If you cry easily, you might need tissues for this chapter. Otherwise, you are good to go.

Also, how far with that therapy I asked you guys to sign up for?

Oh, and a week of ROU guys!! 5.8k views!! I wonder how much we'd have by the end of this book.

Keep the comments coming, and you will get your Friday update as well. 100+ comments for an early update tomorrow?

My drafts will soon finish seff. I need to get to writing it appears.

Jakadiya rushed into the Queen's chamber, turning around to look over her shoulders in worry before she hastened her steps. Getting past the main living room, she came to a halt in the smaller living room when she spotted the Queen standing by the window, her back to her. Letting out a shaky breath, she closed the distance between them, then came to a stop beside the Queen.

"Ranki dade," She started, then bowed her head, "Yerima has just left the palace in a rush." The worry was evident in her tone, and her expression as her lips curled downwards into a deep frown. "Should I have someone stop him?"

"No," Giwa breathed out calmly, her arms folded over her torso as she stared out the window—she saw when he drove out as well, after all, she could see everywhere from there. "Let him. He would need to go and confirm for his eyes after all."

Jakadiya swallowed down a lump, her heart rate spiking behind her ribcage as she flicked her gaze up to throw the Queen a quick glance, taken aback by how the woman could still look this calm and composed after all that she had done. She had known her for her entire life, but that does not mean she is used to how the woman does her stuff by now.

And she will not lie, she scares her too sometimes. She too tends to underestimate the extent Giwa could go for the sake of her children, she goes the long way really. She takes extreme measures when necessary.

She quickly dipped her head into a slight bow when Giwa turned her head in her direction only slightly, before her voice came again. "Have someone follow him," She said. "He will not be able to drive back, so they should bring him back."

Jakadiya nodded, "On it, Ranki dade," She then hesitated, wanting to say something but not sure if she can say it to the woman at that moment.

Giwa, able to tell of Jakadiya's struggles simply by her hesitation to go about the task assigned to her then spoke, "What is it, Jakadiya?" She breathed out almost lazily, as if she had a long exhausting day and just wanted nothing but a soft bed for her to rest on.

Jakadiya finally found her voice. "I am just curious, ranki dade..." She exhaled, her frown deepening. "Will Yerima be okay?" She saw the way he stormed out, and though she has not fully grasped the entirely of the situation, not knowing what truly happened, she knew it must be grave given how calm the woman is acting. The bigger the action, the calmer she always is.

Saying the Prince cannot drive himself back from wherever it is he is headed towards, things must be grave.

Giwa hummed slightly, "No." She said, then turned her head around completely to find Jakadiya's gaze, "But he will need to learn the consequences of his actions," Her gaze turned distant, her later words seeming to have a double meaning Jakadiya's feeble and simple mind could not comprehend. "This is bigger than just him, but he is too stubborn to realize it. I just did what I had to."

The sound of Giwa's phone ringing came, piercing the tense air of the living room. The device which she held in her hand vibrated as well, making her pull the hand back to see who the caller ID is. A look flicked across her expression, then she found Jakadiya's gaze. "Handle what I asked of you. They should hurry."

Jakadiya nodded, "Right away, Your Highness."

Giwa then turned around, walking in the direction of her room as she answered the call, her voice dropping as she answered the call. Jakadiya could only shudder, feeling the air arctic cold even as the woman left, before she shook her head and went about her assigned task, not wanting to get on the wrong side of the Queen as well.

Amir Qasim's mind on the other hand is nothing but a whirlwind of emotions that he could not make sense of. He was not sure exactly how his mind managed to register the events that had happened thus far, how he left his mother's chamber, got into his car, and found himself driving with no destination in mind slightly. And as his foot pressed on the accelerator, increasing the speed of the car with a soft hum that the environment around him blurred, he was only partially worried about what would be of him if he continued as such speed.

He was half aware of the accident he nearly had had by taking a sharp turn, almost crashing into the car beside him if not that the other driver was quick to step on the brakes. Unbothered by the near death experience, Amir Qasim carried on with his drive, only coming to a stop at the familiar neighborhood he had grown up visiting one too many times.

Unlike usual though, he could not park in his usual spot because there were too many people crowded there, not to mention the two fire service trucks that took up most of the space. Once he had found a space to park, he did so carelessly, then hopped out of the car, the sound of the door closing behind him barely registering in his mind as his feet carried him towards the group of people.

Still too much caught up in the entirety of the situation, he found himself pushing the people aside as he advanced further, the sound of their protests due to the perceived rude action falling on deaf ears. Amir Qasim's ears were dulled by the sound of the chatters, and that of the sirens all around. His legs moved almost robotically, only coming to a stop once he found himself in front of the crowd, and he could finally get a full view of the situation in front of him.

The burning, scorching fire blazed right in front of him, reflecting in his orbs. Despite standing at a safe distance, he could still feel the heat of the fire. He was frozen for that moment, the scene playing right in front of him as the firefighters tried to make a way in while some tried to get the fire down. They seemed to have succeeded in putting out the fire in one side, and he could see some trooping in, running inside to assist in any way they can.

He watched, unable to move any bit from where he stood, his mind unable to comprehend anything but to simply...watch.

It was not until the firefighters began to rush out, holding stretchers with bodies on it did his mind finally register it all. His feet moved first, what started as a few steps advancing to a sprint as he darted in the direction, desperate to reach where the stretcher is as two was pulled out, a white sheet now stained with ashes and black spots covering the body that was on the stretcher.

Some of the firefighters tried to spot him on the way just as they were holding everyone back, but one glare from him had them pulling back, especially since one of them happened to recognize Amir Qasim. He tapped his partner, making them pull back and give the Prince way to advance.

Amir Qasim's strides were fast as he reached where the stretchers were, just before they were placed the back of the ambulance, making them halt. His shaky hands reached out to take a hold of the shroud, his entire body shaky as he held his breath, then hesitantly pulled it back but he could only do so for a couple of inches, before his gaze fell on the body, and from the corner of his eyes, he could see those beside him looking away, but he could not.

His heart, the fragile organ felt as though it was being punctured with a sharp knife, getting stabbed repeatedly, and he was left unable to breath. With still shaky hands, he pulled the shroud to cover the face, then advanced to the next body, repeating the same action.

"They are bringing out the two other bodies," He heard the other firefighters scream, as they advanced further to go and assist the others.

He turned around, his gaze falling on the two other stretchers that were rushed out of the house, the speed and the wind making one of the shrouds to pull back on its own, revealing the body of in and Amir Qasim's nearly gave out on him, and he found himself staggering back.

He managed to get a hold of himself, and his feet carried him in the direction of the two corpses. Having already seen one of them, which the workers rushed to cover as some of the onlookers had already pulled out their devices, capturing the moment, Amir Qasim stood beside the other, uncovered one.

He held his breath, his heart hammering behind his ribcage as he hesitated, unsure if he is ready to face what is right before him. Then, with as much slowness as that of a snail moving, his fingers finally got a hold of the shroud, and he pulled it back ever so slowly. The moment his gaze fell on the corpse there, it was his breaking point—the moment everything settled within him.

A choke like sob escaped his lips as his hold around the shroud tightened, his eyes glossy with tears. "Fulani..." He whispered, his voice foreign to his ears as his gaze remained fixated on the body. His other free hand reached out, almost touching the side of the face before he stopped himself midway, his eyes clenching shut as he tried to hold back his tears.

When he opened his eyes again, he had blinked back the tears, trying to keep himself calm. "Fulani..." He started again, forcing a shaky smile on his face. "...Fulani, I am here," He breathed out, his tone shaky. "...wake up, kinji? I am sorry I am late for dinner. Do not be upset with me please. Just get up, and I will get you anything you want as an apology, hmm?" He kept his gaze fixated on the face, waiting for those eyes to flutter open, and for those lips to curl upwards into the smile he was too familiar with.

Those beside him watched with sad eyes, immediately recognizing the Prince as being in a state of denial. One of them reached out to place his hand on his shoulder, trying to pull him back. "Yerima..." He began, his voice soft.

Amir Qasim shrugged him off harshly, not wanting to listen to him, not wanting to be forced to agree to something he knew could not be real.

However, before the man could attempt to push him away again so they can take the body away, another familiar face made an appearance, getting past the group of people and arriving right where they are.

The firefighter, upon realizing another familiar face then offered the man a quick handshake. "Ranka ya dade," He acknowledged, as a sign of respect to the man. He then made a gesture to the seemingly delirious Prince, to which he got a nod of understanding in response.

The new man that joined the picture then advanced to stand beside the Prince. "Amir Qasim," He called out, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Amir Qasim, upon recognizing the familiar voice of his brother turned his head around, then offered him a small smile that did not reach his eyes. "Sadiq." He called out, his voice low. "Sadiq, can you help me apologize to Fulani, hmm? She listens to you as well. Ka mata Magana dan Allah. She should open her eyes."

Sadiq's own eyes blurred upon seeing the situation, and the condition his brother is in. He could only spare the body a glance, his heart too heavy to be able to stare again before he focused his gaze on his brother. "Amir Qasim," He called out again, trying to pull the man back by holding onto his shoulders. "Let them take her away."

"Take her where?" Amir Qasim grumbled, his tone sharp, and cold. "They are not taking her anywhere." He turned his attention back to her, his hands gripping the stretcher tightly. "Fulani, don't worry. I am here. No one will take you away. They want to take you away from me, but I will not let them."

"Amir Qasim..." Sadiq's tone was firm, as he tried to snap some sense into his brother's head but none of it was happening. The man ignored him, continuing with his little talks, as if the woman would really wake up. Sadiq, fed up with his brother's denial then harshly pulled Amir Qasim away, forcing him take steps back. "AMIR QASIM!" He yelled out, the tears he was trying to hold back falling upon seeing the look that took over his brother's face. His teeth gritted, his hands fisted by the sides as he tried to keep his calm, struggling to keep a hold of his own emotions but needing to keep his brother in line. "Snap out of it. She is gone. Ta rasu."

For the very next second, Amir Qasim simply stared at him blankly, not saying anything. A beat passed, then another before he then shook his head. "No, she is not." He said, his voice low. "She is not dead. She is right there."

Sadiq sighed, blinking back his tears as he swallowed down a bitter lump. Turning his head around, he gestured to the fire fighters to take the body away, and they need not be told twice. The minute one of them reached out to cover the face again, Amir Qasim snapped.

"What are you doing?" He asked, his voice dropping as he glared at them. He made a move to reach out to her again, but Sadiq stepped in his way, halting his steps. Amir Qasim settled his narrowed eyes on his brother. "Get the hell out of my sight, Sadiq."

"Qasim, stop it." Sadiq stood his ground, his own eyes narrowed. "Let her be in peace, please. Let her go this time around."

Amir Qasim simply glared at him, then made a move to reach out to her again just as they began to wheel the stretcher away. His action became more frantic as Sadiq tried to hold him back with his whole strength. One man became two, and soon enough, it was a whole group of men trying to hold the man back as he fought against them, his eyes set on the stretcher that was wheeled into the ambulance, and he watched as the door closed behind, truly taking her away.

The sound of the ambulance siren dulled out Amir Qasim's voice as he cried out for her, and the cars drove off, leaving him there, trying to follow them still. Eventually his body slumped and he found himself on the floor, now in the arms of Sadiq alone who could not hold his own tears back, especially not when Amir Qasim finally broke down.

He cried for the first time since it all started. He clung onto Sadiq, the sound of his sobs and his shaky body being the only thing heard coupled with the distant sound of the rest of the firefighters trying to put out the fire.

They say, there are certain situations that will bring out the worst in people, and to Amir Qasim, that very moment, is it. It was the point that made him become whom they all later knew as 'heartless'.

But, how can he have a heart when it was ripped away from him?

How is he still expected to be the same person he once was when he sat there, watching the fire continue to burn, and the memories of each of their faces played in his mind like a broken cassette?

How is he supposed to be stable when the very axis of his existence was taken away, leaving nothing behind but a hollow shell of a person filled to the brim with bitterness?


So, when I wrote my drafts, this chapter was not part of this, though I had the chapters after it all ready as well.

However, after reading the comments on the last chapter, I felt i needed to add this in. So, i typed it today, so you can soak up Amir Qasim's pain and see the nightmare he is living in as well.

I kind of wrote it in a rush, so I did not add as much emotions as i wanted to, but i am sure it must have gotten to you to a certain extent. 

Do you guys feel his pain? Tbh however he turns out, he should not be blamed.

Also, can you relate some part about him from PH to this book? I dropped most of the hints there after writing the chapters here.

Well, Nusaiba Fulani it has been a pleasure, but this is where we close your chapter. Thank you for your short appearance, you are an integral part of the plot.

Princess Asma, the baton has been handed over to you. Welcome your highness, I feel bad for the man you are to meet but well, all is well.

Are you guys ready for a new phase of drama?

I know i am.

Stay safe and single to avoid heartbreak like Amir Qasim.

With love always, Jannah Mia.

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