Jumuat Mubarak, my comments...
Asma was surprised when she was told she had a guest, much more when the identity of the guest was disclosed. She, whom was initially in her room, plotting how to execute her plans came to a standstill when Sakina—whom still hovers over her, arrived and announced the guest's presence. Despite her being taken aback, Asma still kept aside what she was doing, picking up a veil and wrapping herself with before making her way out.
With each step she takes down the spiral staircase, her mind swirled with thought of why that particular guest could be there. Personally, she had no plans for that specific person...yet, and from what she knows of the person, this visit cannot be a casual visit, there has to be an ulterior motive.
It is with that knowledge in mind that upon reaching the bottom of the stairs, she made her way towards the living room where the guest is waiting already. And the moment she stepped in, her gaze met his, from where he was seated ever so comfortably on one of the couches. He made no attempt to get up as she arrived as a sign of respect, and instead held her gaze as she settled down on the couch opposite him.
For the next few seconds, a stare off was passed on between the two of them, before Asma forced a smile on her face, and then parted her lips to speak. "Major Tareeq," She acknowledged. "To what do I owe the pleasure of having you here? Your brother is not here after all." It has only been two days since Amir Qasim left, and she has heard no news of him, nor does she care to know.
What she does wish to know in that moment, is why Tareeq is there. Their paths had never crossed before, and though she does not harbor any hatred towards him, she does not particularly like him and his character either.
Tareeq leaned back in his seat, the embodiment of power and authority—both royal and military power coursing through his veins. In that moment, Asma could see the uncanny semblance between him, and his brother, not just physically. While Amir Qasim carried himself with an air of regal authority through and through, the epitome of royal graces, Tareeq carried himself with a power of authority that goes beyond just the royal walls—an aura that seemed almost as though he takes everywhere as his military grounds where he can do as he wishes.
In that moment, Karima stepped into the room, carrying a tray of refreshments and snacks for the Prince, and Asma did not miss the way the girl seemed almost nervous around the man that only spared her one long, lingering glance with those cool eyes. Asma instantly because protective of the way he was staring at her, and thus parted her lips to speak.
"Karima," She called out.
Karima instantly broke her stare with the Prince, after dropping the tray on the coffee table beside him, and then found Asma's gaze, "Yes, ranki ya dade?"
"Koma ciki," Asma said, her words firm as she gestured back to where Karima came from.
Karima nodded quietly, never once being one to refuse any orders from her. She did not spare the Prince another glance as she turned around and walked out quietly, leaving the two alone with the charged silence that took over.
And only when Karima was out of sight did Tareeq tore his gaze away, turning around only to meet Asma's piercing cold ones now staring at him, making him arch a brow.
"I believe you did not come here just to stare at one of my people, do you?" She asked, her voice no longer holding the same softness it had earlier.
His expression turned stern, though the corner of his lips tilted upwards only slightly. "And what if I did?"
"Don't kid me," Asma released a humorless chuckle, which died down as soon as it came. Holding his gaze, she then added in a bitter tone, "You do have a promiscuous history with maids in the palace." She stated, and the moment those words escaped her lips, there was a look that flashed in his eyes, not one of amusement in the slightest, but an edgy one. But even with the intimidating look in his eyes, she still stood her ground and then added. "Do not think for once you will add one of my people to the list."
Truly, she has nothing to against him, and she would not, so long as he does not involve one of her people. She knows of his history with maids in the palace, at least from what she knows. She refuses to let one of her people become an example, especially not Karima of all people.
The girl is a young child, sure, she might be swayed by his sweet words and act, but Asma knows the girl is unaware of a single thing about the Prince aside from the obvious. She will not allow her to suffer the same fate.
"You seem bitter," Tareeq stated calmly, seeming unfazed by her words though she did strike a nerve, he just won't let her see it. "If this is how you usually are, I can see why you are living the way you are with my brother." To think he was being an advocate for her just two days ago.
That morning before Amir Qasim left, after he and Karima had arrived from the basketball court, he was the one that told Amir Qasim of the news spreading round the palace about his wife, and urged him to at least do something that would get rid of the rumors.
Tareeq was never a fan of Asma, and in that exact moment, he does not like her in the slightest. But, he has always believed firmly in positions owned by one. She is Amir Qasim's wife, a Princess from Kubi Caliphate, wife of the current Dan Iya, and future Sultan. His dislike aside, she holds a high position and he will not stand mere maids looking down on her, neither should her husband.
It is just one of the many things instilled in him from the army, one of the beliefs he holds in the highest regards. So, in that moment, it is the sole reason why he allows her to speak as she is doing to him. As his elder brother's wife, as the potential Fulani, she gets that waiver. It does not mean he would allow her to speak to an extent though—there is a certain limit she would reach that he will stop her.
Asma's eyes narrowed at him in warning, "Why are you here?" She asked instead, ignoring his mention of his brother.
Tareeq exhaled a calm breath, his expression yawing unbothered as he parted his lips to speak. "What else, your maid, of course?"
If possible, her eyes narrowed even more, her teeth gritting. She was sure he said those words intentionally, or could he be serious? Asma nearly scoffed in disbelief, wondering where he got the audacity to speak such words to her after what she just said to him.
Tareeq revered in the look of annoyance on her face, but he did not show it. Instead, he then added. "The one that just left," He said, "I want her."
"You sure have some nerves," Asma mused, her words dripping with annoyance.
Tareeq arched a brow. "Does it seem like so?" He asked. "She is just a maid to you anyways. Should you not be honored I want her."
Asma chuckled, unable to help herself. Indeed, Tareeq Muhammad Haroon lives up to his reputation. Egoistic, arrogant, and filled to the brim with pride. She was not sure of it before, but seeing him in front of her in that moment, he truly is everything that is spoken of.
When her chuckled died down, she found his gaze again, any lark of amusement disappearing from her expression. With her expression deadpanned, she held his gaze, and then spoke. "The lady you speak of, is not a maid to me. She is like a sister to me. And, that should let you know that if any harm should come to her from you, I will not stand back."
What did Asma get from that short speech of hers from him? A hum. He simply hummed, as if to silently ask, 'oh really?'. "Now I am curious to see what you would do." He smiled, mischievousness swirling his orbs.
"Try me," She dared, unwavering.
Tareeq simply shook his head, his smile ghost like, evident in his eyes, but missing on his face. "I would," He said, "but the fact that you do not consider her a maid puts my mind at ease." He nodded to himself. "I got what I want, I will take my leave now." And then he got on his feet, and started making his way out of the living room. But before he could fully exit, he came to a stop, and then turned around to hold her gaze again—for the first time, all trace of lark disappearing and, in its stead, a serious look took over. "I care not what you wish to do, and whatever it is you are up to. But, should any harm come to my brother because of you, I will not stand back either. You do not wish to make an enemy out of me."
"That's interesting," She mused, her chin jutted slightly as her lips formed a smile that was anything but genuine. "I do not consider you one to begin with."
Tareeq nodded, "Good to know then." He then turned around, and made his way out fully this time around, once certain and satisfied that he has gotten his message across—both regarding Karima, and regarding his brother.
The main reason he is there in the first place, is to see for himself what Asma sees Karima as, and to make clear of his intention, no matter what she would think of him. And secondly, he wanted to send his warning about his brother across. Amir Qasim may be willing to turn a blind eye to the things she does, but he will not if she causes harm to him.
Asma exhaled a breath once he was out, and then drew her bottom lip between her teeth, the wheels in her head turning as she came to a conclusion. Major Tareeq is not an enemy of hers...for now.
The sudden ping of her phone brought her out of her train of thoughts, and she found herself picking up the phone just in time to see the message that came in across the screen of the phone;
X: I found her.
Asma's brow arched as the corner of her lips tiled upwards slightly. Her fingers were fast across the screen as she typed her reply.
A: Bring her here.
X: We'll be there in three days.
A: Alright.
Once she sent the message, she dropped the phone aside and then tapped her finger on the phone, her eyes closing as she could already picture what is about to happen in the palace. Three days, she thought with a hum. She could wait three days. It will all be worth it after all.
Asma hummed the tune of a random song she has been obsessed with recently as she worked around the kitchen, completely immersed in it after dismissing all her maids as usual. At this point, they were all used to being sent out of the kitchen when she is working, and they all preferred that because that would mean less work for them.
But whenever she cooks, she makes it for someone, usually for Giwa. They could not help but wonder if it is for the woman once again, because Yerima is still yet to return. If it really is for Giwa, then she is indeed a filial daughter-in-law.
News at that point has spread round the palace and beyond of how filial the Princess is to her mothers-in-law. She is always preparing food for Giwa personally, and she always entertains Gimbiya Umma whenever she summons her, which happens more frequently these days. Just two days ago, she accompanied the woman out to visit an orphanage—of course, after convincing her that she has gotten Yerima's permission for Asma, which the girl could not help but arch a brow at.
He gave her permission?
Weird, because she does not even have his number, and neither does he have hers. Speaking of permissions to go out, she has not gotten a reason to go out, so she never bothered, until two days ago. She had prior arrangements, and whilst looking for the least suspicious way to go out and meet who she wants to, she subtly convinced Gimbiya Umma to take her along, which worked. It gave her a chance to slip away from the walking CCTV that has refused to let her breathe on her own—but could not tag along since Gimbiya Umma does not allow people that are not hers as part of her entourage.
You could say Asma planned the outing well, it gave her both a chance to go out, and a chance to rid Sakina of a few hours, and ultimately she got what she needed.
It was about her third hour in the kitchen, just as she completed the last touch of her food that she heard the sound of commotion outside that was getting louder with each second that passes by. And not even a minute later, Karima rushed into the kitchen, eager to share the news with the laid back Princess.
"Ranki ya dade," Karima exhaled a breath as she came to stand beside Asma, before she parted her lips to convey the information. "It is Gimbiya Umma, she brought a maid and is causing a commotion at Giwa's."
Asma hummed, a brow arched as she looked up, and held Karima's gaze, "Really?" She asked, as if she knew nothing about it. "Well, if that is the case, then I should go and have a look, huh?"
Just as Asma washed her hand and retrieved the veil Karima had fetched for her, Sakina rushed to the kitchen, her lips forming a tight line.
"Your Highness, where are you going to?" She asked.
"Do I need to report my whereabouts to you?" Asma asked ever so calmly, and though her tone was calm, there was a certain edge in her eyes that showed Sakina she better think her next words carefully before spewing them to her.
The woman very much understood the look, and then she looked down, "Ranki ya dade, I apologize but you should not be seen out there--"
"Come if you wish, stay back if you wish," Asma held her gaze, hers firm before she then added. "But you better not think of standing in my way." With that said, she gave her a firm look before she walked past her out of kitchen, and out of the mansion with Karima in tow, and Sakina too eventually.
Following the back door that adjoined their mansion with the Queens' side, the moment they stepped foot there, they were met with the sight of almost all the maids in the palace, hovering around Giwa's chambers from a safe distance and watching the scene unfold in front of them, even some of the dogarai were there as well, all too eager to hear what is ongoing.
As Asma approached the scene, all the maids on the way moved aside, giving her way to pass without any obstruction, their curious eyes falling on her as well, wondering how she would react to the situation.
Asma came to a stop once close enough, seeing the scene unfold right in front of her.
Gimbiya Umma, raging in front of Giwa's chamber, with an older maid whom was kneeling in front of her in tears. Usually ever so composed and graceful, Gimbiya Umma at that moment looked as though she was seconds away from losing the last shred of calmness within her, unbothered that she is causing a scene in front of everyone in the palace.
One look at her, and you can tell what she is going through. Seething rage. It blinded her entirely.
"YOU BETTER COME OUT AND FACE ME, BILKISU, KI FITO KIMIN BAYANI WALLAHI ELSE I WOULD BRING ALL THE CHAOS OF THIS WORLD ON YOU TODAY! KI FITO!" Gimbiya Umma screamed at the top of her lungs, her blazing eyes fixated on the entrance.
Just then the front door of the chamber opened, and Giwa, in her usual glory and composure stepped out, her steps calm and composed as she came to stand in front of her co-wife, her expression unbothered.
"You are making a fool of yourself," Giwa said, her tone calm though pointed. "Kin maida kanki mahaukaciya in front of everyone. If you wish to keep this up, continue. Amma, stop causing a scene in front of my chamber, else, I will have you dragged away, kin san halina." She threatened, her words not loud but enough for the woman to hear—and enough for Asma who was standing at a safe distance to hear as well.
Gimbiya Umma, unfazed by the woman's threats then chuckled out loud in anything but amusement, and when it died down, she then fixated her fury filled eyes on her, before pointing at her an accusing finger. "Do it, show your true colors to everyone. You have done way worse, this is nothing to you daman ai."
Giwa did not react to her words in the slightest, merely staring at her as though she is a nuisance. "What are nonsense are you going about right now?"
"My son," Gimbiya Umma said out loud, her teeth gritted. Pointing a finger at the older maid at her feet, she then nodded. "TELL ME WHY YOU HAD THIS MAID KILL MY SON!!"
Asma watched, her head tilted to the side slightly as the corner of her lips formed a ghost smile as she watched the color drain from Giwa's face.
It is show time, she thought, mentally getting herself a seat and popcorn to enjoy it live.
Wato Asma balai ce, kuttttttttt she shocketh meeeeee.
I will be honest, I saw this coming but not like this. Omooooooooo, she indeed flipped the place upside down.
Giwaaa, Giwaaaa, Elephantttt, you have some explaining to do o, walaiiii.
Chaiiiiii, let me get my cup of hot tea like this because oboiiiii.
But wait seff, who is this 'X' Asma was chatting up? Who is she, or he? Wanene? Any guess?
I think this girl will not rest until she sends Giwa to ICU because whatttttt.
Kai kuma Tareeq, what is this history you have?
And how dare you think you can win against Asma? Asma fa! Inaaaa my girl is unstoppable.
Toh tell me guys, what do you like about this book? Abeg comment because I do not what I am doing at this point.
Toh this is where I leave you.
Stay safe and single because men are stupid creatures, and women...well, we are wicked but still, pretty priviledges, we are just girls...
Love always, Jannah Mia.
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