck her throat as she gasps as Korra glared at him

Mr Sinster: seems like you really took it well! Korra you are quite the specimen much like him, the dna from both of you will really do well with our other participate

Storm: what sick experiments do you have in mind now?

Mr Sinster: I'm not one to brag about my exploits like a common villain! Just wait and see darling

Korra and storm shiver as vertigo continues to molest Y/n with no abandon and no care for Korra's discomfort

Korra: can you stop that?

Vertigo: why would I? Have you seen him?! Gorgeous, beautiful eyes and a big fat dick! You have no idea how many women he can please with this *grabs Y/n's crotch with no hesitation*

Vertigo continued to make Korra and Storm uncomfortable

Storm: did he even have a say?

Vertigo: no he never had! Besides if he can make women happy and want to side with the master, why not use the gifts he's been given

Storm: you're sick vertigo! He's just a teen?

Vertigo: yeah a teen with a big fat dick and a body to kill for! Too bad he resisted, sliced my neck but I forgive you darling, maybe when the master gets you two under control is when you'll experience true pleasure

Mr sinister: we have returned and with guests

Mr sinister, Ruckus and the nasty boys returned with the x men with beast, Emma frost, Wolverine, Jublilee, and rogue in tow, all of them unconscious, as they were thrown in the cage as Korra tried to rush through only for Y/n to hold a knife to her nearly cutting her throat with how sharp the blade was as Storm even tried but Mr Sinster chuckles

Mr sinister: you'll be surprised what technology I can come up with to take out your powers while my nasty boys and Y/n here are fully powered, there's a reason why you both couldn't break out, let's get it started, Ruckus get the other subject

Ruckus: yes my lord!

Ruckus then came back as he was carrying a girl, a young 5-6 year old girl with white hair and a horn going through her head, this was Eri a mutant who had a unique ability that Mr Sinster was looking for

Storm: that's an innocent child leave her alone!!!!

Mr Sinster: all in the name of science, Y/n get Korra

Y/n: yes Master!

Korra instantly rushed Y/n and tried to tackle him only for Y/n to not even move an inch and knock her to the ground with a back hand

The others chuckle as Mr Sinster laughs

Mr Sinster: I broke him over and over with combat Ms Korra, you think a street fighter stands against someone who has killed countless people

Korra spat at Y/n as he then slaps her again as a bit of blood flew out

Storm: KORRA! Y/n please stop!

Y/n didn't do anything cept grab Korra by her hair and drag her to a machine that strapped her arms and legs down as the others began to wake up, as Emma saw Korra as she tried to use her telepathy only for nothing to happen

Mr Sinster: ah the x men welcome to our new base

Beast: what is it you want Sinister?

Mr Sinster: I just need a new experiment and with my other scientists, I managed to find eri and Y/n, and now Korra, Y/n get the girl

Eri began to struggle as ruckus made to slap her only for Y/n to stop and grab eri as she struggled

Eri: please.... Please don't...

Y/n simply began to hook her up as he looked into her eyes

Eri: please.... I'm scared

A teardrop fell on Y/n as his eyes widen

???: I'm scared, I....

Y/n: it's ok little sister, I'm here I got you

Y/n saw his little sisters face

It was covered in blood and tears following the attack on the house as it shifted to Eri's face scared and crying as a tear leaked out of Y/n's right eye, his eyes were back to being the vibrant blue and not the lifeless all black as he quivers

Mr Sinster: what are you doing? Hurry!

Y/n:........................... .......................N.... No!

Mr Sinster: excuse me?

Y/n put eri down

Y/n: NO!

Y/n slashed at Sinster as he bled green blood before his eyes begin to turn black again

Mr Sinster simply laughs as he heals up

Mr Sinster: nothing you can do Mr Velara!

Y/n then did the only thing he could do. He stabbed himself in the stomach and severed his spine momentarily as he crumbled to the ground as Emma put her hands on her face, the others simply gasped in shock, as Y/n was glaring at Sinster with hatred in his eyes

Mr Sinster: hahaha, you always are the most stubborn son of a bitch....

Y/n: I'll fucking kill you, I swear on my parents graves I'll hunt you down

Mr Sinster: not when your brain is taken out, I'll just need to make a cyborg, besides I got some cybernetics from the Lin Kuei's old grandmasters, now let's....

A throwing knife was suddenly thrown to the machines that was rendering the mutants powers useless as suddenly it sparks before Emma broke out alongside Wolverine and the rest as the nasty boys engaged with the rest as Korra broke out and summoned a fire to get Sinster as the rest began to attack and defend themselves

Korra and the rest were trying to hit Sinster as his energy blasts were hitting others, but before anything else a grenade was thrown or well knife shaped one was thrown to him as his body exploded into bits before another one exploded

Korra: he's gone?

Emma: no he comes back but this will hinder things

The pieces were sent and scattered as Logan went to Y/n

Logan: kid?

Y/n was in a state where he was staring blankly, blood leaked out of his mouth

Y/n: *mutters something*

Storm: what's he saying?

Logan: ain't important, help me out beast

Beast: sure thing Logan

Korra: you wanna take him???

Korra was angry at him for the punches and the abusive behavior he did to them

Logan: he had no choice! You think he would do that?

Korra: I barley know the fucker!

Logan: and this fucker is my godson, so fuck off

Storm instantly got between them as did Emma

Emma: we're taking him back no matter! Alongside the girl

Korra huffs as Y/n said something that no one heard

Y/n: I..... I didn't throw the knife at the machines, it wasn't me

The nasty boys were all trying to gather Mr Sinsters scattered body pieces as The x men loaded Y/n into the X-Jet as the hidden area Mr Sinster had his operation was being destroyed

Far away a figure is revealed as she is seen looking at the X-Jet

???: Y/n


The jet lands as Korra and the others went for some medical attention, Y/n is Being carried out by beast and Logan, eri was carried by storm huddled in her cloak

Storm: come child! Let's get you some new clothes and some food

Eri: thank you

She then looked seeing Y/n who's blank stare and bloodied body were being carried on the arms of beast and Logan

Beast: Y/n? Can you hear me?

Y/n had that thousand blank stare and beast knew he was going to have a lot of trouble to even get through to him

Logan: kid? Come on, just talk to me

Emma came up as she gently touched his head but before anyone could do anything Y/n recoiled in fear so much that it looked like he was having a seizure

Logan: shit what's going on?

Beast: Logan he's panicking!

Y/n was then held by beast as his breathing became more erratic and shorter, he was panicking so much

Beast: hey! Stop! Y/n it's ok, you're safe now

Y/n begins to panic more before Logan comes to his face and gently held his head

Logan: it's ok kid! It's ok! You're safe now! I'm here for you

Y/n's breathing went back to normal as Emma alongside rogue were shocked, Y/n panicking was scary just by a mere touch as Rogue saw what happened when she touched him, she can't blame him for why he's so scared, and the drugs Mr Sinster injected into Y/n was basically making him sick and not himself being trapped and through the weapon X process; alongside  the sexual assault he endured

Beast had taken Y/n to a shower where he could wash off the blood and grime as they waited as Beast led him inside

Beast: take your time; I'll give you some privacy, there's soap for you

He then turned on the water as he stood outside with the others


It's been over an hour

Emma went to the shower only to see Y/n blankly staring at the wall, with water dripping down his still clothed body

Emma: it's ok, I'm just gonna grab your hand, I'm not gonna hurt you

Y/n didn't acknowledge her but she gently touched his hand and led him out as beast and Logan used a privacy curtain to change him into a pair of sweat pants and a sweatshirt as he was still blank faced as Rogue looked at Emma

Rogue: do you think he'll recover?

Emma: after what Mr sinister and what you told us! I'm not even sure unless we have to wipe his mind....

Logan: hell no! I can't do that to him

They had come out and have taken Y/n to a different room where there was a bed as Y/n didn't say a word but laid down

Beast, Emma, rogue and Logan made their way outside before locking the room for Y/n's safety as a Camera was outside to watch him

Emma: you know this might be impossible

Beast: maybe? But we should do what we can for him

Logan: we have too! He has no one else

Rogue: I'll keep an eye on him, best to keep him and Korra apart, she's very hotheaded

Emma: I can deal with Ms Korra's anger

Beast: we should get Professor on here as well; maybe he can help Y/n out of this?

Logan: I'll ask chuck myself! I'll take the next watch

Beast: I'm gonna retire to my room, call me if anything

Rogue was seen looking at Y/n as the man's past was seen in her head as she gently placed her hand against the wall unknowingly mimicking Y/n's behavior

A/n: this was one that took a while and it'll get more and more intense and Y/n will be dealing with more issues

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