Chapter Seven
Monica arrives at the arena nervous about what might happen. Right before she left she received a call not for suring their divorce. Why the delay? She walked the hallway and got some looks and stares, she waited by the crates he always come to. Her mom was the first person to come up. She hugged her mom and they talked as Joe approached with a confused look on his face while taping up his wrist.
Monica, "Hey."
Joe, "Sup? Where were you two day ago?"
Monica, "I didn't feel well."
Joe, "Okay I take that even though I know that's a lie. How have you been?"
Monica, "Can we talk?"
Joe leads her to his locker room. He saw she was shaking and consoled her. She then begin to cry as she thought about Cannon's death with today marking the anniversary of Cannon's death.
Joe, "What's wrong? Talk to me Monica."
Monica, "Its my dad's fault why he's not here and today I just can't deal. I don't know how to deal with today."
Joe, "Your mom told me something like that and Monica you're not accountable for a grown man's actions. Everyone was innocent in that situation especially that baby."
He held her as she cried then a knock comes at the door and its Sasha. She stopped by to say hi and they were tag teaming again. Another knock comes at the door and its some random girl.
This is Raquel Lynx.
Joe, "Hi Raquel."
"Hi Rome. Are we still on for tonight?"
Joe, "Yeah. Ummm let me finish up with a friend and I'll be with you."
Raquel waves bye and closes the door and Monica grabs her jacket, "Ummm good luck on your date tonight and umm good luck tonight in your tag match."
Joe, "We can finish talking about it."
Monica, "No, its okay. You know I think Connor was right when he said what he said, sometimes people just have to deal with their damn problems on their own."
Joe, "Where did that come from?"
Monica, "Doll its not you. You've been so sweet and supportive and tonight is just an emotional time for me. Losing Cannon and the baby---"
Joe, "Baby? Who's baby?"
Monica, "Cannon, is who I meant. He was a baby when he died and I have always carried this guilt.."
Joe, "I don't think you should be alone tonight."
Monica, "Well you got things to do and I'm not going to intrude nor be the third wheel on your little date."
Joe, "We're just going to get food. I mean you still have to eat too."
Monica, "I eat you just fine and you eat just fine."
Joe, "Yeah I do" licking his lips.
Monica, "Joe stop it. You're so disgusting. I'm talking about food. And by the way you do more than just fine with that department" she gets ready to leave out, hey good luck with everything and out there tonight."
Monica made her way out and something inside Joe didn't feel right. Raquel interrupted his thoughts, "So is she gone?"
Joe, "Yeah."
Raquel, "Some friend ha?"
Joe, 'You have nooooo idea."
Raquel, "She looked cozy in your arms."
Joe, "She's always welcomed in them."
Raquel, " No matter who or what may come along?"
Joe, "Yes. We didn't work married in her opinion but she'll always be a friend."
Raquel, "Yall was married?"
Joe, "Yeah. Well I have to get going." Joe makes his way to the ring doing an amazing promo with Sasha, John Cena and Nikki. Sasha ended up slapping Nikki and Joe punches John. He looked out seeing Monica and her family cheering that made him smile in the inside to avoid breaking character. He did flash a wink and she blew a kiss. For some reason, why did he feel she was saying goodbye?
For the main event it was Sasha & Roman vs. Nikki & John in a Tag Team No Disqualification match; Roman and Sasha picked up the victory and he searched the crowd for Monica as she clapped and cheered. He made a goofy face making her laugh and smile and she waved bye. After the cameras shut off Joe rushed the crowd for Monica and her mom said she already started exiting the building. Joe made his way to the parking lot and Raquel stops him, "Hey, I'll be waiting by the car" he respond okay. He looks around as the parking lot was clearing out and see no one.
Raquel makes her way to Joe, "Who are you looking for?"
Joe, "My friend but I think she left."
Raquel, "Oh. Joe I have to be honest with you. I like you a lot and I never thought in two days you can like someone so much."
Joe, "Yeah, me neither." [Referring to Monica]
Raquel, "And I've waited for so long to do this."
Joe, "Raquel I have to be honest with you. I lo---"
Before he could finish Raquel kisses him as Monica looked on. He pulled away, "That's not what I wanted to happen or want you to feel. We're friends and I didn't want you to get the wrong impression because I loved her. And I still do."
Raquel, "But she doesn't love you."
Joe, "She does. She's afraid but his doesn't help."
Monica speed walks to he car and leaves going back to her hotel and pack. She was contemplating on leaving or staying. She prayed on what she should do but she knew she was no good for Joe.
Sunday... No Mercy
Roman vs. John: No Holds Barred match for the United States & Heavyweight Championship
Sasha vs. Nikki for Women's Championship
Sasha made her way to Monica, "Hey girly or should I say Mrs. Reigns."
Monica, "Sasha right?"
Sasha, "Yeah or Mercedes. Whichever you prefer. You've looked down like what's sup with you?"
Monica, "I don't know. I've been asking myself that. Have you seen Joe?"
Sasha, "Yeah but his signature crates."
Monica thanked Sasha and when she approached she saw Joe's arms wrapped around Raquel's waist and them locking lips. She was so upset. She made her way back to her hotel and called someone, "Yes, I do want to take this to court. Yes. My lawyer would be in contact with him."
That Sunday Joe and Sasha retained their championships. Monica made her way back home to Texas.
Eve, "Now tell me what's sup with you."
Monica, "I'm taking Joe to court."
Eve, "What? For what?"
Joe opens his door with papers saying he's been served. The writing read, "The courts of Las Vegas summons you, Leati Anoai, on the behalf of Monica Simmons Anoai to appear in court for an annulment and spousal reimbursement Oct 18th. "What the hell!"
The called Monica and she sends him to voicemail. He calls her again and she ignores his call but sends him a text, "I'll see you next week when wrestling comes to Houston" He shakes his head and text back, "This he game you want to play? You are something else. I'll see you in Houston."
What do you guys think of Raquel, Joe, Monica and the whole situation? Let me know. Are you guys ready for Joe and Monica to meet face-to-face? What would you do? Special thanks to FlowerLovely27 Deadly_Fox JenniferMGallon pittiemommy22 BeccaHall786 SinnaMonnBun Mo_Luv & CReigns. Your support have been amazing. If I missed anyone I'm sorry. Vote, comment, ask questions and share. Truly Yours 😉
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