We now see Y/n in a field as he was training using his sword as he twisted around as Shang tsung was there
Y/n: now what?
Shang tsung: I got some food, you'll need it for the trip
Y/n: thanks
Making his way to the cave they were at, y/n saw that he managed to catch some fish as y/n tucks in to his meal
Shang Tsung: so where do we go too?
Y/n: where I'm needed
Shang tsung: don't like talking much do you?
Y/n: what gave you that idea???
Shang Tsung: I could say a lot of things about you.....
Y/n: carry on then
Shang Tsung: you're not fighting for justice, you are fighting in rage and your hoping that you can die, to be reunited with them cause you have nothing to live for. Considering how your wounds are infected and you are drinking, you want to kill yourself while doing this
Y/n: seems like you read my mind?
Shang: no I didn't, I just know
Y/n: I cheated death too many times to count. The sweet release of it will make me better
Shang: not all things need to come to an end
Y/n: everything has an end, mine is just ticking down
Shang: the world will remember you, others will......
Y/n: they only thing they'll remember is a killer, not the man behind the mask, Not Y/n Velara
Shang: so that's your last name?
Y/n: indeed, I'm gonna rest
He goes down to his sleeping bag as he tuckers out within minutes
Look at our beautiful boy
You'll be a samurai in no time
It's the white fang
Y/n, take your sister and hide
Y/n woke up with a start as he sees it was an hour before the sun rose as he looks around seeing resting Shang Tsung; wiping tie sweat off his body and face as he goes to brew some tea
As Y/n reached into his vest he grunts in discomfort seeing that he still had some fresh bruises from his fights and took out a small picture, it was the last family photo they took. It showed his little sister just 4 years old on top of a 8 year old, Y/n's shoulders, his dad smiling and his mom hugging her children close, next was his parents wedding photo, the only one that was saved after everything that happened
A tear drops down as Y/n realized he was crying and stuffed the photos in gently with each other, Y/n sees a few birds and simply grabs a rock......
Shang Tsung woke up to the smell of cooked meat as he sees y/n wearing a tank top cooking up 4 birds as he was eating some rice as well
Y/n: get your energy up! We need to leave soon
Shang: looks like you work fast?
Y/n: have to be, besides I want this over with; and I want my peace
Shang Tsung doesn't comment on that as he took the roasted bird and takes a bite; it was well seasoned and cooked perfectly, he's had a lot of good worthy of being called gourmet throughout
Shang: this is good!
Y/n didn't comment but a amused look was on his face as they both ate in comfortable silence
Professor Olivia is seen looking at the pics of the Ronin as Elizabeth was seen looking at the crime photos, lately the ronin had managed to take out a drug cartel in America, take down agents in hydra and even some undercover hydra agents in shield, Baron Strucker and Grim reaper were killed more gruesomely for some reason
Goodwitch came in with a look of annoyance on her face alongside Sonya Blade
Sonya: we have guests, the SHIELD and Avengers k....
Before she finished, Shield agents came in as Olivia herself is looking at a man with a goatee, bald head and eyepatch, Nick J Fury the director of shield.....
Elizabeth: Nicholas Fury
Fury: hello there, Liz how're you?
Elizabeth: not so good now!
Fury ignored the woman's Sarcasm as he turns to Oz herself
Olivia: ronin is my responsibility!
Fury: actually he should be mine! I need someone with that killer instinct especially after Reaper, Strucker and even abomination were put down and by looking at what happened to "him" you should understand why
Olivia's fists are clenched as Elizabeth looks at fury
Elizabeth: he's my best friend, I won't let you or your little avengers touch him!
???: we just want to talk to the man
Elizabeth looked at the feminine body clad in yellow and red armor recognizing the voice and the armor instantly
Elizabeth: you got to be kidding me? Toni Stark?!
Sonya: the billionaire lady who spends her nights drunk!
Toni seems offended
Toni: hey I was young and stupid but I'm good
Sonya: this is also SF business......
Sonya then got a call as she looks and answers it
Sonya: yes..... WHAT? Fucking FUCK!
Sonya hangs up as she immediately grabbed Elizabeth
Sonya: Shang Tsung and Him were last seen together! We need to move now....!
Elizabeth: I can't have Y/n hurt! Not again!
Fury: so that's his name huh?
Sonya: like I said get your costumed friends out of this! Won't be my only warning
Olivia: we should actually bring them!
Sonya: WHAT?
Sonya's scream almost shattered the glass
Sonya: I don't know about you but Fury ain't exactly right in my mind; and I sure as hell don't trust a woman who's technology is used as weapons that I've fought against many times
Toni: I admit I've done a lot of things and I'm willing to atone for it, and I've stopped making weapons, the only idiot who still makes weapons is Oscorp industries
???: Listen we're not hear to butt heads; we just want to talk to the man...
Sonya looks seeing a woman flying in front of her, Sonya knew who this was Billionaire fashion designer Janet van dyne aka wasp a founding member of the avengers
Sonya: listen I ain't....
Johnny: Sonya, we'll need their help
Suddenly Johnny arrived as he overheard the yells from earlier
Sonya: Johnny?
Johnny: sweetie listen; we do have the teams from beacon and Cassie is coming right now, and I won't think that'll be enough.... Latest news show that Ronin is going on a full scale war now, he's heading for the netherworld, and no offense his skill level exceeds even most of these chumps, and he even killed many others that were above us
Everyone had to agree slightly, ronin has shown more skill and determination that anyone else has in the world even with massive amounts of injuries
Fury; like I said, and this school ain't exactly the safe place for this young man ain't that right Natalie?
Natalie made her way through as Olivia's eyes widen seeing her
Goodwitch: Ms Rushman?
Fury: meet the black widow, aka Natasha Romanoff, she reported to me after a while and I gotta say I'm disappointed.....
Sonya: keep all this sappy shit closed for now
Wasp: hey!
Johnny: listen we'll work together but Sonya's in charge not you, Fury
Fury just shrugs his shoulders
Fury: ok; I'll allow it
Sonya: get Cassie and the others ready; who knows what Ronin's gonna do when he sees you guys especially
At that point Olivia just wipes her eyes
Olivia: Ronin is a danger to himself and to the team, I'm coming but if any harm comes to him....
Fury: he won't hurt us!
Sonya: I wouldn't be so cocky after some hydra agents were exposed in your organization Fury by Ronin no less, but seems like you wanted it to happen
Fury gave Sonya a deadly look before Olivia stops them
Olivia: enough! If we want Ronin alive we need to move now
As Elizabeth made her way through the people, she grabbed a pic she left on the table as she saw that Sonya was glaring at Fury and the avengers, seeing a shield covered in red, white and blue, a man with a black cat suit on and even more as she begins to rub her head
Elizabeth: this has become a shit show!
Fury: it has, but why?
Elizabeth then Shows Fury a picture of Y/n's family the only pic she has of the family as Fury's eyes softened
Fury: Dahlia? No way!
Elizabeth: you know Dahlia?
Fury: heh, it's a very long story! I'll tell you on the ride over
Somewhere in the USA
Y/n made his way in a now modified ronin outfit he wore as Shang Tsung was walking with him in a deserted town
Shang: this should be the spot!
Y/n: for what?
Shang: to find our way to the netherworld but we need....
Y/n: isn't the netherrealm inaccessible to those..... shit hide!
Y/n grabs him as they hide in a building seeing a helicarrier and even a beacon ship
Y/n: you gotta be fucking kidding me?
Shang: what do we do now?
Y/n: you get the hell out of here! If all else fails I'll just let myself die
Shang: words of enthusiasm indeed?
Y/n: you got a better idea?!
Fury: RONIN!
Y/n walks out with a deep sighs, as Shang Tsung is seen creeping out the back
Y/n: and who in the hell are you?
Fury: I'm Nick fury, and you have to stand down I want to talk to you
Y/n: let me think..... fuck you!
Toni: what a mouth on you!
Y/n: and I'm warning you, you wanna fight either you'll be in the body bag or I'll be there
Olivia: STOP!
Y/n: aren't you that bitch headmistresses? Of beacon academy?
Olivia: ronin, please just come with us
Y/n had seen who was there as he saw team rwby, jnpr, some avengers and even Sonya, Johnny and his old team as Y/n's fist clench
Ruby: just come with us, please you have information on someone we need to find!
Y/n: how about this? You let me go and I won't shove all of your hearts down your own throats
Yang: then I guess it's the hard way
Y/n: alright then......
Suddenly flash grenades are thrown as everyone covered their eyes before They see Ronin charging
Toni: avengers.....
Ruby shot forward with her crescent rose as ronin's sword sparked against her own
Toni: she's fast?
Sonya: Cassie stand down
Cassie was behind Sonya as she tensed
Cassie: but....
Sonya: best not to let him think we want him dead or have an enemy out of Ronin
Wasp: wait stop!
Yang charged forward before ronin separated from Ruby and grabs her cape and throws her to Yang, as they're sent to the ground as ronin dusts his hands
Ronin: if this is all your capable of? This will be easy
Weiss: why you?
Before Weiss can attack the man Weiss is knocked aside with a kick to the head
Blake: hey!
Ronin simply grabbed the blade with no difficulty, and head butted her as her nose gushed blood as Blake was sent thrown back
Jnpr and the avengers alongside Sonya are tense
Y/n: if you think I'll come alive, you better bring a body bag
Charging forward the ronin then kicks Jane away from him as he then dodged Pyrrha, rin and Nora's attack, he even grabs Pyrrha's shield and bashed away rin and Nora with ease as he threw it down
Suddenly he's blasted away by an energy blast as iron woman stood before him
Toni: stand down now!
Y/n: make me bitch!
Toni tried to blast him as Y/n dodged the blasts, as Y/n was hit on his side by another person with a red, white and blue outfit, this is Stephenie rogers aka captain America
Cap: stand down sir!
Y/n: haha..... why? I'm just starting to have a little fun
Y/n then threw 5 throwing knives as it bounced off the woman's shield but before she can look at him, Y/n raised his foot up in a drop kick and sent her skidding, but another person tried to sneak up on Y/n only for him to lock his sword with another's claws, Y/n looked at the cat like armor
Y/n: the king of Wakanda
Black panther: the mighty ronin
Black panther's claws then scratched Y/n's chest as his armor gave way and left him with claw marks on the armor
Y/n: ok!
As Y/n drops his sword to the side they began to fight as both men clashed using their own hand to hand combat styles as Y/n is able to send back the black panther with a kick as he grabs his sword off the ground
Grabbing his side Y/n and the black panther then began to fight as Y/n's sword clashes against the man's vibranium armor as Y/n had to use whatever skills he had against the king, but Y/n didn't have time to turn around and dodge Toni's blast to his back causing him to scream as the energy blasts burn his back
Toni: please, we just want to help you!
Y/n then threw a bola at her as the cables were razor sharp and begun to dig into the armor and unleashed a shock of electricity as it managed to even stun her momentarily
Suddenly a blast of something hits him as Y/n looks before seeing a small figure in his eyesight seeing Wasp there
Wasp: what the hells wrong with you?
Y/n: buzz off lady!
Wasp: please.....
Y/n is blasted away and is kicked by black panther, and before anything Pyrrha stabs the man in his side as he screams, Weiss had stabbed Ronin in his arm but wasp now blasts them away but one of the blasts hit Ronin in the head as....... His mask is disintegrating
Elizabeth: oh no!
The ronin's mask is fully burned off as wasp and the others look seeing a man 17-18 years of age, bleeding from his mouth
Wasp: oh my god!
Ruby: Y/n???
Jane: You're ronin?
Lara: you're alive?
Toni: wait you guys know him?
Yuffie: he..... he was a part of our team
Y/n then rips off Weiss's saber and painfully began to pull Pyrrha's spear out of his body and blood gushed out of Y/n's mouth and body
Elizabeth: Y/n please listen to me, this isn't what you have to do!
Y/n simply gritted his teeth before he grabbed a shot of Adrenaline and simply injects himself in the neck
Cap: oh no!
He then grabs another sword and assumed a pose as he spins them
Toni: Listen, your gonna die of blood loss Soon, just let us help
Y/n: then you'll have to kill me!
Charging forward Y/n is able to kick Ruby as weiss tried to disarm him only for him to slash her sword and nearly cut her but it did cut a few of her white hair strands
Yuffie: Y/n.... Pl.....Urgh!
Y/n hits Yuffie with a kick to her stomach, before performing a knee to her head as she's knocked out
Lara: Y/n!!!
Lara aimed a pistol at him only for Y/n to simply step up to the gun
Lara: don't make me do this!
Y/n: like you ever cared?
Lara: I do care!
Y/n: you forgot this lesson!
Y/n snatched the gun before he kicks her away and simply begins to shoot at the avengers and at the others missing them intentionally by mere inches, as the gun clicked on empty as he tossed it away
Y/n: don't let someone get close to you!
A stab from behind comes as Y/n turns seeing that Ruby's scythe had stabbed him his leg only for him to swat her away and tear crescent rose out
Ruby: Y/n???
Y/n: come on Ruby rose! Kill me!
Only for Y/n to feel 20 darts hit his neck and back as he looks seeing that Sonya had him him with a dart gun only for Y/n to rip them off as he sways slightly
Y/n:.... Come... *coughs out blood*..... it's all easy! Just a single bullet General, right here!
Y/n points to his chest and then took out a knife but put it to his neck....
Y/n: maybe this.....
A shield hits the back of his head as Y/n crumbled down before Olivia and Sonya rush to him
Sonya: he's bleeding out! We need to take him to beacon now!
Fury was seen staring at the face of Y/n, As Sonya applied Pressure to Y/n's wounds trying to stop the bleeding in his wounds
Fury: he really does resemble Dahlia!
Sonya: enough! Unless you want him to bleed out! HELP ME!
Stephenie rogers alongside Cassie come as they help load him up as the team collected their weapons and gear lying around as Wasp goes to Toni
Wasp: what's going on? How the hell can 1 teenager cause all this?
Black panther: let's look into the scho
Toni: agreed
Cap seems to look around as they search Ronin for any weapons but find a gun a Sig-Sauger P226
They check it only to find one bullet as they board the ship to take Y/n to Beacon to get treated and for some questions, especially for Fury
Toni: why one bullet? What kind of use is this for
Wasp: I don't....
Black panther: I know what it means
Lara: what does it mean?
T'Challa: if all else fails, that bullet will be used to end his life; just one shot to the head!
The others gasp as Sonya looks at them
Sonya: so that's why he held the knife to his throat; it wasn't a distraction, he actually plans to kill himself!
Wasp: but why? He's so young...!
Lara: it's because of us, all of us!
Cassie: what the fuck do you mean?
Ruby: he..... we bullied him even his teammates, we even put him in the hospital, and Yang even threw him out of a window
Sonya: what is wrong with you girls?
Wasp: why bully him?
Jane: it's very complicated?
Wasp: no it's..... BULLSHIT!!!
Y/n begins to seize and shake as blood is spewed out of his mouth as his eyes roll back into his head
Sonya: what's going on?
Toni: Jarvis, full diagnosis!
Jarvis then scans the man as Jarvis begins to say it to the ship
Jarvis: he's experiencing organ failure, his kidney on his right side is bleeding and his liver is leaking blood into his abdomen, not only that but the wounds are infected...
Sonya: shit!
Sonya then grabs something as she injects it into him
Y/n's body stops seizing but the blood is still leaking as Sonya put pressure on the wounds as Johnny helped as well
Toni: what's that?
Sonya: something made to stop seizures but if he's bleeding into his abdomen he needs to have the blood drained! What's his blood type?
Olivia: AB negative
Sonya: FUCK!
Ruby: what's wrong?
Sonya: that's the rarest blood type only 0.6% of people even have that blood
Johnny: we'll need to make due
Cassie: I've checked we don't even have those there
Olivia: we got some.... Maybe?
Sonya: I'll....
Fury: I got a blood bank that might have it! I'll just need to get Couslon on the line; weirdest thing though is that Coulson had a huge crush on Dahlia back then
Toni: imagine that? Y/n the son of agent coulson
Olivia: his father is much more better; no offense to agent coulson but Deker...
T'challa sat straight up
T'challa: DEKER? As in Deker the samurai?
Toni: how do you know of him?
T'challa: Deker was a friend of my father, trained many Wakandans as well, he was my teacher growing up, I never got to really meet him
Wasp: so you're telling me that Deker is the best.....
Elizabeth: the best! He's trained many people in swordsmanship, he's trained even Shirai Ryu and Lin Kuei; hell, he's the best swordsman in the world still to this day
Cap: I thought Wanda Wilson, Sliver samurai and taskmaster were the best?!
Sonya: trust me fossil! This man was the best swordsman of all time; he's the best Remnant and the world had seen, there's no way anyone could've beaten him! But what happened to Uramasa?
Toni: you mean the cursed sword of bloodlust?!
Olivia: only Deker could wield it; without losing himself to its bloodlust!
Sonya: because the sword has the ability to tap into the primal rage, the bloodlust of a fight
Wasp: then where is this sword you're all concerned by???
Elizabeth: The swords supposed to be passed down to the Eldest to hold the legacy of Uramasa! His oldest child Y/n!
Fury: then where is it?
Toni: we'll ask him when he wakes up!
Elizabeth: no you're not!
Fury: but that sword....
Elizabeth: it's rightfully his, by birth and by blood; you want this sword cause y'all want it..... but it's not yours to claim, it's Y/n's own. By his birthright and his legacy
Only silence was heard as the ship is sailing towards beacon as Y/n's eyes opened suddenly as they were
And suddenly his eyes closed as Elizabeth laid her hand on his chest
A/n: this was a long time coming and yeah I sped up certain things cause this had to be done and yeah Y/n here is more ruthless and more than a ronin; he's the harbinger of death for those who hurt others
Tell me what y'all think?
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