Your Heart Of Hearts
Gael hated when Daena and Viserys quarrelled.
"They never see how they hurt each other," She said to her good friends, three ladies of the court who were too softly spoken or gentle to find companionship with the Queen.
Gael did not fear saying too much to those outside the family. Nothing she knew could be that important. There was a new addition to her little circle, in recent weeks; young Lady Alicent, the maiden daughter of the Hand. Gael had found the girl crying in a deserted corridor and had taken her under her wing, feeling sorry for her. The poor girl did not seem to have any friends.
"That's just marriage," Lady Elayne sighed. "My husband never understands why I'm upset at him. You are fortunate to have been spared, Princess,"
"But they're brother and sister before they're husband and wife," Gael said. "They love each other outside of marriage,"
"Brothers and sisters argue all the time," Lady Dorys said with a laugh. "Only with more honesty. Marriage is not near as frightful as Elayne makes it out - I am sure the King and Queen will reconcile their differences soon enough,"
"Do we know what Their Graces fought about?" Lady Alinda, the youngest aside from Alicent, said curiously.
"Viserys wants another child," Gael said gloomily. "Daena does not,"
Lady Alicent's brow furrowed. "Doesn't a husband choose if his wife has a child? That's what my septa always said, and Father agreed,"
That was met with an uncomfortable silence.
"A good husband would let his wife have some say, dear," Elayne said gently. "Though a good wife would wish to bear his children. I love mine dearly, despite my husband's shortcomings,"
Dorys snorted. "And woe betide any man who tried to force the Queen to do anything,"
Gael laughed with the others.
"I understand why Daena doesn't want to," She said. "It all sounds so horrible, having a child - my mother always told me she would never make me go through the pain she had on the birthing bed, and even Daena screamed when she had Rhaenyra. I'd never heard her scream before. She already has Rhaenyra and Baelon, who are wonderful children - I don't know why Viserys wants any more,"
She thought, perhaps, that Daena was scared. Again, it was a ridiculous thought - her niece was never scared of anything - though that was how it seemed to her. Gael did not voice this, however. Daena would not like anyone to know.
"He is the King," Alinda said with a shrug. "Kings always want more heirs. Your house grows quite small,"
"Her Grace should be careful," Elayne warned. "I heard talk that the King should set her aside and find another, more pliable bride,"
"And risk turning the Queen and that vicious red dragon on him?" Dorys said, incredulous.
"Viserys would never set Daena aside!" Gael protested. "She's his sister!"
"I pity the poor girl who would have to step into Daena Targaryen's shoes," Elayne shook her head.
"Not least because the Queen would hate her," Alinda said with a grin. "The new bride would need a food-taster and a dozen guards,"
"At least," Dorys said. "An armoured gown and a fireproof chamber would be a good start,"
"Are you alright, Lady Alicent?" Gael glanced at the girl in concern. "You're looking a little pale,"
"I do feel suddenly unwell, Princess," Alicent's voice came out a little shaky. "Forgive me - I may have to retire to my rooms,"
"Of course," Gael said with sympathy. "Take the Kingsguard to escort you back safely,"
The girl was thin and frail-looking, for her height. Maybe she should eat more. Though Lady Alicent was very pious, she had heard. Gael had prayed with her mother, but was not overly devoted to the Seven; perhaps they disapproved of gluttony?
Once Alicent was gone, Dorys turned to Gael. "I'm worried about her, too. I tried prying, yesterday, but all she would give up is that her father is trying to arrange her betrothal and she is a little out of sorts. I hate to think that the Lord Hand is throwing away that pretty girl on some old, lecherous lord,"
"Her father is too harsh on her," Alinda said. "She's so well-behaved, but I've seen him hissing in her ear, and from the way he holds her arm sometimes, you'd think she'd have bruises,"
"Daena doesn't like Ser Otto," Gael said idly. "He can't be a very kind man,"
A couple of raised eyebrows from the other three, that went over Gael's head as they often did.
"I heard a terrible rumour," Elayne lowered her voice. "And whilst I don't believe it to be true for a second, no more than those filthy whispers about Her Grace and those common men - it's said that when the King and Queen argued, Her Grace expressed a wish that Princess Rhaenys should have the throne, not King Viserys,"
"Untrue, ridiculous rumours, of course," Dorys added pointedly, turning to Gael. "But if it were ever true, Princess, you would not let yourself be led astray, would you? I know you admire the Queen so, but you're such a gentle soul, and we would hate for you to find yourself..." She hesitated.
"In over your head," Alinda finished.
Gael did not quite know what they spoke of, though the words did make a cold feeling appear in the pit of her stomach. "Daena says a lot of silly things when she's angry,"
"Of course," Elayne said soothingly. "It's nothing to worry about, truly. But if you ever need to tell us anything, Gael, we'll always be here for you. To help you make the right choice,"
She was glad to have such good friends, something she had been deprived of whilst her mother had been alive. Daena had been her only friend then, for her whole life. Alindra, Elayne and Dorys were concerned for her, but none of them had killed for her. None of them had a dragon that could protect her. When Daena smiled and told her she wouldn't have to be afraid again, Gael believed her.
"That's very kind of you," She said with a smile, though was not sure she would tell them anything at all.
Daena should have known that her harsh words to Viserys would spawn a whole lot of new rumours. Her supposedly whorish activities were old news, compared to her insidious ambition. Day and night, the Hand filled the King's head with ideas of betrayal and treachery, how Daena, with the Blood Wyrm, was the greatest threat that House Targaryen had faced since Maegor the Cruel. One of the largest and most vicious dragons, he said, in the mercurial hands of a cruel woman ruled by emotion and petty desires.
Never mind that the reason her brother sat the Iron Throne at all was because of her efforts to put him there.
"The man is pathetic," Daena ranted to Gael, weeks later. "Hightower thinks he can challenge a Queen of House Targaryen and win? Ha! One breath of flame from Caraxes, and he would be dead,"
She was pacing up and down her chambers in her nightgown and an open robe, a glass of red wine in her hand. Gael sat prettily on the chaise, sipping her own, much smaller glass.
Her aunt twisted her hands, misliking such talk. "Viserys would never get rid of you, Daena. He loves you,"
"He loves me and hates me both, Gael," She said. "More importantly, he needs me. Without Caraxes, he lacks a dragon. Though he does not feel he needs me badly enough to shut the Hightower bastard up when he slanders his Queen,"
Even though they no longer shared a bed, she thought their shared childhood and shared children would have counted for something. He was frequently disapproving of her, of course, and they often bickered, but to not punish his Hand for speaking against his Queen in such a way... Otto hated her, that she had always known, but Daena had underestimated Hightower's hold on her brother, as well as his care for her.
Not any more.
"I think you should spend more time together," Gael said. "With Viserys,"
"Where did you get that stupid idea?" Daena was too angry to mind her tone.
To her surprise, Gael held her ground. "No, listen. You are often with Rhaenyra and Baelon, or in the city, or sparring in the yard, or with me and your other friends,"
Daena had not known Gael considered them friends, but was surprisingly touched.
Her aunt continued. "All Viserys hears from of you is from those who don't like you, or when you go to shout at him,"
Only a few weeks ago, we spent plenty of time together, though little of it was spent talking. The way her brother had looked at her, when she moved on top of him, like she hung the moon and stars, was in stark contrast to his actions now. Viserys' regard was easily won, and just as easily lost.
"You want us to all have a tea party like we did as children?" Daena sneered. "Shall I invite Rhaenys over from Driftmark, Gael? I fear at this rate it would have me hung for treason,"
"Stop it!" Gael stamped her foot, eyes shining with tears. "I'm trying to help you! This is why you argue so much with him - you lash out at everyone, just like Caraxes,"
Her aunt had never got angry with her before, not since they were children and she pulled Gael's hair. Despite herself, Daena was taken aback. Enough that she thought on what the woman had said.
"Perhaps you're right,"
"Really?" Gael looked surpised she had listened, but pleased.
"Yes. You are right,"
There was a reason that Viserys listened to his Hand more than his wife. Otto treated the King with kid gloves, flattered him, wheedled, whispered sweet poison rather than the verbal assault that Daena offered. She was not going to go to such great lengths as that, of course - Viserys would know something was up at once, not to mention that she wouldn't be able to force the words through her teeth without throwing up - but... not all their conversations had to be a shouting match. Despite herself, despite the fact he was determined to think ill of her, she did miss her brother.
And he was hardly going to come to her, not when he could stick his head in the sand and pretend everything was fine, with her out of sight, out of mind.
Not bothering to dress herself any more than she already was - in a nightdress and robe - she stormed from her chambers with the barely-drunk bottle of wine, the startled Kingsguard hastening after her.
"Viserys!" She hammered on her brother's door, ignoring the two white knights stood outside the King's chambers. "Viserys, open the door,"
After a pause, the door was cautiously opened. Her brother stood there, still dressed for court but tired-looking and without his crown.
"Daena?" He looked baffled to see her, especially dressed - or rather, not dressed - as she was.
"I need to speak with you," She shouldered her way in, shutting the door in the faces of the Kingsguard and slamming the bottle down on the table. "I brought wine. Sit,"
He sat down with her, still wary, still confused. "It's too late for an argument. Are you angry?"
"Not at you,"
He raised an eyebrow.
"Partly at you. Not as much as before," She pushed the bottle towards him having poured her own cup, gesturing to his empty dinner glass. "Have a drink,"
Her brother sighed, but poured himself a healthy measure of wine. "Well? What is it?"
"I know what Hightower tells you of me," She kept her voice level. "That I am whorish and bloodthirsty and ambitious - "
"Are you not ambitious?"
Her temper reared its head, but she fought it back. "I am the Queen. The only one higher than me is you, and Gods know I wouldn't want your position - any amount of time dealing with the Small Council convinced me of that!"
"What of Rhaenys?" He said, somewhat sourly. "Who you so kindly threw in my face,"
Now was not the time to say that Rhaenys would make a better ruler than both of them.
"Why on earth would I want Rhaenys to be Queen? After her would come Laenor, not Baelon, and she is far too sensible to listen to my council. As it stands, my son will be King, and my daughter rides a dragon. What could I possibly wish to take from you?"
It did not seem like Viserys had thought of that. "I suppose that is true,"
"No, no, you don't get to just say 'I suppose'. Do you believe I would ever betray you?"
Her brother blinked. "What?"
"You heard me. In your heart of hearts, do you truly believe that I would ever move against you?"
"Where has this come from, Daena?"
"Otto fucking Hightower, where else?" She snarled. "I know what he's been whispering in your ear. That I'm Maegor the Cruel come again, an overly emotional, ambitious woman with a demon-dragon waiting to turn on you and steal your crown. I know that you did not disagree with him - you never disagree with him - so I will ask you outright. When have I, not whispers about me from those who would see me dead, given you cause to mistrust me?"
There was a silence.
"Never," Her brother said quietly. "You do not often act like a proper Queen, but you have never been disloyal,"
"I have not been," She leaned forward, the drink she had already consumed making her more open and raw than usual. "I am your sister. Your only kin, aside from our children and the Velaryons. And Gael," She added, which made Viserys snort, and her own lips twitch. "I'm still the girl who trailed around after you as a child to annoy you, still the girl who used to ride on your shoulders and pretend you were a dragon, still the girl who wept with you over Mother for weeks, Viserys. Don't let Otto Hightower, of all people, convince you otherwise,"
"I - " Her brother broke off, and Gods, were those tears in his eyes? "I'm sorry, Daena. I shouldn't have let - shouldn't have doubted you,"
"Don't cry," She said, disgusted.
He laughed. "You are right. Ser Otto is a loyal servant, but over-cautious, and sees betrayals that are not there,"
"Over-ambitious, more like," She muttered, but did not push the point, for now. "Be glad you have a Queen with a dragon, who fights with a sword and is beloved by the city. It makes us stronger,"
"Just like Rhaenyra will be to Baelon,"
She raised an eyebrow. "What happened to Laena Velaryon?"
"I didn't mean they were to marry!" Viserys protested, indignant.
Daena rolled her eyes. "Fine, yes. More importantly, Baelon will claim a dragon when he is older. I will help him,"
"Do remember that he is the heir to the Iron Throne - I don't want you trying to seat him on the Cannibal,"
Daena laughed. "He gave up on that years ago. He wants Vhagar or Vermithor, now,"
Her brother winced. "What about Dreamfyre? Silverwing? You already made Rhaenyra a dragonrider at seven, my heart is under enough strain,"
"It's only fitting that our son has the same dragon as his namesake, no?" She grinned.
That won a smile from him, but it faded fast. "About our third child - "
All traces of good mood vanished. "Don't push it, Viserys,"
"No, no," He said. "I - I won't make you have a third. You are scared of ending up like Mother, and... and I had not truly considered what it would mean, to see you bleed out in a birthing bed, or turn into a shell of yourself. Baelon and Rhaenyra are enough,"
That was... something. Though as if he would ever have been able to make her. "Does this mean you have a whore somewhere who grows big with your bastard, and that is enough?"
She was joking, but he flushed vivid red. "Of course not, Daena, don't be so crass,"
"Because, if you did," Daena continued in a light tone. "Well, affairs are one thing. A bastard is quite another," She grinned to break the suddenly dark mood, though there was little humour in the expression. "Of course, it matters little. You would never be so foolish as that, Brother, would you?"
"You complain that I think so little of you, when you believe I would shame you like that?" He sounded hurt.
She laughed. "I would never believe such a thing. But other people might, and their opinions are the ones that matter, as you love to remind me,"
He did not appreciate having his own words turned back on him. "You are impossible,"
"You would be bored otherwise,"
"Being deathly bored might be better than dealing with you,"
"Words only a deathly boring man would say,"
"Any other man would despair over a wife like you,"
"I would not have married any other man than the rider of Balerion, Viserys, short lived though that might have been,"
He actually smiled at that. "That may have been the sweetest thing you have ever said to me,"
Daena smirked. "I whispered much sweeter in your ear before you threw a fit over the moon tea. Otto Hightower loves to flatter you, but never quite like that,"
He flushed again, but his eyes darkened. "I wouldn't have said any of that was sweet,"
Daena tilted her head. "You know, I always thought that your type was meek, softly-spoken girls with unblemished hands, eager to please, gentle and grateful for what you deigned to give. I'm sure you enjoy that well enough, Brother, but now I believe I was mistaken,"
She got up from her chair and moved to his lap, a position that may have been subserviant from another woman, but from her somehow seemed only predatory. One sharp-nailed finger lifted his chin, as his hands closed around her waist. She smiled.
"I'm as much a dragon as you are, Daena, even if it is less obvious," The King's voice was slightly hoarse. "Like calls to like. I missed you,"
That confession from her brother, more than anything else he had said, made emotion swell in Daena's stomach. She closed the gap between them with a fierce, consuming kiss, determined to make him forget any trace of Otto Hightower and his ilk. From the way he responded to her, it was already done. For now, at least. Viserys' affection was a fickle thing.
It was rare that Daena spent time with Gael's friends but, for whatever reason, her aunt had insisted that day and - foolish though it may be - she struggled turning her aunt down. They were nice enough, she supposed, though quite dull. Not to mention the Hand's young daughter could barely look her in the eye; it was as though Daena was like to run her through with Dark Sister just to spite her father. Not impossible, but highly unlikely.
"Tell me, my lady," She said, sparing the girl the humiliation of revealing she had forgotten her name. "Has your father told you that I am so wicked that even looking upon me will corrupt your pure maiden soul?"
"No, Your Grace," The girl said, quiet and tense, brown eyes darting up to meet hers for a split second. "Of course not,"
She was a pretty girl, despite who her father was.
Daena leaned over and lifted the girl's chin with one finger, making her meet her eyes. "There we go," She smiled. "People will respect you a lot more if you meet their gaze,"
The other ladies shifted, uncomfortable but unwilling to step in.
"Lady Alicent is simply nervous, Daena," Gael chided. "You make most people nervous,"
That was her name - fit for a septa. Daena laughed, releasing Alicent, who was flushing pink.
"Gods know what would happen if I was really trying," She said. "Spontaneous combustion, perhaps. What do you do for fun, Lady Alicent?"
"For fun, Your Grace?"
"Yes, for fun. You do understand the concept, don't you?" Her wretched father sucked all the fun from a room and would likely prevent his children from any frivolous activities.
The girl's shy demeanour slipped for a moment, anger crossing her expression. She lifted her chin of her own accord, something akin to stubbornness in those big brown eyes. "I like to read, Your Grace," Almost daring her to mock her. "And to dance,"
Daena smiled at having got some sort of bite out of the girl. "A worthy pursuit, reading. One I had little time for, though perhaps I should have tried harder,"
Alicent seemed as though she was searching for the sarcasm in her words, but would find none.
"Dancing, though, I do enjoy," Daena continued. "Learning the footwork is a lot like swordplay," She grinned. "We should share a dance at the next feast, Lady Alicent. The King would appreciate it if I offered an olive branch to House Hightower, in any way, shape or form,"
"But you're a woman, Your Grace," The girl's brow furrowed. "How could we dance together?"
Daena laughed. "You would be surprised what two women could do together, according to your father's rumours,"
The girl flushed. So you have heard the whispers, then. "My father would never spread such obscene falsehoods, Your Grace,"
Those rumours, at least, are true. "If you say so," She did not care to belabour the point. "I am an excellent dance partner, aren't I, Auntie?"
"Oh, you're my favourite dance partner," Gael said. "Much better than Viserys," She frowned. "Is he alright, Daena? I saw some terrible bruises on his wrists, under his sleeves, when I saw him earlier, but he wouldn't tell me where they were from,"
For a moment, she wondered where on earth her brother would have gotten such marks. Then she remembered, and fought to hide her smirk. Daena was a shade stronger than Viserys, as they had both found out the night those bruises were formed. Irritatingly, the natural strength that came with being a man was almost a match for her, despite the fact she trained daily, but in the end she came out victorious. As if she would ever let her husband pin her wrists above her head.
"Who knows, Auntie. Perhaps he has decided to pick up a sword for the first time in a decade and his wrists could not take the strain,"
This was a Gael-heavy chapter, though I thought she needed some time to shine given she has such an interesting perspective on her family. Alicent here is the same age as book-Alicent. Although I actually loved the idea of her as Rhaenyra's childhood friend in the show, it didn't fit with this story. Hope you enjoyed, do let me know your thoughts in the comments.
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