(30) okay
Minhyuk Park
To say the ride was uncomfortable would be an understatement. I could feel San's confusion as Nick and I conversed, Steph occasionally butting in. I wedged my arm between my seat and the door to reach Santiago out of Nick's view. After some prodding, he held my hand and I felt myself smile.
"I mean if it makes you feel better, you still look hot with all the grime." I rolled my eyes. Does this absolute dumbass still think I care?
"Will you fucking shut up?"
"Awww, but can't I compliment my boyfriend?" What the flying fuck?
"We're not dating and I'm not having this discussion with you again."
"Why? Do I not reach your standards anymore?" I can't believe I used to think he was worth my time.
"You've practically dug a hole to get under that bar. Plus I like someone else right now." I squeezed Santiago's hand, wondering if he would understand. He didn't respond. Did I go too far? Maybe I'm just a friend.
"Who? Is it Michael-"
"No. He doesn't go to our school." I turned up the radio, drowning out his obnoxious voice.
A few hours of awkward conversation later, we made it to a suburban neighborhood. It was clear why Steph acted the way she did if this was the area she was from. We must have passed at least a dozen people and they all looked exactly the same, although some of them had pretty cute dogs.
"This one!" We pulled up to a rather plain house as Steph practically threw open the door and ran up the driveway."
"Wait-" Before Santiago could reach her, she had already rung the doorbell. He chased after her as I took my time getting out.
A small woman opened the door. Here we go. Surprisingly, her eyes filled with tears, as she grabbed a hold of Santiago.
"Honey? Who is that?" A man came to the door, much taller than the woman by his side. His voice was familiar.
"Hi! We're here to pick up Stephanie Johnson and," the man paused, letting the woman beside him continue.
"Santiago Guzman!"
For some reason, my eyes filled with tears. When did this happen? Is this what Trigg meant by having my memories altered?
"Dad!" Stephanie leapt towards her father, arms wide. Just as quickly, she stepped back defensively. "Wait, how do you recognize us?" She's right. Their memories were supposed to be wiped.
"We got a package a few days ago-" The man paused, looking past his children at me. "In fact, the person who delivered it looked just like you." There's no way-
"Did you happen to catch his name?" Curiosity won me over as I spoke up.
"Parkminsomething? I'm not really sure." Wait, that means Minseok knew what was happening. He knew what we were planning.
"You just took them?" Stephanie had continued the conversation as I remained frozen in place.
"Well no, I had Mrs. Niven look at them."
"Isn't she the one that suggested the camp?" I shuddered. How could she still call that hell a camp?
"Yes, but I don't know how much she knew about it."
"So you know-"
"The man said that if you weren't back this week to send this to a certain address." He held up a thumbdrive. That reminds me. I took the bag from Santiago's hand, fishing out the folder. Steph snatched the folder from my hand and flipped it over, trying to guess what was inside.
Before I could say anything, her dad gently took the folder from her hand.
"What matters is that you are home safe." San's mother brushed the tears off of her face, smiling. My stomach knotted up. I wish my family was this happy to see me.
"Shoot. We shouldn't be here for so long." Santiago's voice broke the dream-like scene before me, a reminder of what we were really here for.
"The guards should've been here by now-" Steph stopped. Her eyes darted around the neighborhood, as if she was expecting the guards to pop out of their neighbor's rose bushes.
"The man from before said he would handle them." I startled at Mr. Johnson's words. How involved is my brother?
"Regardless, we should go inside before the neighbors get curious."
"Absolutely not!" Mr. Johnson's temper flared. "We should go to the police at once." Suspicious.
"That's a terrible idea!" Steph spat back "I bet the entire police force is in league with them." My father would've slapped me upside the head by now.
"It can't be the entire police force-" Mr. Johnson retorted.
The two of them continued, both firm on their position. Despite the argument, I couldn't help but laugh.
"I see where Steph gets her attitude." San snorted in response.
"I have an idea," Mrs. Johnson said slowly. "Why don't you create a video and spread some info around social media. It'll be difficult to remove completely."
"That's actually a good idea-" Sensing that Steph was about to get ahead of herself, Santiago piped up.
"Yo I know this is serious, but I'm fucking hungry."
"Santiago!" Mrs. Johnson reprimanded the boy, knocking the back of his head.
"Sorry momma."
"Alright, let's go inside and get you some food before we start this video." Her hands were shaking as she was obviously nervous. Yet it was clear how worried she was about Steph and San. A bitter, metallic taste filled my mouth and I felt...jealous.
"Sounds good." Mr. Johnson seemed to be catching Steph's paranoia, eyeing the neighbors walking dogs.
As I watched the happy family file inside, I couldn't help but feel out of place. I suppose this is the time to take my leave.
I felt myself drift away from the house and back toward where Nick was waiting impatiently. I cringed at the music leaking through the cracked window. He's probably smoking again.
"Min, wait." San's hand was on my shoulder and the last thing I wanted to do was turn around.
"I gotta head out."
"Will I see you again?" I could hear something in his voice, but I wasn't stupid enough to believe it was disappointment.
"Do you want to?" You fucking moron.
"I mean yeah, I kinda-er I really like you." I turned around in surprise. San's face was flushed bright red. "I mean I like hanging out with you-" This is ridiculous. I chuckled at his reaction.
"I like you, too."
San let out a laugh, hesitating.
"I'll visit later when you want to sort everything out." I promised, hoping that I would be able to keep it.
"Well, the stuff with the camp."
"And whatever this is now." I gestured between us, unsure.
"But where are you going to stay?"
"I'll probably crash at Nicks until I can get a hold of my brother-"
"Come stay with me-uh I meant us." Santiago leaned over to look behind me. "Plus," he added with a grin, "It looks like Nick already left."
I rolled my eyes. Or eye. I wasn't sure if the other one was still there. Leave it to Nick to ditch me again.
"Hey." San was offering his hand, and to my own surprise, I took it. Allowed him to drag me into the house I couldn't help but smile to myself. For the first time in a very long time, I felt like everything was going to be okay.
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