Swift course of action

?????: So as of now of our plan announced. We shall take our departure now.

Me: One problem...

?????: Speak...

However keeping silent, my eyes glew up, and I threw my head over to the side of the door. Trying Indicate that there were other beings beyond the door. Eavesdropping...he immediately picked up on my silent interpretation. And just huffed.

?????: This is not an issue. Whatch this. 

Now opening the door, with his blade still in hand. Three Pokemon there. The mismagius. Rotom and the Delcatty. Although for a Ghost type, the Mismagius visibly trembled in the air. As for the purple quadruped. 

Eta: Who are you Pokemon!? You liars!

Me: We didn't lie about anything, we simply withheld our true origins from all of you.

Zin: Not cool!

?????: Doesn't matter what appears stylish to one's point of view, of physical appearance. Point is, we have some secrets and information that no one is supposed to know...such as this household.

Eta: Dang, you guys are boring....and your stupid verbose language...

Zin: Takes FOREVER to understand what you guys are saying, as well sounding unnecessarily intimidating.

Me: Hmph....that's just our demeanor. Fortunately for you all, we will not remain much longer.

Verk: Not so fast buddy...ever heard of Pokeballs? Can practically recall any owned Pokemon right back to where they belong. So if you get lost, and Jake can't find you within maybe a 300 feet distance. Well...you MAY be safe. Not even we know the true extent of these Pokemon capturing devices.

?????:Point is, we need to leave. And...you guys know some things you weren't supposed to hear...we can't have that.

Eta: What are you going to do, erase our memory?

In a rather sarcastic tone, swaying her head off. But the mercenary-Zoroark chuckled and closed his eyes, as if forming a devious plan.

????: Yes....

Eta: Say what?

Now focusing his energy, as well disposing of his illusory sword, and putting on a new disguise. A tall pinkish Pokemon, with a dark purple tail. Looked like a physic. Unfortunately, this species exceeded my intellect. I...had never studied or seen such a being.



?????: I'm just going to do one thing...it's painless. I think.

With him extending a hand out to them, his eyes glowed a bright blue, and seem to emit a powerful energy. They seemed to tremble to his new powers, out of lacking intellect of their abilities. But their fright soon calmed down, after some seconds. I'm not sure what he did, but it seemed to be mental. Then switched back to his usual self and cleared his throat.

?????:Now let's get out of this house.

Verk: Um you guys might wanna reconsider. Jake can call you-

Me: No need, we already know.

Trying to cut him off in a short notice. This was prolonged enough. And I tried to gesture my new ally to follow. He followed and we made our way out, without anyone questioning us. That's the last thing we need...more wondering what we're up to...

*Somewhere outside the city*

?????: Are you sure that we'll find what we're looking for in a civilization? Perhaps our targets are dwelling in a safer household. It may not be easy to track them down, if safeguarded.

?????: You worry too much Dello, keep your head straight and follow my lead. If I'm not nervous or concerned, you should calm your nerves as well.

A mythical, more specifically Marshadow speaking to it's more intelligent, hovering mythical friend. Seeming to have sort of a mix of a sharp whisper of wind to it's voice. It wasn't like a howl or echo...but more of a blunt small voice, but not with a childlike demeanor. Where as it's hovering, more monstrous friend possesses the more calm toned features.

Dello: Well I HAVE to be anxious for you. You're always so tightfisted and a hothead-

?????: Because I have to be TOUGH for you. You're the brain power and i'm the fists of fury of this team. We may be two, but that is a team...an unbreakable duo with finite potential. After all, you're too shy to talk to other beings anyway. That's why I, as head of operations, lead us, and speak for us. Not only that, I handle anything dirty and unpleasant. 

Dello: Which is why I heavily prefer to handle things in a civilized, intellectual manner. 

?????:So far....you've kept that. Now let's just keep moving forward...I can feel their lively presence in this city. They...are in here.

*Now in the city*

Dello: Zexko, I don't feel so comfortable with all these pair of eyes looking at us.

Zexko: Just keep your head straight, you introvert Darkrai...

It said a little bitterly. It's voice was venomous, but it had to keep a non-hostile attitude. Until they were stopped by two kids, more likely a family.

Toddler girl: EEK! What is this Pokemon!? 

Toddler boy: It looks like a Ghost type?

Now stopping and giving them a genuine wave, as to not be rude.

Zexko: Hello fellow humans. Please let us pass by.

The Mother: Doesn't look very hostile to me...more importantly, what's two Mythicals doing in a city like this? I'm surprised no one's caught them yet.

The Father: Well as tempting as it is, no one probably doesn't have a Master ball to use. Great balls and Ultra balls kinda don't do it with legends like these. Hmm...that Darkrai seems to be awfully shy though.

Dello: Don't mention it...

It said quietly to itself, attempting to cover it's face, as well slowly hovering back from the family. But the Marshadow was handling. But...it just blankly starred at them. One thing that the Marshadow kind were good at doing......soullessly staring...eventually it irked them enough to the point where they continued walking. However the girl was the most creeped out by the cold Marshadow. And eventually were on their way.

Zexko: See? I always handle it Dello. Now let's keep moving. And try not to get too self conscious about yourself...I thought for being nearly 1,407 years old, you would have had plenty of time to get over your nerves... 

Dello: Don't you remember the old saying, "some things never change"? And besides, you're still young. Ranging only 841 in age. As a matter of fact, to many legends of the Earth, even I would be.....a......hmmm....considerably over middle aged. Just....trying to do some complicated mental math, as comparing our endless lives to lower Pokemon, which only live about 50 up to 250. It's.....iffy.

Zexko: I'm so glad that Ghost types can defy a lot of physical benefits, such as organs, skeletal system, and not being affected by physical things. I've seen how violence evolved....some day...some fateful day...we'll be no match for these humans. 

Dello: Which is why I have suggested you to follow my idea. Allying with them. If we can form an alliance with them, humans and Pokemon, just like it was centuries ago. Then...perhaps the world can live in it's perfect condition again.

Zexko: That's going back in time. That was when Zetrick kingdom fell. Too bad those fools were so narrow-minded, and strict. No flexibility or tolerance. That's why they failed. Oh and let's not forget the one Pokemon who made them fall to their knees.

Dello: Good thing they have rested now...even I wouldn't want to live to see how that goes down. Some things...are best forgotten. I only follow you because I long for companionship. Over the centuries, it has been one long walk, Zexko. But...like all friendships, we won't always be level headed with one another.

Zexko: For a Pokemon that doesn't have a mouth, you sure do talk a lot. 

Snapping off with a near rude remark, as it still looked around corners and alleyways. It even crossed the road, without following any signs. It if wasn't transparent, that would have been traffic violation. Dello just let out a slightly annoyed groan and wiped it off.

Dello: Sometimes I wonder how long we'll stay friends....till the end of time? Maybe...one more millennia?

Zexko: Friends don't limit their friendship by time, they die together. Simple as that. Knowing that it's two things. Ride or die. It's how I've always seen it with you Dello. Yeah I'm not ALWAYS gonna be nice, but you've had a good 200 years to get used to that...I'd say that's better than what Most Human beings do with each other. The ways they connect and talk. The intellect of Humans are ever evolving...whereas us, well...we don't change, unfortunately. However, with our endless lives, our companionship will never die, never. I won't let it. And you should be glad that I stick up for you in situations where you have to speak for yourself. I can't always step up for you Dello.

Dello: I acknowledge that completely. It's just...I-

Zexko: Have doubts? Yeah...it's natural. You stress to much, you THINK to much. All that tied up stress in that dark soul of yours needs to just...get a vacation. Do you even know what it's like to live?

Dello: Heh...coming from a Ghost Pokemon. At least talking to you hasn't been fully unpleasant.

Zexko: I'm just trying to keep you from being nervous, Dello. Might be a bad time to mention this, but we have a lot of people staring at us. But you know...why should you care what they think? What are they gonna do, nitpick our flaws sins?

Dello: Well at least this is the part I love about you most, Zexko. You're one hotheaded, fury-fisted Marshadow. But...you are a good friend. And I know you have a soft spot for me. I'm looking forward to spending the rest of our eternal lives with you.

Zexko: *sigh* yeah just don't tell anyone...first thing after all this Kingdom nonsense is over. I'm getting us a vacation.

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