Will be too busy to write a Friday update, so late night update for you now. Enjoy.
The scene did not turn out the way Asma wanted it to be, but she was satisfied with what turned up.
Following Gimbiya Umma's confession, and the stillness of Giwa, everyone stood with baited breaths, shocked, and at the edge as well, eager to know the full story. It was obvious Gimbiya Umma seemed certain of what she said, and on Giwa's side, though her expression faltered a bit, she still maintained her usual calm and composed expression, simply holding up the woman's gaze and not saying anything.
Before any more exchange could take place between them though, the Sultan's right hand man, Sallama, rushed to the scene with a few guards in tow, his expression stern. Those from afar could not hear what he said to the two Queens, but from where Asma stood, she could hear it all.
The older man shifted his gaze from Gimbiya Umma, to Giwa, and then fleetingly at the maid that he too recognized by the look on his face. Then, he found Giwa's gaze again, his lips parting as he spoke. "Ranki ya dade, Sultan has summoned you both to his chambers, right now." He then shifted his gaze to Gimbiya Umma, who has her pointed gaze on Giwa, before he then added. "He does not want any further commotion here."
Giwa, whilst holding Gimbiya Umma's gaze held her chin high, unyielding before she then answered. "Let us go." She spared the woman one last pointed look, before she turned around and started making her way towards the Sultan's chamber.
Sallama gestured to the guards to drag the sobbing maid along, and lastly, Gimbiya stormed in the said direction as well, with Sallama in tow, leaving the onlookers there.
Asma watched as they walked away with a slightly arched brow, before she too turned around, deciding the show was over here, and then made her way back to her chambers with Karima by her right side, and Sakina to her left, while the remaining guards and maids remained there to gossip.
Asma was not particularly interested in watching everything unfold in front of everyone—or what would be the product of the meeting with the Sultan knowing it will only yield one result—they would try to bury it. What she wants however, is for the news of Giwa's true color to spread, and the maids and guards that were there will do the task just right for her. So, she got what she wanted after all.
"Who was that maid?" Karima, ever so inquisitive asked, her head tilted upwards as she set her questioning gaze on Asma, and then at Sakina.
She knows Asma knows the woman, and perhaps even has a hand in this—but as much as Asma trusts her, she does not disclose her plans to her, for her own safety. She does not mind risking her life, but she would not put someone innocent's on the line, especially not Karima's.
Sakina was the one that replied the girl, since Asma had no intentions of exposing herself in front of the woman. "She used to work at Giwa's chambers until about four years ago." She said, being the one with the most knowledge about what goes on in the palace.
Even before she was hired by the Prince to become his wife's assistant, she has a vast knowledge on the palace affairs. Hence, why he deemed her the right person to stay by Asma's side, beyond being Khalifa's wife.
"Then why is she being accused of killing Gimbiya Umma's son?" Karima asked once again, her lips tugged into a frown, "I thought the young Prince fell into a pond, that was how he passed away." She heard the maids gossiping about it—as they gossip about everything. Everyone knows the young Prince passed away after falling into a pond when no one was aware, only to be found later on, when he had long passed by and was floating on top of the water.
"It was a gruesome scene," Sakina recounted, a distant look in her eyes as if she witnessed it first-hand. "He was an outgoing boy, got along with everyone. No one knows how it happened, but one of the maids from Gimbiya Umma's was passing by the pond when she saw him floating on it. By the time Gimbiya Umma arrived at the scene, the body had already been pulled out from the water but..." She shook her head, releasing a shaky breath. "...no one can ever understand the pain of a mother that sees her dead child in that state, or in any state really, once deceased."
Silence dawned upon them, all in their own ways silently sympathizing with the mother that had to go through that as she lost her son. Sakina was right. No one can truly understand her pain.
After a few seconds, Karima asked once again. "How do you know so much?" She knows a lot too, but because the maids gossip.
Sakina on the other hand never even entertains the maids, much less listen to their gossip. So, how can she know so much information?
Sakina found Karima's gaze, before she offered her a small smile. "Because I grew up in the palace as well," She said, her tone light, as if her time in the palace is a fond memory of hers, "My mother worked here as a maid in Gimbiya Amarya's chamber."
"Worked as in?" Karima trailed off.
"She passed away," Sakina explained, "And I married Khalifa not long after."
"Oh." Karima's expression turned solemn. "I am sorry for prodding." She did not mean to. She is just naturally inquisitive, and Sakina is not exactly an open book. It is a rarity for her to open up, so Karima naturally took the chance she got to know the woman around her Princess more.
Sakina shook her head, her soft smile unwavering. "Do not worry about it." She waved it off, and for the first time, she did not seem like a walking CCTV to Asma, or a stuck up woman to Karima. She just seemed like another woman, a possible friend even.
The three were always together since Asma arrived, and yet, there has always been this cold air around them, and this wall that kept them apart. In that small crack in that moment, the boundaries that kept them apart began to fall apart, chirping away bit by bit.
No words were exchanged between the three any further as they reached the manse. Before Asma disappeared off to her room as usual, she ordered Karima to deliver the food she maid to Giwa's chamber as always. Karima went off to do as she was tasked, and Sakina stayed behind as always while the Princess goes away.
And just like that, they were back to their routine.
But beyond what just transpired between them three, as Asma ascended the staircase, her mind went back to what happened with Giwa outside, and she felt some of the burden on her shoulders being lifted. She still has a long way to go, but she felt as though she could see that her actions were not in vain—that it would yield something. Hopefully.
For now, she decided to pause for a moment—to breathe on her own without feeling suffocated, she would take a few days off planning.
However, it does not really matter whether she plans something or not—ultimately, she knew it was a distraction to keep her from feeling suffocated with every second she spends in that palace. Because to her, it is prison. A personal hell that reminded her of how, and why her life fell apart.
As she returns to her room, she locked the door behind her, and then slid down the floor, her back against the door as she pulled her knees to her chest, her face buried there as she welcomed the silence—every desire, every thought, and her will to live disappearing into nothingness.
The next few days passed by pretty uneventful, with Asma repeating the same routine she has developed. She wakes up, dresses up as usual, come downstairs to eat food and then returns to her room, not bothering to do anything again. She did not even cook, something she seems to find pleasure in, and neither did she care to visit any of her mother-in-laws, not that they are accepting any guests.
Since the incident that took place, both Giwa and Gimbiya Umma have shut their chambers, no one knowing what really transpired at the Sultan's, or what happened to that maid. But, Asma knows, she was the one that brought the maid after all. She cared not though because she knew she would not be exposed, and she was not.
Just as she expected, they were trying to keep it under the wraps, but she is unaware of what truly transpired between the Sultan and his wives, because the maid was not allowed in when they were discussing so her knowledge was limited. The maid however, was sent away to one of the Sultan's houses in the outskirts of town.
She was not interrogated, not punished, but she was guarded as much as Asma knows. And she is safe so that was good enough for her.
She had decided to lay low for a few days though, and that was what she did because she was not in the mood for any drama. Except, drama followed her into her own house when she woke up one day, and she descended the staircase to get her breakfast, was welcomed by the sound of the maids rushing about, and light chatters.
Her brows drew in, and upon reaching the bottom of the stairs, she was greeted by the maids that seemed almost nervous as they greeted her, before they rushed about to handle the assigned tasks to them. As Asma wondered what could be the reason for their reaction, Karima whom has been waiting for her to wake up rushed to her side.
"Ranki ya dade," Karima exhaled a breath, stopping once she stood by Asma's side, breathing heavily.
Asma's brows drew in as she stared at her in question, "Karima, me yake faruwa? What happened?"
Karima swallowed down a lump, her expression tight when she shook her head. "You have to see this," She said, her eyes drifting in the direction of the kitchen, "Yerima's sister came, and she brought that lady with her. They have turned the place upside down."
"What lady?" Asma asked, "And which of his sisters?"
"Gimbiya Aidah, ranki ya dade," Karima said, her lips forming a deep frown. "And that Hadiza lady."
The mention of the latter had Asma's expression hardening, and without a word, she turned around and made her way over to the kitchen, where the commotion was the loudest. Upon reaching there, she was met with the sight of the two said ladies, barking orders at the maids while Sakina stood by the side, trying to talk them out of it.
"Aidah, you really cannot do this here," Sakina said, her words stern. "You cannot order the maids in this chamber, only the Princess can do that." She said, attempting to sway them as she has been doing since, but it appeared it simply fell on deaf ears because none of them listened to her.
In fact, Hadiza Jalo did not even spare her a glance as she continued instructing the maids on what to cook. It was Aidah that focused her stern gaze on Sakina.
"Sakina," She called out, "Ni kike gaya wa what I can do and what I cannot do? What Princess do you speak of? That deserted wife of my brother's? Nan gidan uba na ne, I can do whatever I want and order whoever I want. Even you are not above that."
Asma kept her gaze on them when she gave her order to Karima, "Go and call the Head of maids for me, now."
Karima nodded, and did not waste a second as she turned around, and all but ran out of the chambers to go get the said woman. As she left, Asma made her way into the kitchen, capturing the attention of Sakina whom saw her first.
"Ranki ya dade," She breathed out in relief, seeing the Princess there at long last. She rushed to her side, "Thank God you are here."
Aidah scoffed, seeing how Sakina quickly ran to her master, a loyal dog it appears, she thought before hissing under her breath. "So what if she is here?" Aidah hissed, "What can she do? What power does she have?"
Asma did not even spare the two a glance before she shook her head, and then went on to say. "I really do not like dealing with mad people, especially this early in the morning." She kept her tone though nonchalant, loud enough for everyone to hear. "Il est trop tot pou ces bestises."
Aidah's mouth fell open, the blatant insult hitting her straight. "What?" She understood the first statement, but not the second. She was damn sure it is an insult though. Did the woman really insult them outright?
Asma ignored her as she focused her attention on Sakina instead. "What is going on here?" She inquired, needing more details as to why she has to deal with this nonsense that early in the morning.
Sakina suspired, and then went on to explain. "Yerima is returning today, so apparently, they are here to welcome him back. They are fixing some of the things in the house, and even preparing his lunch."
Asma hummed quietly, nodding to herself. She then made her way over to the kitchen island, pulling back a stool before settling down on it, never once sparing the two ladies a glance. "Where is my breakfast, Sakina?" She asked calmly.
Sakina, taken aback by the Princess's words was stunned for a second. She was expecting her to react quick to the news, but she was acting as if they were not even there in the first place. She quickly recovered, "I will get it for you." She went to the dinning, and retrieved the already prepared breakfast, bringing it to the kitchen since it appears the princess wanted it there.
Asma quietly opened the food warmer, and placed enough food on her plate—the breakfast for the day being fries, sausages, and scrambled eggs. She began to eat it ever so calmly, occasionally sipping her tea as if the chaos in the background was not ongoing.
Aidah could only stare at her in disbelief. Even Hadiza Jalo who was ignoring Asma but very much aware of her presence was taken aback. They wanted a reaction out of her, but they did not get any. Clearly, they are taken aback.
Why is the Princess so damn weird? They wondered. Should she not throw a tantrum or something?
She was just quietly having her breakfast though, as if they were not there.
Shortly after she was done with her breakfast, and was sipping her tea, did Karima return with the Head of maids. The stern woman, known by all in the palace made her way over to the Princess, her head bowed slightly as she offered her greetings.
"Ranki ya dade, barka da Safiya."
Asma found the woman's gaze, and offered her a small smile. "Barka dai," She said, "I know you are busy, so I hope you do not mind me summoning you like this."
Gwamma, the Head of maids shook her head. "Not at all, Your Highness. I am always at your service. How can I be of aid to you?" She is the oldest maid in the palace, having served there for over thirty years. She is called the head of maids, but she really holds power beyond that. She is someone that even the Sultan takes her words for, regarding everyone including his own children, so she is not to be messed with by anyone.
She is strict to everyone, and offers courtesy and respect to those with authority. Her reputation is really well known that her mere presence alone was enough to set everyone straight, including the wary Princess Aidah that was starting to get cold feet all of the sudden, knowing the woman's presence there cannot be good. Even the maids had stilled—a chilling air taking over due to the woman's presence.
Asma nodded to the woman's words, "I was just curious about something."
"Curious about what?" Gwamma asked, her greying brows drawn in.
"Who do the maids at my chamber listen to?" Asma inquired, dropping her tea cup aside. Her lips formed a small smile. "I am just a bit lost because they certainly do not listen to me."
"How dare they?" Gwamma's expression darkened. "Your maids listen to you, and Yerima solely. Anyone who dares to do otherwise shall be punished."
Asma hummed, as if finding the information out for the first time. "Then in that case, I am afraid I will need a change of maids, because these ones clearly do not listen to me."
Gwamma turned her head around, her eyes narrowed at all the maids present whom stilled, their heads bowed as they began to shake like leaves under her intense gaze. "Worry not, ranki ya dade. Zan hora miki su dukka."
Asma smiled, "I will appreciate that." She nodded. "I also have another question."
"What is your question, ranki ya dade?"
"What is the position of the woman, that is not my husband's wife, but still comes to my house and acts as if she owns it? Does the palace allow such?" All this while, she kept her gaze on Gwamma, never once sparing the two women a glance.
Gwamma shook her head, "The palace certainly does not," She said firmly, "Such a woman is shameless, and deserves to be dragged out of the house,"
Asma hummed once again. "Then you have some trash to take out I believe," Her expression hardened, all trace of lark disappearing. "I was disrespected in my own house. I deserve to be compensated; do you not think so?"
Gwamma exchanged a look of understanding with the Princess, before she nodded. "You do, ranki ya dade. I will take care of this for you." With that said, she moved away from the Princess, rounded the kitchen island to where the two ladies were.
Aidah, whose body is now shaking moved away from the way as Gwamma threw her a pointed look, knowing she is screwed if the woman reports this to her father—and she would, giving Gwamma way to stand in front of Hadiza Jalo whom stared at her narrowed eyes, as if wanting to see what she would do.
The glare quickly disappeared when Gwamma lifted her hand up high, before landing it right across the woman's cheeks, the smacking sound left in its awake, making everyone else shudder except Asma who calmly sipped her tea, as if nothing was ongoing.
Hadiza's eyes widened, lips fell open in disbelief. "How dare you—"
Her words were cut midway when Gwamma raised her hand once again, and landed another loud slap right across her other cheek, making her stagger back. Too shocked, she could not even react and could only stare at the woman with mouth fell open.
Gwamma's shoulder squared as she stared her down, her eyes narrowed in slits before she then parted her lips to order the maids behind her. "Drag this woman out." She ordered.
They did not need to be told twice, they took a hold of the woman's arms, and the dragged her out, regardless of her screams in its awake as she tried to fight against them, but none swayed until they dragged her right out of the house. Gwamma then turned to look at Aidah, her pointed look on her. "The Sultan shall hear of this," She assured her. "Now will you leave or will I have you dragged out as well,"
Aidah swallowed down a lump, her gaze fleeting from Gwamma to the unbothered Asma that still has not spared her a glance, as if she is not there, before she stomped out of the house angrily. Once they were gone, Gwamma then turned around to look at the Princess, her expression apologetic.
"My apologies, Your Highness," She said, "I will discipline the maids myself." She assured her.
Asma smiled as she finished her tea, then she nodded. "I will very much appreciate that, thank you." Dropping the tea cup aside, she got off the stool and then focused her gaze on Sakina and Karima, "Let's go, ladies."
Il est trop tot pou ces bestises. It's too early for this nonsense.
Omooooo I love Asmaaaaaa🙆🏾♀️ chai this girl na fayaaaaa whattttttt.
Composure wan kill us😂 Aidah and Hadiza go whine you but no panic, we go maintain steeze always. Osheyyyyyy🫢
Hmmmm Wahala Dey for this place.
But is that a friendship brewing between Sakina and Karima and Asma?? My golden trio🥹
Toh Yerima welcome back, hope you're ready to sleep on the couch because your Hadiza don fuck up😂😂😂
Next chapter you'll see your beloved Prince, who missed him? What will happen ma Oho.
So I'll be busy the rest of the week, do not expect Friday update tbh. I'm making no promises.
Stay safe as always tho.
Love, Jannah Mia.
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