~Lucy's POV~
"Natsu got in Alpha Delta?" Levy asked as she released a strand of my hair from the hot curling iron.
"Yea, they had orientation for all the newbies last week." I was contemplating between two different lipsticks. Red for daring, or pink for cute?
"What did he have to do? I know fraternities have like super crazy initiation activities." My fingers grazed over the smooth cap of the lipsticks, the red calling my name. I want to make a good impression.
"I don't know," I shook my head. "He's not allowed to tell, fraternities honor." I won't lie, I was kind of hesitant when Natsu told me. Frat boys have a reputation of being assholes. That's only stereotypical though. "Gajeel's rooming with Gray right?"
As soon as I said his name, Levy's face brightened through the mirror. You could easily see how much she loved him.
"Yea, he'll be at the party tonight too!" I smiled in response, happy for her. "Your hair's all done!" She smiled, framing my face with her hands. "You're beautiful darling."
"Awh thanks!" I exclaimed with excitement. I stared at my reflection, satisfied with my appearance. All that was needed was the lipstick. I grabbed a hold of the cap and flicked it off.
"You look beautiful as well Lev." She was wearing a little white dress that complimented her hair quite nicely. Like mine, it was tight and stuck to her body. I quickly, but neatly, applied the lipstick.
"Oh staph!" She twirled, smiling from ear to ear. I laughed, amused with her cuteness. I was wearing a little black dress, lace trailing up my neck.
"You ready to go?" I asked, standing up from the small desk. She nodded, grabbing her gold pumps.
"Hey, don't drink too much tonight." Levy winked at me, letting out a laugh. "We do have class tomorrow."
"Pft!" I exasperated, shooing her away. I hesitated a second, looking away from her. "Alright I'll try not too."
She laughed, clutching her stomach.
"I'll make sure you don't do anything stupid."
"Thanks girl," I said winking while I pointed my finger at her.
"Just think about it. Elementary teachers can't come to work with a hangover." She gave me a stern look, but she wasn't seriously criticizing me.
"I know, I know."
Alpha Delta, the frat house located about a block away from our dorm, was massive. I felt a hint of jealousy that Natsu was living in some huge house without me.
As soon as we exited our dorm, we could hear the distant beat of the music. As we got closer, the bass frequencies increased.
When the frat house came into sight, Levy and I stood in bewilderment. There were hundreds of people outside on the front lawn, hanging over the balcony, and in the back yard. Red solo cups and toilet paper scattered across the green grass. First day and it was already messy.
"W-wow, there's a lot of people here."Levy stuttered, suddenly feeling nervous. She took a tiny step behind me, hiding from the house.
"Come on, it'll be fine." I said tugging her arm, her worried eyes relaxing. I pulled her towards the house, passing a bunch of people.
Many of the boys looked at us as we passed, their girlfriends not amused. I met them with a smile, trying to show a positive image. The music was blaring into our ears, difficult to even hear Levy, who was right beside me.
Bodies were scattered in every possible space. I unfortunately had to encounter many sweaty bodies and the stench of alcohol.
"Hey baby," a random stranger stopped me. He grabbed me by the elbow and spoke into my ear. I will admit the mystery man was a little handsome, but nothing compared to Natsu. He had these blazing green eyes that basically captured my soul. He was wearing a tuxedo, something all members of Alpha Delta were required to wear. Other than the tux, all members had to wear a bucket hat with their sign stitched on the front.
"Hey," I basically shouted into his ear. All of a sudden a cold drink was shoved into my left hand.
"Welcome to Alpha Delta." He cocked his head and gulped down his drink. I also took a sip of my drink, instantly tasting cheap beer. Well...beer was beer. I nodded to show my thanks, staring up into those captivating eyes.
"Names Bixlow," he shouted.
"Lucy," I screamed as well. He nodded, catching the attention of one of his buddies.
"I gotta go present, catch ya round baby." He let go of my elbow, and disappeared into the sea of people. He must have been an upper class men.
A few moments later, the music completely cut off. My ears felt weird adjusting to the sudden silence. A few people booed and complained, but then our attention was immediately brought towards the large stair case.
10 dashing young men walked down those grand marble steps, causing the girls to swoon. A certain pink haired boy instantly caught my attention. A few strands of his pink hair were sticking out of his ball cap.
"We are Alpha Delta and welcome to our first party of the year!" A muscular blonde stated loudly. A very pretty white haired girl was basically attached to his hip. She looked extremely familiar. It then hit me that I had seen her multiple times in the beauty magazine I ordered. Mirajane was rated the rising model of the year.
His comment was heard with cheers. Glasses rose into the air, all of us saluting the hosts. Bixlow was standing next to Mirajane, sending a quick look my way. I raised my glass higher, which resulted in him laughing.
"We have a few new recruits, introduce yourselves boys." The leader of Alpha Delta gestured to the three boys standing in the back.
"Sting," said a blonde curtly. All of the girls swooned.
"Rogue," a black haired boy said quietly. Once again, the girls sighed with attraction.
"Natsu, and yes, my hair is naturally pink." Some of the people whooped, myself included. Natsu someone saw me in the crowd, sending me a wink. I winked back.
"Have fun, drink up, and just go crazy." The leader said, raising his glass. Everyone did as followed. The music was turned back on, scaring me half to death.
Somehow, I lost Levy. She's just so small. I gulped down the rest of my beer and set the empty cup on the nearby bookshelf.
I wanted to at least go and congratulate Natsu, but it was a difficult route. So many people were between us and the stairway. I tried to take an alternate route, running into a game room. People were playing strip poker, a girl standing half naked on one of the tables.
"Hey cutie," he yelled at me. "Wanna join?" His words were heavily slurred. I just shooed away his offer and kept going through the crowd.
"This was for someone else, but you're much more attractive." Before I even realized it, one of the new recruits, Sting, was right in from of me. I stared in bewilderment at him. He was even more attractive close up!
"Thanks!" He offered me another cold drink. I accepted. Sting placed hand against my back and leaned into my ear.
"If you ever wanted to have a private conversation, my room is the first door on the third floor." With that, Sting walked away, leaving my face burning. My cheeks were on fire, red from the sudden discussion.
I shook my head, trying to forget what happened. I gulped down the rest of my drink, the bitter taste filling my mouth. This cheap beer had obviously been watered down.
I kept walking, a certain pink haired boy coming into view. He was leaning against the stairwell, 5 girls surrounding him. I felt a hint of jealousy, but remained calm.
Good thing he wasn't touching any of the girls or else I would've torn him to bits. They were all just talking, laughing, and drinking. No wonder the girls swooned over him, he looked amazing in a suit.
Once I finally made it to the stairs, Natsu noticed my presence. His face lit up, apologizing to the girls. He pushed past them, shoving his drink into someone else's hand.
"Lucy!" He said as he jogged down the stairs.
"Congrats!" I said winking. The beer was starting to put me under its magic spell.
"Thanks for coming. " Natsu slung his arm around me, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.
"Looks like we're making some people a little jealous." I said, looking at the girls on top of the stairwell.
"That's too bad isn't it?" He sarcastically questioned, pecking me on lips. His breath smelled of beer, and so did mine. I started laughing but I don't really know why.
"You look so good in this." I whispered in his ear. I lightly tugged on his suit and tapped his ball cap.
"You look so good in that dress, but you'd look better with it off." Natsu winked, his cheeks red. I laughed, giving him a play slap. We were both drunk at this point, but we promised not to do anything stupid.
Someone gave Natsu two more cups, handing me one in the process. My vision was swirling, making everyone look like a defective portrait. We clinked our glasses and chugged down another one.
"If you ever need to swing by, my room is the first on the second floor." I nodded, showing my gratitude. Natsu's arm fell into the crook of my waist.
"I didn't know you had a girl Natsu!" The muscular blonde came up and slapped Natsu on the back, Mira at his side.
"Yea, this is Lucy." I waved, showing them a smile.
"Laxus," the tall boy grunted. I shook his hand.
"Oh my gosh you are so pretty!" Mira turned to me, grabbing my hands.
"Me?" I was shocked. "You are stunning!" She laughed, her perfectly curled hair falling off her shoulder.
"My agency is actually looking for another model! You should total come and audition. I would put in a good word for you!" Mira showed me a genuine smile signifying that she wasn't kidding.
"I would love that!" I jumped up and down with excitement. She laughed, dancing along with the music.
We all danced, and had a few more drinks, but I couldn't really remember what happened after that...
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