Chapter 54

Timothy, Electchu, Coovers, and Looker spent the night at the nearest Pokemon Center after Timothy agreed to have a battle with Brandon. Looker gave Coovers a harsh ridiculing over how he failed to be to keep the mission a secret and had a Team Rocket group follow him virtually the entire time. Coovers struggled to keep a straight face the entire time before Looker nonchalantly admits that he was otherwise successful. Timothy, on the other hand, spent most of the night training with his Pokemon until they were all worn out and so gave them to Nurse Joy so they will be in perfect health in the morning.

The next day, Timothy picked up his Pokemon from Nurse Joy, and together, he, Electchu, Looker, and Coovers walk back to the Battle Pyramid. Along the way, they passed by the ruins where they see Mewtwo cloaked inside, and they give the Pokemon a brief nod. The genetic Pokemon nods back before the four of them walk to the entrance, where Scott is waiting for them.

"Timothy, Coovers, good to see you," Scott greets with a smile. "And who might you be, sir?"

"The name's Looker," Looker says. "I'm Coovers' boss, and I happened to be passing by."

"Oh, I see," Scott says. "In any case, I'm glad to see all of you. I've been looking forward to seeing you and Brandon finally battle, Timothy."

Timothy gives Scott a small smile and nod, hiding his real reason for the battle.

"I must say, though, I'm surprised that Brandon wants to battle you with no substitutions from either side," Scott continues. "Guess he wants to make things more interesting because you are a powerful trainer who has won against a regional champion."

"That's what we got out of him when we met him yesterday," Coovers lies.

"Is that so? Well, I guess when you have two powerful trainers like Brandon and Timothy about to face each other, you have to think of something to keep things exciting," Scott says.

"Maybe so," Looker says, trying to hide his impatience. "But let's stop talking about it and get to battling. I think we've delayed it long enough."

"Looker's right," Timothy says. "I'm ready to take on Brandon right now."

Scott smirks and says, "That's what I like to hear, Timothy. Come, let us go inside. Brandon is waiting for you."

Scott turns around and opens the doors before everyone goes in. As they walk down the hall, Electchu grows uneasy and turns to its partner.

"Rai, Rai, Rai, Raichu, Rai, Rai, Raichu," it says.

"Oh come on, pal," Timothy says, giving his Raichu an optimistic grin. "Let me hear some happy 'Rai' and 'Raichu's. How can Brandon beat us with the Pokemon he has right now?"

Coovers frowns and says, "I don't know what Electchu said, but I'm probably on his side."

"Thank you as always for your support, Coovers," Timothy says half sarcastically. "You really are a supportive friend."

"Just don't hold anything back, Mr. Durbin," Looker says seriously, making sure Scott doesn't hear them. "Team Rocket may be out of commission, but I still think our facility is the best bet in keeping the Gieldanstone safe."

"Believe me, sir, I plan to win the stone for all of our sakes," Timothy says without looking at Looker.

Looker nods, satisfied with the response. The four adults and Electchu make it to a large battlefield where Brandon is standing on the other side with his arms crossed. Scott, Brandon, and Coovers head to the stands on the side of the field while Timothy and Electchu walk to the challenger side of the field.

"Timothy, I hope you are well-rested," Brandon says bluntly while still giving the man in the "H.A.K." shirt a serious look. "Are you ready to battle?"

"I am," Timothy says. "And, I hope you will stay true to our deal once the battle is over."

Scott turns to Coovers, confused, and asks, "What does he mean by that?"

"Don't worry about it," Coovers says seriously. "It's a private matter. Better you don't ask."

Scott hesitates before he silently decides to comply. Brandon's frowns grows, and he glares at Timothy disapprovingly.

"The same goes to you, young man," he says before turning to his crewman who is standing on the side of the field. "You may begin, Samuel."

"Yes, sir," the crewman named Samuel says before he raises his arms. "The Battle Frontier match at the Battle Pyramid is about to begin! The challenger is Timothy from Pallet Town, going against Pyramid King Brandon! This will be a three on three battle from start to finish! No substitutions are allowed from either side! Let the battle begin!"

"Right," Timothy says as he takes out a Pokeball. "Shockwave, come on out!"

Shockwave appears on the field, and Brandon looks at it skeptically.

"Starting with your Gardevoir, I see," he says before he throws his own Pokeball into the field. "Dusclops, I need your assistance!"

Dusclops comes out of its Pokeball and stares at Shockwave with its one eye.

"Oh, no. Now Timothy's already at a disadvantage against a ghost Pokemon," Coovers says worriedly.

Scott nods and says, "We'll just have to see how he handles it."

"Shockwave, let's not waste any time!" Timothy commands. "Use Moonblast!"

"Dusclops, counter it with Will-O-Wisp!" Brandon orders.

As Shockwave prepares a powerful Moonblast, Dusclops creates a blue fireball with its hands. The Pokemon release their attacks at the same time, and it causes a great explosion at the center of the field.

"Shockwave, use Psychic! Drive that Dusclops into a wall!" Timothy shouts.

Shockwave's eyes glow blue, and Dusclops is lifted into the air with its body surrounded in a blue line. With a wave of the Gardevoir's hand, Dusclops is thrown into a wall and falls into the ground injured.

"Alright, Shockwave, now use Moonblast again!" Timothy shouts.

"Dusclops, get up and use Confuse Ray now!" Brandon yells.

Dusclops gets up, and its eye glows red. A bright, purple light emits from its eye, and Shockwave's pupils shrink. It looks around like its light-headed and starts slapping itself in the face.

"Oh no, Shockwave's confused," Coovers says worriedly.

"If only Timothy can substitute so that it can snap out of its confusion," Looker says.

"That probably wouldn't help either," Scott says. "Brandon's Dusclops also knows Mean Look, which prevents Pokemon from escaping. He usually has Mean Look be one of the first moves Dusclops uses. So either way, Timothy would be stuck with his Pokemon confused."

Timothy grinds his teeth, frustrated that his Pokemon is in an unbalanced state.

"Shockwave, snap out of it!" He shouts.

"Raichu!" Electchu cries out.

"Dusclops, use Shadow Punch!" Brandon commands.

Dusclops' hands become surrounded in a gray aura, and then it punches at the air, causing a black, shadowy fist to come out and slam into Shockwave. The Gardevoir falls to the ground and struggles to get up with scratches around its body, and its head still muddled.

"Now use Will-O-Wisp!" Brandon orders.

Dusclops releases another blue ball of fire, and it hits Shockwave while it's down. Shockwave grows weaker with burns, also covering its body.

"Shockwave! Shockwave, wake up!" Timothy yells. "Listen to the sound of my voice! Don't let Dusclops get the better of you! You can beat it! I know it!"

Brandon shakes his head and plainly says, "I doubt that's going to work, Timothy. Dusclops, use Shadow Punch again!"

Dusclops releases another big, black, shadowy fist heading straight toward Shockwave. Timothy's heart sinks, knowing that the ghost attack might take down his Pokemon already.

"Shockwave, wake up, and use Psychic on that Shadow Fist!" He screams.

It takes a moment before Shockwave's eyes go back to normal size and quickly glares at the Shadow Punch with its eyes glowing blue. The black fists stop in mid-air and the Gardevoir moves its arms around to make the Shadow Punch turn around and hit Dusclops hard, creating multiple scratches all over its body.

"Yes!" Timothy cheers. "Nice job, Shockwave! Now hit it with Psyshock!"

The Gardevoir grins and creates a large, purple blob of psychic energy and releases it at Dusclops. The beckon Pokemon is too disoriented to dodge before the Psyshock hits it hard. Brandon frowns again, noticing how weak Dusclops is getting.

"Looks like Timothy has the upper hand," Looker says with a grin.

"Not quite," Scott says, pointing at Shockwave. "Shockwave is pretty weak too after getting hit by an attack as effective against psychic Pokemon as Shadow Punch on top of getting hurt from Will-O-Wisp."

Looker turns to the Gardevoir and frowns, noticing how tired and beaten Timothy's Pokemon looks.

"So it looks like it's pretty even," Looker says.

"Exactly," Scott says with a nod. "I think the next couple of moves will decide who will win."

"Dusclops, use Confuse Ray!" Brandon shouts.

"Not this time, Brandon!" Timothy growls. "Use Disarming Voice quick!"

Shockwave takes a deep breath, and it screams, letting out several purple hearts at its opponent. The hearts hit Dusclops, and it shuts its eye and groans in pain.

"Now, slam it into the wall with Psychic one more time!" Timothy shouts.

"Dusclops, use Shadow Punch quick!" Brandon yells.

Shockwave lifts Dusclops in the air and throws it at the wall. Just before it throws its opponent, however, Dusclops punches at the air, and another black, shadowy fist heads toward Shockwave. The embrace Pokemon doesn't have a moment to react before the fist hits it and slams it into the wall beside Timothy and Electchu while Dusclops crashes into the wall beside Brandon. Both Pokemon fall into the ground, and Samuel checks both of them before he raises both of his hands.

"Both Dusclops and Shockwave are unable to continue! It's a draw!" He announces.

Timothy and Electchu frown sadly before the former takes out Shockwave's Pokeball.

"You did great, buddy. Get a good rest," he says as the Gardevoir returns to its Pokeball.

"Dusclops, you did great," Brandon says as he returns his Pokemon as well.

Looker grows uneasy and says, "This is concerning. This makes Mr. Durbin down to two Pokemon."

"But so is Brandon," Scott points out. "Timothy has plenty of opportunities to win."

But Coovers is secretly more concerned than Looker. He worries that Brandon is up to something, and Timothy is too confident to notice it.

"Come on, Timothy, don't let your pride get the better of you this time," he whispers to himself.

"Ninjask, I need your assistance!" Brandon shouts as he throws a Pokeball into the field, and his Ninjask comes out.

"Ninjask, eh?" Timothy says with a smirk. "In that case, Blitzwing, come on out!"

He throws a Pokeball, and his loyal Braviary comes out with a loud caw. Electchu frowns and turns to Timothy.

"Rai, Rai, Rai, Rai, Raichu?" It asks.

"You could probably take it, but it's also weak against flying attacks," Timothy answers. "I think Blitzwing will work better because if its speed."

Electchu frowns and says, "Raichu. Rai, Rai, Rai, Raichu."

"I hope so too, Electchu," Timothy says sincerely. "I really hope so too."

"Battle continue!" Samuel shouts.

"Ninjask, use Aerial Ace!" Brandon shouts.

"Blitzwing, use Aerial Ace too!" Timothy commands.

Both Pokemon charge at each other in a flash and ram into each other. They're a couple feet away from each other, with neither one looking harmed at all.

"So their Aerial Aces are evenly matched, huh?" Timothy says. "No problem. Blitzwing, use Crush Claw!"

Blitzwing charges at Ninjask with its claws glowing red, but Brandon just stays still with his arms crossed.

"Ninjask, use Double Team!" He commands.

Ninjask creates multiple copies of itself, and Blitzwing flies through one of them. The Braviary looks around in confusion as the multiple Ninjask surrounded it.

"Don't worry about how many there are, Blitzwing!" Timothy calls out. "Just use Brave Bird until you hit the right one!"

Blitzwing nods and surrounds itself in blue fire before taking into another copy of its opponent. Brandon stares disapprovingly as Blitzwing continues to use the same attack on more fake copies of his Pokemon.

"That is a reckless call to make, Timothy," he rebukes. "You're wasting your Pokemon's moves just to try to hit my Ninjask."

"Perhaps. It's purely a matter of perspective at this time," Timothy says plainly.

"Rai, Rai, Rai, Rai, Rai, Rai, Raichu!" Electchu says bitterly.

"I know you would have hit it by now with Thunder, but this works too," Timothy replies to his partner. "Trust me, Electchu, I know what I'm doing."

Electchu pouts angrily at Timothy, but then he and Timothy hear something cry out in pain. They turn to see that Blitzwing had just hit the right Ninjask, and the remaining clones have disappeared. The ninja Pokemon crashes to the ground and lies there for a moment before it slowly gets back into the air. Brandon looks at Timothy skeptically and shakes his head.

"Well done. You just wasted a lot of your Pokemon's energy just for one hit," he says sarcastically. "I hope you're proud of yourself."

But Timothy just smirks and says, "If you really think I made that big of a mistake, feel free to prove it."

"As you wish," Brandon says bluntly. "Ninjask, use Sand Attack."

"Blitzwing, Dodge, and use Steel Wing!" Timothy orders.

Ninjask flies at the ground and flings dirt at Blitzwing, but the Braviary quickly dodges the attack and with its wings turned into steel, slams its wings at Ninjask.

"Now, use Aerial Ace!" Timothy shouts.

"Ninjask, use Sandstorm!" Brandon shouts.

Ninjask flaps its wings fast, and it creates a bigger sandstorm. Blitzwing becomes uneasy and is about to stop its attack when Timothy calls out to it.

"Blitzwing, don't worry about the storm!" He shouts. "Just close your eyes, trust in your speed, and keep going!"

The valiant Pokemon hesitates for a moment before it decides to obey its trainer. It closes its eyes and charges at the sandstorm, still using Aerial Ace. Blitzwing soars through the storm with great speed and slams straight into Ninjask, causing its opponent to crash into a wall. Brandon looks in shock as Ninjask plummets to the ground with swirly eyes.

"Ninjask is unable to battle. Blitzwing wins!" Samuel declares.

"Alright!" Timothy cheers. "Way to go, Blitzwing!"

"Braiv!" Blitzwing calls out proudly.

Brandon sighs with his mouth closed and takes out Ninjask's Pokeball.

"You battled bravely, Ninjask. Return," he says as his Pokemon goes back in its ball. "That was a lucky break for you, Timothy."

"Not necessarily," Timothy says with a smirk. "Your Ninjask's Sandstorm was strong, but it was not strong enough against Blitzwing's speed. Add that to how weak your Ninjask was from the other attacks, and the battle was won just like that."

"I see. Have you used that tactic before?" Brandon asks.

"Not to that degree," Timothy answers honestly. "To be frank, it was a risk I took out of hopes to learn from my mistake when Ash used Sandstorm to distract Blitzwing long enough for his Boldore to win. Now I know what to do if he tries something like that again."

Brandon frowns disapprovingly and says, "That might have paid off, but it was foolish of you to use our battle as an experiment for any future battles. You have to take this battle seriously, Timothy."

Timothy glares at his opponent and says, "I am taking this battle seriously. You should be more focused on what you're doing and take out your last Pokemon."

Brandon glowers at Timothy and stands still for a moment before he firmly grabs another Pokeball and throws it in the field.

"Solrock, I need your assistance!" He barks.

The Frontier Brain's Solrock comes out of its ball and floats in the air, staring blankly at Blitzwing. Coovers' worry grows as he looks at Brandon's last Pokemon.

"I have a bad feeling about that, Solrock," he says.

"Why are you worried?" Looker asks. "It's Brandon's last Pokemon, and Timothy's Braviary hasn't taken any damage yet."

"Maybe so, but Brandon won't make it easy for Timothy," Scott says.

Electchu becomes nervous and turns to Timothy, saying, "Raichu! Rai, Rai, Rai, Raichu!"

"I know that Solrock is resistant to all of Blitzwing's attacks except for Steel Wing," Timothy says.

"Rai, Rai, Rai, Rai, Rai?" The Raichu questions.

"To prove a point," Timothy answers.

"Battle continue!" Samuel shouts.

"Alright, Blitzwing, use Steel Wing!" Timothy commands.

Blitzwing's wings turn into steel again, and it charges at Solrock at incredible speed.

"Solrock, use Psywave!" Brandon orders.

Solrock's body becomes outlined in light blue, and its eyes glow light blue as well. It then fires several light blue rings at Blitzwing right as it's only a split second away from hitting the meteorite Pokemon. The Braviary crashes into the ground and slowly starts to get up while Timothy frowns.

"Blitzwing, charge at it with Brave Bird." He shouts.

Blitzwing gets itself back in the air and charges at Solrock with its body surrounded in blue fire.

"That's a foolish call, Timothy," Brandon says bluntly. "Solrock, use Psywave again!"

Solrock prepares to use its psychic attack again, but before it could fire the light blue rings, Blitzwing hits it dead on and sends it floating back a couple of feet.

"Now use Steel Wing while it's distracted!" Timothy commands.

Blitzwing's wings turn into steel again, and it hits Solrock hard with its wings. Solrock crashes into the ground and lies there with a couple of scratches on its body.

"Ah, I see," Looker says. "Brave Bird is not very effective against Solrock, but Blitzwing used its speed to stop it from using Psywave again and then hit it with Steel Wing, which Solrock is weak against."

"That's right," Scott says with a smirk. "It was a good strategy to get to Solrock despite its psychic powers."

"Yeah, but it looks like it came at a cost," Coovers says as he points at Blitzwing concerned. "Blitzwing looks like it's starting to get tired after using so much energy and took damage from using Brave Bird."

Timothy frowns again, noticing the same thing. He can see his Pokemon panting while it tries to stay in the air. He sighs, knowing what's going to happen next before he gives Blitzwing a serious look.

"Blitzwing!" he calls out. "I know you're getting exhausted, but I can't make any substitutions! I need you to be strong and give it your all to the end, okay?"

Blitzwing turns to its trainer and nods in understanding. Brandon still looks at Timothy disapprovingly while Solrock gets back up in the air.

"At least you show concern for your Pokemon," he mutters. "Solrock, use Psywave again!"

"Dodge it and use Steel Wing!" Timothy shouts.

Solrock releases more rings at Blitzwing, but the Braviary dodges it and charges at its opponent with its wings turned into steel again.

"Solrock, stop it with Confusion!" Brandon shouts.

Solrock's eyes glow blue, and Blitzwing stops charging in midair with its body surrounded in a blue outline. Solrock moves its eyes to look down, and Blitzwing slams into the ground.

"Now, use Confusion again!" Brandon shouts.

Blitzwing becomes surrounded in a blue outline again, and it flies straight into a wall. The valiant Pokemon flaps its wings and flies toward its opponent, struggling to stay conscious before its body gives out, and it plummets to the ground.

"Blitzwing is unable to battle! Solrock is the winner!" Samuel announces.

Timothy sighs sadly and returns Blitzwing to its Pokeball saying, "Well done, Blitzwing. Take a good, long rest."

Looker frowns seriously and says, "Darn it, now they're both down to just one Pokemon."

"Yep. Once again, it has turned into an even match," Scott says, not noticing Looker's unsettled demeanor.

"I hope Timothy knows what he's going to do for his last Pokemon," Coovers says before he mutters to himself, "Come on, buddy. Don't let me down now."

Brandon closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before he glares at Timothy again with his arms still crossed.

"Your rash actions may have helped you before, Timothy, but it was still an irresponsible decision to use so much of your Braviary's energy like that," he rebukes. "I expected a lot more from someone who has won a Pokemon League and defeated a region's Elite Four and champion. A Pokemon trainer should be considerate about the wellbeing of his Pokemon at all times. Are you arrogant that you have forgotten something so important?"

But instead of replying, Timothy takes out another Pokeball and throws it at the field, shouting, "Poliwrath, let's finish this!"

Poliwrath comes out of its ball and glares menacingly at Solrock while it cracks its knuckles. Brandon sighs and shakes his head again.

"Very well. I guess I'll have to show you," he says. "Solrock, use Psywave!"

Timothy grins and says, 'Dodge it and use Surf!"

Poliwrath jumps above the blue rings heading toward it, and it creates a giant wave of water and rides it toward Solrock.

"Solrock, use Shadow Ball!" Brandon shouts.

Solrock creates a black and purple ball in front of its face, and it heads toward Poliwrath, who is still riding on the wave.

"So that's its third move, eh?" Timothy says with a grin. "Poliwrath, jump up and use Dynamic Punch! Send it to the ground!"

Poliwrath jumps from the top of its wave, dodging the Shadow Ball and with its fists glowing white punches down at Solrock. The meteorite Pokemon gets thrown to the ground with a thud while the Surf is still heading toward it.

"Solrock, use Psywave on the Surf!" Brandon orders.

Solrock manages to get up in time to use Psywave again. The blue rings hit the middle of the wave, and the attack collapses.

"Now, use Confusion on Poliwrath!" Brandon commands quickly.

As soon as Poliwrath lands in the ground, its body is surrounded by a blue outline and is lifted off the ground. It moves around, trying to free itself before Solrock suddenly uses its psychic move to send Poliwrath crashing into a wall.

"Now, use Shadow Ball!" Brandon shouts.

"Dodge and use Dynamic Punch!" Timothy shouts.

Poliwrath gets up just in time to dodge a black and purple ball heading straight toward it. Then it runs toward Solrock with its fist glowing white and Brandon sighs.

"You still haven't learned," he says. "Solrock, stop it with Confusion, and then prepare to use Solar Beam!"

"Solar Beam?!" Timothy, Coovers, and Looker shout at the same time.

Solrock's eyes glow blue, and Poliwrath is lifted up in the air in front of its opponent. Then, Solrock prepares to collect solar energy from the tip of its mouth, creating a white orb full of energy.

"Poliwrath!" Timothy cries out.

"It's over, Timothy. This is checkmate," Brandon declares. "I warned you multiple times to contain your prideful demeanor and worry about your Pokemon, but you didn't listen to me. You've let your past victories get the better of your judgment. You should learn to always be on your guard for the sake of yourself and your -"

But while Brandon is talking, Timothy's look of worry for his Poliwrath turns into a mischievous smirk, and he shouts, "Hydro Pump, now!"

Brandon stops talking in mid-sentence and looks up to see Poliwrath having a sneaky look in its eyes also. Before he can say anything, a giant stream of water comes out of Poliwrath's stomach and directly hits Solrock. The attack sends the meteorite Pokemon right into a wall, and Poliwrath lands on the ground safely, free of Solrock's Confusion. Brandon stares at his Pokemon shocked and turns to Timothy, who is still smirking.

"I knew all along what you were doing, Brandon!" he calls out. "You planned to use my arrogance against me to beat me in battle!"

Brandon stares at Timothy, shocked with his mouth hanging open. Samuel, Scott, Coovers, Looker, and Electchu also look at Timothy surprised.

"You knew?" Brandon asks.

"Of course, I knew," Timothy says. "Maybe if Ash and Brock didn't warn me about you or if you didn't ridicule me so many times, you might have won this battle. As it is, you have rebuked me enough times to make your intentions and your own arrogance clear."

"My arrogance?" Brandon asks angrily.

"Yes, yours," Timothy replies. "For someone who ironically talks about staying on your guard, your monologing was all Poliwrath and I needed to seriously hurt Solrock. I may be a prideful trainer, but at least I am aware of it. You, on the other hand, act like you know the answers to everything about life and how to be a Pokemon trainer, and so tell me how to live my life. Well, I have news for you, pal; only I decide how to live my life. I know someone who always claimed he had a say about my Pokemon or me. At times I believed him, but my family and my Pokemon were there to help me stand up for myself. I learned to use his own blind arrogance against him and so learned how to do it against the pride of other people like Tucker, Lucy's sisters, and now you. But when that cruel person finally took my Pokemon away from me with Team Rocket's help, I did everything in my power to get them back. You think just because I'm prideful that I don't care about my Pokemon and I'm battling you just to prove I'm superior? I trust my Pokemon and they trust me like any trainer and their Pokemon should. I want the Gieldenstone to come to the International Police because I believe that it's the best way to hide the stone and keep people and Pokemon from the pain my Pokemon and I experienced. You are a wise person, Brandon, and you have surprised me through this battle, but you have let your own pride and skepticism over what decisions I've made in this battle get the better of you, and now you're down to just one Pokemon badly hurt. So stop toying with me and show me the best that you can do!"

The entire battlefield is silent for a couple of minutes. Everyone is taken aback with that Timothy just said. Coovers and Electchu look at their friend sadly, realizing he was talking about Trent halfway through the monologue. Finally, Brandon closes his eyes and nods while Solrock floats back up.

"Well played, Timothy. You saw right through me," he admits. "Very well. I will stop treating you the way I have. But I don't plan on losing this match."

Timothy gives the older man a satisfied smirk and says, "Fine with me. Give it your best shot."

Brandon nods and turns to Solrock.

"Solrock, use Shadow Ball!" Brandon commands.

Solrock summons another Shadow Ball and fires it at Poliwrath.

"Poliwrath, counter it with Bubble Beam and then use Bubble Beam again!" Timothy instructs.

Poliwrath fires Bubble Beam from its stomach, and it destroys the Shadow Ball, creating a cloud of smoke. The tadpole Pokemon uses Bubble Beam again, and the attack flies through the smoke and heads toward Solrock.

"Solrock, stop the Bubble Beam with Confusion, then send it back!" Brandon shouts.

Solrock's eyes glow blue, and all the bubbles stop right in front of it. With its body giving a short nod, the bubbles fly back toward Poliwrath.

"Nice call, using my trick against me, but it will do you little good," Timothy claims. "Poliwrath, protect yourself from the bubbles using Surf!"

Poliwrath summons another giant wave of water, and it heads toward Solrock while the bubbles pop in its path.

"Use Psywave to stop that Surf!" Brandon orders.

"Poliwrath, use Hydro Pump!" Timothy shouts.

Solrock fires more light blue rings, and they destroy Poliwrath's wave of water again. As the wave collapses again, Poliwrath uses Hydro Pump and is about to hit Solrock.

"Solrock, dodge, and use Psywave again!" Brandon shouts.

Solrock moves away from the Hydro Pump's line of fire, and it uses Psywave again. The rings hit Poliwrath directly, and it falls on its back.

"Don't let up! Use Confusion!" Brandon says.

Solrock lifts Poliwrath in the air with Confusion and starts slamming the tadpole against the ground repeatedly with its psychic power. Timothy, Electchu, Coovers, and Looker become worried as Solrock drops Poliwrath, who lies on the ground with scratches and bruises all over its body.

"Poliwrath, get up quick!" Timothy calls out.

It takes a moment before Poliwrath slowly starts to get up. Brandon smirks as he watches Poliwrath get on one knee.

"Your Poliwrath is tough, but it can't keep going," he states. "Solrock, finish this with Solar Beam!"

Timothy's eyes widen, and he turns to Poliwrath and shouts, "Poliwrath, use Surf while you're getting up!"

Poliwrath struggles to stay on one knee as it manages to summon another wave of water heading toward its opponent while it tries to get up.

"I don't think so, Timothy," Brandon says. "Solrock, fire your Solar Beam straight at the water!"

"Poliwrath, jump away and use Hydro Pump!" Timothy shouts.

Solrock unleashes its Solar Beam, and the large beam of sun energy bursts through the wave of water as if it was made of glass. Brandon smirks as the Solar Beam makes it to Timothy's side of the field, but his smirk falls when he sees nothing but Timothy and Electchu grinning.

"This is checkmate, Brandon," Timothy states.

Brandon looks around for Poliwrath and spots it on the left corner of the field from Timothy's side. The tadpole Pokemon is still kneeling, but it is standing enough to unleash a powerful Hydro Pump at Solrock. The stream of water hits the meteorite directly, and it falls to the ground with swirly eyes.

"Solrock is unable to battle!" Samuel announces. "Poliwrath is the winner, and so the victory goes to the challenger, Timothy, from Pallet Town!"

"Yes!" Timothy cheers.

"Raichu!" Electchu shouts happily.

"Poliwrath!" Poliwrath roars triumphantly.

Looker and Coovers both let out sighs of relief while Scott smiles.

"Just as I hoped. He can overcome the challenges," Scott says.

Brandon sighs sadly before he smiles and returns Solrock.

"That was excellent battling, Solrock. Thank you," He says to the Pokemon inside the Pokeball.

Timothy, Electchu, and Poliwrath are still cheering when they notice Brandon walking over to them.

"Well done, Timothy," Brandon compliments. "You used my plan against me and ultimately came out on top. You're one of the very few trainers who has beaten me in a Frontier battle."

"Thanks," Timothy says. "I'll admit that you had some good strategies yourself and you clearly trained your Pokemon to be more durable than I expected."

Brandon nods before he reaches into his pants pocket and takes out a symbol.

"With the Brave Symbol, I hereby declare that your journey through the Battle Frontier has come to an end," he says. "Congratulations."

Timothy takes the symbol with a smile and says, "And the stone?"

Brandon frowns slightly, hesitant to honor his part of the deal. With another sigh, he forces another smile and nods before turning to Samuel.

"Have it brought to the ruins entrance for them to retrieve it," he says.

"Yes, sir," Samuel says before leaving.

"Thank you, Brandon," Timothy says. "If we see each other again, perhaps we can battle again on better terms."

"Perhaps," Brandon says with a nod.

Scott, Coovers, and Looker walk over to Brandon, Timothy, Electchu, and Poliwrath with Coovers running over to Timothy and giving him a noogie.

"Atta boy, Timothy!" he cheers. "I knew you could do it!"

Timothy rolls his eyes before he frees himself from Coovers and sarcastically says, "Sure you did, Coovers. Sure, you did."

Looker steps in and firmly shakes Timothy's hand.

"Excellent job, Mr. Durbin," he says proudly.

"Thank you, sir," Timothy says.

Scott steps up and pats Timothy on the arm.

"Well done, Timothy," he says while taking out a plaque with all seven of the battle symbols. "You have completed the Battle Frontier. You are now a member of the Battle Frontier hall of fame."

"Thanks, Scott," Timothy says. "It's been a pleasure going on this journey."

Scott nods and with a smile, says, "So now that you have won, there's just one order of business to take care of."

"Oh?" Timothy asks.

"You see, as the owner of the Battle Frontier, I offer trainers who make it through to become a Frontier Brain as well," Scott says.

Timothy frowns and says, "Yeah, I think I remember you and Ash talking about that when we met in Pallet Town."

Scott nods and asks, "So would you like to become a Frontier Brain? I know you're planning to compete in the Indigo League, but it would mean a lot if you could become a new member of our team. Perhaps your symbol could even be the word "HAK" just like your shirt."

Timothy can't help but smile at the way Scott brought up his shirt. He turns to Electchu, who already knows what's on his mind before he answers.

"Scott, I'm flattered that you would give me such an offer, but I'm afraid I have to decline," he says. "The Battle Frontier has been a unique experience, to say the least, but winning every single Pokemon League and defeating every single Elite Four and champion has always been my goal. I just can't be satisfied with a role like a Frontier Brain when there's so much that is still left undone."

Scott's smile disappears, and he looks down sadly, disappointed. After a moment, he looks up and smiles.

"I understand," he says. "But if you ever change your mind, the offer is always open."

Timothy smiles back and nods, grateful for the fat man's offer.


After Timothy returns Poliwrath to its Pokeball, Brandon and Scott escort him, Electchu, Coovers, and Looker out of the Battle Pyramid. Samuel is found waiting outside, ready to give the chest containing the Gieldanstone to Looker. Scott wonders why Samuel is giving Looker a chest, but Looker tells him that it was private business, so Scott left it at that.

After a round of goodbyes, Brandon and Samuel go back inside the pyramid, and it flies away while Scott goes in his car and drives off. Once they are completely out of sight, the four men and Electchu walk inside the ruins, where Mewtwo stands there waiting for them. The genetic Pokemon removes the hood on its cloak and looks at Timothy.

"So, you won the battle," it says bluntly. "Since it means you've also finished this so-called Battle Frontier, I suppose congratulations are in order."

"Thanks," Timothy says.

Mewtwo then turns to Looker and looks at the chest he's carrying.

"Is the stone still in there?" It asks.

Looker opens the chest to show the Gieldanstone still shining brightly inside before he closes it.

"Good," Mewtwo says, with a small nod. "And you are sure that your base of operations can protect it?"

"I will do everything in my power to make sure of it," Looker answers. "No person or Pokemon will be able to steal it."

Mewtwo nods again says, "Very well. I'm trusting you to make it so while Team Rocket is in disarray."

"Speaking of Team Rocket, have you thought about joining us to stop them?" Coovers asks. "Maybe we can work together so that Giovanni will be finally stopped."

Mewtwo hesitates with its face still serious looking and says, "Perhaps we can."

Without another word, Mewtwo's eyes glow blue, and it waves its hand. Everyone looks at it confused until a purple, liquid substance suddenly appears in front of Mewtwo. The liquid moves around in the air for a couple of seconds before it merges together and suddenly turns into a solid round stone. Everyone looks at the stone and as it floats into Looker's hands.

"If you are preparing to put an end to Team Rocket once and for all or if Giovanni is trying something just as terrible in his attempts for world domination, you need only to hold this stone in your hand and call out my name," Mewtwo says. "I can't undo the harm I've done in the past, but perhaps by coming to your aid, I can make amends by securing the future for both people and Pokemon."

Looker smiles and nods saying, "Thank you, Mewtwo. I promise when the time comes that we can fully able to legally bring Team Rocket to justice, you will be the first to know."

Mewtwo nods with a small smile on its face before it turns to Timothy, Coovers, and Electchu.

"In the meantime, I suggest that the three of you better return to the Pokemon Center," It says.

"Uh, why?" Coovers asks, confused.

"If I recall correctly, you made a promise to one of Ash and Brock's other friends before you left the Battle Tower, did you not?" Mewtwo says. "I believe she asked you to watch a competition that should have started around now."

Timothy, Coovers, and Electchu look at Mewtwo, confused for a moment before their eyes widen and their pupils shrink in realization.

"The Grand Festival!" Timothy and Coovers shout.

"Raichu!" Electchu shrieks.

"We've been so focused on getting the Gieldanstone that we totally forgot about it!" Coovers exclaims.

"Oh man, I hope Serena and Dawn are still competing, and they'll forgive us for missing some of it," Timothy says with his hand on his forehead.

Looker frowns and asks, "I take it that means you wish to continue traveling, Mr. Woodward?"

Coovers stops panicking for a moment and clears his throat.

"Yes, sir. I would like to continue traveling until after Timothy competes in the Indigo League," he answers.

"I understand and think you've earned a little time off for accomplishing this mission," Looker says before giving Coovers a glare. "But I want a full report when you return, and you'll be further disciplined for your failure to keep your mission a secret. Understood?"

"Yes, sir," Coovers says sadly with a sigh.

Looker nods, satisfied with his agent's response, and turns around to leave when he realizes he forgot something.

"Oh, and Mr. Durbin," he begins, turning around. "I know stopping Team Rocket was your personal reward, but I want to give you something to show our appreciation for your contribution."

"That's not necessary, sir," Timothy says politely.

"Please, I insist," Looker says. "I would be grateful you accept this gift."

Timothy hesitates before turning to Coovers and Electchu, who smile and nod.

"Very well," he says.

Looker smiles and reaches into his coat pocket with one arm while he carries the chest with the other. He takes out a Pokeball that is white on the bottom and purple on the two with two pink circles and a white "M" above the button. Timothy looks confused as he takes the ball and examines it closely.

"You gave me a Pokeball?" He asks, confused.

"Not just any Pokeball," Looker says. "This is a prototype our people at the Silph Company created some time ago. They call it a Master Ball."

"A Master Ball?" Coovers asks.

"Yes. They've only made a couple in the past, and this is the latest one. The theory is that it is powerful enough to capture any Pokemon in the world. The last one they made ended up getting eaten by a Whiscash, so we don't know if this one will work," Looker says. "You don't need to battle against the Pokemon at all. Just throw the Pokeball at it, and you will catch it instantly."

Timothy looks at the ball more intrigued and smirks.

"In that case, I probably won't use it at all unless I see a really rare Pokemon apart from Mewtwo," Timothy says, turning to the psychic-type Pokemon. "I'd consider using it on you, but I imagine you don't want being controlled by another human to be your purpose."

"Much appreciated," Mewtwo says with a respectful nod.

"Well, in any case, let me know if you do use it. The company would love to know if it works," Looker says.

"Sure, I will," Timothy says.

Looker nods and says, "Well, I must be off. Mr. Woodward, I will see you after the Pokemon League, Mr. Durbin, good luck at the league, and Mewtwo, take care."

Timothy, Coovers, Electchu, and Mewtwo all nod before Looker leaves, heading south from the ruins. Once he's out of sight, Timothy turns to Mewtwo.

"Well, we better go too," he says. "I assume you're not leaving until it's dark, Mewtwo?"

"Correct," Mewtwo says with a nod.

"Then we wish you well wherever you go," Coovers says with a smile.

"Raichu," Electchu says with a nod.

"And I you," Mewtwo says with a small smile and a nod.

With that, Timothy, Coovers, and Electchu leave the ruins and begin heading back to the Pokemon Center. As they walk, Timothy holds the Master Ball, and Coovers notices, smirking.

"So a Pokeball that can catch any Pokemon just like that, eh?" He says with a smirk. "Any rare Pokemon that you would particularly like to use it on?"

"No idea," Timothy says. "There are so many rare Pokemon in the world that I don't know what would be the perfect one to use something like this on if it works. Heck, Mewtwo is probably the only one I've ever seen in all my years as a trainer, so who knows if I'll ever see one again."

"Yeah, they are called rare Pokemon for a reason," Coovers admits. "Still, it would be pretty cool to catch one."

"That it would, Coovers. That it would," Timothy says. "Now, let's get going. If we're lucky, we can see recaps of the Grand Festival on our room's TV."

"Raichu," Electchu agrees.

And so, the three of them start running back to the Pokemon Center hoping that they haven't missed too much of the Grand Festival and they can still cheer Dawn and Serena on.

Author's note: Hey, everyone, I hope you're enjoying the story so far. Now I know a lot of people are disappointed that Timothy won against Brandon on the first go and that Brandon didn't use the Golem trio Pokemon. I completely understand the frustration, especially since Timothy is clearly a self-insert character. It's stupid and annoying when people do something like that and it sounds too convenient that my Pokemon didn't have to face Regirock, Regice, and Registeel. But I want to clarify a couple of things. 1) At the end of the Diamond and Pearl episode, Pillars of Friendship, Brandon allowed the Golem trio to be the new pillars that would protect Regigigas, and as far as we know, he left them there for that purpose, making Dusclops, Ninjask, and Solrock the only Pokemon he has left. Ultimately, I didn't leave them out because it was convenient for my battle against Brandon. I did it because it's accurate to the anime which has always been one of my primary objectives for this story. Otherwise, the Regis would definitely have been there. 2) Contrary to understandable belief, I'm not having Timothy always win just because he's me. I know that claim sounds sketchy, but Timothy is in this story for a more special reason that doesn't involve him always winning. Again, clearly sketchy, but you have to trust that I know exactly what I'm for the sake of something you will hopefully find much, much, much, much, MUCH more satisfying than me losing to Brandon ever could have been and also fits into the message behind the story. So I hope this will clarify some things and I hope you will continue to enjoy this story as we reach thr end of the Grand Festival and move on to the Indigo League. And as always, thank you all for reading, The Lord be with you, and have a great day.

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