Arriving to Alola

Somewhere...... in a dark world where light never seemed to show its warming presence for years.

Everything here seemed unusual ...... the sky was scarlet red in colour, the trees growing there were twisted and bended into horrifying shapes while being covered in terrifyingly long spikes and thorns.

A gale blowed across the land carrying away with it, black sand everywhere along with some patches of purple and red here and there. Many pitch black rivers and streams flowed backward and in some areas, flowing to the top of cliffs. The sun was blazing hot on the cursed lands below it.

Lava gurguled out of every hole it could find on the parched land. There was not a sign of life here, only the occasional inhuman cries of people and pokemon could be heard for it was the cursed lands of hell itself.


A figure stood in front of a lake. Or if you can call it a lake. It was bloody red in colour blended with deep purple shades as its water quietly swirled forming unusual shapes.

Two pair of black demonic wings sprouted out of his back along with two demon like horns growing on either side of his head. His pale blue hair seemed to glow mysteriously under the sun. Grey eyes which seemed to lack the iris and cornea scanned through the dry lands, seemingly waiting for someone.

The quietness of the place was disturbed when a shinning portal appeared suddenly right in front of the figure. An old looking man was thrown out of it as another figure appeared from it. He's pitch black hair swayed quietly while his glowing eyes seemed to glare at the person before him.

The portal disappeared behind him as he bowed to his lord. The old man too was forced to bow before the demon as his hair was viciously pulled slamming his face on the hot land. The old man suppressed a scream and bit his tongue hard enough to draw blood.

Nodding in approval the figure gave them a signal to get up.

"Do you have it?"  He asked finally as the boy in front of him nodded before handling him a brown coloured crystal. "Master, I managed to get the earth Crystal but this old man isn't willing to speak anything about the Blood crystal." The boy said icily while the old man shivered a bit under the other man's cold glare.

"I'm giving you the last cha-"

" Stop."

The boy looked a bit surprised at his master who simply interrupted him with a 'stop' while shaking his head. "If the old man dosen't say anything, its fine. We can find I ourselves." He spoke while glaring a bit at the man before him.

"Bu-" the boy protested but was again interrupted when his master gave him an icy glare, shutting him up immediately.

"I will somehow find the location of that crystal so no need to waste our time on this old bag of bones. Let him go." He said finally while the boy's eye's seemed to widen a bit but seeing something flash in those pupilless eyes he gave a small unnoticeable smirk and let go of the old man's hair.

The old man, both confused and terrified at first eyed the ravagers standing there suspiciously but seeing a portal form a few feet away from him couldn't help but make a run for it.

So naive... yet so innocent the man jumped into the portal believing that they let him go jumped instantly into the hole not realizing it to be a trap.

His horrified as well as painful scream echoed through the whole area. They simply smirked at their cruel and inhuman deed and walked/teleported away from the place while the poor old man's body lay burning in the lava which the portal had thrown him to.


Valt's Pov

"I am so pumped about visiting this new place called Alola!" Honcho said while raising his fists.

"Yeah we know that. We're all excited as well about visiting this new place but don't get too excited" Wakiya replied, sounding a bit annoyed.

"You're just jealous that I am going to be the best and beat you all!" Honcho retaliated with a smirk.

"Oh really! because I am going to be the best!" Wakiya yelled while emphasising on the word 'am' with an arrogant smirk as well while flipping his blond hair.

"We will see about that!" Honcho shouted. Wakiya was about to retaliate but Shu interrupted them on time."Guys calm down!" Shu shouted as he raised both his hands to stop the pair from fighting again.

"This is the 5th time you both have argued" Daigo said with a sigh.

"Yeah will two please stop arguing, so that we can sleep" Free said tiredly with a grumpy face.

"Sorry guy's" Honcho said with a guilty look.

"Yeah sorry" Wakiya apologized as well."You two are just too annoying. You are always acting like couples" Lui said with a smirk.

"What?!!" both Honcho and Wakiya shouted with red faces.

"Well..... I have to agree with Lui" I said with a sigh.

"You too Valt!" they shouted. "You have been acting a bit strange after hearing about this place, Valt." Ken said with a worried look on his face.

"Yeah. Now that Ken mentioned that, you have been acting different for some time." Honcho said worriedly.

"No Guys I am totally fine" I said with a smile but from in there I was excited as well. You guys have defeated me in beyblades but when i become good with pokemon i will defeat all of you and show you who is the best.," I thought with a smirk, which didn't go unnoticed by Shu, as he frowned a little.


"Come on Shu battle me!" I whined as I followed him.

"Okay! But this is last time" he said.

Yay! I shouted as I took out my launcher and got ready to launch my Beyblade,Victory Valtryek, as Shu did the same with his Bey, Storm Spryzen.

Three.... Two...... One! Let it rip!! We both shouted as we launched our beys.

"Come on Valtryek use Ultra Flash Launch" I shouted pumping my fist.

"Spryzen! Counter Break!" Shu shouted. Our Beys were about to collied when another bey entered the stadium and before we can react or say anything, our beys were thrown out of the stadium. Burst.

"Whats the meaning of this!" Shu said said angrily. As suddenly a stranger appeared before us without a warning, before shoving an envelope in both of our hands and disappearing just like he appeared.

"What's this?" I said puzzled. "No idea" Shu said as he opened the envelope.

"Hey Valt! Check it out." He said as he read what was written inside the envelope loudly.

You have been invited to a place known as Alola. For further information Come to the abandoned house outside the city at 5:45 today. Other bladers will also be there.

By G.

"What the hell is this? And who is this G?" I said. "Hey Valt it says that we have to be there by 5:45 and its 5:35 now, so lets go before we miss anything". Shu said. "Okay" i said as we started running towards the Abandoned house.


As we reached the abandoned house there were many familiar faces. "Hey Valt! Hey Shu!," Honcho shouted as he noticed us approaching.

"Seems like you 2 were invited as well. Aoi and Kurenai." An arrogant voice came from behind us.

"Lui." Shu groaned. "Hey Lui you're invited as well!" I said.

"Yeah." He said with a small smile which was very surprising since it was not an arrogant smirk at least.

Suddenly out of the blue a guy in a lab suit came right in front of us. "Hey! Who are you?!" Honcho said a little scared from the persons sudden appearance.

The man said nothing but just snapped his fingers as we got transported to a big room where a man sat in big chair in the middle. He was wearing a black suit with a Large red 'R' written on it. As he turned the chair to face us we were met with the cold brown eyes of the menacing looking person.

"I see that you all have come here according to the letter." He said calmly.

"Who the hell are you and what do you want from us?!" Wakiya questioned angrily.

"Calm down Mr Wakiya. We don't mean any harm to any of you but instead we have a brought a great opportunity for all of you." He said calmly.

"And what's that?" Shu asked suspiciously.

"We have recently discovered a new place called Alola where many strong creatures with amazing powers called Pokemons are found and you 9 kids have got an opportunity to go there, learn about these pokemon and catch them."

"Hey man does that mean that we can keep them with us?!!" Honcho said excited.

"Yes, until they don't wreak havoc here and there." He said looking amused at Honcho's sudden outburst.

"But first of all what's so special about them." Lui said unintrestedly.

"Well then how about I show you all in a little practical?" He said calmly.

"A practical?"Shu asked but before his question could be answered, the mysterious man had already clicked a remote and suddenly a giant TV screen appeared before us.

"Whats that for?" Ukyo finally asked. "You will see." The man answered.

Suddenly the TV started on its own and before we can realise anything, the TV screen came to life showing two strange creatures at the opposite sides of a big battlefield.

On the left side was a bipedal, draconian animal that was primarily dark blue in color. It had red on its underbelly from the lower jaw to the middle of the abdomen, including the undersides of its arms. A patch of gold came to a point below the red on its belly, and a golden star shape adorns the tip of its snout. It had horn-like appendages that resemble a jet or plane's engines, giving it an appearance similar to a shark. It had a large mouth featuring razor-sharp teeth. The feet had three white talons, and each arm has a single large, white claw for a hand. Curved fins sprout from the arms. It also had a large dorsal fin and another on its tail that resembled a shark tailfin. Pairs of small, white spikes protruded from its upper arms and legs, and there were gill-like slits on the sides of the neck, its eyes were intense, with black scleras and gold-colored irises.

While on the opposite side was a bipedal, primate-like animal that was primarily reddish-brown with sections of white fur on its chest, head, and lower legs. Several gold markings adorn its body: swirled, circular ones on its knees and shoulders flame-shaped ones on the back of its hands, and a stripe around its back that forms two swirls on its chest. On top of its head was a large flame. It had an orange, rounded muzzle, long, round ears with blue inside, and a red ridge over its eyes. There were five blue digits on both its feet and hands, and it had a long tail.

"What the hell are they?!"I asked excited to see these two in action.

"These are called pokemons, kids. The navy blue coloured one is called Garchomp, its a dual dragon and ground type while the other is Infernape which is a dual fire and fighting type."

"May I ask you one last question?" Free asked finally. "Go on." The man said kindly as he saw how curious Free looked.

"What do you mean by the type,that you used for the 'Garchomp' and 'Infernape'?" Free asked.

"Oh seems like I forgot to tell you one last thing that they're of different types, some have a single type like fire, water,dark etc and some dual like Grass/Bug type and other types." "There are approximately 18 pokemon types,they are: Normal, Fighting, Flying, Poison, Ground, Rock, Bug, Ghost, Steel, Fire, Grass, Water, Electric, Psychic, Ice, Dragon, Dark and Fairy. Each Type has its own individual strengths and weaknesses." He said taking a deep breath after taking and explaning for a long time without a break to take a breath.

"So can we now resume the battle and watch what happens next." He said looking slightly annoyed. ".... Yeah..." We managed to say before he resumed match.

(Pls guys I can't write the battle part so I put this video here and yeah if you're already guessing whose battle it is, then watch the video to see if you're correct or not... and sorry for such a long and crappy talk.By~~)

"That. Was. Awesome!!! ,"Honcho yelled. "Yeah... I never thought I would say this but it was a pretty good battle." Lui said with a small smirk.

So...... now do you agree to go to Alola." The man asked with a smile.

"Yeah!!! So when are we leaving?," Wakiya said a little excited. "Tomorrow morning at sharp 10:30 is your flight to Alola." He said before snapping his fingers again as we all got teleported again outside the abandoned house.

Next morning I got ready for the flight, bid goodbye to mom and siblings before going for the airport.

Flashback End

I was broken out of my thoughts by the snapping of Wakiya's finger in front of my face. "Hey Valt seems like you spaced out, you 'Kay right?" He asked looking slightly worried for me.

I nodded and before I could say something a voice boomed in the airplane saying "All passenger's we will be arriving to Alola shortly so please ready your Luggage."

Later ( Pls guys I skipped the landing and introduction part of Professor Kukui since I suck at these 'Kay)

"So professor when will we get our Pokemons." I asked a little annoyed of him for talking to much.

Shu Pov

I was a little surprised at Valt's attitude lately."Well.... if you kids are so excited for your first pokemon, why don't we see them now." He said leading us inside the house." Mmm..... it looks quite good rather than it looks outside." Daigo said.

"So.... here are your first pokemon's he said pointing towards six little Pokemons as they looked a us curiously.

"This is Riolu,Shinx, Houndour,Bagon,Shuppet,Axew, Treecko and Chimchar."

Riolu, was a small, blue, canine Pokemon with black legs and torso, a blue tail, and a yellow collar with rounded bumps on the backs of its forepaws with a black mask and red eyes it stood on its toes instead of its entire foot."

Shinx waas a small quadruped, feline Pokémon resembling a lion cub or lynx kitten. Its front half were light blue, while the rear was black. There was a short tuft of fur on its head and smaller tufts on each cheek, it had large, oval ears with yellow, star-shaped markings on the insides, yellow eyes, and a tiny, red nose with small fangs. A black marking encircled its neck like a collar and there were yellow bands above its forepaws."

Axew was a bipedal, grayish-green Pokémon with pale, straight tusks protruding from the sides of its mouth. The back of its head is dark grayish-green with a tall, slightly curved horn. Large, dark grayish-green ovals surround its red eyes, and it has a short, rounded snout with large nostrils. A forest green collar marking encircled its neck.

Shuppet was a spherical Pokémon that appeared to be covered by a gray cloth. Black rings surrounded its multicolored eyes, which have light blue sclera, dark blue irises, and yellow pupils. Extending from the top of its head was a long, pointed horn.

Houndour was a quadruped, canine Pokémon with short, black fur and a red underbelly and muzzle. Its ears and tail were both short and pointed. Two fangs protruded from its upper jaw, and its triangular nose is black. There were white bands on its ankles, and rib-like ridges on its back it has stylized skull on its forehead with the eye orbits creating eyebrow patterning above its actual eyes. It also had circular, red paw pads on each of its three-toed paws.

Bagon was a bipedal, blue, reptilian with a large, round snout, triangular eyes, yellow, circular ears similar to reptiles, and a yellow lower jaw with two teeth protruding upwards. Three thick, gray ridges cover the top of its head, and continue downwards to cover its neck as well. There was a triangular patch of yellow on its underside. It had stubby, digit-less arms and short legs with two toes on each foot.

Chimchar was a bipedal Pokémon resembling a chimpanzee. Its fur was primarily a shade of orange, though its face, outer ears, underbelly, hands, and feet are light yellow. Its rear had a small, round, red patch that is usually obscured by flames produced by burning gas in its stomach. It had two pointed teeth in its upper jaw. Chimchar had red markings nearly surrounding its eyes, a swirl-like symbol on its chest, and five fingers on its hands with three toes on its feet. It had a swirly crest of hair on its head.

Treecko was a small, green, bipedal reptilian Pokémon. It has yellow eyes with long, narrow pupils. Treeckos hands and feet each had three digits covered with tiny spikes. These spikes allow it to scale vertical walls with ease. Its stomach and throat are red. It also has a line across on its stomach resembling a pouch. Treecko has a large, dark green tail with two separate lobes.

Zorua was a slate gray, fox-like Pokémon with red and black accents. Its ears were triangular with dark insides, and it has a large tuft of fur tipped with red on top of its head. It had greenish blue eyes with red eyelids. There were circular, red markings above the eyes that resemble eyebrows. Its muzzle is short and tapered with two small fangs seen in the upper jaw when its mouth is open. Zorua possesses a ruff of black fur around its neck and four short limbs tipped with red. Its tail is short and bushy

"So Valt you may choose first." He said looking at Valt.

"Okay...... so I choose shinx." He said. "Very well." Professor said handing him shinx's pokeball.

"Shu you're next." I don't know what but I felt something strange feeling from Riolu that pulled me towards it." So, Riolu you wanna come with me?" I asked as he jumped in my arms and hugged me tightly.

Later on after me Ken got Shuppet, Wakiya got Axew, Lui got Bagon, Rantaro got Chimchar, Free got Treecko, Ukyo got Zorua and finally Daigo got Houndour. After that he gave us all our pokedexes and informed us that it contains all the information of any pokemon.

"Hey kids why don't you look around while I get you some juice." He said before heading for the kitchen. "But make sure that you don't touch anything."he said before disappearing in the other room.

"Hey guys why do you think he asked us not to touch anything." I asked somewhat suspicious of what he said." Maybe he thinks that we will break his equipments, I guess so." Rantaro( I will call him Rantaro now) said in a thoughtful manner.

"Whatever, why don't we look around like he asked us to do." Wakiya said.

Before I could say anything Honcho called for us to come in another room which seemed a little bit abnormally cold.

"Hey Honcho what's the matter and why did you call us here?" Wakiya asked sounding a little scared.

"Hey guys look at this stone, it looks a little bit strange right?" He said taking it in his hand to take a better look. "H-hey honcho I don't think its a good idea to touch anything like professor said." Valt said a little scared.

"Dont worry guys we have our pokemons." He said confidently showing us the stone.

There was a crack running down the middle, splitting in two near the bottom. The crack in combination with the two dots appears to form a frowning face.

''Something doesn't feel good about this stone." I said, as the pokeball on my belt shook violently before opening to form my newly acquired Riolu as he growled at Honcho." Hey Riolu what's the matter?" I asked a little surprised at how he was growling at Honcho.

"Hey Shu will you ask your pokemon to stop growling at me?" Honcho said looking a little terrified.

"Riolu is not the only one acting strange, Honcho." Daigo said pointing at the other pokemon as well which were acting a little uneasy.

Before he could say anything, Riolu jumped at Honcho or we could rather say the stone which he was holding. As the stone fell from his hand................

Out of it projected an ethereal composition of swirling purple fog. A face was set in the middle of the fog and contained green, crescent eyes that are connected to its jagged mouth. Its pupils were composed in a spiral. Swirling around its face were green orbs with yellow centers, as it seemed to glare angrily at Honcho who was lying on the floor with a horrified expression.

"W-what is t-that thing?!" He yelled.
"No idea." Was all I could say before I pointed my pokedex towards the gas or ghost.

Spiritomb the Forbidden pokemon. Dark/Ghost type. A Pokémon that was formed by 108 spirits. It was bound to a fissure in an odd keystone as punishment for misdeeds 500 years ago.

"Scary...." was all I could say before we got blasted away by a purplish ball fired by the 'Spiritomb'. According to my pokedex, it was called Shadow Ball. The Spiritomb was about to fire another Shadow ball when I heared Daigo yell an attack to Houndor.

"Houndour use Dark Pulse!" He yelled as the black hound released a flurry of purple rings which seemed to push the ghost type away a little. We all looked at Daigo with a surprised expression while he gave us a don't-stare-at-me look.

"H-how....?" Was all I could say as I looked at houndour in amazement while it tried using 'Shadow Claw' which Daigo commanded him to do.

"Seriously.......All you guys have to do is check for your Pokemons moves in the pokedex." he said with a raised eye expression and matter of fact tone.

It took us a while to understand what he said before we facepalmed and took out our poxedexes and pointed them towards our Pokemons.

Riolu, the Emanation Pokemon. Fighting/Steel type. The aura that emanates from its body intensifies to alert others if it is afraid or sad. It can discern the physical and emotional states of people, Pokémon, and other natural things from the shape of their aura waves.

Moves: Aura Sphere, Quick Attack, Detect, Leer

All I could was look at Riolu in awe while it cocked its head at me confusingly.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the screeching of a pokemon which turned out to be Spiritomb's as it looked at Chimchar angrily  while the fire monkey bared it teeth at the ghost type.

I was about to command Riolu to attack, Professor Kukui came between the pokemon and us.

,"Stop it Spiritomb! They are just kids and don't know what they are doing! Please calm Down!," he said surprisingly calming the raging pokemon. It then slowly returned to the stone while still glaring at us.

Kukui then turned towards us with a worried look and asked " Are you all ok?"  We just hummed in responce. I was still processing about what just happened but was abruptly brought to reality by an explosion.

As we ran towards the backyard of the lab, we were shocked to see many pokemons stuck in a white sticky coloured goo like thing. As they tried freeing themselves, it only seemed to entangle them more in the sticky substance.

Three people in black uniforms and with skulls in their bandanas were loading the pokemons in a truck when Kukui intervened them by sending out a bipedal, feline Pokémon with a muscular build. It had a short snout with a small red nose, bright green eyes with yellow sclerae, and tiny, pointed ears. Large tufts of red fur extended from its cheeks, and much of its face was also red. The upper half of its muzzle and the top and back of its head were black. A thin red stripe ran vertically along its head to its snout, where it split into a V-shape over its eyes. Its torso was gray with several black stripes and seems to resemble a wrestler tank-top; the front and back both had a single vertical stripe up the center, crossed by two horizontal lines. Around its waist was a belt in the form of flames that somewhat resembled a championship wrestling belt. In the front center was a small, yellow flame shape. The arms, legs, and tail were all red with black stripes forming bands around them. The arms had three stripes, spiky tufts of black fur over the shoulders, and large five-fingered hands with white claws and a single light red pad on the palm. Its legs had only two stripes and simple three-toed paws, and the tail had one stripe and a tuft of spiky black fur around the tip.

"Incineroar use Fire Blast"  Kuki commanded as the red pokemon roared before forming a kangi shaped fire from its belt and launching it at the grunts but was intervened by a huge torrent of water which passed right through the Fire blast and hit Incineroar square in the chest, sending it skidding a few yards away.

"Well .... Well..... Well... if it isn't for the kukui bastard inteverning in my plans again....," a cold voice said as man with white hair, a golden chain hanging on his neck and with baggy clothes came in our view with a large, arthropod Pokémon with a hunched, humanoid posture beside him.

It had a pale purple body covered with silver armor plating. It had relatively small head with bright purple antennae that converged with its mandibles to form a mask like thing around its eyes. Behind its head and curving down its back were several armoured plates, each with a long protrusion curving up from each side, there was a small, greenish triangle marking on the center of each plate. Most of its lower body was exposed, but there was an armor resembling a loincloth around its waist and pieces encasing its thighs and feet. Its feet each had a single black claw. It had a three pairs of arms. The two foremost pairs were thinner, encased in silver thing and each was tipped with a single, black claw.

"Guzma......" Kukui managed to say through gritted teeth when suddenly a hand grabbed us from our waists and held each us. Incineroar and our pokemons were returned to their respective pokeballs after being snatched away from us. They took our pokeballs and put them in a bag. "Guzma! Stop this. These kids have nothing to do with what's between us!"  Kukui said desperately while Guzma looked at him with a sadistic look in his eyes.

"I would have let these kids go but if I let the go then they will later on play a major role in destroying my plans...," the guy now known as 'Guzma' said while smirking at us.

" I'm really SORRY to say this Kukui, my dear friend.... but this ends here!," he said while looking at His Pokemon," Golisopod! Kill him!" he said while looking away.

Our eyes widened as the Pokemon sharpened its claw turning its colour into a metallic shade and started walking towards the professor with a menancing look in its eyes as our hearts started pounding on our rib cages with each step the pokemon took. It soon reached out for Kukui and raised it claw to strike but a white beam of light suddenly hit the pokemon sending it crashing a few feet away.

We turned to the source of the beam only to see a.... Shinx? Wait.... that shinx looks familiar.... it's Valts Shinx! Seems like it somehow managed to get out of the pokeball.

It then charged the same beam in its mouth and launched it at the Golisopod again but this time it formed a barrier in front of it which deflected the attack surprising Shinx.

"What a pest.... Golisopod deal with it! Use Hyper Beam," Guzma commands as the Bug type starts charging an orange ball between its claws.

Shinx's eyes widened as Golisopod finally released the Orange beam. Our eyes widened while Valt somehow managed to break free of one grunts grip as he ran towards Shinx and hugged him securely and curled into a ball as the beam neared them.....


??? POV

I watched silently from the shadows as the Shinx fired a charge beam at that oversized bug.

I'm not least surprised that such a small pokemon like that could use a powerful attack like that so early.

After all its my very own Luxray's offspring. No wonder its quite a punch for that bug.

I gave a small frown as its attack failed and the Golisopod fired a hyper beam at it.

I raised an eyebrow when the blue haired boy or Valt as his friends called him embraced Shinx trying to cover it from the hyper beam.

What is he thinking? Is he crazy or what? I just shook my head annoyed at the act and gave a signal to my partner beside me. He nodded and flew over to the kid as the Orange beam neared them.

Phew... finally... this chapter took me a full month! After lots of editing finally my new book is up! Hope ya all like it.

Next chap coming soon. Until then, Smell ya all later!

Number of words: 5057

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