Chapter 25.
Chapter 25.
Guinevere was standing at the window overlooking the training field, watching as Arthur took on two of his knights blindfolded. The two knights were armed with maces while Arthur was armed with just a sword. Guinevere smiled as Arthur managed to disarm the two knights with a grin on his face. “Did you see that?” Arthur’s voice floated through the open window as he stood beside Merlin. “Yeah. It was okay I guess.” Merlin replied.
“Well of course you are the expert at these things aren’t you, Merlin.” Arthur riled. Suddenly there were loud footsteps heading down the corridor behind Guinevere. She hurriedly turned around but it was only Gwaine. “My lady.” Gwaine said with a grin.
“Sir Gwaine. Aren’t you supposed to be out there training with the others?” Guinevere asked.
“I got bored of playing soldiers so I decided to come and see how you were fairing.” Gwaine said, indicating the bump on Guinevere’s stomach that was Arthur and hers’ child. “I’m fine thank you.” Guinevere replied with a smile back at Gwaine.
“And I also wanted to go to the tavern.” Gwaine added. Guinevere and Gwaine laughed. “So.... How long now?”
“I’m not sure he or she could come any day now.” Guinevere replied.
“Have you and Arthur thought about names?” Gwaine asked.
“Evelyn or Liliana if the baby is a girl. I chose them. Or if the baby is a boy maybe Carlisle or Hunter.” Guinevere replied upon seeing Gwaine’s expression at the boy’s names she added. “Arthur chose them.”
“Well that makes sense.” Gwaine muttered with a smirk. “If I may, could I perhaps suggest some names for both boy and girl?”
“Of course.” Guinevere replied.
“Either Maxwell or Robyn or Findlay or Kathel for the boy. And Fliora, Faye or Kearra or Liadain.” Gwaine said. Guinevere stared at him in shock. “What don’t you like them? I can think of more.”
“No. No. I love them! Thank you Gwaine. Perhaps you would like to be an honorary godfather.”
“Oh please! Oh please! Oh please! I would be the best godfather ever!!” Gwaine said, grinning with glee.
“Then you shall be.” Guinevere said.
Just as Guinevere was about to head down the stairs she cried out in pain. “My lady? What is it?!” Gwaine cried in worry rushing to her side in an instant.
“Nothing.” Guinevere answered just a little breathless. “Just a little kick.” She stepped down one step and cried out in pain again. Suddenly there was a sound of dripping and Guinevere looked down. Her waters had broken. “On second thoughts.... Get Arthur!” she stated. Gwaine looked at her and then at the floor and back at Guinevere before rushing down the stairs, careful to avoid the water. He rushed out into the blinding sunshine just as Guinevere called down the stairs for the guards by the doors to help her to Gaius’ room. Gwaine ran all the way to Arthur.
“Arthur!!! Arthur!!!! Guinevere....she..... The.....” Gwaine panted.
“Gwaine? What is it?” Arthur asked shocked by his knight’s behaviour.
“The queen..... Water..... Baby.....” Gwaine said, all in a fluster.
“The baby?! Oh my god!!! Dismissed!!!!” Arthur yelled to the knights on the training field as he raced towards the doors of the citadel.
Arthur raced up the staircase, Merlin right behind him when they heard Guinevere’s screams. Arthur leapt the last step and raced towards the direction of the screams. “Guinevere!!!!” he yelled.
“Arthur!!!” she called back from inside Gaius’ rooms. Arthur went to open the door but Merlin stopped him. “Sire she’ll be fine. Gaius will take care of her.” Merlin said.
“Merlin let me past.” Arthur demanded.
“No. You can’t go in there.” Merlin repeated.
“I’m the king, Merlin. You can’t tell me what to do.” Arthur said.
“I just did.” Merlin said and his eyes flashed golden summoning a chair. His eyes flashed again and Arthur found himself unwillingly walking across to the chair and sitting down in it. “Hey!!!!” Arthur cried indignantly. Merlin smirked. Guinevere’s screams continued as Arthur sat in the chair, unable to stand, nervously biting his finger nails. Slowly Guinevere's screams stopped and another person's began. But it sounded like two although Arthur couldn't tell through the thick oak of the door. Arthur and Guinevere's child. Arthur's head shot straight up at the sound and his expression cracked into a wide grin. Merlin grinned back at him and his eyes flashed releasing Arthur from the chair.
Merlin opened the door to Gaius' chambers and he stood back to let Arthur in, following right behind him. "Sire may I introduce to you your perfectly healthy little twin children." Gaius announced.
"Twins?" Arthur choked his eyes swimming with tears of happiness and joy. He moved over to the bed and sat in the chair beside Guinevere. "This little mischief maker is a boy and this little one is a girl." Guinevere said. Arthur looked at his two children. The boy had a small tuft of blond hair on his pale skin. He opened his eyes and they were a startling brilliant blue. Arthur's gaze then turned to the little girl who had a tuft of black curly hair and chocolate brown eyes. "What shall we call them?" Arthur asked Guinevere with a kiss on her forehead. "I was thinking the boy should be named Maxwell Robyn Findlay Kathal Pendragon and the girl should be called Fliora Faye Kearra Liadain Pendragon." Guinevere said.
"I love those names!" Arthur cried, "It seems our children love those names too." Arthur and Guinevere glanced down at their children who were smiling up at them as if to say: choose those names we love them.
"Hello Maxwell and Fliora Pendragon. You may not know it yet but you are in the wonderful kingdom of Camelot and you two are the Prince and Princess of Camelot." Arthur whispered as tears of joy rolled down his cheeks.
"Here. Try holding them." Guinevere said holding the twins out to Arthur.
"It's okay. You should hold them for a little longer." Arthur said.
"Come on Arthur you’re their father." Guinevere said putting the twins in his arms. Arthur's face split into an even wider grin that seemed to fill the whole kingdom with his joy as the sunlight shone through the window. “I promise I will look after and cherish you for all of time.” Arthur whispered to his children. He kissed Guinevere on the lips again. Guinevere stood up and hugged Arthur, gazing at their children. “They are beautiful.”
“My Lady just let me give you a strengthening potion so you can regain your strength before you leave.” Gaius said. Guinevere and Arthur waited as Gaius brought Gwen the potion and she drank it handing the vial back to Gaius. “Thank you Gaius.” Together they left the room as a family.
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