More Comrades Ahead

A couple of days went by after discovering that Raphtalia snuck in 4 extra sets of hands... or claws... or... feathers. You know what, you get the idea, she gave you 4 new allies and you're grateful for that, but the biggest issue was feeding the 4 member. Charizard, Blastoise and Venusaur are all easy to handle when it comes to food, but Filo, your filolial, was like a some kind of bottomless pit.

Oddly enough, Filo went from a hatchling to a nearly grown up bird in just a couple of days. In terms of food, you had to buy some ingredients from the market since they wouldn't allow you to bring the 3 starters into the castle grounds or into a hotel, but that's just fine, since you know how to cook due to your camping experience.

Still, providing food for everyone DID clean out most of your silver and copper coins, but you did make up for it with some training, slaughtering monsters and brewing up high-quality potions to sell to the shopkeepers in town, including items dropped by monsters. And of course, Lloyd and Raine picked up on some new abilities along the way and put them to good use against the stronger enemies out there.

Lloyd learned to use Sword Rain and Tiger Blade. Sword Rain is an attack where the Lloyd throws in multiple rapid sword thrusts, followed by a big finisher thrust. Tiger Blade is an attack where Lloyd slashes upwards and then downwards in such a way his opponents feel like they're being clawed or bitten by a tiger.

Raine, on the other hand, had learned two attack spells called Wind Blade and Aqua Edge. Wind Blade is a spell where she traps her foe inside an orb and are assaulted by these wind cycles that slash at them from all directions for a short period of time. Aqua Edge summons these cresent-shaped water waves that slam against Raine's foes, smashing their defenses and sting real badly in the aftermath.

With all these new techniques your party's been learning, it'll give you all a chance to counter the next upcoming waves. But on the subject of funds and travel distance, you needed to find some way to fix this problem and you needed to find a way, fast.

As you were walking down the trail, trying to come up with your solution, Raine tapped you on the shoulder.

Y/N: "What's up, Raine?"

Raine: "I know this may seem like a long shot and you might be against it, but why don't we ask someone for help? If not for the financial troubles we're currently facing, then maybe ask for something we can use to make our travels a bit easier."

Raphtalia: "Hey, that's not a bad idea! Why don't we pay a visit to the village of Lute and ask them if they have anything?"

Lloyd: "Aren't they still trying to rebuild their village after they were hit by that wave last time?"

Y/N: "Yes, but the damage was kept to a minimal thanks to our teamwork, so they should be doing fairly alright. We won't bother them with our financial issues, though."

Filo: "Master, when can we eat?"

Y/N: "After we fix our situation, Filo." *thinks* "This gluttonous birdie's gonna be the death of all of us."

[Timeskip to Lute because REASONS!!!]

You're now currently up on a hillside close to Lute, currently resting under a tree, trying to read a grimoire you were gifted back at this magic shop located in Melromarc. It was a gift for you as thanks for saving the shop owner's grandchild, who lives back in Lute. However, despite the gift, there was one minor hiccup.

Y/N: "Ah... it's no use. I can't read any of the words in this book, the vocabulary's unlike any sort of literature I've seen."

Raine: "If you want, I could help teach you. I happen to have a natural talent when it comes to these sorts of things."

Y/N: "Really? You mean the language and the magic?"

Raine: "Absolutely. Stick with me and you'll be reading and writing in this world's language in no time flat."

Raphtalia: "But the keyword there is "together."

Y/N: "Well... why the hell not? We've got a month before the next wave, so we should have plenty of time until then. Come on, we're almost at Lute Village, so we'll stay the night there."

Lloyd: "Sounds like a plan."

Raphtalia: "Sure thing."


For the next couple of days, Raine has been reading out the grimoire to you while also jotting down this world's alphabetical literature. Even Raphtalia and Lloyd were being tutored by this enthusiastic young teacher, yet for some reason, Lloyd seems less motivated. And on some occasions, Raine would drop kick him.

Why, you ask? To get him to pay attention. As good as Lloyd is with the sword, he's slow when it comes to academics. But, hey, Raine is extra motivated to drill some knowledge into him.

Anyways, right now, it's morning and you and your party are waking up to the sound of horses galloping into the village.

Y/N: "Did you guys hear that?"

Raphtalia: "I sure did."

Raine: "What was that?"

Lloyd: "We'd better go and find out."

Outside, Malty has arrived at Lute with her royal escort and has even brought along a huge sack with her. But... oddly enough, the Spear Hero bastard, Motoyasu isn't with her.

Malty: "In light of his exploits during the last Wave, we've decided to help rebuild the village in honor of the Shield Hero, Sir Y/N. We have also brought the funds available for the supplies needed to repair and salvage what was thought to be lost."

Y/N: *surprised* "Are you guys hearing this?"

Lloyd: "I hear it, but... I do not believe it!"

Malty: "On top of that, whichever amount of coins is left will also be used to help with Lute's food supply. Any objections?"

Y/N: "I've gotta find out what's up with her." *Calls out* "Before we start I gotta know. What's the catch here... and I could be wrong, but aren't you in a party with Motoyasu?"

Malty: "All can be explained, Sir Y/N."

The once bitchy princess then heads over to you and then whispers something in your ear.

Malty: *whispers* "It's like I said before after your duel. I've seen what you're capable of with those powers of yours. I have no intention of trifling with a terrifying power of that level, especially when I know it could possibly overthrow my family with ease. As for Motoyasu... He's never gonna live down his defeat. And I have no right to ask to join your party, so I'm going solo for a while."

Y/N: *surprised* "I... see. In that case, I won't stop you. Just make sure you make good on your promise and help them rebuild."

Malty: "You have my word."

Guess there's no denying it... this bitch has seen your semi-god level powers and now she knows better than to act against you.

In no time flat, the knights helped the villagers repair Lute Village, even had some help from you and your party. What was even more shocking was how you had your 4 companions, Filo, Charizard, Blastoise and Venusaur help out as well.

And right around afternoon, the village had finally been restored. Once that was done, Malty then told the villagers how she'd return to the village with wagons full of enough food to help all of the villagers get by until it was time for the next harvest.

Y/N: "Well, it took some time, but at least we did it."

Village elder: "Sir Hero. Again, the whole village thanks you so very much, still... we don't know how to express our gratitude for everything that you've done."

Y/N: "It wasn't just me who helped. We all helped each other. With some assistance from the royal knights."

Village Elder: "Still, there must be some way we can reward you."

Y/N: "Well... actually, there is something we need. Do you have anything that we can use when we're traveling. We're kind of a big group and we're probably gonna get bigger.

Village Elder: "Of course! I know the perfect gift!"

Some time later, the village elder showed you and your party to a couple of pull wagons they had stored away.

Village Elder: "Thanks to the funds we got from the royal capital, we made enough money to repair the ones we lost and even got a few extra wagons stored away. But we feel these would be put to better use if you used them for your travels."

Y/N: "Wait... you're giving us two wagons? You sure it's okay?"

Village Elder: "Of course. We still have one spare wagon left along with the other three we managed to repair."

Y/N: "Well... if you insist, then we'll humbly accept. Thanks."

So, you helped bring the two wagons out using your psychic abilities and slowly brought them to the ground gently. 

???: "HEY!!!"

Y/N: "Hmm?"

You turn and see one of the villagers coming your way. She stopped to a skidding halt right in front of you.

???: "Hey, you got any extra room for a 5th party member?"

Y/N: "That depends, what are your skills?"

???: "Martial arts. My main weapons are my talisman cards. They may not look like much, but slap enough of these on a foe and I just might surprise you with them."

Raphtalia: "What do you say, Y/N?"

Raine: "She could prove to be a trusted ally."

Lloyd: "Yeah, plus... she's kinda cool."

Y/N: "Well... in that case... we'd be glad to have you. Welcome aboard."

???: "Great! By the way, the name's Sheena! Nice to meet you!"

You then shake hands with Sheena and with your new wagons all set and ready, you had your 3 starters and Filo pull the wagons while you and your party ventured off. Filo looked to be having lots of fun pulling the wagon with her companion, Venusaur.

You had to keep Filo seperate from Charizard due to how Charizard looks like a dragon.

Raphtalia: *feeling a bit sick* "Um, Y/N... could we stop for a little bit, just for a second?"

You didn't reply and commanded Filo and the starters to halt. Raphtalia rushed out the back of the wagon and ran behind a tree where she throws up out of sight.

Y/N: "Poor Raph."

Lloyd: "I didn't know she has motion sickness."

Raine: "Neither did I. Perhaps we should set up camp. The sun is almost out of sight and we'll need to rest up for tomorrow."

Sheena: "No use arguing with common sense."

Y/N: "Alright, I'll get things set up."

Later that night, a campfire was set up, the wagons were parked and you had set Raphtalia down on the makeshift bed easy.

Raphtalia: "I'm really sorry about this. To make you work after you allowed me to rest all day."

Y/N: "Don't be." *pecks her on the lips* "I'll see to it that I make you some potions to ease your motion sickness. Tomorrow we'll be traveling a lot by cart now. Hopefully overtime, you won't need the medicine to get over your motion sickness."

Raphtalia: "I'll try."

While you're setting her down to rest, Sheena whispers to the others out of your ear's reach.

Sheena: "Hey, is he her boyfriend or something? I saw a little bit of lip action going on there."

Raine: "Yes. Long story short, he won in a duel against the Spear Hero and she confessed to him how much she loved him. They've been a couple for a few days now and are taking their relationship one step at a time... a wise choice, I might add."

Lloyd: *nods in approval* "Those two were made for each other."

Raine: "Yes, you're right about that. Now, another thing... It seems that Filo's pretty happy to be pulling the carts."

Lloyd: "Same goes for those other creatures. Uh... what does Y/N call them again, I forgot."

Raine: "Pokemon."

Sheena: "Damn, he's going places."

As they're conversing, you take a look at another reward the village elder gave you before you departed Lute. It was a trader's pass. With this, you could trade goods and hopefully make some money along the way to feed yourself and the others. On top of them, it'll exempt you from paying tolls across the country. This'll allow you to be free to travel the roads wherever you wish to go.

Y/N: "Now, on top of fighting, we can run a traveling business. It's the best of both worlds."

Raphtalia: "I'll do my best, too."

Y/N: "I know you will. But in the meantime, you go ahead and get some sleep, I'll keep watch for the time being."

Raphtalia: "Alright."

Pretty soon, she, along with Raine, Lloyd and Sheena all climbed into the wagons to get some rest themselves. Charizard rested itself by the wagons to guard them. Blastoise retracted into its shell and Venusaur laid under the tree for obvious reasons. Filo, on the other hand, decided to make herself comfy next to you.

Y/N: "Heh... you are one fluffy little angel."

[Timeskip to next morning]

???: "Meanie!"

Your eyes shot wide open as you woke up, gasping.

Raphtalia: "Y/N! Are you okay?"

Y/N: "I... I'm alright, I... I'm sorry I must've dozed off."

Suddenly, your hand lands on something soft... like human skin. You look to your right and notice a cute girl laying on your lap.

[Filo has no clothes on right now. And yes, she is older and slightly more mature.]

Blushing madly from this sudden surprise, you backed away, wondering what's going on.

Raphtalia: "Y/N, that girl is..."

And the mystery girl stands up, turns in your direction and HOLY COW, her everything is showing, including her... dare it be said... impressive, busty rack, which could be a D or E-cup. And... her wings pop out and boy, are those wings large and beautiful.

Filo: "Good morning... Y/N."

Y/N: "Wait... Filo? Is that you?"

Filo: "Mhmm... in the flesh."

It's no surprise that Lloyd, Raine and Sheena all woke up and climbed out of the cabin after hearing the commotion. But the moment they locked eyes on Filo... this happens.

Lloyd: *blushes* "W...What the?!"

Sheena: *blushes* "DON'T LOOK, YOU PERVERT!!!" *slaps Lloyd*

Raine: "Y/N! Just what is going on here?! Who is that lady and why is she not wearing any clothes at all? Explain yourself!" 

Raphtalia: "Wait! Y/N's innocent! That's Filo! She must've... transformed overnight which explains why you don't recognize her."

Y/N: "It's true."


[A/N: Sorry if it's not long like the others, but I will make sure to have more chapters up and ready for you guys. I've already gotten a few other chapters done in the process and I'm happy to say that this one is still ongoing.]

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