The Summoning and the Rotten Princess

[A/N: Just so you know, some things are gonna play out differently in this story so you guys don't have to worry about your blood boiling every time something bad happens. What are these differences, you're probably wondering about? Well, let's begin the story and find out exactly what they'll be.]

Name: Y/N L/N

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Occupation: Online gamer/Shield Hero

Weapon: Yes!!!

Height: 6 ft

Weight: 185 lbs

Body type: Athletic

Personality: Rational, calm at times, kind, caring, helpful, concerned for others, prone to anger if pushed too far, always truthful

Likes: Music, his friends, saving/helping people, honest people, those who show proper respect, those who want to be redeemed.

Dislikes: King Aultcray, Malty/Myne (at first), dishonest people, 3 heroes church, liars, arrogant assholes (especially the Spear Hero), anyone who refuses to listen to reason, corrupt officials.


Psychic Rage Form

Armored Psychic Rage Form



Filo (grown up)

Melty (grown up)

Malty/Myne (After reformed)

Rishia Ivyred (after being kicked out of Itsuki's party)

[And now, onto our story]

We begin our story with a young man who's currently up in his bedroom in his own house, eyes locked on the computer screen in front of him and a game controller in hand. This young man... was you and right now, you were playing an online video game.

Since you were 5, you've always loved video games and at one point, when you were 16 years old, you entered your first gaming tournament, but didn't win the first time. Instead, you were the runner-up, but it didn't discourage you from trying again. And so, over the years, you've practiced and practiced, getting better and better.

Then when you turned 18, after so many tries, you finally won and got $40,000 as a prize. And to make sure that things worked out extra smoothly, you had a YouTube gaming account. Needless to say, the income you were making was more than enough to get an apartment.

And right now you time it just right and beat the last player on your game before raising your hands up in victory.

Y/N: "Oh yeah! Who's the man?" *wipes sweat from brow* "Phew, I think I'm done with video games for today. Maybe I should start reading a book or something and grab some grub and maybe watch some of my old movies on Amazon."

Getting up from your desk, you walked out of your room and made your way down the hall to the living room. It was a rainy afternoon from what you can tell looking out the window. You sigh and head into the kitchen, letting your rumbling stomach guide you.

You head for the fridge and open up the door and pull out a pizza box you stored away yesterday and opened it up. There was half an extra large pizza left and you took out 3 slices and popped them into the microwave to reheat them before heading back in the living room.

Grabbing the remote, you turn on the TV and turn on the Amazon Video app and select "Pokemon: The First Movie." The classics were always fun to watch in your opinion.

While the movie was playing, you go over and check the bookshelf, you looked for a good book to read and then... you find this one strange book that you don't recognize at all. It was some sort of old, red book, probably published years ago or something.

Y/N: "That's odd, I don't remember packing this when I moved in, how did this even get here?"

You tried to figure out how this book got here and probably thought it was something your cousins snuck into your things when you first moved out of your mom's house. Well, no sense in throwing a good book away without giving it a fair shot.

And so, after getting your re-heated pizza and walking back to the living room, you sat down on your couch and started eating while reading the book to see what it's about.

The book was titled "The 4 Cardinal Weapons" and it goes into detail about the 4 Cardinal Heroes who will be summoned from another world in order to counter the the impending Waves of Catastrophe, each hero having a Cardinal Weapon: A sword, a spear, a bow and a shield, though you're not sure about last weapon, since it's more like armor... but the more you thought about this thing.

Y/N: "Then again... sometimes the shield can come in handy. Like how Goofy uses it in Kingdom Hearts 1 through 3. Or how General Tsao turned his shield into a slicing, dicing machine in Sly 3. Really, there's plenty of uses for the shield, besides guarding if you look hard."

While you're talking to yourself, you read on about 3 of the heroes and all their past deeds and heroic actions have affected the land. You also pass by a page with a picture of a princess who... kinda gives off a very bitchy vibe to her, making you cringe.

Y/N: "Ugh... someone should teach that bitch a lesson in humility. I wonder what this book has to say about the shei--" *turns the page and finds nothing on the Shield Hero* "What the? What gives, where's all the info about the Shield Hero?"

All of a sudden your book began to glow and the light from within begins to envelope you, blinding you for a bit. Before you know it, you landed somewhere on your bottom.

Head Priest 1A: "Fantastic! The summoning was a success!"

Y/N: "Summoning?" *puts 2 and 2 together* "Wait, you mean to tell me I was summoned here?"

Head Priest 1A: "Brave heroes, won't you please save our worlds from pure evil?"

All heroes: "What?!"

You turn to your left, finding 3 other guys in the same room with you, each wielding a weapon of their own. A sword, a spear and a bow. Which could only mean one thing.

Y/N: "Now I get it. I'm in another world as one of the cardinal heroes and... this must be my cardinal weapon!" *looks at shield*

Heat Priest 1A: "Please help us, O brave heroes, our world is in dire need of saving."

Y/N: "I assume it has something to do with the Waves, right?"

Itsuki: "What do you mean it's in need of saving?"

Head Priest 1A: "The story behind it all is long and complicated, but suffice it to say that you are the 4 Cardinal Heroes, and you were summoned here using an ancient ritual."

Y/N: "I think I understand what you mean, but tell me, what's the current situation of your world right now?"

Head Priest 1A: "Our world is in a most fragile state, and teeters on the brink of destruction. *puts hands together* So we beg you, O brave heroes, please lend us your aid."

Y/N: "Very well. I can never turn my back on those who are asking for help, so count me in."

Ren: "Forget it."

Itsuki: "I also refuse."

Motoyasu: "You can send us back to our homeworld, right? Do that and maybe we'll talk."

Y/N: *thinks* "Tch, assholes."

Ren: *points sword* "You brought the four of us here without our consent, don't you even feel the least bit guilty about it?"

Itsuki: "Not to mention, if you throw us out as soon as we restore peace, we'd have done all that work for nothing."

Motoyasu: *smug and persuasive* "How willing are you to accomodate our requests? Depending on your answer, we may end up as your enemy instead of your allies"

Y/N: "Now that's disgusting." *the heroes look at him* "We haven't even started yet and you're already demanding them respect and rewards, that's not the way of the hero. But why should I bother telling you when I can get plenty of work done without rewards. *you look at priest* Consider your world in good hands."

Head Priest 1A: "Good sirs, before I say any more, we'd like you to have an audience with the king of Melromarc. You can negociate your rewards with him directly, so please. Although, sir Shield Hero, we appreciate your willingness to help us."

Ren: "Alright, fine."

Itsuki: "I suppose we'll consider their offer."

Motoyasu: "Sure thing. Doesn't matter to me who we talk to, our demands won't change."

Y/N: *thinks* "If only they were more like Stan Lee, may God rest is soul in peace. He was the very definition of a hero."

Soon, the 4 of you head up a flight of stairs and pass by a small opening in the wall overlooking the kingdom of Melromarc.

Itsuki: "Wow, look. This really is another world, huh?"

Motoyasu: "Sure is."

Y/N: "The air's a whole lot different than it is back home. Kind of like how it's described in some kind of travel brochure."

Itsuki: "Does that mean you've never traveled outside of Japan before?"

Y/N: *chuckles* "I'm not originally from Japan."

Ren: "Judging by the breeze, I'd say this place has a fairly standard Mediterranean climate to it. Also, I can tell from your facial features that you're not from Japan."

Y/N: "And you must be Captain Obvious." *chuckles*

And so, the priest continued to guide you through the castle and eventually reach the throne room of the castle.

Aultcray: "So, you young men must be the Four Cardinal Heroes of ancient legend, I take it? This is the land of Melromarc, and I am her king, Aultcray Melromarc the 32nd. Welcome brave Cardinal Heroes of legend, please identify yourselves."

Ren: "Ren Amaki. I'm a high school student and I'm 16 years old.

Motoyasu: "I'm Motoyasu Kitamura. College student, 21."

Itsuki: "I suppose I'm up next. Itsuki Kawasumi, still in high school, and I'm 17 years old."

Aultcray: "And... your name, young man?"

Y/N: "Very well... my name is Y/N L/N, professional online gamer and I'm 20 years old, thank you having us, sire." *bows*

Aultcray: "Please, no need to bow. But "sire" I will allow. Now then, I suppose I need to explain why we've brought you here."

Y/N: "Yes, your priest mentioned something about this world being on the brink of destruction."

Aultcray: "Correct. My beloved country of Melromarc and the entire world surrounding it are heading down a path to certain ruin."

The king then begins to explains about the legend of an apocalyptic prophecy in this world, which speaks of a series of incursions of destructive force known as the "Waves." If the calamities wrought by the Waves aren't stopped, the world will end.

Every country in this world has in its possession an ancient dragon hourglass that can predict each Wave's arrival. The first Wave had already washed over this country not too long ago before you and the others were summoned into this world.

Between the local knights and traveling adventurers, they somehow managed to fend off the Wave by the skid of their teeth. However, despite their efforts, the subsequent Waves will become increasingly more powerful than the first Wave. The sands within the hourglasses will trickle as long as the waves keep coming.

Right now, the 2nd one will arrive in less than a month.

Aultcray: "We underestimated the potency of the Waves. Once we actually experienced the first one and barely survived, we realized that only the Four Cardinal Heroes could counter them. So we followed the legend and summoned your four. But now, we have no time to lose!"

Y/N: *nods* "I understand. If your world's in that much trouble, I'll do my part as one of the 4 Cardinal Heroes to put a stop to it, and I won't allow another soul to be claimed by the Waves."

Ren: "Okay, I think we get the gist of it. Anyway, I'm sure you didn't bring us here thinking we'd save you for free."

Minister: "Of course not, once you repel all the Waves, I can assure you that we shall reward you most handsomely."

Motoyasu: "Yeah? Well, it wouls seem we have no choice but to take you at your word, then."

Ren: "Long as you don't renege, we'll work with you. But don't think for a moment that you can tame us."

Itsuki: "Exactly. We won't put up with you looking down on us."

Y/N: "You already went through the trouble of summoning us into this world out of help and desparation, so all I'm looking for is restoring peace into this world. That is gift enough."

Aultcray: *thinks* "How strange. Why would... no, he couldn't be... the Shield Hero is a... no, I must remain composed. At the very least, he's showing respect and acting selfless. But his actions have yet to be proven to me, so I must remain cautious."

[A/N: I bet you weren't expecting King Aultcray having conflicting opinions about the Shield Hero, did ya?]

Aultcray: "Good. If I can trust we've reached an agreeable arrangement, I would ask you brave heroes to now check your statuses."

You look around and find something on the lower right corner of your vision and focus your attention on it.

Y/N: "Hey, here it is." *status pops up* "I see, so I guess this world has its own leveling system."

Itsuki: "Only Level 1? Well, that's really disconcerning, isn't it?"

Motoyasu: "Yeah, no kidding. Who can tell if we can even fight like this when the Waves come?"

Y/N: "It's just like in an RPG back home. You have to fight lesser monsters that exist in this world in order to level up. And by leveling up, you can gain more items and money, whether it's by selling items or taking on quests and stuff like that."

Minister: "And what you have there is called Status Magic, an ability exclusive to the heroes. And just as the Shield Hero pointed out, you must set out on an adventure to develope and upgrade these legendary weapons you have been equipped with."

Y/N: "Well, I can't wait to put this bad boy to good use. It may not look like much, but something tells me this shield'll come in handy for more than just acting on defense."

Motoyasu: "Can't we just wield other kinds of weapons until these things are actually usable?"

Ren: "Suppose we'll have to figure that out as we go. Regardless, it looks like we've all got a lot of training ahead of us."

Itsuki: "We'll have to level up hard and fast."

Y/N: "Exactly. So if we work together we--"

Minister: "One moment, brave heroes. I neglected to mention, you must each recruit allies and adventure separately."

Itsuki: "And why is that?"

Minister: "It is said that by their very nature, the legendary weapons repel one another, so if you try and work together, it will apparently hinder their steady development."

Y/N: "He's not lying, guys. I'm afraid we're gonna have to go our separate ways when the time comes for us."

Aultcray: "Since the sun is about to set, rest here for the night and begin your quests tomorrow. In the meantime, we'll gather the best of the best to form your parties."

Y/N: "Thank you, sire." *bows*

The king nods.

Woman: *she approaches* "We have quarters prepared for you all. Please, sirs, right this way."

[Later that night]

Motoyasu: *laid back* "I guess when you're "heroes of legend", you get special treatment. The girl who showed us here was cute, too, can you believe that?"

Itsuki: "And as unusual as it tasted, our dinner was quite sumptuous."

Y/N: "Hard to believe this world has a leveling system for the 4 Cardinal Heroes just like in the video games back home."

Motoyasu: "That's because it is a video game. It's exactly like the game "Emerald Online."

Y/N: "Emerald what? I never heard of that."

Motoyasu: "Huh? Seriously? It's huge!"

Itsuki: "What are you talking about? This isn't some online game. It's a new console game I'm playing called "Dimension Web."

Ren: "You're both wrong. Everything about this place is entire identical to a VRMMO called "Brave Star Online."

Y/N: "The closest game back in my world that I've ever played, that's close to this place, is called "Tales of Symphonia."

Motoyasu: "Alright, let's sort this out. First off, Ren, do you really mean an actual VRMMO?"

Ren: "Yeah. You guys do get know what he means by that, right?"

Y/N: "It stands for Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Online, so yeah, I've heard of it and actually tried it out, but the only virtual reality game I played was VRchat."

Itsuki: "A sci-fi game I'm familiar with explored the concept."

Motoyasu: "Not, to be sure, let's compare general knowledge. Who's face is on the 1000 yen bill? Ready, and..."

3 of the Cardinal Heroes shouted different names, but you remained silent since you've never been to Japan before.

Motoyasu: "Hey, Y/N, why didn't you-- oh... right, I forgot. Okay, let's try something else then."

Y/N: "Okay."

Motoyasu: "Buzzword of the year last year?!"

Y/N: "Favorite voice actors!"

Ren: "Which countries won World War II?"

Itsuki: "Who's the Prime Minister?"

Y/N: "World's first boxer to retire undefeated as a champion?"

At the end of it, all were met with different answers.

Itsuki: "Looks like there's only one explaination. We're all from different versions of our worlds."

Ren: "Right. And they pretty much don't sound nothing alike at all."

Y/N: "Which means there are parallel worlds with parallel Japans and Americas with different outcomes in our realities."

Motoyasu: "I thought we might just be from different eras, but it would seem to not be the case."

Y/N: "Well, at the very least, it's pretty interesting to know I'm not the only one who's explored the wonders of these video games."

Itsuki: "I'm surprised you even know the concept of them, let alone played them, considering you're the Shield Hero."

Y/N: "There's nothing wrong with the shield. In fact, it's got plenty of character just like the other Cardinal weapons. You probably can't see it because you've never chosen it as your weapon of choice in the games that you've all played in your worlds."

Ren: "Aren't you sharp."

Y/N: "You're entitled to your opinions, but rest assured, I can make good use of this shield once we begin our adventures.""

Motoyasu: "If you say so." *to Ren* "So what's the terrain like here?"

Ren: "Not sure, but it looks very similar to what I'm used to."

Itsuki: "Each weapon has its own ideal hunting ground. If we.."

Y/N: *thinks* "Well, no use dwelling on what's to come. I'd better get some shut-eye if I want to prepare for the Waves."

So, after your little chat/dispute with the others, you go to your bed and slump down on it and cover up in the blankets, awaiting the following day for when you venture onward.

[Timeskip to next day because REASONS!!!]

Morning had arrived and many brave adventurers were gathered in the throne room, awaiting the 4 Cardinal Heroes. Speaking of which, you and your other 3 partners arrive.

Aultcray: "We have gathered the greatest warriors in the land. These brave souls will fight the Waves alongside you. "

Y/N: *thinks* "Yes, they all seem to possess uncanny abilities, but still... having too many might be a problem for me."

Aultcray: "Our future champions, the time has finally come to begin your perilous journey!"

Y/N: "Understood. But I must ask, your majesty. How do we sort this out with our parties? Do they come to us or do we take turns picking one of each member?"

Aultcray: "A good question. But I'll let these warriors actions speak for themselves, Shield Hero."

Right away the warriors all start walking towards you and your allies, answering your question.

Y/N: *thinks* "Okay. So, they're the ones who have a say on who they choose to go with." *closes eyes* "Very well, I just hope I'm don't get too many party members."

You wait for a while until the sounds of footsteps subsided and once that's done, you open your eyes and see that... you're... you're the only one without a party member.

Y/N: "Oh... well, this is something." *sighs, thinks* "To be honest... this is a good thing. With my current abilities, I'd just wind up screwing up and allowing my members to get hurt."

Aultcray: "I am loath to admit it, but even I was not expecting this."

Minister: "No volunteers? He must have zero charisma."

Y/N: "That's okay, your majesty."

Aultcray: "Come again?"

Y/N: "With all due respect, I think it's best that I travel alone. At my current state, I can only fight and protect myself. I'd rather fight solo rather than risk anyone getting hurt because of me. Until I'm absolutely sure of my abilities, this is probably for the best."

Aultcray: *thinks* "How interesting. To think that such a hero could actually exist in our society. Ugh, what am I saying?! I have to keep my distance from him. There's no telling what he... no... maybe this could be a sign of a brand new start in our kingdom."

Minister: "I assume everything is in order, then?"

Aultcray: "Yes, of course." *clears throat* "Very well, as per the Shield Hero's request, he shall venture forth on his own."

Y/N: "Thank you, sire."

Aultcray: "Every month, we shall provide each hero with the funds they require, but this one time, Master Y/N's payment will be higher than the other Cardinal Heroes."

Y/N: *thinks* "That's not necessary, but okay."

Aultcray: "Here are your war chests. Accept them with our thanks."

Each of the king's servants hand a bag of coins to 4 Cardinal heroes.

Minister: "Shield Hero receives 800 silver coins while the rest of you each receive 600 silver."

Aultcray: "Procure all necessary equiptment and set forth!

All: "Sir!"

And later on, you all left the throne room and ventured outside, heading for the big gate leading outside the castle.

Motoyasu: "Yo, Y/N."

Y/N: "Hmm?"

Motoyasu: "Good luck out there! And don't you dare die on your first day, you got that?"

Y/N: *smirks* "Not gonna happen."

Itsuki: "I'm really sorry you didn't get a party member and it sucks we can't all work together, but the least we can do is wish you the best of luck on your recruiting."

Ren: "Until next time. So long."

Y/N: *nods and thinks* "There's no room to show fear. For me this'll be one big step in becoming a true hero. Wherever the Waves go, I will follow them and stop them. If I have to, I'll set myself apart from the others and become a Cardinal Master."

As you set forth you look back at the other heroes who go their separate ways to level.

Y/N: *under your breath* "Good luck to all of you."

Moments later, you wander around town, checking out the village and the people around you. The lives they live, the jobs they work, it's so beautiful and refreshing. And so, you wander around and then bump into one of the locals who's got animal ears.

Demi-human: "Oh sorry."

Y/N: "No worries. Hey, do you think you can tell me if there's a shop that sells armor and weapons anywhere?"

Demi-human: "Sure, it's in that direction, you can't miss it. It has a sign outside with a shield and sword on it."

Y/N: "Great, thanks."

You head off in the direction he pointed to and soon come up to the shop and go inside.

Y/N: "Hello? Anybody here?" *looks around* "Wow, this place has got everything in stock! Shields, swords, maces, chain mail, all kinds of armor and they all look so incredible!"

Erhard: "Welcome good sir."

You look over and spy an older man with a beard, no hair on top, but has a scar above his right eye and wears a white tunic.

Erhard: "So, first time in a weapons shop, is it? Well, you already know how to pick the best one in town."

Y/N: "Thanks, one of the locals showed me this place. I'm Y/N, pleasure to meet you, sir."

Erhard: "Nice to meet you, too. My name's Erhard, but what's with that funny outfit you got?"

Y/N: "Oh these? They're my normal clothes. They're not like the ones in this country, or this world for that matter. I was actually summoned here with the other Cardinal Heroes."

Erhard: *surprised* "No way! You mean to tell me that you're one of them heroes? A shield. So, guess that means you must be the dud."

Y/N: "Heh, a lot of people seem to think the shield has no special talent, but that's where I'm gonna prove them wrong. In my world, there are many ways to use the shield rather than to defend myself and others, but that can wait until I'm fully prepared."

Erhard: "I see. Well, if you become a regular, I won't give two hoots what you wield. Alright kid, good to meet ya."

Y/N: "Same. Now then, think you can hook me up with the equiptment I'm gonna need?"

Erhard: "Sure. I'll even show you some of the swords we got in case you wanna have wider range of options for weapons."

Moments later, he brings out an assortment of swords, greaves and gauntlets, all made from different materials.

Erhard: "Left to right, that's iron, magic iron, magic steel and silver iron in ascending order of price, all quality weapons guaranteed."

Y/N: "Hmm... looks like these could be helpful."

As you grab one of the swords, a jolt of lighting coarses throughout your body and you drop it.

Y/N: "OW! What the?"

Erhard: "What's wrong, you okay?"

Y/N: "I think so, but when I touched the sword, I felt a pain shoot through me until I let go of it."

Erhard: "That's strange."

Y/N: "Lemme see what's up. Hang on."

As you check your status, you then learn that what you did was a rule violation, since according to your stats, a Cardinal Hero cannot wield any other weapon other than their assigned one. Meaning, unless you're stuck with using only the shield.

But... there's also another ability that you've discovered. In your status, you find this very strange symbol on it.

You're not sure what this is, but you tap the icon and it brings up the following message.

(Do you wish to unlock this hidden ability?)

Followed by the yes or no options, you get curious and press the "yes," button and sure enough, a surge of massive blue aura surrounds, then you feel yourself getting lifted off the ground, hovering in place while Erhard watches in awe at what's happening.

Erhard: "Kid, what'd you do?!"

Y/N: *strained* "I... don't... know!"

And just as it began, it finally stops and you drop to your knees, panting heavily from that unusual experience.

Y/N: "I... I dunno what that was... but, man, it's like I unlocked some new ability and all this... this... power... it... surged through me, strengthening me or something."

Erhard: "Sounds like that can come in handy. But still... that shield of yours has really piqued my interest, mind if I check it?"

Y/N: "Sure."

You show him your shield and he inspects it using a magic magnifying glass to see if it's special.

Erhard: "At a glance, it's like any other small shield. *tries to take it off, but can't do it* Does this thing not come off ya?"

Y/N: "No, but I can move it around my body."

Erhard: "That's strange. I can sense a great amount of power in here, but my appraisal magic doesn't tell me much more. Well, thanks for showing me something interesting, anyway. Wanna buy some armor since you can't use any other weapons?

Y/N: "That would be helpful."

Moments later, you're in the changing room and had put on a set of chain mail armor, smiling with confidence

Erhard: "Hey. Now you're starting to look the part, at least."

Y/N: "This chain mail fits like a glove. It's light, yet sturdy. So how much would you like for this?"

Erhard: "Hero's discount. 125 silver."

Y/N: "Perfect and what'll be the buy-back price?"

Erhard: "Well, let's see, if it's still in mostly new condition, I'd offer you 100 silver coins. Why do you ask?"

Y/N: "There will come a time when I've grown strong enough that I'll need to exchange this armor for something stronger. But for now, this chain mail should be all I need."

Erhard: "Excellent! I'll throw in some innerwear to show my thanks for your kind service."

Y/N: "Thanks for everything. If you need me, I'll be heading off train, so take care now."

Erhard: "Good luck out there."

20 minutes later, you were now out in the grasslands outside of Melromarc, searching for any wandering monsters to fight. Just then, you see something lurking in the tall grass.

You ready yourself with your shield in hand and charge straight at these balloon monsters. They try to latch onto you, but you block them with your shield and counter attack by slamming the edge of your shield downwards on the balloon monsters.

But the balloon monsters are resilient as they are weak and come at you in bunches. Some latch onto you while you kept blocking and bashing the others with your shield. As for the balloon monsters attached to you, you grab them and pull them apart, one by one.

You collect their fragments all while keeping up with the live ones who still kept coming at you. But just like before, you capture and rip them all apart, increasing your EXP little by little.

The fight goes on for a few hours and while you're training, you can see the other heroes training to get stronger as well. Of course, Ren, Itsuki and Motoyasu have it easier since their Cardinal Weapons are mostly meant for attacking, not defending.

Soon, you reach a point to where you finally level up to level 2 and have gained a boost in your basic stats.

Y/N: "Not bad. But there's still work to be done."

[Music stops and timeskip to late afternoon]

After countless hours of fighting and collecting parts of the balloon monsters, you eventually made it to level 5. And had obtained a total of 50 orange balloon monster fragments, which you've stored away in your shield through the green gem on it.

Y/N: "I was right from the beginning. This is a pretty handy shield and that means it can do so much more. Maybe if I wanna get further, I could find some stronger monsters further out. But something tells me they're not gonna fall down so easily."

Making your way back to the kingdom, you headed back for the armor shop where Erhard was still working.

Erhard: "Well, look who's back from their little training session. Did the new duds work in your favor, kiddo?"

Y/N: "You bet. They worked like a charm."

Erhard: "Glad to hear. So, what can I do for you this time?"

Y/N: "I've actually got some questions for you. Like... *pulls out orange balloon monster fragments from shield* "Are these little fragments worth anything and if so, how much can I sell them for and where can I sell these fragments at?"

Erhard: "Good question. Well, considering how much you've collected, I'd say you might get at least 20 or 30 copper coins for over at the stand across from the melon stand."

Y/N: "I see. Alrighty then, thanks for telling me."

Erhard: "Anytime, kid."

Now that you know where to go to sell them, you head off in said direction of the stand and sell them off for about 25 copper coins before heading out into the field again. It might be late, but you weren't out here to level up, not when you have a growling stomach.

So, you resorted to camping out in the fields. As for food... well, you also made sure to buy some fruits, veggies and meat back at the village after selling off the balloon fragments before coming back out here cook up something neat and tasty for you.

You watch the night sky from atop a small hill where you got a little campfire set up, roasting some tasty fish. You made sure to season the fish with some dry spices, herbs and even salt before cooking in order to prevent drawing out the moisture.

Minutes later, after dinner and putting out the campfire, it was time to settle in and so you climbed onto one of the branches of a tree nearby and laid against the thing, using your own arm as a pillow and tried to make yourself comfortable.

[Timeskip to next day because REASONS!!!]

It's another beautiful day and the birds chirping wakes you up for yet another day of hard training and hopefully Exp grinding with some tougher monsters out there.

But first, you need to stalk up on some food and some healing herbs in case you get hurt real bad by the more serious enemies.

So, you eventually arrive at Melromarc and shop for the goods you need, then are suddenly approached by a couple of knights right after you finish your business.

Knight 1: "Shield Hero, his majesty, King Aultcray has requested you to come to the castle."

Y/N: "Sounds serious. Very well then, I'll cooperate. *goes with knights without hassle* Has something happened that he wanted to bring to my attention, soldier?"

Knight 1: "Just wait until we get there. His majesty will make things clear with you eventually."

Y/N: *thinking* "I'm not sure what the hell is going on here, but something tells me it's more serious than I think."

And how right you were. By the time you reached the throne room, one of the guards shoved you inside.

Y/N: "Hey, ease up, will ya?"

But they don't ease up and point their spears at you.

Y/N: "Hey, all I said was "ease up." What the hell is wrong with you guys, pointing your spears at me, anyways?"

Curiously enough, you see the other 3 Cardinal Heroes, along with the King, all looking at you like you had done something.

Y/N: *thinking* "What is going on here? Why are they just staring at me like that and not telling me anything? I wish I could just read their minds and find out what it is..."

And just like that, you see a message pop up in front of your eyes that said "Telepathy activated."

Myne: *thinking* "What a fool. This couldn't be a more perfect set-up for me to frame this "Devil of the Shield," thanks to my papa's plan. Best part is I've got the 3 Cardinal Heroes with me."

Aultcray: *thinking* "The time has come. With some help, I can finally eliminate the shield. No longer shall I or this world have to suffer because of this wretched little devil."

Y/N: *thinking* "They think I'm a devil? Sheesh, what the hell did I do to them to make them hate me so much?"

Aultcray: *puzzled* "Myne, I'm sorry to ask, my dear, but would you mind repeating your testimony for us again?"

Myne: *distressed* "It-It happened last night. The Shield Hero forced his way into my room; he was stinking drunk! He grabbed me and pinned me down and said something like "The night is still young." And then the next thing I knew, he was tearing all my clothes off!"

Y/N: *thinking* "Okay, now that's just a load of bullshit."

Myne: "Somehow, I managed to escape! I ran down the hall for help and found Sir Motoyasu, who happened to be staying at the same inn as the Shield Hero!"

Y/N: *confused* "Inn?"

Motoyasu: "If she hadn't asked me to wait until dawn and call the knights, I would've gladly cut you down myself!"

Y/N: "Okay, there's a whole lot of wrong here. First off, I never went to any inn last night, I was camping out on top of a hill outside the castle grounds after I finished training. The only time I ever came back into town was when I went to sell some items and then buy some food from the market to cook up for myself."

Despite your protest, nobody acknowledged it.

Aultcray: "To think thee Cardinal Shield Hero would commit the greatest sin in this country.

Minister: "In Melromarc, even attempted sexual assault on a woman is punishable by death!"

Aultcray: *infuriated, points at you* "If you weren't a hero, you'd be executed at once!"

Y/N: "You got wax in your ears? I told you already, I was sleeping out in the fields, so I was never at any motels or inns."

Knight 2: "When we performed a search of the Shield Hero's room, we, um.. we found this, sir, strewn across his bed."

He then shows a pair of purple lingerie that was torn up and Myne turned away, crying out in embarrassment while Motoyasu went all guard dog on you.

Motoyasu: "You animal!"

Aultcray: "The proof seems rather undeniable.

Y/N: "What proof? That's merely circumstancial evidence. That thing doesn't even have my fingerprints on it."

Itsuki: "What a terrible shame. I worried something bad might happen, but hoped you knew better than that."

Ren: "Gues he thinks a hero can do whatever the hell he wants and get away with it."

Y/N: "Tch, looking the pot calling the kettle black. You guys were demanding rewards before you could even BEGIN your journeys, yet you accuse me of wrong-doing without solid proof?"

Motoyasu: "This world is not some consequence-free playground for you, you animal! Know your place, scoundrel!"

With everyone pointing their fingers at you, your frustration grew harder and harder to control.

Y/N: *thinking* "These guys... they can't even use their fucking brains right whatsoever."

Of course, your telepathy was still in effect.

Aultcray: *thinking* "It seems this plan is working out more smoothly than I had hoped. Let this be a lesson to you, Devil of the Shield, that no matter how you squirm, you'll always be marked as enemy number 1 and no one can help you escape that fate."

Myne: *thinking* "This plan was far too easy. Just a few crocodile tears, a little seduction on the dimwitted Spear Hero and everyone's eating at the palm of my hands. Now... for the finale."

As soon as your eyes land on hers... a switch felt like it had been flipped deep inside you.

Y/N: *thinks* "Is that your plan? Am I just a scapegoat? A mere pawn in your sick little game? This cannot be... my destiny!"

Just then, the ground begins to rumble and before you knew it, your eyes begin to glow a blue color just as your body is surrounded in that mysterious blue aura just like before.

As your powers surge, the others begin to panic and before anyone could do anything, you casted them aside using a powerful psychic shockwave, knocking most of them out.

All that remained standing were the king, Myne and the 3 other Cardinal Heroes, shocked by the power you possess.

Aultcray: "What the hell is this?!"

Y/N: "Who cares what it is, let me just make one thing clear to you so you never forget this. You can come up with as many lies as you want, but you can never deny the real truth. And that is... you're afraid of the Shield Hero... afraid that I a hidden potential. And I plan to use this potential... by destroying the Waves of Catastrophe."

Aultcray: "Liar! I don't fear the she--"

He pauses and looks deeper within your eyes and soon, his heart feels like it wants to leap out of his chest. His mind nearly goes blank, but he hangs on strong, putting his hand to his forehead.

Motoyasu: "What have you done with the king, you criminal?!"

Y/N: "Quite blondie. Because right now, I have a task to do."

Aultcray: *thinking* "I've never seen such incredible power! It's as if something dormant had awoken from deep inside! This is no ordinary Shield Hero, just what the hell is he?!"

You turn away from the foolish king and make your way towards the doorway, leaving the throne room without any resistance due to you knocking out the knights. Moments later, you arrive outside and wander the village on your own.

Erhard: "Hey, Shield bro."

You stop and turn to Erhard, who approaches you, putting a hand on your shoulder.

Erhard: "So, rumors been flying around about you being a serial rapist, so I had to find out for myself, you know."

Y/N: "That just leaves one question: do you believe the rumors or would you rather hear my side of the story?"

Erhard: "Hmmm... *he looks in your eyes* "Something tells me you didn't do it, so I'll just skip ahead and say I believe you.

Y/N: "Thanks. Still... I've got a long way to go."

Erhard: "Okay, just one more thing."

He then takes you to a secluded spot between two buildings and hands you a long, green cape.

Erhard: "I figured you might need a little something extra on your way out, so consider this a little parting gift."

Y/N: "Thanks. how much do I owe you?"

Erhard: "I'd say about 5 copper."

Y/N: *pays in 10 copper* "Consider the 5 extra copper a tip for helping me out so much. In the meantime... I'll be sure to take down the Waves of Catastrophe when the time comes."

With your new gear equipped to you, Erhard watches as you continue on your journey.

Erhard: "Sure, kid. Don't die."

And so marks the beginning of your journey. Though, you've lost the respect of people and were framed in the process, this doesn't stop you from continuing your journey as the Shield Hero.

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