Episode 5 Filo

(A/n: Just a small note but when we get passed the Pope Fight I'm gonna Make y/n become More friendly To the other heroes and vice versa)

We cut To a Fancy looking room where we servants helping a woman with purple Hair. A woman in the mask Is speaking with her.

Queen Mirellia: is that what the kings Been up two?

The mask figure then spoke.

The shadow: malty-Sama must of talked him into it.

As a servant helps her with her dress the queen speaks again.

Queen mirellia: And how has the shield hero been holding up.

The shadow: He procured a slave girl from a slave trader but my queen he has the Powers of him.

Queen mirellia Turns and looks where the shadow is with a face of intrigue.

Queen mirellia: is that so? Interesting.

Queen mirellia's face then turned into a tired one.

Queen mirellia: however news Melromarc summoning the four Heroes is making waves here as well. We must prevent Prevent our neighbors from meddling No matter what.

The masked woman spoke again.

Shadow: We will Continue to keep eyes on the capital.

Queen mirellia: I'm counting on you.

As the shadow disappears We see Queen mirellia Is in a kingdom that has what looks like steam power and British uniformed Guards with muskets.

(Scene shift to Melromarc)

We see y/n Motoyasu Ren and Itsuki all standing in front of the king with there parties off to the side. King Melromarc speaks.

King Melromarc: as a reward for your efforts during the wave and for fulfilling my request. Motoyasu-Dono will receive 4.000 silvers (a servant hands him the silver) Itsuki and ren-Dono will revive 3.800 (same as Motoyasu) and as agreed upon. I have set 500 silver aside for the shield.

Y/n Opens his hands for the bag to be dropped but it's pulled away by the servant. King Melromarc continues.

King Melromarc: since it's offset by the cost of freeing his slave from her curse. He will receive no fund this time.

Raphtalia and y/n both have glares at the king but surprisingly Itsuki speaks up.

Itsuki: I don't think that's not gonna fly.

Everyone turns towards Itsuki surprised.

Itsuki: You interfered in his duel dispelled the...slave crest was it? And now you refuse to pay him what he deserves?

Ren then speaks up.

Ren: he's right.

Motoyasu Stares at Ren feeling betrayed. Ren just looks back.

Ren: If they didn't interfere in Your duel y/n would have won.

Motoyasu: Wha...I didn't lose!

Just As Motoyasu Says this the queen bitch her self Speaks.

Malty: Your mistaken Itsuki-sama ren-sama. It was a one on one duel and the shield hero was the one who summoned monsters to attack him. That is why father didn't declare him the vict-

Itsuki then interrupted her (a/n: how does it feel bitch.)

Itsuki: wrong I used my analyst Skill And saw that was one of his Abilities so it was you who cheated by shooting a spell at him.

(Flashes to y/n and motyasu's fight then we get to the point where y/n in build armor is about to finish Motoyasu)

Y/n: then I hope this attack doesn't hit your "spear".

Suddenly y/n is knocked down by a Burst of wind launched by Malty.

(End of flash one and entering flash two where we see y/n in lute village in Both Build form and shield form battling another build and other monsters.)

Ren: besides when the wave hit it was y/n who defended the villagers in the knights stead.

(End of flash)

Ren: So I believe y/n should be compensated in some way.

Malty Looks pissed as the king Just does a low effort movement with his hand.

King Melromarc: very well I shall afford him the minimum agreed amount.

As the money goes is handed to y/n he contemplates Taking the money Harshly but decided against it and just lets the servant hand him his money. The king then speaks again.

King Melromarc: You have the money so begon with you!

Y/n's Lid is about to pop but Raphtalia places her arm out in front of him.

Raphtalia: isn't it great y/n-Sama?

She then glares at malty and king Melromarc as she grabs y/n's hand.

Raphtalia: We don't have to waste our time in this place anymore.

Malty and king Melromarc Look at her with distain and the others in the room look shocked that she would say that. Meanwhile y/n just smiles at her.

Y/n: Right...Lets go Raphtalia.

Both y/n and Raphtalia Walk towards the exit but as There About to leave they join hands. What they didn't know Is Motoyasu Watched with jealousy.....ok well maybe y/n did.

(Cue intro)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

We open back up Now at the slave tent were y/n and Raphtalia's journey began. It is there we see y/n sitting in a chair as Raphtalia gets her slave crest returned. As the slave trader finish's he speaks.

Trader: there she has a new slave crest.

Y/n then lets out a sigh before smiling at Raphtalia.

Y/n: you know you didn't have to get a new one talia.

Raphtalia then looks towards y/n with a smile.

Raphtalia: but I wanted it as a symbol of your faith in me.

Y/n Just sighs again.

Y/n: if you think so.

As the slave trader Puts his stuff away. Raphtalia speaks again.

Raphtalia: a-anyway y/n-sama.

Raphtalia then looks towards the side With a blush as she points towards her Slave crest....And her cleavage.

Raphtalia: um what do you think?

As Y/n looks with a blush. he feels his nose start bleeding he quickly Turns around And uses a rag he has to Wipe it away while also sneakily Dropping some of the slave Ink into his shield. He turns back to Raphtalia.

Y/n: it looks great.

Raphtalia Just giggles at y/n trying to hide his nose bleed. The slaver trader then speaks.

Trader: still...

Y/n turns to the slave trader who walks up up to Raphtalia.

Trader: I'm amazed you help this scrawny bag of bones grow so much in such short time.

The trader turns towards y/n with his two fingers up.

Trader: even if she's not a virgin she's guaranteed to fetch you twenty gold pieces.

Raphtalia looks embarrassed and annoyed.

Raphtalia: I am a virgin!

The slave trader then gets closer to y/n now holding up three fingers. While Raphtalia looks at y/n.

Trader: thirty five then!

Y/n then places his hand On his head faking a think about it.

Y/n: thirty five gold pieces Huh?

Raphtalia with her tail all bushy and a annoyed look on her face.

Raphtalia: Y/n-sama!

Y/n realized He fucked up a little bit so to draw the attention away from him He looks over to see some eggs. Y/n grew Genuinely curious at the eggs.

Y/n: what are those?

The slave trader turns to them with his ever lasting grin.

Trader: a monster egg lottery pay 100 silver and your guaranteed at least Filolial! You will gain a chick if you raise it well.

Y/n looks confused.

Y/n: a filolial?

Raphtalia who seemed to get over the discussion from earlier notices y/n's confusion.

Raphtalia: You must have seen them around.

Y/n turns towards her as she continues.

Raphtalia: They're those large birds that pull those carriages Around town.

(Flashs of y/n seeing various ones around where he's been)

Y/n: oh those things?

The slaver trader then speaks up hype as hell.

Trader: and what's more if you hit the jackpot! You will win a dragon worth twenty gold pieces!

Y/n then sweat drops as he gets flash backs of every gatcha game he ever played.

Y/n: so it's like a Gotcha game.

Raphtalia looks confused and tilts her head slightly.

Raphtalia: Whats a Gotcha game?

Y/n: it's nothing.

The slave trader then puts the eggs in-front of y/n.

Trader: So would you like to give it a shot? act now and I'll give you the package deal for that and the slave crest.

(Scene shift)

We now see y/n holding A carrier with a egg in it like his life depended on it. while Raphtalia follows him she looks at the egg then back towards y/n

Raphtalia: you really shouldn't waste money like that y/n-sama.

Y/n then looks towards her with a smile.

Y/n: well I figured If I was gonna get a egg I might as well Be guaranteed something you know and hey Maybe they can fight with us.

Raphtalia looks at y/n.

Raphtalia: but we fight together just fine!

Y/n: if that's so then we can sell it back to the slave trader.

Y/n and Raphtalia make it to a medicine shop where y/n got some tools for medicine from. As y/n walks him The old store clerk sees him and places a book on his desk. Y/n looks down at it before looking back at the elderly man.

Y/n: what's this?

Elder: Some Relatives of mine in lute village asked me to help you out.

Raphtalia places a hand by her mouth and whispers to y/n.

Raphtalia: think it was someone you saved back then?

Y/n: who really knows.

The elderly man then explains What the book has in it.

Elder: This Book has recipes For the finer medicines than you bring me.

Y/n looks down and tries to read it but.....he can't

Y/n: *well that sucks I can't read.*

The elderly then seems to remember something.

Elder: oh yeah the old hag at the magic shop wants to see you too.

Y/n: for what reason?

Elder:It's for a similar reason Says you saved her grandkid In lute village.

When y/n & Raphtalia enters The magic shop we're the shop owner Offers to read there magic affinities.
As she's reading y/n's she has a impressed look on her face.

Witch: Wow I'm impressed It seems you have a affinity for all Magic's but mostly in Healing and time and other support Magic's Shield Hero. And the lady has dark and light magic affinities. She is half raccoon after all.

Y/n is surprised to hear he has affinity with all Magics and thinks for a moment.

Y/n:*So certain types of Demi humans Has different affinity's?*

His drain of thought is stopped by the shop owner.

Witch: in which case..

The magic shop owner then opens a Open the drawer and grabs a book & a....Ridewatch?

Y/n: Sorry we don't have money for a magic grimoire or that watch.

The magic shop owner smiled and waved him off.

Witch: There both free as thanks for saving my grandkid. In fact I would have loved to give you this crystal ball in stead.

Y/n and Raphtalia stare at the ball As the she continues.

Witch: don't you know? If you use a crystal ball you can learn ones magic that's sealed in it.

Y/n: that's the first I heard of it.

The magic shop owner looks confused.

Witch: but I heard they ordered a bunch of them for the heroes.

Y/n then lets out a tired sigh. As Raphtalia pats his back.

Y/n: they probably Gave them all of them.

Y/n picks up the ridewatch and the book. As he opens the book The shop owner continues.

Witch: learning from a Grimoire is hard but if you keep at it you can learn as much magic as you want! Do your best!

Y/n and Raphtalia smile.

Y/n: thank you.

Y/n then looks at the ridewatch and turns it To show it a face And presses to button to say its name.

Ridewatch: wizard!

(Shift scene)

We see y/n with all four of his ride watch out (a/n:zio counts as one) and his shield turned into its Shield watch form sitting under a tree with the egg and Raphtalia sitting at both his sides as he tries to read the grimoire.

Y/n: yeah it's official I can't read this. I really wish there was a skill to translate books for me.

Raphtalia: lets learn together then.

Y/n looks at her confused.

Y/n: what language and magic.

Raphtalia lets out a small giggle before standing up.

Raphtalia: well yes.

She then walks infront of y/n and places her hands gently on His face. Y/n blushes as Raphtalia smiles.

Raphtalia: Key word is Together.

Y/n shakes his head And looks her in the eye with a smile.

Y/n: alright let's do this. *theres more than a month until the next wave so that should give us a lot of time.*

After giving Raphtalia a peck on the lips Causing her to let go of y/n as she has a huge blush on her face. Y/n picks up his ride watch's and places them in his bag and picks up the egg. He turns towards the now recovering Raphtalia.

Y/n: Cmon lets go spend the night at lute village and then tomorrow we will get our levels Up after some breakfest.

Raphtalia Gets up with a smile.

Raphtalia: ok!

(Scene shift)

We open back in lute village now being early in the morning.

Y/n nudges Raphtalia's arm.

Y/n: hey wake up talia!

Raphtalia gets up slowly and sees y/n now standing in-front of the egg. She and y/n watch in awe as the egg finally hatches to reveal a Cute pink colored bird.

Filolial: filo Fi fi!

The little bird then flys up and lands on y/n's snuggling into it. Raphtalia Smiles at the small bird.

Raphtalia: it's so cute Y/n-Sama!

As the bird continues to nuzzle y/n's Head Raphtalia Brings her hand up to the bird. The bird sees Raphtalia's hand and Nuzzles into that As well.

Raphtalia: she must think we're her parents.

Y/n: so it imprinted on both of us huh?

Raphtalia Looks at y/n with a smile.

Raphtalia: We got to think of a name for her.

(Cue a montage of Y/n and Raphtalia raising The Filolial up until it's fully grown where y/n starts to ride it but it takes off causing y/n to fall off of her as she runs off into the a bunch of shrubs.)

We see y/n Raphtalia and the now fully grown Filolial in a Stable. Raphtalia looks in awe at her.

Raphtalia: wow I can't believe she grew that much in just two days!

Y/n smiles at Raphtalia as she pets the Filolial.

Y/n: my growth Boost skill probably Helped with that.

Y/n then goes over and pets the Filolial as well.

Y/n: isn't that right Filo?

Raphtalia then stops petting Filo and turns towards y/n with a Amused smile.

Raphtalia: you named her Filo as in filolial isn't that a little lazy?

Y/n: but she seems happy With the name though.

Suddenly they hear Villager from lute village speak.

Villager: hey why are the knights here?

Y/n and Raphtalia Walk our of the stables along with filo And see everyone in lute village looking at Some knights along with Motoyasu & queen of bitches her self malty who is holding a scroll.

Malty: in light of his exploits During the last wave. The spear hero Motoyasu-sama has been appointed Ruling lord of Of this region.

Motoyasu Just stares at the people with a prideful grin. Y/n just face palms as malty continues.

Malty: To help with the rebuilding Efforts. We've Decided to levy a toll. Fifty Silver to enter the village & fifty to exit.

The villagers were understandably Kinda pissed off.
Villager: that's absurd!
Villager2: we won't even have anything to eat tomorrow!

Malty glares at the villagers.

Malty: you wish to defy your lords orders!

Everyone then hears Familiar sound that causes the villagers to smile while malty And Motoyasu to grimace.

Ziku driver: Kamen rider zio!.....Armor Time! (Techno music)

They all look over and see y/n in zio armor standing under a magical symbol which lowers onto him until it hits his chest then out of the Symbol armor pieces attach to him.

Ziku driver: Please....Wizard!~

(A/n: Unnecessary henshin for the win)

Y/n then points At malty. Who looks surprised y/n was there.

Y/n: even though it sounds cheesy I would dare to defy The "Lords" orders.

Malty: the shield hero? Your still here? This is motoyasu-Sama's domain now.

Malty then gains a snobbyer (is that even a word) look on her face.

Malty: you have no right to question him in fact leave this instant Criminal Scum!

Y/n then shakes his head while shrugging his shoulders.

Y/n: even if I did leave the villagers would not accept the unfair toll you have in mind.

Motoyasu looks at y/n confused.

Motoyasu: unfair tax?

Y/n then points At Motoyasu. Startling the spear hero.

Y/n: Motoyasu! Do you know how much it costs to spend a night at a inn here?

Motoyasu Looks away embarrassed.

Motoyasu: Well u-uhh...

Y/n then shakes his head.

Y/n: Of course you don't. You probably stay at the castle or get into inns for free with the help of that bitch that's right next to you. If you must know it's one silver a night Food included so if you run the math right your making them pay you for what would be a hundred nights worth of money just to leave and enter!

The villagers took in what y/n said and started to Voice more of there complaints.

Villager: Yeah! yeah!
Villager2: Besides You can't just come in here and call your self our lord!
Villager3: and it was the shield king who defended this village from the wave!

Malty got more and more pissed while Motoyasu Looked unsure.

Malty: you dare complain about a royal decree!

She then points her hand up And the knights point there spears at The villagers. Y/n quickly jumps over The villagers and lands infront of a knights Spear causing said knight to step back in fear.
Y/n looks towards malty as some flames slowly appear on his shield. (A/n: not the curse Shield)

Y/n: Call them off now!

As malty was about to order them to attack. (A/n: But we all know that would end in a loss for them at this point) when suddenly three masked Woman then Drop down infront of her. Malty looks actually frightened by there appearance.

Shadow: I'm sure you know why we are here Malty-sama.

Malty: why are you people here?!

Shadow: for you.

The shadow then hands malty A scroll and then disappear as fast as they came. Raphtalia makes It to then finally makes it to the front of the crowd along with filo. Raphtalia looks at y/n confused.

Raphtalia: Who are they Y/n-sama?

Y/n shrugs.

Y/n: to honest I don't have a clue but they must be important.

Malty glares down at the scroll.

Malty: how could this be?

She then closes the Scroll and points at y/n.

Malty: Shield Hero! Fight us for the right to rule this village!

Y/n then gets in A fighting stance ready to brawl.

Y/n: alright I'm ready for what ever you will throw at me!

Malty then smirks.

(Scene shift)


All the villagers and Raphtalia Stare at y/n (who has dehenshined) in shock as he stubbornly shakes his head no. The lord of the village speaks while looking at y/n pleadingly.

Lord: But if We lose this the village will fall into the spear hero's hands! As current lord even I can't Accept further taxation at this time!

Y/n then looks off to the side with his arms crossed.

Y/n: But why can't any of you do it?

Lord: Because they asked you too and besides We don't have the right to Challenge a Hero.

Y/n sighs and rubs a hand through his hair before speaking again.

Y/n: Well considering malty's reaction the scroll probably said something she didn't like.

Raphtalia: So she challenged You to take her frustration out on you?

Y/n and Raphtalia Stop when they hear The what sounds like Angry koos Coming From filo. They look over and see filo glaring at the dragon like it owes her silver. The lord of the village Notices this and decides to comment on it.

Lord: your Filolial seems up for it.

Y/n just holds his head In irritation.

Y/n: God dammit what's wrong with her?

Raphtalia then Tilts her head slightly with a thinking look on her face.

Raphtalia: So it's true that filolials and dragons don't get along.

The villagers then bow to y/n.

Lord: Please Shield King! We promise you a reward for winning!

Y/n then lets out a tired sigh as he stands up straight and looks off to the side.

Y/n: Fine but listen I'm not responsible For what happens if I lose alright.

(Scene shift)

We now see Everyone has moved to Out side the village Where we see the outskirts of the village is a complete circle around the entire village. Motoyasu walks Up to y/n who is currently petting filo.

Motoyasu: So lame.

Y/n looks over at Motoyasu Clearly Not amused. Motoyasu continues.

Motoyasu: And it's a bird and not a dragon.

Y/n shifts his eye over and he sees Filo's eye twitch. Motoyasu in the other hand...is completely oblivious.

Motoyasu: how are you going to race my dragon with this?


Filo nut kicks Motoyasu Into the far air. Motoyasu's Expression stays the same while he's flying in the air. Eventually he lands in a pile of hay head first much to the horror of Malty. Motoyasu face turns visible blue as he holds his crotch in pain.

Malty: Motoyasu-Sama!

Malty turns to some of the knights.

Malty: Healing magic quickly!

Knight: r-right away!
Knight 2: Damn that's gonna bruise.

Malty turns towards y/n with a glare.

Malty: You Cheater!

Raphtalia winced at what happened. She turns towards y/n and sees His laughing his ass off while being held up by filo who also seemed to be happy. Y/n steadies himself and a tear that appeared from how hard he laughed and speaks.

Y/n: it's was his fault for getting two close.

Raphtalia smiles at y/n's genuine happiness at the situation.

Raphtalia: *It's good to see y/n smile so much but..*

Raphtalia then gains A thinking look on her face.

Raphtalia: *I wonder why he didn't want to race?*

Y/n then gets Onto filo's Back And the still in pain Motoyasu Gets on his dragon. The lord speaks.

Lord: the course will be three laps around the out skirts of this village. Whoever reaches this gate first will be declared the winner. Malty yells out of Motoyasu.

Malty: Motoyasu-Sama!

Raphtalia screams out words of encouragement To y/n.

Raphtalia: Good luck Y/n-Sama!

The lord raises his hands.

Lord: on your marks....

Everyone is silent.

Lord: START!

Both y/n and Motoyasu And there mounts Move down the dirt path at high speeds! Quickly y/n & Filo gets the lead Against Motoyasu and his dragon. Y/n peaks back at Motoyasu for a second before gaining a confident smile.

Y/n: Piece of cake!

Filo lets out a Happy Yelp.

As the race continues filo kicks up dust from how fast she is blinding Motoyasu for a second. Y/n looks back again and smirks. But unknown to y/n a Knight casts a spell in secret.

Knight: as a source of power I order thee Decipher the laws of nature and create a pit infront of me.

Just then a hole in the ground appeared in front y/n.

Knight: Earth hole!

Y/n gains a shocked look and both he and filo slide across the ground From filo tripping. Motoyasu Gets past y/n. While malty smirks.

Villager: No! the shield king!

Raphtalia: Filo!

Malty Waves at Motoyasu Who Is about to pass her.

Malty: Motoyasu-sama

Motoyasu look at her and winks. Malty gains a smile but is then Hit by a dust cloud from a now Back up y/n and filo. Y/n and filo catch up to Motoyasu In no time at all. Malty glares at y/n before looking at a another knight. The knight nods his head and disappears.

As y/n&Filo are about to pass a hidden knight casts a another spell.

Knight: As a source of power I order thee decipher the laws of nature And slow my target. Speed down!

Y/n and filo are then covered in a purple aura which causes them both to Get passed by Motoyasu. As he passes his Dragon tail whips Filo in the face causing her & y/n to fall back farther. Y/n glares at Motoyasu.

Y/n: Cmon filo lets do this!

Filo who looks pissed now Moves faster than She did previously. Causing Giant Explosions of dirt to Flu up to the sky. Motoyasu looks behind him shocked as y/n And filo appear behind him and are gaining fast. Motoyasu Looks forward frustrated.

Motoyasu: what are you doing? Run faster!

Then Before he can Say anything else Y/n and filo pass him again. And they pass by everyone Raphtalia screams out.

Raphtalia: Filo! One last Lap!

Malty lets out a scream of frustration.

Malty: Accursed beast!

And again as when the racers get to a certain point a hidden knight Casts a spell.

Knight: as a source of power I order thee decipher the laws of nature and hasten My target. Faster speed!

Suddenly Motoyasu and his dragon are covered in a green aura and speed up to the point where there in front of y/n & filo. Motoyasu steers his dragon to infront of y/n blocking him from passing.

Y/n: *Dammit he's blocking us!*

Y/n then sees the hole from before Was coming up.

Y/n:*and that damn whole is coming up if I don't Find a way past Am gonna...*

(Suddenly We get a flash Of why y/n didn't want to race and the answer is.....a montage of him losing anything that involves racing)

Y/n shakes his head his determination To Win and break his streak of losing.

Y/n: Let's do this Filo!

As there about to pass Motoyasu. A new whole appears but y/n was planning for this.

Y/n: No you don't! Air strike shield!

A air strike shield then appears Over the hole. Filo steps on the shield and pushes Causing her to fly past Motoyasu. As y/n & filo are flying above Motoyas. Y/n looks at Motoyasu and flips him the bird while on a bird. When they land they Rush towards the finish line with Motoyasu following Close behind until there now neck and neck.

Raphtalia: y/n-Sama!
Villager: hang in there shield King!

Malty glares at the dragon Motoyasu is riding.

Malty: Go faster!

Meanwhile Villagers All Continue to cheer y/n on.

Villager: Don't let him beat you keep running!

And when they cross the finish line....y/n and filo win by a beak!

(Scene shift)

Y/n rides back into the village with filo with a surprised look on his face.

Y/n: d-did I win?

Y/n then gets office filo as The lord of the village and congratulates y/n.

Lord: Brilliantly done! Now we can rest easy and focus on rebuilding our village!

Suddenly a flash of light purple light flashes behind y/n but he doesn't notice Because he's scratching the back of his head with a grin on his face.

Y/n: Nah don't thank me it was really all filo she was the one who-

Y/n then felt something was different about filo. Y/n turns and sees she's huge now!

Filo lets out a happy cry. Y/n stares in shock at filo's change. He's then knocked out of that shocked By malty's annoying Voice.

Malty: You cheated! You didn't tell us your filolial Was really a massive tub of lard!

Y/n turns towards Malty with a "are you serious" look.

Y/n: Bitch don't ack like I wasn't surprised When she changed just now!

The lord nods his head.

Lord: T-That's right! It only transformed after the race was over.

Y/n then points at Malty And the two knights that are next to her as Raphtalia walks up next to him and filo.

Y/n: your the ones who cheated making holes in the path and all that!

Malty then plays Dumb. She close her eyes and places a hand against her cheek. (A/n: But really she is dumb.)

Malty: holes? do you have any proof?

Just then the shadows appeared Infront of malty again.

Shadow: The shield King is right.

Malty opens her eyes and is shocked that they appeared again.

Shadow: we detected Traces of Magic on the course.

Malty then tries To shift the cheater over....To the person it negatively Effects. She points at y/n.

Malty: i-it was that criminal obviously!

The shadow shakes her head.

Shadow: no while the shield King Can use most magic's The only traces we sense we got from his magic Signature Was his air strike shield. And his Raccoon friend's are light and dark. All magic were different than the ones we found.

Y/n looks at the shadows weirdly.

Y/n: *When did they learn so much about us*

The shadow continues.

Shadow: so it's clear That The spear heroes party cheated.

Malty finally relents.

Malty: f-fine! We shall leave for today!

While malty and the knights walk away. Motoyasu walks up to y/n and Raphtalia from there Left.

Motoyasu: I let you win today. But it won't happen next time! That fats-

Y/n interrupts him with a cheeky smirk.

Y/n: is your crotch ok?

Raphtalia gains a small blush and smacks y/n on the arm while y/n chuckles.

Raphtalia: y/n-sama!

Motoyasu holds his crotch because of some fandom pains.

Motoyasu: a-anyway just you Wait! I'll get you yet!

Raphtalia offers A sorry look as Motoyasu walks away.

Raphtalia: get well soon.

(Scene shift)

Y/n and His party stand infront of the villagers. The lord of the village speaks.

Lord: sir Hero again I thank you so much we don't know how to express our gratitude For everything you have done.

Y/n does a two finger salute before suddenly snapping his fingers.

Y/n: Oh I almost forgot my reward.

The lord of the village then sweat drops.

Lord: we're currently getting money as w-

Y/n then shakes his head with a small smile.

Y/n: No I don't want money one 1st because I would feel bad and 2nd I don't want rumors to go around about me stealing your Rebuild funds.

Raphtalia speaks up.

Raphtalia: nobody in the village would ever say that!

Y/n Just shrugs his shoulders.

Y/n: You never know.

the lord of the village looks confused.

Lord: then what else can we give you?

Y/n gains a thinking face when he's suddenly judged on the head by filo.

Y/n: hm? What is it girl?

Filo then looks towards a old carriage.

(Scene shift)

We now see y/n sitting at the front of the carriage that is now fixed filo pulls the carriage seeming happy as can be.......Raphtalia on the other hand.

Raphtalia: Y-Y/n-sama Can we stop for b-bit.

Y/n stops the wagon. Raphtalia gets out and vomits by a tree.

Y/n:*Huh? she has motion sickness*

(Scene shift)

It's now night time we see y/n helping Raphtalia Lay down.

Raphtalia: sorry to make you do this after you let me rest on the way.

Y/n shakes his Head with a small smile.

Y/n: Nah it's ok but I must warn you we will mostly be Moving by carriage. So I need you to try to get past your Motion sickness.

Raphtalia then smiles with a blush on her face.

Raphtalia: I'll try.

Y/n then gives her a kiss on the forehead. As y/n gets up Raphtalia speaks again.

Raphtalia: Hey y/n.

Y/n looks at her.

Y/n: What is it?

Raphtalia looks over at A still awake filo Who is staring at the fire.

Raphtalia: Filo seems really happy now that she has a carriage to pull.

Filo Lets out a happy Noise. Y/n reaches into his pocket and pulls out a strange Gold bar with some writing engraved on it.

(Flashes over to when the lord of lute village gave him this)

Lord: are you interested in becoming a traveling trader sir hero?

Y/n: a traveling Trader?

The lord Of the village brings out the object.

Lord: If so this. Pass will come in handy. It exempts you from tolls across the country. So you can traverse the roads as you wish. Oh and I almost forgot.

The lord of the village then reaches into his pocket again and hands y/n two ridewatches.

Lord: some of our farmers found them in the forest and after today we realized they were your. We hope they serve you well.

(Flash over)

Y/n: so we can run a traveling business while fighting monsters and leveling up. Plus now I can't wait to test out my new ridewatches. Sounds like we have a plan now.

Raphtalia speaks up.

Raphtalia: I'll do my best to help.

Y/n smiles at Raphtalia.

Y/n: just sleep for now Raphtalia I'll keep watch for now.

Raphtalia nods her head and closes her eyes.

Raphtalia: Okay Goodnight my king.

Y/n smiles at Raphtalia as she falls to sleep. Y/n then looks next to him to see filo moved over to snuggle up next to him. Y/n smiles and snuggles into her feather.

Y/n:*Filo's feathers are really soft*

Y/n slowly closes his Eyes and falls asleep. But before he does he can swear A child's voice.

???: Goodnight papa!

(Scene shift)

Raphtalia: y/n-Sama! Y/n-sama!

Y/n slowly opens his eyes and looks at Raphtalia who is looking down At him with shock. He rubs the back of his head.

Y/n: Sorry Raphtalia Filo's feather were so soft they must have made me fall aslee-

Y/n places his hand Down And he feels something strange on his leg. He looks down and is shocked to see a naked Girl with blond hair. As the girl wakes up y/n gets quickly backs away.

Y/n: What the hell!
Raphtalia: t-that girl....

As the girl stands Raphtalia and y/n both notices the girls has white wings that look similar to filo.
The girl turns towards y/n and Raphtalia and smiles as her wings open wider.

???: Good-morning mama papa!

Y/n and Raphtalia continue to look at the girl in shock. Before looking at each other.

Raphtalia: who is this girl!
Y/n: how should I know!

The girl just continues to smile before saying one last thing before the screen goes black.

Filo: I'm hungry!

(Cue end theme)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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