It was obviously stated that the invite was for Asma alone, and despite Amir Qasim's insistence on going with her, she had him stay back, vehemently refusing his assistance. She does not need him to fight her battles, especially not against his own mother. She would not do so. Besides, the fact that Hadiza and her mother are involved in this made it all the more interesting.
She was quite interested in going and seeing what it is all about.
So, she quickly finished up her breakfast, ensuring she had enough strength to deal with whatever, before she made her way over to Giwa's chambers, alongside Sakina and Karima whom Amir Qasim insisted they go along with her at the very least. She did not mind their presence. At least, she knows they would not get involved in anything so they will be safe.
As usual, the guards littered around the place all rushed to greet her, crouching low as they acknowledged Dan Iya's wife, the esteemed Princess of Kubi Caliphate herself. Asma answered with a small smile, her attention more focused on reaching her mother in law's chamber.
There seemed to be more guards outside, and from that, Asma could tell there is an esteemed guest in the palace—though Sakina already informed her of the guest's arrival earlier on.
When she reached the chambers, she met Jakadiya at the entrance, seemingly waiting for her arrival. She offered the Princess a small smile that did not reach her eyes, then gestured for the two women to stay back, before she escorted the woman alone. Sakina and Karima seemed hesitant to allow the Princess to go in alone, but one look from Asma had them staying back.
She exchanged a look with Sakina, who understood what the look meant, before she turned around and walked out of the chamber to quickly convey Asma's message, and her backup plan in case things backfire, and she knows it would.
She followed Jakadiya in, her head held up high, her shoulders squared. Upon reaching the living room, where hell as always seems to unfold, she was met with the sight of more people than she expected to see there. She did not spot any sign of them from outside—not their guards, or their maids. It was obvious they went there in secret, because there is a guest in the palace, they would not want to know what is ongoing.
So, they could only have the meeting quietly done in Giwa's chamber. And even then, it is because of Hadiza's mother's persistence, else they would rather have it done any other time.
For one, Giwa was seated on one of the couches, leaned back, and look regal as always. And on the couch beside her, an older woman lavishly dressed, Asma instantly noted that the woman must be Sardauna's wife. If her looks did not give her away, then the familiar face of Hadiza seated on the carpet by her mother's feet served as enough evidence.
As Asma's gaze found the lady's, Hadiza sniffed, more crocodile tears streaming down her face. Asma arched a brow, before she scoffed, not bothering to hide it. The action earned her a slightly pointed look from Hadiza, and an even more pointed one from her mother who stared at her in distaste.
So, this is the woman. Hadiza's mother thought, wondering how someone so uncourteous ended up as a Princess from Kubi of all places, and as Amir Qasim's wife.
Asma ignored the woman, not missing the presence of Aidah by her mother's feet, another face that resembles Gimbiya Umma—one Asma came to a conclusion must be her daughter serving for her NYSC, Rukayya, and a few other prominent women in the royal family. The wives of the Sultan's brothers, and the women that have a say in the royal family matter collectively—about three of them, all seated on the other couches, their aura matching their title.
They all stared at Asma with the same look—judgmental.
Unbothered by their gazes, she found an empty spot, which just happens to be beside Giwa, and settled down on the carpet, opposite Aidah. Her lips curved upwards into a smile as she met her mother in law's gaze, and then said. "Barka da Safiya, Mama." She greeted, ever the good daughter in law she feigned to be.
Giwa's eyes narrowed slightly at the young lady, who intentionally refers to her as 'Mama' rather than 'Giwa' like all others. Still, she answered dismissively. "Lafiya."
Asma's smile widened as she turned around to face the others, greeting them collectively. "Barkan ku da Safiya."
Some answered back, and some did not, but Asma could truly care less about them. Once the silence ensued again, she shifted her gaze towards her mother-in-law, then asked in a soft voice. "You asked for me?"
"Yes." Giwa's voice was curt as ever when she flicked her cold gaze towards Asma's, then went on to say. "You know why I summoned you, do you not?"
"I really can't say." Asma shook her head, her smile widening a bit as she looked around the room again, before meeting Giwa's gaze. "But you have gathered so many people here. Is this a welcome party for me?"
"You—" One of the women started, irked and planning to rebuke Asma, but one look from Giwa had her lips zipping shut, though she still glared at Asma, then went on to mutter "Disrespectful girl." under her breath.
Asma ignored her, her attention solely on her mother-in-law, because if there is anyone in that room she could at least pretend to listen to, it would be she.
Once it was quiet again, Giwa's gaze found Asma, and she then said. "You are here, because you have been going against royal ethics." Giwa's words were as firm as her gaze. "You are defying tradition, and going against the laws of the palace."
"Royal ethics and palace laws?" Asma repeated, as if it sounded ridiculous to her ears, and it does. "And how so, if you do not mind me asking?"
"You changed the maids your husband picked to be in the house," Giwa started, stating the obvious though not mentioning how he did so, because the initial maids were sent by her and he did not like that, so he had them replaced. She continued. "You disregard those in the palace, never once bothering to extend your regards to the elder women." And by elder women, she referred to those women there, whom Asma truly could not care less about. "And you have no respect for those in this family. You had a maid disrespect Aidah, a princess, and it even extended to Sardauna's daughter, Hadiza."
Asma hummed, the smile on her face slowly disappearing as she heard the excuses, each more ridiculous than the last to her. Still, she allowed her mother-in-law to continue.
"We will not tolerate any disrespect from you towards anyone in this family, else you truly are not befitting of being Qasim's wife." Giwa concluded, her tone firm and her gaze piercing. There was this certainty to her expression, as if she would stop at nothing to kick Asma out.
Before Asma could say anything, one of the women then jumped in. "If you are incapable of keeping your husband, why vent it on the poor girl just because he has taken interest in her?" The woman snickered. "Then again, everyone already knows that yours and his marriage is merely a formality. No matter what you do, you will never have his attention."
"Exactly." Another carried on from where the last woman stopped. "But thinking about it now, it would be much better if we speak to the Sultan and Sardauna, and have them arrange for Qasim and Hadiza's wedding as soon as possible. Hala wannan tayi hankali."
Asma, though wanting to grow a thick skin, could not deny that the mere thought of Amir Qasim and Hadiza being marriage had her heart squeezing in an uncomfortable way. She told herself she cared not for Amir Qasim, or what he wants to do, but suddenly the thought of him remarrying no longer sat right with her.
Then again, she wanted to believe his words from the night before, but she has more trust in Giwa than she does in him truthfully. At least the woman is outright and honest with her actions. He is quite the opposite.
"My daughter, has far more worth than you having a mere maid slap her!" Sardauna's wife came, furious as ever. It appeared she has been trying to hold it back, but she could no longer do so. Fixating her gaze on Asma, she then added. "Who do you think you are, to treat my daughter that way? How dare you treat my daughter so lowly?"
"With all due respect," Asma started, her voice soft, and low as she flicked her gaze to meet the woman's, her expression holding no trace of lark whatsoever. "Your daughter is not worth a glance from me. She never was, and never will be." She shot at arrow at the woman, while staying calm about it.
Of course, it had the woman and her daughter both infuriated, even the daughter that was fake crying stared at Asma, seeming offended.
Asma's words only flared up the woman's anger, because her eyes turned red, figuratively, and her shoulders stiffened. "What did you just say?" She was giving the girl a chance to take back her words.
But Asma had no intentions of doing so. "And, your daughter brought this upon herself, to begin with. So, I refuse to take the blame for her actions." She continued. "If she has no self-respect, why should I acquaint her one?" She knows her words was only making things worse, but that was what she wanted.
She wanted to spike things up, as much as she could.
Sardauna's wife got on her feet, infuriated now more than ever, her blazing eyes set on Asma.
"Hajiya Saratu, calm down." Giwa said, trying to subdue the woman calmly. She knows Asma by now well enough to tell how the girl works. She was obviously trying to get under her skin, and by the looks of it, she is getting what she wants. "Sit back down, and we will discuss this."
"Giwa, it is because you treat her softly saisa bata ganin mutuncin kowa. Ta kalli idona, tace mun diya ta batada self-respect? What is she insinuating? Diya ta yar iska ce kenan?" Hajiya Saratu's voice rose with each word she spoke, her patience hanging by a thin thread. She has always been a woman of very little patience, and an even thinner tolerance for anyone treating her only daughter anyhow.
So, how could she sit there and tolerate what Asma did to her daughter? If it was left to her, she would have marched straight to the woman's house and gave her a piece of her mind, in ya so komai zai faru ya faru.
And if not for Giwa's insistence, and the guest in the palace, she would have done so. Princess be damned. She would set her straight.
"I did not say any of that." Asma's voice came again, unbothered by the woman's action and words. Instead, she held her gaze, and then added. "But then again, your daughter followed my husband to our matrimonial house," She released a humorless chuckle. "What would call that?" She arched a brow. "I heard she has a history with married men."
"Mama!" Hadiza exclaimed, her eyes wide, in fear the princess would go on to expose all her dirty linen.
Even the other women in the room, initially backing her up now turned and directed their judging looks towards the mother and daughter pair, curious as to the validity of the matter. But then again, seeing Hadiza's reaction, it must be true.
If so, that would be a huge scandal. Sardauna's daughter going after married men? Yup, definitely the scandal of the season, enough to make society papers.
Hajiya Saratu's nose flared upon hearing her daughter's desperate call for help, her nose flaring and her hands curled by her side in anger upon seeing the looks given to her the women there.
Asma offered her a smile, before focusing her attention on Giwa. "If that is it, I will take my leave now, Mama." She pushed herself to get on her feet, attempting to walk away.
Keyword, attempt.
Because the moment she got on her feet, Hajiya Saratu trudged towards her, closing the space between them. And then, in one fluid motion, her hand rose up, striking it across Asma's face. The room stilled, the air turning cold as the smacking sound of the slap registered to everyone. A mirage of shock, surprise, and utter stillness taking over them all. The only one that seemed to anticipate it were Giwa, and Asma herself.
Giwa looked away, her eyes flicking close, knowing there is no going back now.
Asma's hand cradled the spot where she got slapped, the sting left in its awake registering in her mind. Her gaze met the furious man in front of her, and then she did something that stunned Hajiya Saratu.
She smiled. The girl actually smiled.
Hajiya Saratu's confusion turned into fear when a new, yet familiar and commanding voice came, breaking the tensed silence in the room.
"What is going on here?"
All the ladies got on their feet almost immediately, upon recognizing the voice and knowing its owner. Their eyes were wide, their hearts thumping behind their ribcages as their blood ran cold. Even Giwa hastily got on her feet, her eyes set at the entrance of the living room where the imposing figure stood.
And then, Giwa's lips parted, the woman's name spilling past her words, her shoulders slumped and her eyes slightly dilated. "Gimbiya Fulani..."
Giwa's voice calling the older woman's name served as a wakeup call to all in the room, because they all had wide eyes, like deer caught in headlights, her presence registering more to their minds. And then, the very next second, they had all crouched low in respect, her commanding presence enough to set everyone straight.
Gimbiya Fulani, the matriarch of the family, and the Sultan's mother stood at the entrance of the living room, glaring down at them all. She then took a step forward, with the aid of her walking stick, Gwamma, the head of maids, and her handpicked right-hand woman in the palace, behind her.
She trudged further into the room, walking straight towards the main couch, where Giwa was seated earlier, before she settled down on it. All other women sat down on the carpet, none daring to sit on the chair while she is seated, and then they parted their lips to greet her.
Gimbiya Fulani raised a hand to stop them before they could go far, before any other could utter a proper greeting to her. They zipped their lips shut, looking down. Even Giwa whom had settled down by the woman's feet bowed her head low, the older woman being the guest in the palace they were trying to not the gain the attention of.
And somehow they did, because there she is.
Her narrowed gaze moved from one person to another, the mere look having them all cower away. When her gaze landed on Asma, whom was seated to her left with her head bowed, her gaze lingered for a few seconds, her expression softening a bit before her gaze fell on Giwa, and it turned ice cold again.
"Bilkisu?" She called out, her voice though groggy due to old age, still held the same commanding aura.
"Na'am, Gimbiya Fulani?" Giwa looked up, her expression guarded and respectful.
Gimbiya Fulani's voice turned sharp when she asked. "What is going on here?" She was asking, but they all knew she must have heard, or seen enough to come to a conclusion on what is ongoing.
She is simply giving them the chance to come clean on their own.
And Giwa knew that. She also knew lying to the woman would be a grave mistake, but she could not tell her the truth outright either. So, she decided to pick her words first, before uttering it. "We are just resolving some issues." She said, trying to play it safe.
But Gimbiya Fulani is not one to let it be. So, she asked. "Issues?" It was obvious from her tone that she was not buying it. "What sort of issues are you resolving?"
"Gimbiya Fulani," Hajiya Saratu cut in, though her anger has been restrained down a notch, it is obvious she was still reeling with fury. "With all due respect--"
"Dakata." Gimbiya Fulani cut her off sharply, her pointed gaze set on the woman. "Do not ever cut into my conversation unless I allow you to. Kin gane?"
Hajiya Saratu's shoulder slumped, looking as though an ice bucket had been dumped on her. She hung her head low, "Allah ya baki haquri." She apologized.
Gimbiya Fulani's pointed gaze rested on the woman for a second longer, before she flicked it to Giwa. "Bilkisu, I asked you a question."
Giwa exhaled a low breath, the tension in the room growing with everyone's fear of upsetting the woman. She still parted her lips to answer regardless. "There is a few issues to handle with Qasim's wife." Giwa stated, "But it is nothing to worry you about. That is why we decided to handle it amongst ourselves and not burden you."
"Oh, really now?" Gimbiya Fulani hummed, the act making everyone shift uncomfortably in their spot, knowing what is to follow. "I hope you remember well that just because I do not live in the palace, I am still the head of the women in court. Ban baku waje ba just so you can all act the way you please. I did not leave the internal court in your hand for such." She has been from the very moment she became Queen, even after her husband passed away. A total of 64 years and counting now. She has been the matriarch of the family, and even more, the head of the women in court. There is nothing about the royals in court that gets past her.
She simply turns a blind eye to some things due to old age, and left the palace so the Queens could enjoy their reigns.
"Qasim will be the next Sultan." She continued, her voice ringing loud and clear to everyone in the room. "And if there is any issue with his wife, it is not a matter you can handle yourselves." Gimbiya Fulani's gaze flicked to Hajiya Saratu, her tone turning colder before she then added. "Especially not with outsiders."
Giwa kept her head low, just as the other ladies, knowing what will follow.
The older woman glared at them all in the room. "Before anything, let me make this clear. Qasim's wife, whoever she is, will be the future Queen of this emirate, and she should be respected. Ko mai tayi, she is your daughter in law, and is below you. I will not rebuke you for trying to get her in line. But, only you have that right. Amman, someone in this room even dared to raise a hand on her..." The woman trailed off, exhaling an aggravated breath as her hand fisted by the side. "...sam! Ku sani. Bazan laminta wannan abu a fadannan ba. Sai dai bayan raina!" She smacked the spot beside her to prove her point.
The startling action had some of the women flinching back in fear of the woman's fury. No one has it lightly. Especially not since whatever she tells the Sultan is pretty much set to stone. She could take away what they flaunt in the blink of an eye, and they cannot do a thing about it.
Who would dare upset such a woman?
As silence ensued, with her anger visibly bubbling, she turned her head, her attention set on Asma who had not raised her head since she arrived. She then parted her lips to speak, her voice much softer. "Asmau..." She called out.
Asmas' voice was low when she responded. "Na'am, Gimbiya Fulani..." She has never met the woman, so as expected, she was pretty meek around her—though of course, it was an act.
She is merely playing her cards right.
"Tell me, what happened here? What is the reason you were summoned?"
They all focused their attention on her, in fear that she would say something that would incriminate them further. But, with what she did, they would have much preferred being exposed compared to what the girl did.
Because what did she do?
Asma burst into tears, burying her face between her palms as she sobbed quietly.
The ladies could only stare at her with wide eyes and mouth hung open, stunned to the core by her sudden act. Even Hadiza that was crying earlier on stopped to stare at the woman, because she was beating her in her own game.
Ikon Allah. Hajiya Saratu thought as she stared at the young lady in shock. Yau naga makirci.
Wonders will truly never end.
The only person that did not seem taken aback by the girl's action was Giwa, whom stared at her with a blank expression, as if she knew she would do that. And in a way, she did. The very moment Gimbiya Fulani walked in, she knew it was too much of a coincidence. Asma must have planned it. And if she planned Gimbiya Fulani turning up, then she must have some tricks up her sleeve.
Asma sniffed, wiping away some of her tears before she then parted her lips to speak, her voice low, and shaky. "It is my fault." She said, her voice merely above a whisper. "Lai fi na ne."
Gimbiya Fulani's expression softened up even more, if possible, her heart softening for the girl that must have been antagonized. She knew how difficult life is in the palace. She knows more than anyone there. So, of course she could under the girl's pain. "Tell me," She urged, "What happened?"
"Yesterday, Yerima's sister, and Hadiza came to my house," She started, her voice a bit clearer now though it was still shaky, "They were preparing for his return. I must have misunderstood their intentions, especially Hadiza for caring about my husband enough to want to cook for him, in our house." She sniffed again, reaching out to wipe more tears with the back of her hand.
Hadiza blinked, gaping like a fish out of water. She then shifted her gaze from her mother, to Asma, then to her mother once again in fear. The girl is practically digging a grave for her with her words.
Why the hell is she saying that? She is adding petroleum to the already blazing fire.
"Mama..." Hadiza whispered, tapping her mother in fear.
But her mother was far too stunned at the scene unfolding in front of her. She was seconds away from asking Giwa genuinely whether Yerima mistook an actress for a princess because it is clear, this wife of his knows how to craft things.
Is this the same thick-skinned Princes she heard about? Why is she crying over a slap? She even smirked at her earlier.
So, this is what she was planning...
The other women were far too in shock to even react. How could they when the girl is tying them with each word she utters.
"So, you are saying Hadiza, went to your house to cook for your husband?" Gimbiya Fulani asked, as if trying to understand the absurd situation and make them all realize how insane it sounds. And it does.
Asma nodded, sniffing back more tears. "Yes." She confirmed. "She even had some of my maids helping her. I got upset, and asked for help from Gwamma. Allah ya huce zuciyarki. I know I should not have done so. After all, Aidah is Yerima's sister, and Hadiza is the woman he intends to marry. I should have known better..." Asma choked on her words, her shaky breaths heard by everyone in the room before she then added in a smaller voice. "...abun ne da zafi. No woman would want another woman around her husband."
As the sound of her quiet sobs became the only thing heard, given she could no longer form any words, Gimbiya Fulani huffed out a breath, leaning back in her seat as she pinned her glare on the other women in the room, especially on Hadiza and her mother, before she fixated it in Giwa. "Is this the kind of nonsense you are backing up, Bilkisu?" She asked, her voice oddly calm.
Giwa kept her head low, knowing there is nothing she would say to rectify this situation. Asma has already won the woman over—and she is sure Gwamma had already informed the old woman too. She has done her investigation before coming over, and her mind has already been made. All she could do now, all they could do, is take the blame quietly and apologize.
When Giwa did not reply, Gimbiya Fulani huffed another breath, shaking her head as she tsked. "So, this is the kind of place the palace has reduced to in my absence?" None dared to move, none dared to respond, knowing whoever does so would become the scapegoat.
Who would dare offer to do so?
As none dared to speak, Gimbiya Fulani turned her head to the side, and then gave out an order. "Gwamma?" She called out.
The woman took a step closer to the woman, leaning down. "Na'am, Ranki ya dade."
Gimbiya Fulani's expression hardened when she then said. "Summon everyone in this palace for me," she ordered. "The Queens, the princesses, and the princess. I want them all here in ten minutes!"
If I continued writing, it would be too long and I cannot have that.
So, make do with this.
Amman ke Asma, innalillahi, fear this woman!! Kai. Wannan shine ko dai me kazo an fika.
This girl will soon finish someone in the palace. Tab.
Toh Gimbiya Fulani barka da zuwa, ina son shigowar kinnnan.
Let me just make a few things clear for you people. Gimbiya Fulani--Sultan's mother. the grandmother and the matriach of the family. Giwa--Amir Qasim's mother, the present Queen. Gimbiya Umma--second wife of the Sultan. Gimbiya Amarya--Asma's aunt and the third wife.
I think that pretty much sums it up.
And well, of course, our Fulani, Asma!! Yes. Mahassada sai dai ayi haquri. Yes, da team Nusaiba nake. The title is OURS!! Ehen!!
Toh, I will see you guys when I see you. Wallahi I have so much to write that this is not even on my mind. I will try to update sooner in shaa Allah but abeggggg, I try as much as I can. That much I can say, and if you'll be honest with yourself you know it too. Try to cut me some slacks, okay?
I have nothing much to say again.
Stay safe as always.
Find love oh. Find man. Love is sweet.
Love, Jannah Mia.
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