Scandalous Impropriety

Despite Daena's undisputed popularity amongst the common people, she was not especially liked by the nobles. Many lords thought her too bold, rude and unladylike, and most ladies whispered behind their hands, judging her, or else fawned and simpered to be in her favour. Her friends consisted of those she favoured in the City Watch - Harwin Strong, Willem Byrch and his brothers, Luthor Largent, and a dozen more - the Strong sisters and a handful of other ladies who were not entirely insufferable, her aunt Gael, and her handmaid Seren.

Then she met Mysaria.

Daena had an excuse to be out in the city now, given her sponsership of the Watch, and her common courts. Everyone knew her face now besides. If a day of work required visiting a tavern, who would tell her otherwise? She was surrounded by loyal men and two Knights of the Kingsguard would always accompany her, so her honour was safe, no matter how people at court whispered. The local taverns were eager to welcome the Queen herself, especially once people saw they could behave as badly as they always did despite her presence.

Certain places, she could not go, however, without dressing like a man and pretending she was Harwin's squire, having snuck out of the Red Keep through the passageways like she was thirteen again. One evening, at a certain establishment that her friends encouraged her to go to, they ended up watching a performance of girls dancing along to the band of musicians playing in the corner. There was no doubt that the dancing girls were for sale for the night afterwards.

One particular woman caught Daena's eye. She was lithe and pale, even more pale than the Targaryens, with milk-white skin, white hair, and eyes so dark they appeared black. She moved like no one Daena had ever seen before, standing out amongst the others by a league. The woman met her eyes and smiled.

Later, after the show, when the whole room was drunk, the white woman sidled over and slid into her lap. "What a pretty squire," A small hand paused where it was running up her chest, and she lowered her voice, leaning to murmur in her ear. "Too pretty. Is the lady here for company or company?"

Daena laughed. "I'm not a lady,"

"You lounge like a lord," The woman considered her, then her eyes lit up and her sly smile widened. "No. Like a king. A pleasure... Daena,"

"Daena?" She raised an eyebrow at the familiarity. "Not 'Your Grace',"

"I can call you that if you wish," The dancing girl shrugged, amused. "Though considering you are sat here in a squire's breeches, drinking in the company of knights and guardsmen, I suspect you'd prefer to avoid the attention. Does your kingly husband know you're out?"

"Of course," She bluffed; Viserys rarely knew where she was. "He's an... understanding man. What is your name?"

"Mysaria," The young woman replied.

"Mysaria," She smiled. "How would you like to ride a dragon?"

The woman's eyes gleamed.

Daena was not sure what Mysaria had expected as they left together; to fuck the Queen, or actually ride a dragon. Either way, when Daena took her by the hand and led her to the Dragonpit - led her to Caraxes - her eyes widened, seductive mask slipping.

"He's beautiful," The woman glanced up at him, not quite afraid, but certainly awed. "And... terrifying,"

"He's both," Daena agreed with a grin, tugging her towards him. "Come on,"

Mysaria's gasp in her ear when the dragon beat his great wings and took to the skies was pleasing, as was the way she clung tight to Daena's waist, scared but enthralled. Flying over the city, the woman stilled, staring down at the lights of King's Landing, and the darkness beyond. It was a look that Daena still wore sometimes; the feeling of being on Caraxes' back still could have her speechless.

"No wonder you Targaryens are all so mad," Mysaria murmured. "I would be too, having to come down to the ground after this,"

There were words on Daena's lips, but as she turned round, they vanished. Instead, she took Mysaria's jaw in one hand and kissed her. That had not been her intention, but in that moment, she couldn't think of doing anything else. It was the first time she had kissed anyone before, let alone another woman. She was hardly going to admit to being as inexperienced as a maid, however, after ten years of marriage and two children; any clumsiness could be put down to the moving dragon beneath them. The touch of Mysaria's lips made her blood run hot, as did the woman's hands tangling in her hair.

"I would have you," She murmured against Mysaria's lips. "If you'd let me,"

The woman smiled. "Please,"

That word alone had her landing Caraxes on a rock somewhere in Blackwater Bay.

Whenever Viserys shared her bed, which he had not since before Baelon's birth, it had been a painfully awkward affair, uncomfortable, even painful. Daena thought that other women just pretended to enjoy themselves for their partner's benefit, and had no intention of doing so herself. Yet now, for the first time in twenty-three years, she found the exquisite pleasure that songs spoke of. Perhaps she would have felt it sooner, had she not been married to her own brother. With Mysaria... it was more than she ever imagined.

They spent hours there on that rock in the middle of the sea, and it was as though the rest of the world faded to nothing. The silvery light from the full moon glinted off of Mysaria's milk-white skin, her sighs fading into the black expanse of the sea beyond. Daena should not have looked twice at some dancing girl in a brothel, but there was something about this one that intrigued her. Something that caught her attention and held it. 

"Will I see you again?" Mysaria, for the first time sounding completely unguarded - vulnerable even - said as they left the Dragonpit in the early hours of the morning. This one did not let her mask down easily, no doubt, though circumstances such as these would be an exception for anyone.

It was a split-second decision. "Come with me," Daena said. "To the Red Keep. You can be one of my ladies,"

The woman laughed, incredulous. "You really are mad. I am a Lysene whore, and they will know it the moment they set eyes on me,"

"Let them talk," She shrugged. "They talk about me all the time. It is tiresome, but they are so dreadfully dull," She flashed a wicked smile. "Besides. Wouldn't you like to ride a dragon again?"

To that, Mysaria laughed and followed her. "Very well, Your Grace. What have I got to lose?"

As expected, the court did not approve, but they never did, and Daena did not care. Mysaria was worth her weight in gold, both as a friend, a lover, and an informant. She knew people who had more information than Daena could ever have dreamed. Let them call her Lady Misery, let them mock the Queen for having a whore as her new favourite; Mysaria could root out all their dirty little secrets, which may be invaluable later on.

"Your husband lays with whores, you know," The woman said idly, as they lay entwined in Daena's bed, candlelight flickering across her face. 

It was not uncommon practice for a lady to have a female companion sleep beside her, so in that, at least, no one batted an eye. Daena wondered how many of them engaged in such things as they did. 

"I suspected," She replied to that with a shrug. "Though did not know for sure,"

"You do not care?"

"So long as he keeps them quiet, which he has been. I would rather he sought them out than me,"

"You are a rare breed, Daena," Mysaria laughed lightly. "A Targaryen who does not long for her brother's touch,"

"It's not that he is my brother," She said. "It's because it's Viserys," A pause. "I am not pleasing to him either, I think. He would prefer a blushing, sweet girl whom he can use to block out the evils of the world and remain in blissful ignorance,"

"Ah," The woman's smile grew. "I would not be so sure of that. The way he looks at you, on occasion... I believe your aversion is one-sided,"

Daena scoffed. "He looks at me despairingly, with frustration not lust. Perhaps your skills are softening,"

"If you say so, Your Grace," Mysaria cast her eyes down in laughing deferral. 

"Enough of that," Daena said, bringing their lips together in a heated kiss. 

She refused to entertain the idea that Viserys wanted her; it was unthinkable, and just plain strange. Their marriage bed had been shared out of duty alone, and cold and unyielding on her part. Her brother paid women to please him, and act pleased by him. He would have little idea of what to do with her.


"Your children are beautiful," Mysaria smiled, both of them sat on the floor of her chambers.

Rhaenyra, aged seven, was bossily instructing them on how to play with her dolls. The little girl truly was beautiful, known as the Realm's Delight, and was highly intelligent for her age, though was admittedly spoilt. Viserys doted on her, whilst Daena cared little for correcting most misbehaviour. Her son Baelon, aged five, clutched a wooden dragon toy as he ran around; he was much quieter than his sister, but just as strong-willed, and twice as daring.

"They favour their father in looks," She said.

"Your son looks like you," The woman considered.

"Hm," Daena did not see it herself. "His egg never hatched,"

A green egg had been placed in Baelon's cradle the day he was born, and the boy kept it close ever since, though it remained whole and uncracked.

"Mother!" Rhaenyra stamped her foot, because she wasn't paying her enough attention. "Listen!"

Daena laughed. "Alright, you precocious little thing,"

"Mysaria too," The girl's small mouth predisposed her to pouting. She had taken a liking to the beautiful woman, and her perfectly white hair.

"Of course, Princess," Mysaria said, amused.

Unfortunately, they were soon interrupted. The door opened and a beaming Viserys walked in, though his smile faded upon seeing who was already there.

"Your Grace," Mysaria curtseyed low, not meeting his eyes. The two had met before when she first came to court, though Viserys had paid her little mind, taking her for just another handmaid like Seren. This was before the rumours started about her past.

Daena had not bothered to get up, arranging the doll Rhaenyra had given her. "Viserys. Have you enjoyed a thrilling day of being walked all over by Hightower and the rest of the snakes on your council?"

"Daena, I would like a private word,"

He was angry, she could tell.

Daena shrugged, getting to her feet. "Who am I to deny my beloved brother?" She made as though to leave the room, but the King made a small strangled noise. "Mysaria," Daena said, not bothering to hide her irritation. "I'll see you later,"

With a small smile, the woman left without complaint.

She rounded on her husband the moment the door shut. "What?"

"You would allow that - that woman around our children?" Viserys sputtered.

"She's hardly going to murder them,"

"She is a - a whore," He lowered his voice, glancing at Rhaenyra, who was still playing with her dolls.

"Alyce," Daena called the septa to usher the children away, before turning back to her brother, no longer bothering to be quiet. "She was a whore,"

"Where on earth did you find her?" He said, then shook his head. "I don't even want to know. Regardless, a former whore is hardly appropriate company for a queen, never mind a young princess!"

"A current whore is fine for a king, though," Daena raised an eyebrow.

There was a long pause at that. Her brother's mouth opened, as though to protest, then closed again, resigned.

"That is different," He said. "Men have needs, Daena, and you made it very clear that I should stay out of your bed. I am discreet - I would hate to shame you - and most importantly, I do not let them near our children!"

She let a lecherous grin spread across her face, ignoring the implication that their avoidance was one-sided. "It may be news to you, Viserys, but women have needs too. Would you prefer I found a dashing young knight?"

If confronting him about his affairs left him speechless, enlightening him of her own seemed to steal the breath from his lungs.

"Wha - how would that - ?" He broke off, shaking off the ridiculous notion. "It isn't funny, Daena, to say such foolish things just to shock me. I'd hoped you would grow out of that, but it seems like you have not,"

She laughed. "Have you never heard of two women taking their pleasure from each other, Brother? I feel almost sorry for the whores you pay, if you cannot even imagine how that would work,"

Viserys seemed lost for words, flushing bright red. Daena could not tell if he was angry, embarrassed or... things she would prefer not to consider. He got himself together enough to bluster,

"Do not let that woman near our children, Daena,"

"I will do what I like," Her eyes narrowed. "Mysaria is my friend, and she would never harm Rhaenyra or Baelon. Besides, being a whore is not contagious - though I hope you see the maester before you decide you want another child from me, for there are many other things that are,"

That managed to floor him even more than her previous statement. Viserys left the room soon after, which Daena counted as a victory. 


I was uncertain in what sense to include Mysaria. Of course, Daena has much more power here so can get away with bringing her openly to court, seeing as she doesn't care what people say about her. Mysaria is useful as a spy and informant too. Daemon in canon was known to have been with lots of women, but Daena has less freedom in that sense, and as Queen is not foolish enough - or even wanting to - sleep with a lot of men. She is still supervised by Kingsguard when she goes into the city, and the only time she is really alone is on Caraxes. Mysaria is the compromise haha. Let me know your thoughts!!

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