Chapter 17.
Chapter 17.
The three of them were sat on the sofa in the front room devising a plan to get Merlin's spell book back. "Right so the most likely place they will keep the books for studying would be down in the basement. That's where all the offices for the people who work in the libraries are." Tawni said. "Although there are most likely to be millions of books down there from different medieval eras. Some are likely to look like the ones that we just saw on TV so it's going to take a lot of reading."
"But how will we get in the library if it is shut?" Arthur asked.
"With a little b and e." Merlin replied.
"What? Bacon and eggs?" Arthur said, slightly shocked.
"No! Breaking and entering." Tawni said with a slight smirk. "Although it isn't really breaking and entering. It's more s and r. Spells and reading."
"Well I don't care what it's called I'm not smashing into some library to steal from the peasants. It's not the way a knight lives his life. A knight lives his life by chivalry and by following every rule in the knights' code." Arthur said.
"Well do you want to get back to Camelot or not. Because those are your only options." Tawni retorted.
"Camelot." Arthur hurriedly said and snapped back to attention.
"Right. First things first. We need to find this library, find every possible entrance. Possibly by the front or back door, if there is one." Merlin said. "We can use the unlocking spell to undo the locks and then use our mind's eye to find the books."
"Err....genius not all of us have magic." Arthur commented.
"Yes I realise that." Merlin replied exasperatedly. "You can sometimes be really annoying."
"Heard that." Arthur said.
"You were supposed to."
"Will you two just stop with the snide remarks for one minute?!!!" Tawni cried. The two men shut up immediately. "Right. Arthur and I will go round through the back door if there is one. And Merlin you will go through the front. Happy now?"
"Very." Arthur and Merlin said with grins.
"If anything happens, such as someone lives on the second floor of the library and they start to come down we get out of the front doors. Try to make as little noise as possible as there may be someone living on the second floor, I wouldn't know because I doubt anyone but the owner is allowed up there. If somehow we are discovered and they get the police round to the library, either I or Merlin will create a fog spell and we will leave by the back doors." Tawni said. "Any questions?"
"Yes. What are police?" Arthur asked. Tawni slapped her forehead in exasperation.
"Police are like modern peoples form of knights. Except they don't go around wearing armour and swinging swords. The most they will do is taser you and throw you in jail." Tawni hurriedly explained before going into the kitchen, and coming back with three cans of cola and a tray of sandwiches. "Arthur you will also want to take your sword and wear your armour as once we have got Merlin's spell book we are heading straight to the Isle of the Blessed and I doubt you will want to be walking around Camelot wearing jeans and a shirt with trainers. Same for you Merlin."
In about half an hour flat, the food and drinks were all eaten and Arthur was dressed back in his armour with his black leather gloves and his sword in his hand. He twisted his hand and his sword spun making a loud swoosh as it cut through the air. He was soon joined by Merlin wearing a blue shirt, a red scarf, black trousers, brown boots and his brown jacket on. They were the joined by Tawni who was wearing a simple blue gown and a green cloak. Her hair was tied back in a plat so that it didn't get in the way. "Ddymuno lwc ar eich ymgyrch." Tawni said kissing Arthur and Merlin both on the cheek. Both of the young men blushed furiously. "Let's go." Tawni said, leading them both out of the house and into the streets. They got strange looks as they walked down the now busy streets. Most people burst out laughing at the sight of them but Merlin and Arthur took example from Tawni and stalked past, heads held high, on a mission attitude plastered on their faces. "Excuse me but could you possibly tell me where I might find Chelsea library?" Tawni asked a yong woman with light brown skin and chocolate brown eyes and black curly hair. Arthur stared in shock at the woman which made her blush. "Why yes I can. Ermm... you have to take the 211 bus and get off at the stop adeqately named Chelsea library."she said, her eyes darting towards Arthur every so often.
"Thank you and where might I get that bus from?" Tawni asked.
"Go down the road and take the first left and there will be a bus stop right on that corner. One should be due in abot five minutes. If you hurry you might catch it." The lady said.
"Thank you." Tawni and Merlin said before starting to walk off. Arthur flashed a grin at her, causing her to blush even more. "She.... Guinevere..... She looked like Guinevere!!!" Arthur cried with a wide grin on her face.
"I know. But she isn't Gwen." Merlin said with a sad smile on his face.
Arthur's face fell, "What do you mean?"
"She's not Gwen. Her name's Angel." Merlin said. Arthur stopped and stared into the window of a building but Merlin could feel the pain emanating from him. "Arthur I'm sorry but we will find a way back to Camelot."
"Camelot means nothing without Guinevere." Arthur said, tears sparkling in his eyes. Merlin put his arm around Arthur's shoulders. "Come on."
They went around the corner and reached the bus stop. They were stood there for about five minutes before the bus came. The 211 bus came round the corner and stopped at the bus stop. Arthur, Merlin and Tawni jumped on and Merlin handed over the bus fare for the three of them seeing as he was the only one with modern day money. Arthur's mouth dropped open as he stared at everything on the bus, the people, the bells, the doors that opened by themselves. "Whoa!" he muttered.
"Go on. Upstairs!" Merlin said leading Arthur upstairs. Arthur sat on a seat that reached out over the stairs. Merlin sat beside Arthur and glanced at him. He had a look of pure amazement on his face. They sat silently on the bus, people sending them strange looks every so often. One lady walked up stairs took one look at Merlin, Arthur and Tawni and hurried bac downstairs and off the bus. The bus stopped at the stop Chelsea library and the three of them leapt off the bus and headed towards the library. As the librarian had said the library was shut today. There was a entrance at the front and a fire exit at the back so they had two ways of escape if they go cuaght. "Brilliant, this is going to be a piece of cake." Tawni said, rubbing her hands together in anticipation.
On the wall by the back door was a small silver box. "What's that?" Arthur asked pointing to it.
"An alarm box. We'll have to disable it in order to get in to the library tonight." Tawni replied.
"Easy." Arthur said, hurriedly whipping his sword out of his belt and cutting it deep into the metal of the box. The sword knocked the hatch off of the box. Inside was a whole bunch of wires. "Which one?" Arthur said.
"Red." Tawni replied. Arthur raised his sword again and cut through the red one.
"How can we be sure that it is off?" Merlin asked. Suddenly there was a loud smash from around the front of the library and they peeked round the wall. At the front of the library were a bunch of teenage boys they were throwing rocks at the windows.
"There's your proof." Tawni said. The librarian leaned out of the window and began to yell at the boys. "We need to get out of here." The three of them headed towards a small cafe on the other side of the road. "Arthur put your sword away." Merlin instructed and Arthur hurriedly stowed it away in his belt. They pushed open the door to the cafe and entered. "On your way to a party are you?" the owner of the cafe asked from behind the counter as tey went up to order three cans of cola. "Yes. Colin's nephew is having a Arthuin era style birthday." Tawni said, indicating to Merlin. "He is King Arthur." She pointed to Arthur, "Colin is Merlin." She pointed to Merlin "And I am the Lady Morgana." Tawni said, shivering in disgust as she said it. The owner of the cafe nodded and handed them the cans in exchange for one pound eighty. Merlin handed over the money and they went and sat at a free table.
"Colin?!" Merlin asked.
"First name that came into my head." Tawni said with a shrug of her shoulders. "I don't know why you are complaining anyway I'm the one who now has to pretend to be Lady Morgana." Tawni shivered again.
"I take it you don't like my sister much." Arthur said.
"Sorry. Ermm.... you're's..... just..... erm...." Tawni said slightly flustered.
"It's okay. Don't worry. We aren't the best of friends anyway." Arthur said smiling at Tawni.
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