Chapter 11:...Baby

Not so long ago, in our Milky Way galaxy....

The Galaxy is consumed by war. A race of raptor-like aliens called Bsepoticans lead by the ruthless Red King rule the center of the galaxy. A rebellion led by the brave Zax and his sister the strong and beautiful Gaia has risen up against the Red King's rule.

Lincoln Loud and his 10 sisters were taken by the Red King's armies to the Red King's ship "The Singularity." As it turns out, the Red King is not the hideous monster the Louds thought he would be. Rather a pretty normal looking guy. However, The Red King has terrifying powers utilizing a force called "Primal energy".

The Loud family then were "rescued" By Zax and his race of living rock people called Oxan. However, it would seem that Zax is not the hero he claims to be. Zax refuses to take the Louds back to earth and insists they live with him on his ship called "the Gem" and join in the fight against the Red King.

Lincoln and the Loud family must now think of a plan to escape Zax's clutches, while also avoiding recapture by The Red King and his armies of alien dinosaurs.


Benny, Luan's boyfriend races to find a way to bring his beloved back from the stars. Soon Benny will form a team of all the Loud's friends to find a way to bring them back.


Benny and Maggie burst through the front door of the Loud House to see Clyde, Ronnie Anne and Sid sitting in the middle of the living room with scared and confused looks on their faces.

"Oh look, it's Lincoln's boyfriend." Maggie smirked.

"Benny?" Clyde said. "I thought the aliens abducted you."

"They uh... threw me back." Benny explained.

"Did you get a good look at them?" Ronnie Anne asked.

"What are they doing to my best friend?" Clyde asked.

"What did they look like?" Sid asked.

"They looked like..." Benny said. "Um... I know this is going to sound crazy, but they kind of looked like... dinosaurs."

"Are they at least the friendly long necked ones that eat plants?" Clyde asked.

"Actually, they looked more like velociraptors." Benny explained.

"Velociraptors?" Ronnie Anne said. "You mean the super vicious blood thirsty ones that are smarter than dolphins?"

"MY BEST FRIEND IS ABOUT TO BE EATEN BY ALIEN VELOCIRAPTORS!!!!!!" Clyde cried out, before fainting.


"Clyde are you ok?" Sid asked, as Clyde slowly woke up.

"We have to get them back" Ronnie Anne said to Benny.

"Alien dinosaurs." Maggie laughed. "If you hadn't come crashing from the sky in that escape pod, I'd be calling you crazy... Well actually I'm still going to call you crazy."

"Where are we even going to start?" Sid asked.

"Maybe if we can find one of those government guys." Benny said. "The ones who have been snooping around Royal Woods for the entire summer, you know?"


Back in space...

The Loud siblings were settling into their new home on Zax's ship. They were woken up and brought to the cafeteria where they were fed breakfast. Some sort of alien food, they didn't even want to know what it was made of.

The hallway leading from their room to the cafeteria passed the hanger where Zax had stored the scavenged ships. Lori couldn't help noticing the one ship that looked like it could still fly, the silver one with a blue finish.

After breakfast Zax took the siblings to a secure part of the ship

"Why are we here?" Lori asked as they made their way deeper and deeper into the Gem.
"If you are to join in the fight against the Red King. I need to show this to you." Zax explained. "It is the only thing that can hurt him."

They reached a room with a safe. Zax opened the safe to reveal a dagger with a brown blade.

"What is it?" Lori asked.

"It is an incredibly rare material found on only one planet in the galaxy." Zax replied. "If it makes contact with the Red King it will drain his powers."

"Wait a minute." Lori said, getting a closer look at the Dagger. "That looks familiar... is that... Peanut brittle?"

Lana grabbed the dagger and took a big bite out of it. "Yep, that's peanut brittle."

"Hey, I'm getting pretty tired of you guys swiping my stuff." Zax scorned, taking back the dagger.

"So, this incredibly rare material is literally peanuts?" Lori said.

"Yeah, the Red King is VERY allergic." Zax replied.

"Uh news flash genius." Lynn replied. "But peanuts are not rare. You can find them anywhere back on earth."

"Um actually you can ONLY find them on Earth." Zax replied. "You need to think on a universal scale."

"So, this god-like being called the Red King." Lori said. "He can basically do anything, but his one and only weakness is that he is literally allergic to peanuts?"

"You say literally a lot." Zax replied.


The siblings got back to their room soon enough.

Lisa seemed to be searching for something.

"Lisa what are you doing?" Lori asked.

"looking for hidden cameras and bugs." Lisa replied.

"Like space spiders?" Leni asked.

"No, and ssshh." Lisa replied.

"That's probably a good idea." Lori said. The siblings took a moment to search the room for hidden microphones and cameras.

"I guess Zax isn't as smart as he thinks." Lori said when the search came up empty.

"There is a camera in the hallway though." Luan pointed out. "Just outside the door."

"And it's not like we can climb out the window." Lisa said. "Unless you wanted to freeze and suffocate in the vacuum of space."

"Yeah hard pass on that." Lola replied.

"So how are we going to get off this ship?" Lana asked.

"That ship in the scrap hanger." Lori replied. "The silver one. Zax was going to sell it for parts or something, he won't even know it's gone."

"Lori, do you have your cell phone?" Lincoln asked.

"Sure, but I don't think it gets a signal outside the Earth's atmosphere." Lori said, handing Lincoln her phone.

"Lisa, you think you can use Lori's phone to hack into Zax's security system?" Lincoln asked.

"maybe." Lisa said.

"Ok I'm in." Lisa said a few minutes later.

"You hacked into an advanced alien security system that fast?" Lori said.

"It was easier than it sounds." Lisa said. "Zax's Password is... password, all lowercase. Here I can program the cameras to feedback a continuous loop, so they won't see us. But we'll have to move fast, won't be long before Zax catches on."

"So how are we going to get the door open?" Lola said. "It's locked."

"I got this." Leni said, pulling out a hair pin.

"Leni, I don't think that's going to work on an advanced alien..." Lisa explained.

"Done!" Leni smiled as the door opened.

"Well I'll be." Lisa said.

The group piled out into the hallway.

"So which way to the scrap hanger?" Lincoln asked.
"This way." Lori said.

"And how are we even going to pilot an alien ship?" Luna asked.

"We'll just have to learn on the go." Lori replied.

"Don't you mean on the fly?" Luan giggled.

The group hurried down the hall, careful not to make a sound. They ducked behind a corner as two guards walked by.

"I hear Zax really has the Red King by the nuts now." One of the rock creatures mentioned.

"Yeah now that he has those brats from Earth, Red was so obsessed with." The other creature laughed.

"Ugly little things aren't they?" the first creature said.

"I'll show you ugly." Lola hissed.

"Lola no!" Lori said, holding Lola back. The guards passed and the group continued on. They got to the hanger, but the door was locked with a palm reader.

"Well I don't think I can pick that." Leni said.

"Step aside." Lynn said. "I got this." Then she punched the palm reader as hard as she could, causing it to shatter. The door opened.

"Never ran into a problem I couldn't solve with punches." Lynn said proudly. They all hurried into the hanger.

"It's this one." Lori pointed to the ship.

They ran up to the one seemingly intact ship.

"Uh how do we get in?" Lola asked.

A mechanical stalk extended from the side of the ship. At the end of the stalk was a large glowing red robot eye. The eye rotated to look at the loud siblings.

"Crap is that some sort of security drone?" Lori whispered.

"Hello!" A cheery voice with a British accent came from the eye. "You're not rock people. Are you my new friends?"

"Huh?" Lori said.

"Are you rescuing me?" The voice asked.

"Uh yeah we're rescuing you." Lori said.

"YYYYYAAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!" The ship called out.

"Of course, the ship can talk." Lola said.

Two guards entered the room.

"It's the humans!" One of the guards announced. "They're escaping!"

"Get in new friends!" The voice from the ship called out. The door opened. A cannon extended from the side of the ship and shot a blast of blue energy at the rock creatures, reducing them to rubble.

"Holy crap!" Lori yelled as she and her siblings boarded the talking ship.

"BOOM!" Lily giggled.

Alarms started to go off.

The door lead into the main control room of the smaller ship. Lori walked over to the control panel. The panel must have had a million buttons.

"Oh man!" Lori said. "This thing literally has a million buttons! What do I even press?"

"Don't worry new friends!" the happy mechanical voice said. "I can get us out of here!"

The ship shot another blast of blue energy at the hanger doors, blasting them open. All the contents of the hanger were then sucked out into space.

"WWWWHHHHHOOOOOAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!" The Louds yelled. They were all flung against the walls of their new ship as it hurdled out into the dark void of space. The ship straightened itself out and stabilized.

"Is everyone ok?" Lori asked.

"I'm fine." Luan, who was holding Lily announced. Then Lilly puked in Luan's face.

"Don't worry buddy, I got this." The robotic voice of the ship said. A stream of water shot out of one of the walls and blasted Luan in the face to clean the baby puke off.

"Gee thanks" Luan said, now dripping wet as Lilly giggled.

Lori noticed the red light on the dashboard that resembled the eye from outside. "What are you anyway?" Lori asked, looking into the red light.

"I am the Pal 10,000" The voice said with glee. "I am the A.I that runs this ship."

"The ship got a name?" Luna asked.

"It did." Pal said. "But those rock things wiped my memory. I suppose it's up to you to give the ship a new name."

"Well we call our house back home the Loud House." Lincoln said. "So how about we call this the Loud Ship."

"Oh, that is a wonderful name!" Pal said. "And... what are you, you're certainly not Oxan. And you don't look like raptors."

"We're Human." Lori replied. "My name is Lori. These are my sisters Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lola, Lana, Lisa, and Lily. The boy with the white hair is my brother Lincoln."

"Yay! New crew!" Pal said.

"So, do you know where the planet Earth is?" Lori asked.

"No." Pal replied.

"Ugh!" The Louds moaned.

"But we can find out." Pal replied. "If we can get to a library, we can probably find the coordinates to Earth. Is Earth your home?"

"Yes," Lori said. "It is."

Luan looked out of the window at the Zax's ship getting further into the distance. "We might want to get out of here before Zax realizes we're gone."


Zax stood in the empty hanger after it was sealed up. A dark figure came out of the shadows behind him, the figure was covered in black armor and had a dark mask like a ninja.

"Fallow them." Zax ordered. "But keep your distance, don't let them know you are fallowing them. I would like to see where they go next, and I'm sure the Red King will be looking for them as well."

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