Jamaa my comments!!
Oh and 15k views, WHAT? It has only been what? Three weeks?
You are all amazing really. Jazakumullah khair.
But do not remain as silent readers. I need my comments to keep me motivated. No excuses abeg.
Are you not enjoying it thus far?
Comment let me be giving you more updates now. Do I have to beg?
Toh abeg, I am begging, COMMENT!!
"Ranki ya dade, the Sultan requests your presence alongside Yerima after Isha prayers," Sakina announced to Asma, who had busied herself with working in the kitchen since she had returned from her visit, keeping her earlier promise of preparing something for her beloved mother-in-law.
Asma paused what she was doing, then looked over her shoulders with drawn in brows. "After Isha?" There is still a few hours to go, magrib is only approaching in about an hour.
Sakina nodded in confirmation of her earlier words, "Yes. After Isha."
Asma mirrored her action, nodding as well as she turned around and carried on with her task, finishing up the meal she had dedicated hours into making for Giwa. Even Sakina was stunned by the woman's dedication. She thought the Princess simply said it to get under Jakadiya's skin, and that even if she were serious, she would have her maids prepare it since they have been in charge of cooking since she arrived.
However, she stunned her by how dedicated she was to the work. Sakina was honestly awestruck seeing Asma work her way around the kitchen, almost as if she was in her own element. The woman had not done a single thing out of place that would raise any alarms, and rather, had dedicated her hours into working in the kitchen, preparing the perfect meal.
Is she truly trying hard to be a good daughter-in-law? Sakina pondered, not quite knowing how to go about understanding the Princess since she is so unpredictable. She was even more so when after she was done cooking and had prepared the perfect salvers for the Queen, she turned to Sakina, her lips set into a tight line.
"Take these to Giwa's chambers," She stated.
Sakina blinked, confusion masking her expression. "Wait, are you not taking it to her yourself?" Is that not the whole reason why the Princess went all out? Was she not looking for a chance to get to meet the Queen? Why did she spend all those hours only to ask someone else to deliver it instead?
Asma did not give her an answer, and instead, offered her a slight smile that was almost knowing. "You can leave after delivering it," She said instead, turning around to wash her hands before drying it. Then, she turned around to face Sakina again. "I do not care if she does not eat it. It should remain in her chambers for as long as she wants. I do not want it returned to me untouched. Do you understand?" There was subtle dominance in her tone, despite her words being soft.
Sakina could only nod, "I understand, Ranki ya dade."
Asma's smile widened slightly, "Have a good night, then." She side stepped Sakina, and without so much as looking back, made her way out of the kitchen, seemingly relieved and happy, almost as if she had gotten what she wanted.
But, it was that exact reaction that confused Sakina. Why is the Princess happy? For all she knows she did not get what she seek. Could it be that cooking is what made her happy? Is that it? After all, that was all she spent her hours doing, as if she was curating the perfect plan by doing so. She even had a wide smile masking her face at one point.
She eventually discarded the thought, knowing there is no point in trying to understand the Princess. That is proving to be a difficult task, that much she can tell after working for her for a while now. So, she instead called upon a few maids to help her, then went about doing the task assigned to her.
Asma on the other hand took a long, refreshing shower to get rid of the scent of food that basked her as a whole. When she was done, she prayed first, and had her dinner before she got ready to meet the Sultan later on. Given who she was to meet, and the time as well, she did not go all out and be extravagant with dressing up, as there was no need to.
And true to Sakina's words, only about fifteen minutes after Isha prayers, Karima, her maid came to inform her there was someone out there sent to accompany her to the Sultan's chambers. She stepped out, descending the stairs with graceful ease that matched the aura she carried herself with. And upon reaching the end of the stairs, she was met with the sight of a bafade waiting for her.
The guard upon seeing her instantly crouched low, then went about with his praises. "Ranki ya dade, gimbiya, barka da dare. Takawarki lafiya yar sarki jikan sarki kuma matar sarkin gobe da ikon Allah. Allah ya ja zamanin ki gimbiya, maqiyan ki fadawan ki, wa ya isa ya ja da ikon Allah," Then he crouched even lower if possible, a single fist raised as he then added. "Barka da fitowa, gimbiya. I was asked to accompany you to Sultan's chambers."
"Barka dai," She offered him a small smile, then looked around, as if the person she was looking for would magically show up. When she saw no sign of him, she then focused her gaze on the guard in front of her. "Yerima fa? Where is he?" She was sure she heard Sakina right when she said the Sultan wanted to see the both of them. So, where is the said man?
"Allah ya qara miki girma, Yerima is waiting for you there as well."
She hummed. So, he went ahead without her? What was she expecting really. Instead of dwelling on it, she instead said. "Let us go ahead then." She has no reason to keep the Sultan waiting for any reason.
The guard then got on his feet and then began to lead the way while she quietly followed behind him. She noticed that the palace seemed even more crowded at night surprisingly, especially when they left their house through the back door and entered the main building of the palace. However, they did not follow the path where the people are, and instead, the guard lead her through a secluded path that seemed even more guarded. And wherever they passed with the guards, they all instantly crouched low and offered their greetings to her, to which she responded with a small smile.
As they passed them though, the guards all carry on with their earlier discussions, and it was through it that she heard something particularly interesting. It was a hushed whisper from some of the guards up ahead that had not noticed them approaching, but she heard enough to put the pieces together.
"Have you heard what happened to Yerima today?" One asked, in hushed tones.
The other, then asked. "Are you talking about what happened in court?" When he got a nod from the first person, he then carried on. "Naji fa. Who would have thought during Yerima's first royal court session, it would be Imam Hamza against him?" It was obvious from their tone that they were astonished by the fact.
The first person then huffed, "Who would have thought kam? Was it not Yerima that brought them to court? Ai na zaci mutanen sa ne. If they are against him, they will make his life in court later on difficult. How did this even happen?"
"Who knows?" The guard then shrugged. "Maybe Yerima tried to influence him? Kasan Imam Hamza akwai aqida. Everyone knows of him, and his stance. Is that not why no one has been able to influence him in court? Ko Sultan ma could not do anything to him. He is one of those people that cannot be swayed by anyone. Hala Yerima tried to get him to do something, and it is against his principles."
"Tabdijam!" A scoff escaped the guard's lips. "In haka ne, tunda kaga lamarin sa da Imam Hamza ya baci, then Yerima might not be the saint that everyone thinks he is after all. I am sure of it."
The conversation came to an instant, screeching halt when they noticed Asma and the guard along with her approaching, a guilty look taking over their features before they quickly crouched low, their greetings following.
"Ranki ya dade!"
"Gimbiya barka da dare!"
"Taka lafiya yar sarki jikar sarki."
Asma ignored them, waking past them without so much as sparing them a glance, but the guard along with them did give them a pointed look, a sign that they have messed up real bad because he is sure she has heard them, he did as well. Soon enough though, they arrived at the Sultan's chamber, and Asma could definitely say that his chamber is grander than any other in the palace, truly befitting of his role.
The guard only accompanied her past the first door though, before he gestured for her to go ahead alone, as that was the most he could go. She thanked him, before advancing further, the lingering scent of a turaren wuta wafting her senses, and the cold AC air mixed along with it eased some of her worries as she advanced further.
Upon reaching the first living room in sight, her steps came to a halt upon noticing a familiar figure seated on the carpet there, his attention fixated on his phone. It was the first time she was seeing Amir Qasim since that day at the polo club, and despite stripping down a simpler look, the jellabiya he had on still managed to make him look imposing. The man could truly make anything stand out if he wants to, that much she is sure.
A slight huff like scoff escaped her lips, but she advanced further to where he was seated, before she settled down beside him, putting a small distance between them. Amir Qasim was very much aware when she came in, and when she settled down beside him, but it was the scent of her perfume that further solidified her presence. Something along the lines of rose and jasmine, with a hint of sandalwood. It was both fresh, and sultry. The same scent as she had the other day at the polo club. Amir Qasim ignored her, not even sparing her a glance.
Asma parted her lips to speak, "Salamu Alaika," She said.
That is a greeting even Amir Qasim could not ignore, no matter what his feelings were. So, he answered, his voice low, almost like a grumble. "Wa alaikissalam."
A huff like scoff escaped her lips, "So, you can speak," She breathed out, leaning her back against the sofa behind her. "Glad to see you are still alive, stranger." She could have ignored him if she wanted to. Two can play the game. But, it is obvious what Amir Qasim hated the most is speaking to her, or for her to speak entirely—which is exactly what she is going to do.
She would get under his nerves as much as she can if she has to.
Much to her surprise though, his voice came, in response to her statement. "And it appears you are still alive as well," he breathed out, his tone almost dismissive. "Did you not make enough fool of yourself today around the palace?"
She turned her head around, her eyes narrowing slightly, "A fool of myself?" She repeated, almost as if she could not believe the words that escaped his lips. When he did not respond, or even look at her, she then added. "Is that what your walking CCTV told you?"
Amir Qasim looked up, his gaze shifting from the little screen as he turned his head around, his eyes meeting hers. His expression was blank, and nonchalant as always, but there was a certain snide in his tone that she did not miss. "Who in the palace does not know you have been galivanting around the Queens' chambers?"
She huffed, her eyes narrowed. "I was paying respect to my elders, excuse you."
He hummed condensing, "Right," He dragged the word out, then arched a brow. "And tell me, how is that working for you?" When she did not answer, he then pressed, intentionally. "How many of those elders, accepted your respect?"
If possible, her eyes narrowed even more.
Amir Qasim gave her a pointed look that seemed almost mocking. "Even your own aunt shunned you away. Tell me, Princess, if that is not making a fool of yourself, enlighten me so I can understand." It was enough that he was using her title to daunt, and mock her intentionally, since it is the title everyone uses around the palace to address her.
With just that statement, he had managed to ruin the credibility of the title. Now, every time she hears it, she will remember the way he said it, in a mocking manner, and the conversation that brought about it. Anyone who says it from this moment henceforth, she would take it as a mock. So, basically, he used it intentionally. And Asma hated it. But, she hated him even more. She hated how with a few words, and while looking oddly calm, he could quietly leave snarky remarks like that.
But, he is not the only one that could subtly jab at the other, and she was not the one to back down either, ever.
So, instead of letting him see that he had gotten to her, her lips then curled into a sickly sweet smile, as she turned around to face him. "Speaking of enlightenment," Her smile widened. "I heard your time in court has been..." She trailed off, as if looking for the right word to use. Then, she met his gaze again, "interesting,"
Amir Qasim's gaze remained unwavering as he stared back at her, and despite remaining calm, Asma could tell she had gotten to him. He could control his facial expression well, that much she would admit. But, when her gaze drifted in the direction of the phone in his hand, she did not miss the way his hold around the small device tightened.
And that had her smile widening before she found his gaze again. "While everyone is speaking of my 'galivanting around the palace'," She intentionally used his own words, before she pitched in hers. "I am sure they are talking about your failure in your first court appearance as well."
She was not just saying it because she heard others saying so. She knows it. Well aware of it actually. So, she is not just speaking empty words. She is merely adding salt to his wounds, intentionally right where she knows it hurts.
When she got a pointed look from him, her smile widened. Her voice then dropped to a whisper, meant only for their ears when she then said. "We truly make quite the couple, do we not, My Prince?" She arched a bow, reaching her hand out to wipe the invincible dust on his shoulder, but before her fingers could even touch him, his hand struck out, taking a hold of her wrist and stopping her.
If possible, his eyes narrowed further.
And if possible, her smile widened.
Her gaze flicked to her hand which he held by the wrist, before it cooly met his blazing ones. "Holding hands so soon, My Prince?" She arched a brow, her smile morphing into a grin before she leaned down, her face mere inches away from his. "What is next then, huh?"
She could see the fire blazing in his eyes, and the way his hold around her wrist tightened—not in a bruising or painful way, but more like in a warning. A warning she could not care less about, and he could tell, so, he dropped the hand, or more like shoved it away, earning a satisfied smile from her.
However, before any of them could say a thing more or do anything, the sound of footsteps approaching them came, gaining their attention. They both looked up just in time to see Sultan Muhammad Haroon stepping into the approaching them, stepping into the living room with a salaam which they both answered.
But even with that, as Asma held his gaze, her heart hammered behind her ribcage, her smile faltering as memories played right before her eyes.
Haba mana, see this chemistry abi physics between her and Amir Qasim, ah ah!! I was just imagining them and smiling in my head. Toh, anya they will last long? Why do I feel like Amir Qasim would fall first?
Can he resist her charms? Because it seems she will be the one to break down those walls of his.
Ah, Amir Qasim if you are being stubborn, this girl mad pass you o. All my FL can be insane when they want to be, do not mess with my Princess.
All of you claiming that Fulani name, you can take it. Fulani is old season.
Kuna gani an fara Princess and My Prince, ikon Allah! Never found these titles awe worthy until now, and i was not even intending for it to be. Irin enemies to lovers innan ana princess and my prince.
Chaiiiii even the thought of it makes me wanna what? Ku qarasa min mutane na.
Omooooooooo oboiiiiii i have these planned for these two aradu, they are giving me what i want them to give. The drama seff would be.
You see the way i am dropping subtle cliffhangers? They will soon increase. Do not play with me.
Toh Jamaa what are your thoughts so far?
My comments dan Allah. Haba now. Na beg i dey beg now.
Stay safe and single, we are on the same train i promise you.
Love, Jannah Mia.
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