Your Humble Servant
Viserys Targaryen, First of his Name, beamed at the sight of all his family sat around the dinner table. Daena, at the opposite end of the table, did not look quite as delighted, though she did seem as though she was enjoying herself. His sister lounged in her chair, sipping wine from her cup and laughing at something Lord Corlys - to her left - was saying. Of late, it was more often that Viserys saw her in flying leathers, so to see her in a fine evening gown was something of a shock. Red and black, of course, her favoured colours, with a daringly low neckline that somehow looked untouchable rather than inviting.
When they married, she had been a child, tall for her age but still his little sister. Even when Rhaenyra was born, Daena was only sixteen. Whilst many women reached the fullness of their beauty at that age, she had not, and still looked half a girl. Now, however... She had grown into her facial features and her figure, and there was no doubt she was a woman grown. Most of the time, Viserys thought little of it; Daena frequently insisted on dressing and acting as a man, made little effort with her appearance and was determined to infuriate him at every turn. Occasions such as this, however, watching her laugh like that, did make him almost - almost! - wonder what if their marriage was more than simply a means to produce Rhaenyra and Baelon.
Her voice from across the table made him start slightly, that sharp smile turning on him. Her crown sat at an angle on her silver head.
Daena did not wait for a reply. "I was telling Corlys about that idiotic knight Wagstaff - what was it the fool said again?"
"When he begged you for his life?" Viserys remembered the occasion well. Daena had accosted the man inside the keep itself with her goldcloaks. "Hardly a story for the dinner table, Daena. The children are present,"
Rhaenyra, Baelon, Laena and Laenor were all sat at the table, four heads swivelling curiously to his sister at his words.
"What happened?" Rhaenyra asked eagerly.
At six, Viserys could not work out if his daughter was more like himself or Daena, but either way, he had never seen a more perfect, beautiful child. Rhaenyra was highly intelligent in her lessons, spoke High Valyrian more fluently than he himself did - Daena had taught her from birth - and was such a loving girl, who filled his heart with joy. Though he supposed she did have a temper like her mother, and a stubborn streak that could have been from either of them.
Daena did not bat an eye. "Well, he killed a wh - "
"Woman!" Viserys spoke over her, ignoring what the look she shot his way did to him. "He killed a woman in the city, your mother heard of it, and decided he must be punished. Though it really could have been handled better, Daena, he was a knight,"
She shrugged. "Not a very good one. Why, I say the girl he killed gave the city a much better service,"
Lord Velaryon snorted into his cup of wine.
"And what did you do with the wretch?" Cousin Rhaenys said, sat beside Viserys.
Part of him wished she was sat next to Daena rather than himself, though that was more likely to cause more trouble than it was worth. They had not seen Rhaenys nor the Velaryons since the Great Council of 101 AC, two years prior. His cousin had been furious that once again her claim to the throne was passed over, especially given the magnitude of Daena's interference to win the lords to their side. She had even refused to come to the coronation, though Viserys could easily forgive her for the insult. He had doubts, sometimes, that he should have won at all, that Rhaenys may have been better for the role. Though Daena never would have stood for that.
Even now, despite agreeing to this dinner, Rhaenys sat stiffly even as her husband laughed with Daena. Lord Corlys had been just as angered by the outcome of the Council, resigning his post as Master of Ships and returning to his seat of High Tide, though it was a good move seating him beside the Queen. The man had always liked Viserys' sister, who had a knack for getting him out of his moods.
"I had him dragged down to the city," Daena answered her. "He was publicly tried, judged guilty and sentenced to death,"
"Not that he did not deserve it," Rhaenys said. "But what proof did you have, to justify the death of a knight to the lords? I'd have thought they would be in uproar at such an excuse - you are hardly well liked at court,"
"That is true," Their Aunt Gael agreed, sat on Daena's other side. "A lot of people do think you're awful, Daena,"
Viserys was fond of the woman; she was simple, uncomplicated company with no ulterior motives, something he appreciated after dealing with his wife and the Small Council. Not to mention, the children adored her. And she got away with saying things to Daena that no one else would have.
Instead of getting angry, as she would have done if that comment came from anyone else, his sister laughed loudly. "Thanks ever so, Auntie. This was where I had reached in the tale to your husband," She said. "We had witnesses, but they were all whores - "
"None of them know what it means," She waved a hand at the children, careless.
"I do," Laenor Velaryon said, grinning.
"So do I," Laena Velaryon, ten years old and just as bold as Rhaenyra, said.
"How do you know that?" Her father narrowed his eyes.
The girl smiled sweetly. "You told one of your knights he was the son of one, Father,"
"What does it mean?" Rhaenyra demanded, and Viserys felt like groaning.
"Wonderful, Corlys," Rhaenys said, unimpressed. "Daena, you might as well continue - it seems my children have heard more curses than a sailor from my own husband,"
His sister seemed only too happy to do so. "So I asked the imbecile before the jury, if he killed the girl. And he said, if you would believe it - 'the blonde whore? Why are you dragging me here for that? I've done such a thing a dozen times, and no one cared a jot'," She laughed, though Viserys thought there was nothing funny about what she had said. "He truly did not seem to understand that was why he was on trial. Acted personally offended. The crowd was in uproar, of course, and I was only too happy to take his head,"
"Did you use Dark Sister?" Laenor Velaryon asked, eager. The boy had fawned over the blade earlier, to Daena's amusement.
She nodded. "Of course. The satisfaction of his head hitting the ground was mine to have,"
Viserys set down his spoon, feeling a little nauseous. "Daena, must we speak of this at dinner? It is bad enough you insist on committing such acts yourself, never mind telling guests about it," Not only was it not seemly for a Queen, but he hated the idea of his his younger sister acting in such a brutal, violent fashion; and seeming to enjoy it. She was growing quite the reputation.
The Queen smiled. "It was a mercy. Dark Sister is as sharp as a blade can be. Far cleaner than he deserved,"
He was fighting a losing battle.
"I believe that a balance should be struck," Rhaenys, surprisingly, came to her defence. "The throne must be both loved and feared. Viserys is generous as a King, and well-liked by nobles and smallfolk, though inspires very little fear. Daena, on the other hand," She smiled coldly. "The necessary iron fist. Of course, it would typically be the other way around in a royal couple,"
Viserys should have known that would be a jibe. For whatever reason, their cousin seemed more willing to overlook Daena's part in her claim being passed over than Viserys' himself.
"Well said," Daena, grinning, raised her glass in toast.
Rhaenys smiled, then turned to him. "Why the frown, cousin? You hardly thought that Daena would turn into a perfect, ladylike queen with age, would you?"
"As if I would be so lucky," He said mournfully, though had never expected that to come to pass. He loved his sister, he truly did, for all her flaws; though perhaps she could tone them down a little...
His cousin laughed. "You are lucky," She replied. "That Daena is your wife. The Great Council may have gone rather differently, without the Blood Wyrm and his rider on your side,"
"I'm not so sure," Daena countered with a sharp smile. "We are evenly matched on that front, are we not? We have Caraxes and Syrax, you have Meleys and Seasmoke,"
It said something, when even his sister spoke up for him. Viserys was glad; he would not have known how to reply to that. Rhaenys raised a sharp eyebrow at an unabashed Daena, but thankfully Laenor piped up before any of them could speak.
"Seasmoke is bigger than Syrax! And I can ride him,"
"I can ride Syrax!" Rhaenyra said, indignant and pouting.
Viserys smiled fondly at his daughter's defence. The girl had yet to ride her dragon, and hopefully would not for a good few years yet. She was much too young for all that. Even Daena had not claimed Caraxes until she was eleven.
"No you can't," His sister scoffed, laughing as Rhaenyra's pout grew. "Soon, dārilaros,"
His sister was not the most soft or kind mother in the world, but the children loved her fiercely even so.
"I'm going to ride Vhagar," Prince Baelon, all of four years old, said. He was quiet, Viserys' son, but not shy. More... reserved. That did not stop him being a little terror, even worse than Rhaenyra had been, as he did not draw so much attention to himself whilst doing foolish things, leaving his carers unaware. For this reason, Viserys was instantly concerned that the boy would actually try to approach Vhagar.
"Is that right?" Corlys chuckled heartily. "Have you put ideas in his head, Daena?"
"Hardly," His sister said, amused. "Last week it was the Cannibal he wanted to claim, so I suppose this is an improvement,"
"You did not tell me that, Daena," The idea of his small son even being near a monster like the Cannibal was enough to get Viserys' heart racing.
"Judging from the look on your face, I was right not to,"
"Perhaps I will have Vhagar," Laena said with a laughing smile.
"Quite right," Rhaenys smiled.
"And I the Cannibal," Gael, of all people, said quietly, chuckling.
Daena burst out laughing. "Oh please, Auntie, let me take you to Dragonstone and try. Your mother would come back from the grave to slap us both around the head,"
His sister had an odd fondness for Gael, and was highly protective of her. Strange, as Viserys could not think of two more different people, but he was hardly going to complain. Gael loved Rhaenyra and Baelon, and spent a lot of time with them whilst their parents were occupied. His aunt was gentle and sweet, where his sister was anything but.
Later, after the meal, when the children had been sent to bed and Gael had retired for the evening, claiming exhaustion, Daena spoke.
"Viserys, would you like to tell our dear cousin just why we requested she join us here?"
"You mean it was not just to mend the broken but precious bonds of family?" Corlys suggested dryly, making his sister snort with laughter.
"Daena is right," Viserys said, eager to reveal what they had waited for all evening. Perhaps then Rhaenys would not scorn me so! "Though so, incidentally, is Lord Corlys,"
"Go on," Rhaenys raised an eyebrow, somehow both disdainful and, despite herself, interested.
Viserys swallowed; what if they threw his offer right back into his face? One look at Daena made him continue. "We would offer a betrothal, to join Prince Aemon's claim to Prince Baelon's once more. Our son, Baelon the younger, is four years old. I understand that your daughter, Laena, is some years older, aged ten. But it would please me greatly to betrothe the two, so that your daughter will one day be Queen and your grandson will be King,"
Silence. Rhaenys was surprised, though she hid it well.
"I suppose this was your idea," She raised an eyebrow at Daena.
Viserys felt a stab of irritation. Why must it be Daena who had to have thought of a good idea? Never mind that it was; they didn't know that.
"I can neither confirm nor deny," His sister said, in a way that very much confirmed it.
"It is a generous offer," Corlys started.
"Though no less than my birthright," Rhaenys added sharply, then hesistated. "We will certainly consider the match,"
The atmosphere at dinner eased greatly after the offer was made, and Corlys and Rhaenys left the room later in the evening, already muttering to each other. Viserys had every faith that they would accept.
"That went well," Daena grinned, smug as ever when one of her ideas was successful.
"It did," Viserys had to smile. "Well done,"
His sister was not typically beautiful, not like Rhaenys, but in moments like this, she was captivating nonetheless. Ser Otto, his Hand, was wary of Daena. Viserys could understand why, for the two disliked each other greatly and clashed often. Otto was trying to do what he thought was best for the realm, but he did not know the Queen like Viserys did. His sister would never betray him, despite her changable moods and hot temper.
"I wonder, sometimes," He said. "If you would have done better with a husband who was not your brother," Years ago, he might have agreed with that statement. Never mind that now the thought made his stomach twist with an unfamiliar feeling of possessive jealousy. He supposed the question was to ask her feelings on the matter.
"Such as?" Daena asked, amused, giving little away.
"That was where my imagination went no further," He said. "For anyone I could imagine ended in catastrophe. Lord Jason Lannister would anger you into a bloody rage,"
"Well, I would be terminally bored in the wilderness of the North," She said, grinning. "Those in the Vale are far too pious, whilst Lord Borros Baratheon is insufferable. Perhaps Dorne would be a worthy challenge? They are not so uptight about their women,"
"The idea of sending you as part of a diplomatic exchange with Dorne chills me to the bone," Viserys said honestly.
She laughed loudly. "Perhaps you are right. They would sooner stick a spear in any dragon than marry one,"
"You would end up starting another war," He said. "Untold destruction would follow,"
"I would not be bored, at least," She said. "Perhaps it is for the best, then, that I am your Queen. I like being able to do whatever I please,"
Viserys was unsure how to take that.
"Oh, don't look like that," His sister said, amused. "Lesser men would be angered that their wife fights with a sword and rides a dragon. You are a Targaryen, above such men and their insecurities. I am nothing if not useful, Viserys - your humble servant,"
"Humble," He muttered, incredulous, which only made her laugh.
As most highborn men, Viserys did on occasion pay a... discreet woman for her company. In private, of course. He would never shame Daena so. Truly, he doubted she would care even if she knew. A man had his needs, after all, and they had not shared a bed since before their son's birth. Did she get lonely? Lonely enough to sneak out of the castle through some secret way known only to her, to meet her contacts in the city, to perhaps find a handsome young knight who could almost match her fire -
No. He refused to entertain the idea. Daena did not leave without the Kingsguard, they would never let her out of their sight. The thought of his sister - his wife - entwined with a man, looking them in the eye the way she never had done with him, moving and moaning like the whores he bedded instead of lying there to do her duty, more stiff and uncomfortable than he had ever seen her...
No. Viserys did not make a habit of dwelling on unpleasant things - things that were certainly not true anyway! - and would not start now. Their arrangement was fine for both of them.
"Are you alright?" She touched his arm, amused, questioning, closer than he had expected.
He moved his arm away, forcing a smile. "Of course. Though it is not every day that you betrothe your son to his future wife,"
"The Velaryons have yet to agree," She said, but smiled in a way that Otto Hightower would never see nor understand. "Laena is perfect, besides. Still a relation, but not his sister - far better than forcing Baelon with Rhaenyra like Grandfather forced us,"
"Yes," Viserys said. "Perfect,"
Thoughts on this one? I've been loving all your comments so far so please keep them coming! I wanted to make Viserys and Daena's marriage a little more complex than simply 'Targaryen incest' or 'Westerosi siblings'. Also this seemed the perfect way to tie Rhaenys' claim to Viserys', it has a nice symmetry to it. Honestly in canon Viserys should have married Laena and had done with it, but of course he was too 'in love' for that...
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