Chapter Four
"You're something else but I bound to get through those electrical fences." He walks out and she flops down on the bed.
"OWWWW! Great my ass hurt and I'm stuck with a stranger. FML." She dials Eve's number and the third attempt Eve finally picks up and Monica lets out a long loud scream.
Monica, "I hate him! I hate him! I hate him already! But I married him!"
"Hate who? And are we three throwing tantrums. Married? What?!"
Monica, "You remember that guy from the party. You remember we were dancing and we made out and I woke up with swollen lips and a band."
Eve, "Hold the hell up. He hit you. Oh hell no!"
Monica, "Eve focus. Not those lips. The ones that are in my pants."
Eve, "Girl you trippin cause you got some good loving?"
Monica, "No because I'm married to him. I did the dumbest thing ever getting drunk and having sex with a stranger but marrying him tops it all. Now he's saying he doesn't want a divorce. What should I do?"
Eve, "He doesn't have to consent to the divorce. Get an annulment."
Monica, "Okay. How much do you think it'll cost? Listen, text me. He's on the way back up."
Eve, "How do you know?"
Monica, "I can smell him."
Eve, "Behave but what does he smell like? He looks like he smells phenomenal."
Monica, "He does but that's not the point." Monica hangs up and Joe walks in with platters. "You bought breakfast?"
Monica, "What's under that one?"
Monica, "I have sweet tooth craving right now." Monica lifts the top and its cinnamon rolls and slices of red velvet and lemon cake "Happy Anniversary/Honeymoon Honey." Monica looks at Joe with evil eyes and he burst out in laughter, "You think this is funny?"
"Im sorry. You was so excited and I was going to say something but the jokes keep being on you."
Monica, "I want a divorce."
"No problem. But lets just enjoy these few days. As a matter of fact travel with me."
Monica, "I don't think that's a great idea."
Joe, "Im going to Portugal, France, Spain, Hawaii, Ireland, should I say more."
Monica, "Did you say Portugal and Hawaii? Those are my dream places. Okay fine but only because I want to go to those places and can't quite afford to go right now."
"I got you."
Monica, "Listen dude okay. I'm not some whore you can marry and flash your money at and what do you do because I don't fool around with drug dealers so your occupation better have a damn W-2." He just laughs, "I'm not afraid of you Mrs. Anoai and yes it does and I don't deal with drugs." She rolls her eyes, "I hate you. FINE! And I'll pay for my own stuff."
Joe steals a kiss, "Sorry doll against my role as a husband." She notice a bag with clothes and she opens it and its an outfit for her (in MM). She smiles because it was the Steelers. She thought to herself 'real smooth Joe but not going to happen captain.' After she showered and got dressed, he comes down in a button up shirt that matches his eyes with matching pants and shoes. She did admit to herself he looked handsome and sexy all in one. "You look beautiful."She just mugged him, "Youre gonna get wrinkles in that pretty little head of yours with all the frowning and mugging you be doing." Kisses the top of her head.
Monica, "Where are you taking me Anoai?"
"Some places youll love."
"Well I don't feel like walking."
Joe smirks, "Ill carry you."
Monica rolls her eyes, "Do you have a counter for everything I say."
Joe, "That's kinda a part of my profession. Nice ass by the way."
He leads the way to his truck opening the door for her, before he could close the door she slams it shut and he laughs. As he begin driving he notice chill bumps, "Are you cold?"
"Well you have chill bumps."
Monica snaps and he laughs, "You know what watch the damn road and not my arms. You gon' get us in a wreck. Laugh all you want with your goofy ass. I'm putting on my jacket and rolling up the damn window and putting on my damn jacket and maybe I'll warm the hell up." He continues laughing, "You think this is gam but see how much it is one when I cheat on you while we're married. This is not me. I planned on never getting married then here comes you."
"Correction here comes alcohol. Stop drinking."
"F*CK YOU." She tries to hit him and the car swerves. "You're so annoying." He pulls over and puts her in the backseat. "Get off of me."
"Calm down." He put his hands in her pants and she moans as he fingers her. "Want me to stop." She shakes her head no. She pulls him into her, "I need you inside me." He obliges her and after having sex in the backseat she drifts off to sleep for the rest of the ride. He stops grabbing her new panties and wipes and pulls up in front of a stadium. She awakes when he shifts her. "Where are we?"
Joe, "You'll see." He helps her out and they walk hand-in-hand into the stadium, she saw it was decorated with the Steelers colors she begin to smile. "The Steelers was having a meet and greet and press today and I thought it'll be cool to bring you here."
"How did you know?"
"Research and some old college friends now play for the Steelers."
"I hate but love you at this point! YAY!!!" She ran up the stairs into the stadium and when he got in there she was close to the front of the line. Joe just chatted with some people and the guys he knew from the Steelers and signed autographs as well. She came back with all smiles and a whole bunch of merchandise signed. "Have fun?"
Monica, "Yes! Now I'm hungry and want ChickFila."
Joe, "You can at least put a please and question mark on that statement."
Monica, "Oh don't get your panties in a wand baby boy." He rolls his eyes and gets the car locking her out. "Seriously Joe open the door."
"A please and question mark would go a long way with your rude ass."
Monica, "Really you want a question mark and please? Can you open the damn door please before I knock out this window and kick you giant ass?! Period." He unlocks the door and bore she can open the door he locks it back laughing. "Please Joe. Its getting cold." He unlocks the door.
Joe, "Now was that so hard?"
"Takes one to know one asshole."
Monica folds her arms, "I'm tired of your shenanigans. Take me to my hotel."
"Why not?"
Joe, "Because I'm not wasting my gas to take you way to your hotel then back out to eat because you mad. Got some gas money?"
"Go to hell."
Joe, "With that attitude and f'ed up mentality you'll beat me there."
Monica, "Ill be so glad when this annulment can happen and when someone who works at the damn courthouse call me back. So ready to go and leave you."
"Touchè. And your legs don't look broke. I know they can't be cause I ain't got wheelchair access... What was that? I don't hear nothing. Thought so. Something else to say cause I got more."
Monica, "Not on your promos Mr. Roman Reigns. Yeah I googled you."
Joe, "Googling me only makes me more relevant and trend but me cutting my promo is no different then your dry sex." Monica words was stuck in her throat, "Something else to sat Ms. Simmons?"
Monica, "You son of a b*tch."
Joe, "Takes one to know one. Learn something. Now what do you want from Chick Fila?"
Monica, "How bout a jerk chicken sandwich and some b*tch fries from McDonald's short dick."
Joe, "My dick ain't short you just have no walls. Now excuse me while I order our jerk chicken sandwiches." Monica was irritated and to be honest no one have never handed her back the same harsh words and tone he just did but she wasn't going to let him know that and was going to keep serving the dishes cold.
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After traveling for two weeks with him they were now in Hawaii. She received noticed that her annulment would be ready in two weeks. Within those two weeks they have had arguments, and mad crazy sex. They were the riot couple when they went places involving her throwing drinks on him and him throwing her across his shoulder not being bothered by her pounding him in the back.
After sex, "The annulment will be ready in two weeks... Joe you hear me?"
"Its whatever you want."
"Its for the best. I don't want to hurt you and when I get back home I can't promise I'll be faithful its just not me."
"Its fine. It was fun while it lasted. But why are you so scared?"
'Scared? I'm not afraid of anything."
"Sure. I seen you running from commitment ever since we've been together. And every time there is a smile on your face you sabotage. I think its sad you sabotaging yurt own happiness. You remove the smile form your own face."
"That's how I prepare for the worst."
Joe, "Not even the military is that prepared. Have you ever thought that maybe you haven't been Portugal or Hawaii before not because you couldn't afford it but because you're not willing to take risk and always playing it safe. Life is about taking chances sometimes. Pain is going to come regardless no matter who you are because life and GOD have no perspective person. Failure and pain is only they to make you humble when success do come."
He gave her something to think about as she laid on his chest as he drifted off to sleep. He was certainly older than her and that was one of the things that scared her. He was older and could end up playing her.
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What do you guys think? I laugh when writing that part of them arguing in the car the first time. Share opinions, feedback and vote. Special thanks to FlowerLovely27 and JenniferMGallon
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