Chapter 12

It's been a couple of days since Ash and Serena stopped at Viridian City. After they retrieved their Pokemon from Nurse Joy, they continued their journey with Pikachu back on Ash's shoulder. As they walk, Ash becomes eager to prove himself as a trainer more than ever. Serena would often glance at him and smile, pleased to see the boy she cares about looking so fired up again.

Finally, they make their way to Pewter City, and Serena sighs thankfully in relief.

"I'm so glad we made it to the city," she says as she and Ash walk down the city street. "Another day, and we might have run out of food."

"Yeah, going on a journey isn't as easy without Clemont," Ash agrees. "We might have to find a new way to carry supplies before we leave Pewter City since it's going to take a day or so longer to get to Cerulean City."

"Pikachu," Pikachu says.

Serena nods in agreement and says, "Well, I hope eight more days is enough time to prepare for my Pokemon contest debut."

"I'm sure it is," Ash says supportively. "You'll have your first contest ribbon before you know it."

Serena smiles appreciatively of Ash's encouragement. The two trainers and Pikachu continue to walk through the city streets until Serena decides to speak again.

"So, where does your friend, Brock, live?" She asks.

"Not too far from here," Ash answers. "Just a few more blocks, and we'll make it to his family's house, which is right next to the Pewter City Gym."

"And are you sure it was a good idea not to tell him that we're coming before we left Viridian City?" Serena asks, concerned.

"Why wouldn't it be?" Ash asks. "Since I'm challenging the gym leader, I may as well arrive unexpectedly like a normal challenger. Besides, I bet he and his family will love the surprise of seeing Pikachu and me again."

"If you say so," Serena says unconvinced.

The three of them continue to walk until they find the Pewter City gym and a house standing not too far away from it. Serena smiles, admiring the exterior design of the gym as they pass by until the gym door suddenly flies open, and an eleven-year-old boy is running towards Ash, Serena, and Pikachu while carrying a beaten Kakuna.

"Out of the way!" the boy shouts desperately as Ash and Serena move to the sides just in time for the boy to pass by them and run away as fast as his legs can carry him.

"Oh my, did you see how much that poor Kakuna was hurt?" Serena asks, shocked.

"Yeah, looks like Brock and his rock Pokemon got those two pretty good. Right, Pikachu?" Ash says.

"Pika, pika," Pikachu says.

But as they are talking, the doors to the gym open again to reveal a familiar boy exiting the gym and stretching, feeling pleased before noticing the two trainers and smiles excitedly at the sight of Ash and Pikachu.

"Hey, Ash!" He calls out, running toward them, catching Ash's attention.

"Hey, Forrest. How are you?" Ash greets with a smile.

The two boys shake their hands firmly until Forrest notices Serena and looks at her curiously.

"Who is this?" He asks.

"I'm Serena. It's nice to meet you," Serena answers with a friendly smile. "How do you two know each other?"

"Forrest is one of Brock's brothers," Ash answers. "You see, Brock takes care of his siblings while running the gym."

"Actually, I'm the Pewter City Gym leader now," Forrest corrects with a proud stance.

Ash, Serena, and Pikachu stare at Forrest in shock.

"You're the Pewter City gym leader?" Ash asks in disbelief.

"Yup," Forrest answers with a smirk. "After Brock started working to become a Pokemon doctor, it made sense that he ultimately made me the new owner of the gym while he studies and takes care of the rest of our siblings."

"Wow, that's awesome," Ash says. "So, you were the one who just fought that boy's Kakuna just now?"

"I sure was," Forrest answers. "He gave it a good try, but his Beedrill wasn't nearly strong enough to take down my Rhyperior."

"Wow, you have a Rhyperior? That's amazing," Serena says before she realizes something. "Out of curiosity, how many other siblings do you and Brock have?"

Forrest, Ash, and Pikachu look at each other with sinister looks on their faces.

"Maybe you should see for yourself," Forrest answers half-teasingly. "Come on; you guys are just in time for lunch."

"Oh, thank you, but we don't want to impose on short notice," Serena says politely.

"Don't worry, Serena. That won't be a problem," Ash says assuredly as he and Pikachu follow Forrest.

Serena tilts her head in confusion for a moment before she follows the two boys and Pikachu. Once they make it to the front porch of the house, Ash and Forrest quietly chuckle at Serena, making her pout before Forrest opens the door. As soon the four of them enter, Serena stares with her eyes wide open as she sees eight younger kids laughing and running all over the house. Her mouth slowly hangs open as she looks at every little boy and girl that looks almost precisely like Forrest. Ash, Forrest, and Pikachu smirk, amused with the sight of their baffled friend before Forrest calls out.

"Brock, I'm home, and we have guests!"

Forrest, Ash, Serena, and Pikachu wait a moment until the kitchen door bursts open on the other side of the hallway to reveal a young man wearing a pink apron and a Ludicolo standing behind him. The man stares at the direction of the front door for a second before he smiles happily.

"Ash!" He shouts.

He and the Ludicolo run over to the other side, and the man gives Ash a big hug.

"Hey, Brock," Ash says, hugging back. They hold on to their hug for a couple seconds until they separate.

"It's great to see you," Brock says before turning to Serena. "And who is this?"

"I'm Serena," Serena says.

"Serena's a friend of mine from Kalos," Ash says. "We knew each other back when we were little kids."

"Really? Well, it's nice to meet you, Serena," Brock says with a friendly smile.

"Likewise," Serena replies with a friendly smile.

Brock nods before turning to Ash.

"You two are just in time for lunch," he says. "I want to hear what you've been up to and what brings you here."

"You bet," Ash says.

Brock nods again and turns around and shouts, "Salvadore, Yolanda, Tommy, Cindy, Suzie, Timmy, Billy, Tilly, come and eat!"

All the younger children stop running and playing and happily race to the dining room. Brock and Forrest chuckle nervously as they, Ludicolo, Ash, Serena, and Pikachu calmly walk over to the dining room where the kids are already helping themselves to the trays of sandwiches and bowls of stew.

"Hey, take it easy! Leave some for our guests," Forrest rebukes in a big brotherly-like manner.

Ash and Serena chuckle as they find their seats with Forrest while Brock grabs a bowl and pours a large amount of Pokemon food into it and places it in front of Pikachu.

"You sound like Brock when you talk like that, Forrest," Ash says.

"Well, I kinda have to be," Forrest says, rubbing the back of his head. "When Brock was out of town studying to be a doctor, I had to handle both running the gym and keeping things together here. By this point, I've mastered how to look after my siblings just like Brock."

"Really? Where are your parents?" Serena asks, concerned.

"Oh, they've gone on another vacation," Brock grumbles as he sits next to Forrest. "I think they went on a vacation to the Unova region this time."

Serena blinks in disbelief, but Brock smiles, shaking his head.

"Yeah, sadly, we're all used to it," Brock says. "Thankfully, with me, Ludicolo and Forrest here, we have everything under control."

Serena frowns, uneasy to hear how the two boys are handling their eight other siblings alone without their parents. She mentally decides to let it go before helping herself to a small number of sandwiches and some stew. She puts a spoonful of stew in her mouth, which causes her eyes to widen and her pupils to shrink. Everyone turns to Serena, noticing that she is frozen in place. Ash is about to ask if she's okay before she swallows and lets out a blissful sigh.

"Oh, my goodness. That might be the most delicious stew I've ever tasted!" She let out in a high-pitched voice.

Ash sighs, relieved that she's okay while Brock, Forrest, and their siblings laugh in amusement.

"I forgot to mention that Brock is an excellent cook, didn't I?" he says.

"Yes, you did," Serena says after swallowing another spoonful of stew. "Wow, Brock, this stew is amazing."

"Thanks," Brock says, smiling.

The eleven children, the young man, and the Pokemon happily eat for half an hour until all the food is gone. Brock and Forrest's siblings go back to playing while Ash and Serena help Brock and Forrest wash the dishes and clean the table. Once they are done, the four of them decide to sit down at the table to talk.

"So tell me, Ash, what brings you over to Pewter City?" Brock finally asks.

"Well, you see, Serena and I are going on a journey through the Kanto region together," Ash answers. "Serena's going to compete in Pokemon contests to enter the Grand Festival while I'm going to compete in this year's Indigo League."

"Really?" Brock asks, surprised. "But the Kanto league is still a few months away."

"I know," Ash says. "Which brings us to the main reason why we came here. I want to have a battle with you."

Brock looks at Ash, confused.

"You came here to have a battle with me?" he asks. "Why?"

"You see, I'm going on this journey to show how I've become much stronger as a trainer than when I first went on my journey through the Kanto region," Ash explains. "And since I didn't earn some of my badges the traditional way, Serena suggested that I have a battle with all the gym leaders that I got a gym badge without winning a Pokemon battle."

'Hmmm, I see," Brock says while scratching his chin in thought. "Though you do realize I'm no longer the owner of the Pewter City Gym, right?"

"I know," Ash says. "But it would mean a lot if I could have a battle with you. I've become so much stronger since our journey in the Sinnoh region. I even made it to the finals at the Kalos League."

"Wow. That's amazing," Brock says with both him and Forrest looking at Ash surprised.

"He sure did," Serena answers with a subtle hint of pride in her voice. "He went up against our friend, Alain, and they fought each other to their last Pokemon."

"Yeah, I just wasn't strong enough to defeat Alain's Charizard," Ash admits with a hint of sadness in his voice. "But I want to become stronger with some of the Pokemon I haven't trained as much as would have liked, and I want to use them to show how much I've grown and finally win the Kanto League. That's why I want to battle you in the Pewter City gym. Please, Brock?"

Brock hesitates, feeling on the spot. He turns to look at Serena, who gives him a pleading look.

"Please, Brock? It would mean a lot to both of us if you battle Ash," she says.

Brock stares at the honey blonde girl and tilts his head slightly. He mentally wonders what she meant by both of them before deciding to put it in the back of his mind and turn to Forrest.

"What do you think?" he asks.

Forrest thinks for a moment before he smiles at his older brother.

"I say go for it," he says. "In fact, you should have a two-on-two battle just like when Ash first came here to get his first badge."

Brock stares at his brother for a moment before he smiles and nods in agreement.

"Okay then," he says, standing up. "Ash Ketchum, I accept your challenge."

"Alright!" Ash says excitedly, standing up.

"Pi, Pikachu!" Pikachu shouts.

"That's great. Thank you, Brock," Serena says appreciatively.

Brock turns to Serena and gives her a respectable nod before turning back to Ash.

"Let's head over to the Pewter City Gym," he says. "And let's take my other siblings over with us to watch."

"Good idea," Ash says, smiling.

Brock nods in approval before he smirks and says, "Just so you know, Ash, I'm not going to take it easy on you. I'm going to treat you just like any other challenger."

"That's what I'm counting on," Ash says with a confident smirk.


Brock and Forrest's siblings were instantly excited to hear that they are going to watch Ash and Brock battle again. Serena, and Brock and Forrest's siblings walk up to the balcony above the battlefield while Ash and Brock stand on opposite sides of the field with Pikachu standing next to Ash. Forrest stands in the middle of the sidelines and raises his right arm.

"This will be a two-on-two battle between Brock and Ash!" he announces. "The battle will be over when both Pokemon from either side are unable to battle! Furthermore, the rules will be like a normal gym battle, so only Ash can substitute Pokemon!"

"Go, Brock!" All of Brock and Forrest's siblings shout.

"Come one, Ash! You can win this, no doubt!" Serena shouts encouragingly.

"Right," Ash says, smirking at Serena before turning to Brock. "Ready when you are, Brock!"

"Right," Brock says with a nod before taking out a Pokeball and throws it toward the field. "Geodude, go!"

The Pokeball opens to reveal a Geodude looking ready for battle. Ash smirks before he thinks deep in thought.

"Let's see. Oshawott might be the best choice to start since it's a water type, but I want to use someone a little less obvious," he thinks. "And I think I know who to choose."

"Quilava, I choose you!" Ash shouts as he throws a Pokeball into the air, and it opens to reveal Quilava.

"Ah, Quilava. It's been a long time since I last saw you," Brock says with a warm smile. "But let's see how much you have improved since then."

Forrest nods in approval before he raises his arm again and shouts, "Battle begin!"

"Alright. Quilava, let's start things up with Flamethrower!" Ash shouts.

"Geodude, use Gyro Ball to deflect it!" Brock orders.

"What?" Ash and Serena say simultaneously.

Quilava shoots a Flamethrower out of its mouth, heading straight for Geodude, but Geodude merely smirks and spins its body into a Gyro Ball, which knocks the fire Pokemon's attack away. Ash, Serena, and Pikachu stare in shock while Brock, Forrest, and their siblings smile confidently.

"But how?" Ash asks in shock.

"What can I say? I have been working on thinking outside the box like you, Ash," Brock answers. "Now, Geodude, use Dig!"

Geodude nods and digs its way deep into the ground. Quilava looks around desperately to find its opponent. Unfortunately, before Ash could give it another command, Geodude emerges from the field and hits Quilava, causing the fire Pokemon to fly into the air and land on the ground with a thud.

"Quilava, are you alright?" Ash asks.

Quilava groans for a moment before it slowly gets up and takes another fighting stance.

"Quilava!" it shouts, pumped.

"Awesome," Ash says. "Now, let's counter with another Flamethrower."

"Dodge and use dig again!" Brock shouts.

Geodude digs in the ground again just in time before Quilava's Flamethrower hits. Ash clenches his teeth together and thinks hard until he gets an idea.

"Quilava, use Flame Wheel to protect yourself," He orders.

Quilava turns to Ash and nods before it jumps into the air, ignites the flames on its head and tail, and cloaks itself in a ball of fire. Geodude suddenly emerges from the ground and rams Quilava, but the Flame Wheel shields Quilava from most of the impact and hurts Geodude.

"Now, Quilava, use Eruption!" Ash shouts.

Quilava charges and runs underneath Geodude. The flames on its head and tail ignite again, but this time the flames are bigger. Quilava takes a big, deep breath and fires a geyser of fire right at Geodude, who helplessly watches as the attack hit it, causing an explosion. Everyone covers their eyes until the smoke clears to see Geodude lying on the ground with swirls on its eyes.

"Geodude is unable to battle!" Forrest announces. "Quilava wins!"

"Alright. Way to go, Quilava!" Ash shouts.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu shouts.

"Quilava!" the volcano Pokemon says triumphantly.

"Alright! Way to go, Ash and Quilava!" Serena shouts happily from the balcony.

Brock merely nods before returning Geodude in its Pokeball.

"Nice job, Ash, but now it gets harder," he says before taking out another Pokeball. "Steelix, go!"

He throws the Pokeball, and it opens to reveal a Steelix. The iron snake Pokemon roars, ready for battle, but Ash's keeps on smirking as he turns to Quilava.

"Alright, let's keep up the offense with another Eruption," he orders.

Quilava nods before charging at Steelix with the flames on its head and tail growing bigger again. It fires another geyser of fire at Steelix, but Brock merely smirks.

"Steelix, use Gyro Ball to deflect it," he commands.

Steelix roars and spins into a Gyro Ball, which protects itself from the Eruption, much to Ash's frustration.

"Now use Rock Throw," Brock commands.

Steelix roars and slams its tail into the ground, making rocks fly towards Quilava.

"Use Flame Wheel to dodge and then attack Steelix," Ash orders.

Quilava jumps in the air and covers itself in another ball of fire. It then uses the move to roll away, dodge the rocks and hit Steelix square on its iron body. Steelix groans in pain while Brock frowns and thinks about what to do next.

"Good thinking, Ash," he compliments. "But I think it's time Steelix and I really rock this place."

Brock takes off his shirt and vest as quick as a flash and Ash, Pikachu and Serena stare at him confused until they look closely and see that he's wearing a necklace with a familiar stone attached to it.

"That's a keystone," Serena says in realization.

"It sure is," Brock says proudly. "Now, it's high time to show you the might of rock Pokemon together with Steelix and me."

Brock grabs the necklace firmly, and the stone begins to glow. Ash and Serena look to see a glowing Steelixite on Steelix's forehead. With a bright light that causes everyone to cover their eyes, Steelix transforms into Mega Steelix and roars proudly.

"Now Mega Steelix, use Stone Edge," Brock commands.

Mega Steelix slams its tail into the ground, causing multiple jagged light blue spiked stones come out of the ground. The stones appear so quickly that Quilava only has a moment to realize what is happening before it is suddenly hit. It flies into the air and crashes onto the ground with swirls in its eyes.

"Quilava is unable to battle! Mega Steelix wins!" Forrest declares.

Ash sighs and puts Quilava back in its Pokeball.

"Okay, so who to choose next?" He asks himself. "I still want to go with someone less obvious than Oshawott, but I really should use a Pokemon that is weak against a steel and ground type Pokemon... or maybe just one of those types."

He takes out a Pokeball and throws it shouting, "Snivy, I choose you!"

The ball opens to reveal Snivy looking ready to battle.

"A Snivy. I take it you caught it in the Unova region?" Brock asks, amused.

"Sure did," Ash says proudly.

"Wait, I'm confused," one of Brock and Forrest's brothers, Salvadore says, scratching his head. "Why would Ash pick Snivy? It's really small, and it's a grass type which Mega Steelix is only half weak against because it's a steel and ground type."

Serena smiles, cutely at the little boy, and says, "Don't worry. One thing I've learned about Ash is that size and type doesn't always matter to him. In fact, I'm willing to bet he knew what he was doing when he picked Snivy."

"Battle continue!" Forrest announces.

"Right," Ash says. "Snivy, use Leaf Storm!"

Snivy jumps into the air and fires multiple glowing green leaves at Steelix.

"Deflect them with Gyro Ball, then use Stone Edge," Brock commands.

Just like before, Mega Steelix roars and spins into a Gyro Ball, which protects itself from the Leaf Storm. Then, it slams its tail into the ground, causing multiple jagged light blue spiked stones come out of the ground.

"Use Leaf Blade to cut through that Stone Edge!" Ash shouts.

Snivy's tail glows green, and it jumps up in the air to cut the final blue spike in half.

"Steelix, use Bind!" Brock orders suddenly.

Snivy and Ash only have a minute before Mega Steelix suddenly appears in front of Snivy and wraps its iron body around it. Snivy squeaks in pain while Ash grinds his teeth again.

"Snivy, use Vine Whip on Mega Steelix's head," he orders.

A pair of green vines come out from both sides of Snivy's neck and start whipping at Mega Steelix's head viciously. The large iron snake Pokemon grunts and flinches, but it still keeps its firm grip on the small grass Pokemon. Ash's heart slowly begins to sink as he realizes how much Snivy is in trouble.

"Don't give up, Ash!" Serena suddenly calls out. "You can do this! You and Snivy are not out yet! I believe in you two!"

Brock turns to see Serena from the balcony looking at Ash so determinedly. He tilts his head slightly to see a hint of plea in her eyes. He mentally wonders about the way she's acting when Ash suddenly snaps his fingers, bringing Brock back to the battle.

"I got it," Ash says. "Snivy, use Attract!"

Snivy stops grunting and winks at Mega Steelix, releasing several pink hearts that surround the iron snake Pokemon. The hearts then circle around and shrink into Mega Steelix's body, causing it to fall in love with Snivy.

"Uh oh," Brock says in realization. "Mega Steelix, snap out of it!"

But despite his efforts, it is no use. Mega Steelix's eyes turn into hearts, and it loosens its grip on Snivy, making Ash smirk

"Alright, Snivy, use multiple Vine Whips to break yourself free," Ash orders.

Two vines come out from both sides of Snivy's neck again and start smacking Mega Steelix on the head repeatedly. The iron snake Pokemon grunts in pain and slowly loosens its grip until Snivy is free.

"Don't let up. Use Leaf Blade!" Ash orders.

Snivy's tail glows green again, and it jumps high into the air and starts repeatedly hitting Mega Steelix on the head with Leaf Blade. But despite all the hits on the head, Mega Steelix is still in love with Snivy.

"Finish it off with Leaf Storm!" Ash shouts.

Snivy jumps into the air and fires multiple glowing green leaves at Mega Steelix. This time, the attack hits and sends the iron snake Pokemon flying into the air, causing it to fall into the ground with an earth-shaking thud. Everyone stares at where it landed formal until the dust clears to reveal a large crater where Steelix has returned to its normal form unconscious.

"Steelix is unable to battle," Forrest announces. "Snivy is the winner, and so the victory goes to Ash, the challenger."

Brock and Forrest's siblings "aw" sadly on the balcony while Serena claps her hands and shouts, "Yay, Ash and Snivy!" while Pikachu cheers next to her. Brock sighs and puts Steelix back in its Pokeball.

"Alright!" Ash says happily. "Way to go, Snivy!"

"Snivy," Snivy says proudly before it suddenly glows white.

Everyone looks at Snivy, surprised. The grass Pokemon grows a couple more inches before it stops flashing to reveal that it has turned into a Servine.

"Seeeerrrr," the pokemon calls out proudly.

"Alright, Snivy evolved into Servine," Ash says excitedly.

"Wow, a Servine," Serena says, amazed as she opens her Pokedex.

"Servine, the grass snake Pokemon and the evolved form of Snivy," her Pokedex says. "Servine whips its opponents with vines and dodges their attacks by hiding in the shadows of thick foliage."

"Nice job, Ash," Brock says as he walks over to Ash and Servine. "You have learned a lot from last time. That was a great battle."

"Thanks, Brock," Ash says as he takes out Servine's Pokeball and returns it.

"So, are you going to Cerulean City to have a rematch with Misty?" Brock asks.

"Yup," Ash answers. "And for Serena's debut as a coordinator."

Brock raises an eyebrow at the mention of Serena. He briefly glances at the honey blonde girl who is watching him and Ash from the balcony with a happy smile on her face and turns to Ash.

"Well, then why don't you stay at our place tonight before you go?" Brock asks. "I'll make a big dinner with Ludicolo, and you guys could stay in our guest rooms."

"That would be great. Thanks," Ash says with a smile. "I'm always down for your cooking, Brock."

Brock nods in approval, and the two of them proceed to exit the gym with Forrest following behind them and Serena, Pikachu, and the younger kids come down from the balcony and follow them. But as they walk, Brock continues to glance at Serena and begins to think skeptically about her friendship with Ash.

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