Surprise early Friday update! You owe me comments.

How did Asma feel about seeing Amir Qasim with another woman?

There was irritation, certainly. But not jealousy. She cared for Amir Qasim that way enough to feel jealousy, and she was not. She was irritated though, and it came from seeing how Amir Qasim was acting around this Hadiza Jalo lady. Does he hate her that much that she could not see that side of his even for a split second? Because as it so appears he is capable of being open to others.

What makes this Hadiza Jalo so special to him to be acting that way?

And when Asma stared at the woman, she could not see anything. She is beautiful, sure, but she does not hold candle to her. So, in what way, is she better than her to Amir Qasim?

As Amir Qasim's gaze found hers, Asma was glad in that moment that she is an expert in masking her emotions. If she wanted to appear nonchalant, and she is, she appeared so. It felt as though everyone around held their breaths just to see what would happen now that the Princess had seen the two together, they wanted some drama.

But, Asma was not going to give them that. Why should she? On what basis should she waste her time in such way?

And luckily, her phone rang in that very moment, breaking the trance that she was stuck in. Her gaze held Amir Qasim's which lost the smile on it earlier, morphing into a grave expression, almost as if curious to see how she would react.

Asma flashed him an uninterested look, as if she was merely staring at another one of the palace guards and maid and not her husband with another woman. Breaking the gaze, she looked down at her phone, and the moment her gaze fell on who is calling, she found herself taking in a discreet, sharp breath, her resolve nearly cracking for an entirely different reason that goes beyond her life in that palace.

Still, she masked the expression and put on a soft smile as she lifted her head so her gaze would meet Karima's, and then she said, "You can go on without me. I will head back first." She said, needing some privacy to answer the call.

Karima's brows drew in, finally drawing her gaze away from the woman beside Amir Qasim, being the one in Asma's stead to feel jealous and angry, before meeting the Princess's gaze. "But, ranki ya dade, that woman is still with the Prince." She said in a small voice laced with irritation, "Are you really going to let her stay with him. Kallon mu suke fa har yanxu."

Asma's smile remained unwavering, despite the inner turmoil brewing in her mind as the phone in her hand buzzed with the incoming call, Amir Qasim and that woman being the least of her concerns. Still, she felt the need to respond to Karima. "Only those who lack confidence in themselves feel inferior, Karima," she said, her voice steady and calm as she expressed her earnest feeling. "And besides, she will never compare to me." She does not mean it just in Amir Qasim's eyes, but other factors considered.

Hadiza Jalo is not even worth a glance from her really if all factors are to be taken into consideration. She knows that, and therefore, does not see the woman as a threat.

"Besides," She added, "Piece of advice Karima, no man is worth worrying over."

Karima, lacking the foresight the Princess has still was not convinced, "But--"

"I am going." Asma said, and without another word, turned around and made her way back to their side, her steps those calm were fast, her smile disappearing as her expression hardened. She disappeared off as her mind swirled with all thoughts of what the phone could be about, unbothered about anyone else.

Karima remained standing there, and with a breath of annoyance huffed out, turned her head to throw the woman a glare, unable to help herself. When her gaze shifted to the Prince, she noticed his attention was no longer on the woman beside him, but was rather following the sight of his wife who disappeared off to their side.

Karima could not tell what was being said, but the woman said something to Amir Qasim, which he replied almost dismissively. Then, almost in a haste, he excused himself from her and without another glance spared in her direction, turned around and left as well, going the opposite direction Asma went, leaving the woman alone, looking like a chicken drenched with cold water.

A mocking scoff escaped Karima's lips as she muttered a "serves you right," under her breath, before she too turned around, now a bit relieved to see the Prince is not entirely on the same page as the woman, made her way back the manse.

Karima was not sure how it happened. Being a maid for almost her entire life, she knew right from her life in Kubi Caliphate that gossip spreads fast, as fast as a wildfire and faster than an epidemic plague. However, she is starting to think the maids in Sokoto might just give those in Kubi a run for their money when it comes to delivering gossip.

Because just as she returned to the Crown Prince's manse, upon arriving at the backyard where some of the maids were working, she was met with a gossip that had her mouth falling apart.

"Ke wallahi da gaske nake. Matar Yerima saw him with Hadiza, and she was so furious!" One of the maids said, gisting to the others that had all stopped what they were doing and seemed a bit too invested in what should not be their concern in the slightest.

"How did she react? She must have been jealous." Another said, her interest in the matter evident.

The one that conveyed the news scoffed, "You have no idea," Hands akimbo, she continued. "Jealous kai! I am telling you, she was so intimidated b Hadiza, sai guduwa tayi ta bar wurin."

Another one hummed, and then said. "But the princess does not seem like someone that will be intimidated by anyone," She said, her voice low but loud enough for everyone to hear. "I mean, she is a princess, and Yerima's wife already. Is there a reason for her to be jealous of this Hadiza woman?" She seemed to be the most sensible of them all, and perhaps, the only one even.

Because the one that brought the topic gave her a look, as if silently asking if she really just said that. "Ai ita kuwa takeda dalilin damuwa. Yerima seems smitten by this Hadiza woman, kuma kunsan apparently they are talking about marriage. You should see the way he was with her, ai ba tantama, she has his heart." She said, sounding a bit too certain. "Besides," She continued, her voice turning cold. "What does the princess have really? Girman kai ne kawai amma who does not know the Prince does not favor her in the slightest? Maza kuma, miniti nawa ne ya auro wadda zata zauna da shi lafiya?"

"Daman the marriage was arranged. I do not think I have ever seen them together. Yerima does not even eat her food."

"Exactly," The gang leader snapped her fingers, as if to prove a point. "Ni kunsan abunda naji ma? Apparently, the Princess is disliked even in Kubi that is why she was sent to marry Yerima of all the other female daughters there. Some even say, her mother passed away without having the King's favor as well, that is why she was her only child. And immediately the mother passed away, the princess was sent abroad at a young age."

"SubhanAllahi, what happened to her mother?"

"Oho," The maid shrugged, "Amma ance asiri tayi ya dawo kanta, she died of a serious illness. It is karma. Who knows? The princess might just succumb to the same fate tunda itama Yerima baya sonta kuma kishiya sai an mata. Allah ya qara daman na tsane ta, girman kanta yayi yawa. I hope he marries three more, or even divorce her seff,"

All the maids laughed, clearly praying for the Princess's downfall.

Karima saw bloody red, her whole body shaking as the words registered in her mind. Unable to help herself and blinded by rage, she stormed over to where the maid at the helm is, and once close enough, pushed her back with all her strength.

The maid, not expecting the action fell on the floor with a loud thump on her back, gasps instantly coming from the other maids, taken aback by the sudden change in situation. The maid flinched in pain which instantly registered throughout her whole body, before she flicked her now infuriated eyes in the direction. "Kuttuman uba!" She cursed, "Keh, Karima, ni kika tura qasa!?"

"Nayin!" Karima seethed, standing above her, as she pointed a finger at her. "And I will do much worse if you keep speaking about the princess like that. What? Karma? What do you know about her? What do you know about what she had went through? What do you know about her mother to speak like that? Me kuka sani?! Who gave you the right?" She could not understand where the hatred was coming from.

Asma may be cold, but as far as she knows, she is not one to treat others badly and she has never treated the maids badly since she came. So, why is she getting this hatred? And what gave them the right to comment on her personal life and even drawn their own speculations?

"Jar uba!" The maid on the floor hissed, seething with anger before pushing herself to a standing position, while the other maids all stopped what they were doing and watched the scene unfolding in front of them. "Karima ni kika tura qasa akan waccan banzar matar?"

Karima pointed a warning finger at her, "Don't you ever insult her again." She warned.

"An zaga!" The maid snapped back, her own body shaking with anger. "Matar banza? What can you do? Itama she cannot do anything to us. Gidan Yerima ne nan, kuma he does not like her a single bit balle tazo ta mana barazanar banza. Ita din banza! Listen here, Karima, if you think you can act arrogantly because she has your back, let me tell you wallahi zan saba miki kamanni and nothing will happen to me. Itama uwar dakin taki da ke da ita du banzaye ne, outcasts that no one wants around here. Aure kuma Yerima in shaa Allahu sau ya sake yi, ehen! Sai dai ku mutu."

Karima is not a violent person, she is actually quite timid and tends to avoid anything physical fights because she can never win, and she just does not have the confidence for it. However, for Asma, she was willing to fight the entire world. That is how much the Princess means to her.

So, she did not think twice, nor hesitate in that moment. She was too blinded by anger that she just lurched at the maid, slapping her, and the maid instantly fought back. In a matter of seconds, it had turned into a full pledged fight. Scarves thrown aside, dresses pulled, fabrics teared and bites thrown in all directions. None of the other maids attempted to separate them, all too invested in seeing who would come out of it unscathed. The one maid that attempted to separate them got punched in the nose, and she quietly slipped back to where she was seated earlier to nurse her aching nose, determined to never attempt to separate a fight again.

The fight carried on, not seeming to have an end, with no one attempting to stop it.

At least, until a pair of heavy footsteps strode in the direction, calmly, but determined, nothing soft about the steps. The onlooking maids stopped him first, and their eyes instantly widened upon realization, getting on their feet as their faces turned ashen, knowing what is about to happen. It is not just the sight of the head of maids of the manse that scared them to the core, but his mere presence.

One step after another, each seemed composed and almost coordinated—the aura he oozes one that screamed not to be messed with. It was in the way he carried himself entirely, a sight to be spotted from a mile away, and enough to send chills down one's spine.

The maids instantly took steps back, quick to disappear from the place before they get on his bad side and suffer as well, leaving the two fighting maids alone there, unaware of the new presence there. Upon reaching where they are, he came to a stop, and the head of the maids took that as her sign to speak.

"What are the two of you doing?!" She scolded, her tone harsh.

Both of them instantly recognized her voice, making them break apart as their wide eyes yawed in her direction. In each chamber, there is the head of maids and it just so happens that the one in Yerima's chambers is as strict as they can be, thus making everyone fear her, even the two fighting ladies that broke apart instantly.

Her eyes narrowed at them, her face red with anger. "Lubabatu, Karima? Gidan daba kuka maida gidannan? See the way you two are fighting, bakuda hankali ne? What happened here?" She scolded, her gaze moving from Lubabatu who now has a torn shirt, but looks less harmed to Karima, who is missing her scarf, and already has a bruised lip and a swollen cheek—clearly having gotten the short end of the stick. It will not come as a surprise if she has more injuries beyond the obvious.

The two looked down, none daring to look up and meet the woman's scolding look. Not to mention, the intimidating man beside her whose presence was enough to set everyone straight, as always.

Silence ensued, with none willing to open up and tell the reason for the fight. On Lubabatu's side, she knew the moment she opened up, she would be done for the moment she makes the mistake of saying what she does wrong. It is one thing to say it in front of the head of maids, and another thing to say it in front of the intimidating prince. He has always been a figure in the palace that everyone was scared of, and there was something about seeing him in uniform, it makes him look all the more scary.

Not to mention, the stories of him and how he sets everyone straight is known to everyone, except Karima who did not know whom he is in the slightest—never seeing him before, and thus did not care much about him.

However, despite knowing she was in the right, she knew she was wrong at the same time. She should not get involved in violence, Asma has warned her of those countless times and if she knows what happened now, she will no doubt scold her. So, she dared not speak, lest the information reaches the Princess's ears.

When none of them spoke, his voice finally came, for the first time. "So, you want to fight, huh?" His voice was deeper than any other Karima has ever heard of. It was husky, and dark—a deep baritone that stood out. His tone was ice cold though, and the humor in his tone was almost scary.

"Fight then." He said, stunning them all. Karima looked up the same time as everyone did, their expression laced with confusion. He kept his gaze fixated on the two. When he spoke again, his tone had become a firmer, colder, and more daunting. "Fight until one of you is no longer breathing. Else, none of you will leave this place."

Both Lubabatu and the head maid stared at him in fear, knowing the moment he said those words, he meant every bit of it. Everyone knows he does not joke, and if he says they need to fight, they must. Karima on the other hand stared at him in disbelief, wondering what kind of person he is.

Is he not supposed to stop the fight? Is that not what anyone who intrudes is supposed to do?

If she is being honest, deep down, she admits, she cannot fight Lubabatu and is kind of glad the fight was halted, but if she has to fight her again, she will no doubt end up being the one with the broken bones. She is sure her whole body will be sore for the rest of the day, if not week. She does not want to fight again.

But then here is this strange man, dressed up in military uniform asking them to continue fighting. Does he want her to die? Can he not take pity on them?

The head maid decided to step in from them, "Ranka ya dade..." She started as she turned around to face him, but one look from him had her zipping her lips shut.

He focused his gaze on the two again, his face lacking any form of jest. "Do not make me repeat myself." He warned, his eyes narrowing. "Else, I will do the honors." He threatened.

Karima almost scoffed, but held herself back because he looks so darn intimidating. But, come on, will he really beat them? He would not...would he?

She got her answers when Lubabatu instantly got on her knees, tears streaming down her face as she began to apologize profusely. "Ranka ya dade, please, forgive me. Dan Allah kayi haquri, wallahi I was just blinded by anger amma wallahi ba zan sake ba." She was crying real tears, her body shaking in fear of the pulp she would turn to should the prince decided to take matters into his own hands.

He gave the head maid a single look, one that she understood but confused the girls. Closing the space between she and the two girls, she came to a stand in front of Lubabatu first, and without warning, raised her hand up, and slapped the girl right across the face. Then again, and again, and again until she had delivered ten hot slaps across both cheeks. By the time she was done, Lubabatu had her face swollen beyond recognition, and was crying on her knees, pleading for mercy.

Once done with her, the head maid then moved to Karima, whom stared at her with wide eyes filled to the brim with tears, her entire body shaking at the thought of undergoing those slaps as well. In fear, she took a step back, the blood leaving her face as the woman lifted her hand and delivered the first slap on her face. It was so painful, that much Karima could testify, and the pain was too intense that she fell on the floor, nursing her now swollen cheek from one slap, the tears streaming down her face like endless waterworks as she sobbed.

The head maid without mercy lifted her hand to deliver the second slap, but just as she raised her hand, his voice came again.

"Leave us," He grumbled, making the woman turn around to face him. He then gestured with his eyes to the sobbing maid beside Karima. "Ki kaita gidan horo and let her stay there for three days. Let her know what happens when one speaks ill of anyone in the palace, much more, Yerima's wife."

The head maid nodded, "Angama, ranka ya dade," Without wasting another second, she leaned down, took a hold of Lubabatu's arm and dragged her away, her scream and pleads of mercy from the prince falling on deaf ears as she was taken away until she could no longer be heard.

With them gone, he finally took a step forward, then another until he reached where Karima was on the floor, still sobbing. He then leaned down in front of her, the sight of his Khaki trousers meeting her sight first before she lifted her head to meet his gaze, and she instantly flinched back in fear that he would hurt her as he said he would earlier.

Does he want to deal with her himself? She wondered. He must want to kill her then.

If the head maid's slap hurts that much, then this soldier's would just kill her straight,

He reached his hand out, making her flinch once again but he did not falter. Instead, his hand went to where her chin is, and with two fingers, made her lift her head so her gaze would meet his cold ones. And whilst holding her gaze, he then asked.

"Would you fight again?" He grumbled, his gaze so intense Karima wanted to be anywhere but there.

But she was quick to shake her head, more tears streaming down her face in fear, "No." She said immediately, shaking her head furiously. "I won't."

He hummed. "Are you sure?" He arched a brow. "If I catch you fighting again, I will not you off that easily."

She nodded furiously, "I will not, wallahi." How will she fight when this man is around? She does not have that guts in the slightest.

He did not say anything, and simply stared at her, as if wanting to be sure whether she is telling the truth or lying, or so she thought. She was certainly taken aback when he parted his lips to speak again, his voice a low murmur meant only for her ears. "You look so ugly right now." He stated earnestly.

Karima's cheeks flushed, embarrassment dawning on her under his securitizing gaze. She sniffed, her nose clogged and no doubt, has a few snot running down her face.

His gaze left her face and dropped downwards, and upon his gaze falling on her now torn shirt with the sleeves falling, he found himself swallowing a thick lump before he looked away. He shrugged off his uniform jacket, before he reached out and draped it over her shoulders, pulling it in front so it was covering her exposed skin.

With his lips set into what seems like a permanent frown, he then said as he found her gaze again. "Wash, iron, and return it to me tomorrow. I will come for it."

She parted her lips to say something, but before anything could come to mind and she would utter it, he got on his feet, then turned around and made his way back into the building, disappearing from her line of sight as if he was never there.

The only thing left behind being his jacket, which has this scent extremely peculiar to him—Karima has never scented such manly perfume. Thankfully, she has completed her secondary school studies, and so she could read.

Her gaze dropped to the name badge on the jacket, reading it.

MH. Tareeq.

Her mouth fell open, the name ringing a bell in her head. MH. Tareeq? As in Major Tareeq Muhammad Haroon...Yerima's brother and the feared prince called 'ghost' by the maids.

Karima nearly fainted as she felt the blood drain from her body. She is done for, she came to a conclusion.



One scene, Tareeq, one scene! And you already stole the spotlight. Ah ah, for a second i had forgotten na second lead they be o, nace ikon Allah.

Bros was not supposed to dominate this chapter like this with just a few words, or am i the only one drawn to red flags?

Sha, my guy is a green forest with a pink bow, not a red flag.

Ladiessss meet Major Tareeq Muhammad Haroon! Another Prince that is TAKEN! Yes, na bada shi.

But how do you see this Tareeq and Karima love, iye? Did any of you see it coming?

Toh i am tired to typing really, na gaji!!

Have a good night.

Stay safe and in love,

Love, Jannah Mia.

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