"Mhmm...Aden, this is really delicious." My brother moaned while he ate the pasta Aden made and he was right. It was more than delicious and I couldn't stop to eat. "It is really good, Adi." I said and he blushed a little. "Thank you." He mumbled a bit embarressed and I chuckled. We finished our dinner and Alec said he would bring Magnus a little bit. He should really talk with him about their love but I knew he wanted to plan something big. I and Aden cleaned then we went back to my room. "Adi?" I asked when he let himself fall down on my bed and I sat next to him. "Mh?" He mumbled and snuggled with his head in my chest. "Do you want to tell me a bit about your past?" I asked him and he tensed but didn't say anything. "Babe, it isn't good if you keep it all to yourself." I said softly and ran my hands through his hair. "O...okay." Aden stuttered a bit and he sat up to look at me. He sat down in the middle of the bed and looked at the sheets. He looked so vulnerable and I knew it was hard for him to talk about his past. "I was born in Florida. My parents were amazing and they always were there for me." He said and I could see that he had tears in his eyes. "When I was 14 I met David and he was 16. I was so young and still I fall in love. We spent a lot of time togheter and he was so kind...I was 15 when he took me to a date...when I came home mom and dad weren't there." He started to sniff and I quickly took him in my arms. "Sh...I'm here." I whispered softly and he nodded in my chest but I could feel that my shirt got wet from his tears. "David waited with me for them but...but they never came." He sobbed and I held him tighter to my body. "Later a policeman came...he told me a drunken driver crashed into them...mom was dead...dad was in a coma." He cried and I was close to cry too but I couldn't. I knew what it felt like to lose someone but he lost both of his parents. "Sh...it's okay." I said with a gently voice and rubbed his back. "He...he died...3 days later." Aden sniffed and now I felt tears in my eyes but I didn't allowe them to fall down. My heart ached and I only wanted to protect Aden from all the pain but I couldn't. "David parents said I could stay with them...it was the best. I and David were so in love and he treat me like I'm the only one for him." Aden said and now he was a bit more calm but it changed quickly. "But then...he became possessive and...and jealous." He cried again and I was scared about what he would tell me. "His parents went away for a week and that was when it happened for the first time...I...I didn't know what to do." He sobbed and I wanted to kill David for hurting Aden. Aden started to shake and he breathed faster than he should. "Shh...breath. He can't hurt you anymore. You are save." I whispered softly and Aden sniffed but breathed slow again. "He...he beat me up for everything. He told me I'm not worth to be loved...he said I didn't deserve to be happy." He sobbed and I felt anger rushing through my body but I had to stay calm for him. "Why didn't you leave him?" I asked him and ran my hands through his hair while he still had his head on my chest. "Because this was only on side of him...his darkest. All the time he hurt me he apologized and promised me he would never do it again. I was young and naive." He chuckled ironicaly and I kissed the top of his head. "One night...it was my 16 birthday...he came home...drunken...he...he...he tried..." Aden couldn't talk anymore but he didn't have to because I guessed what David tried. Alone the thought made my body shiver from anger but I had to be calm for Aden. I couldn't lash out and scare him so I just held him close to my body and let him cry. "Let it out." I said softly and he cried more but he needed to let it out. As much as I wanted to find and kill David I had to stay with Aden. "I...I ran away...I worked in a coffeeshop. When I had enough money I brough a ticket to New York and...and thenI met you." He sniffed and I remembered when I first met him. I got lost in his eyes when I looked in them for the first time and I got lost in them every following time I looked in them. "That was the best thing that ever happened to me." I said softly and Aden looked at me with surprised eyes. "Actually I should say that." He sniffed and his eyes were red from the tears he cried. "I was lost when I camd here. I got bullied in the orphan house but when I was with you all the pain was gone." He sniffed a bit but he also had a weak smile. "Yeah but you also helped me to accept who I am and you made me feel special." I told him softly and whipped his tears with my thumbs away. "You deserve it." He whispered and I smiled at him. "You deserve it, Aden. No matter what David told you it's not true. You deserve to be happy and you deserve to be loved." I answered and cupped his face with my hands while he closed his eyes. "I love you, Aden and I will protect you from him. I can't promise you will never miss your parents or that you will never feel pain again even I don't want to think about it. But every time you are hurt or sad I'll be here and hold you. I will help you to get through this and together we will be okay." I said softly and a few tears escaped his closed eyes. "Thank you, Maxi. I love you too." He answered with a shaking voice and opened his eyes again. "Now let's lay down and try to take some rest, okay?" I asked and he nodded with a little smile. I laid down with him in my arms and he buried his face in my chest. "I got you." I whispered and kissed his cheek softly.
(Read chapter 32 of the Reunion)
"ALEC." I yelled after my brother but he didn't hear me. Well there he got his big surprise and I could cuddle in peace with my Aden. "There he goes." Aden sighed and I looked at him with a smile. "You want cake?" I asked Aden and he frowned but then he nodded. "Cake sounds good." He answered and we walked to the kitchen. "Hey...Max." Suddenly someone said and I turned around too see Riley. Opps I forgot that he was still here and now I could probably clean the mess Alec left. "Can you please give that Alec?" Riley asked and gave me a letter. "Sure." I answered with a forwn and smiled at Riley. "It was nice to meet you. You too Aden." Riley said and only then I saw the bags. "Take care of yourself." I said with a soft smiled and Riley nodded. "It's time that I do that." He said and then he walked out of the kitchen. A few seconds later I could hear the front door closing and I smiled to myself. Riley was a good guy and he would find his true love even it would take a while. "This is so complicated." Aden sighed and I chuckled before I turned around to look at him. "It is but didn't you realize we are all complicated in this family?" I asked and Aden placed his arms around my neck. "I love you, Maxi. Even you are complicated I'm more than happy to have you in my life." Aden answered with a shy smile and I grinned at him. "I love you too." I whispered and pressed a gentle smal kiss on Adens soft lips. When we pulled back I pulled Aden in for a comforting hug and he laid his head down on my shoulder. He nuzzled his nose against the skin of my neck and made md chuckle. "We wanted to eat cake." I said still hugging him and moving a little right and left. "I like it here." He mumbled and his fingers played with the hair on my neck. "I like it too." I answered and moved my hand up and down his back. "We should look at your wounds." I told him and he tensed a little but quickly relaxed when I kissed the spot behind his ear. "We should make party." Aden suddenly said and pulled back to look in my eyes. "What?" I asked and he placed his hands on my shoulder. "Look after everything we deserve to celebrate. We could do it like Alec said, a tent with a lot of lights and you in a suit." Aden answered and I frowned. "Why do I have the feeling you only want to see me in a suit?" I asked and he blushed bright red. "You would look even more handsome." He mumbled and I chuckled but then I realized something and my mouth fell open. "Tomorrow 5 years ago Alec left." I mumbled and Alec frowned at me. "Well he never got a wellcome back party." Aden shrugged and I smirked at him. "Then we will throw a party." I answered and Aden looked excited at me. I loved it when his beautiful eyes lit up like that and he showed his teeth because of his bright smile. "Aden, if you don't stop looking like that I'll eat you instead of the cake." I chuckled and Aden blushed deeply which made me even more chuckle. But then a thought came to me and my laughter died. "Adi, did you want to wait with the sex because of me or because you needed time?" I asked him and Aden looked ashamed to the ground. "Both...I guess." He mumbled and I lifted his head with two fingers under his chin. "We'll wait as long as you want. I would never force you and just so you know I'm ready when you are ready." I said softly and laid a hand on Adens cheek. "Thank you, Maxi. I know it is probably stupid and so..." I cut him off with a kiss on his lips because he looked so damn cute with his pink cheeks. "Nothing about you is stupid, you get that?" I asked with a smile and Aden nodded returing that smile. "One question." He said and I placed my hands on his hips. "Yes?" I asked and he frowned at me. "Did...did you...you know?" He asked and now I was the blushing one. "No. You?" I asked and I knew the answer because he and David were together for so long of course they did it. "No. Yes I and David were together for almost 2 years but I always wanted to wait and David never made a move till...till that night. After David forced me to break up with you he also didn't make a move." Aden answered and I was somehow happy. The thought of sharing this expirience togheter was beautiful. But then I thought about David. "Where is David now?" I asked and saw that tears filled Adens eyes. "I don't know...I just hope he will leave you alone. I wouldn't forgive myself if he hurts you." Aden said and I smiled at him softly. "No matter what happens I'll keep you save. He won't ever lay a hand on you again and he will never make you feel worthless again." I answered and kissed the tip of his nose which made him giggle. "I love it when you smile." I whispered in his ear and Aden whimpered a bit but it was a happy whimper. "You make me happy." He mumbled and I smiled to myself. Now that I knew his past I knew how strong Aden was and I was impressed that after all this he still laughed. He still tried to be happy and he still trusted me even his trust was used so terrible. "You want to eat a cake now?" I asked and Aden nodded happily. "Maxi...I love you." Aden suddenly said and it was like he said it for the first time to me. "I love you too." I answered and pressed a soft kiss on his lips. Aden made me happy he made me feel like everything would be okay and I knew it was true. Everything would be okay.
"Aden...Adi...wake up." I whispered softly in his ear and placed gentle kisses on his cheek. Yeah yeah I knew I was a total softie but he made me a softie. Something about Aden triggered my soft side and it wanted me to cuddle him the whole time. "Max...let me sleep. Just 5 more minutes." Aden mumbled sleepily and his eyes were closed while he rolled to the other side. "Okay. 5 more minutes." I chuckled and wanted to get up but I was pulled down again by Aden. He wrapped his arms and legs around my body so I was trapped in his arms. Never in a million years I would even think about complaining. I just chuckled and let Aden bury his face in the gap between my neck and shoulder. "You smell good." He whispered and nuzzled with his nose against my neck. "And you are...hard." I giggled when I felt his hardone pressing against my inner leg. "Oh my god." Aden said shocked and let go of me. He covered the tent in his pants with his hands and closed his eyes from embaressement. Adens cheek were bright red and his breath was quick but not dangerously quick. "Adi, don't be embaressed. This is normal and can happen every moring." I said softly and placed my hands on his cheek. "Open your eyes, baby." I said with a smile and Aden opened first one eye then the other one. Only then I saw his eyes were glassy and he must be really embaressed. "Oh, Adi. Don't cry because of that. It's okay it happened to me too and I would never judge you for that." I said softly and carresed his cheek with my hands. "I...I was just...sorry." Aden sighed and looked at the sheets. Oh no my baby wouldn't be sad again. I lifted his head gentely with two fingers under his chin and looked in his beautiful blue eyes. "Never apologize again." I said and pressed my lips on. I left my eyes open but Aden closed them and I licked with my tongue over his lips. He partned his lips a little so I can push my tongue inside his mouth. Aden let out a soft moan and I closed my eyes while I got lost in the moment. I laid him down again and he wrapped his arms around my neck to kiss me deeper. I had my hands placed beside his head and pushed myself up while his hands slipped under my shirt. I gasp a little and could feel his grin against my lips. Suddenly he flipped us over and now he was on the top of me. Aden kissed me again but his lips wandered to my jawline and he placed wet kisses on it. He reached my neck with his lips and started to nibble at the skin there. I let out moans and placed my hands on his back. I could feel how I got harder because of his action and he continued to suck on my skin. "Now we are both heard." He whispered in my ear and got off me. "Seriously?" I asked and he smirked at me before he walked to the bathroom. I groaned in fustration and tried to calm down but then Aden peaked his head inside of my room again. "Are you coming or what?" He asked and I frowned but got up quickly. I walked to the bathroom and saw that Aden was only left in his boxers. "We can shower together." He said and came closer to me. He suddenly seemed so confident and honestly I loved that side of him. Who was I kidding? I loved everything about this beautiful humanbeing. "Sure...I would love that but are you okay with that?" I asked because I didn't want him to be uncomfortable around me. "You showed me enough that I'm beautiful in your eyes." He answered and I smiled at him brightly. "Finally." I chuckled and Aden shook his head while he laughed too. "Let's take a shower." He giggled and I removed all my cloths while Aden got a rid of his boxers. We stepped under the warm water and I smiled at Aden who had his hair in front of his eyes. "You look so adorable." I chuckled and took soup to clean his chest gentely. I felt his eyes on me while I looked on his chest but he lifted my head with two fingers under my chin. "I love your eyes." He whispered and I blushed but before I could answer I felt soft wet lips on mine. I pushed Aden back till his back hit the wall of the shower and kissed him more rougher. I wandred with my lips to his jawline down to his neck. Little moans escaped his mouth and I placed kisses on his collarbone. "Ma...Max." He breathed and I pulled back to look in his eyes. "I know." I answered and started to kiss my way down his chest. I kneeled slowly down in front of him and looked up at him. He nodded lightly and I placed my hands on his ass cheeks. I placed a few kisses on his V line and licked there with my tongue. Aden breathed heavily and moaned louder than before. His moans were music in my ear and I couldn't stop myself from moaning. I placed light kisses on his member which was already hard and he grabbed my shoulders. "Ma...Max." He breathed when I slowly took his whole lenght in my mouth. He wasn't that long and even it was my first blowjob I could take him without any struggle. He digged his fingers in my shoulder and I sucked on his member softly. "I...I'm..." He couldn't even finish his sentence before he came in my mouth. I pulled back and cought a little before I got up again. Didn't taste bad though. "Sorry." Aden breathed heavy and leaned his head back against the wall while his eyes were closed. "No need to apologize...we just..." I chuckled and Aden opened his eyes again. "We did." He chuckled too and I wrapped my arms around his back. "Let's go and throw a party." I said and Aden kissed my lips again. "Thank you, Max." Aden answered when we pulled back from the kiss. "You are amazing, Aden." I chuckled and he blushed for the 1000 time.
(Read 33 and 34 of the Reunion first)
We sat in the backery and Aden was next to me while Alec and Magnus sat across us. "I and Aden thought about throwing a welcome back party for you, Alec." I said and took a sip of my drink. "That sounds amazing." Magnus answered with a bright smile and Alec smiled at me. "That would be really cool. I wasn't on a party since...oh my god for too long." He chuckled and drank his coffee. "So Aden, what would you like to have in your room? Maybe we could start with the coulers and please don't even dare to think about the money." Magnus said with a soft smile and Aden smiled shyly back. "I would like to couler it with the wallpaper of stars." Aden answered and Magnus looked excited at him. We all knew Magnus loved things like that and he even more liked that there would be glitter. "Great then we will buy that and you need a bed." Magnus continued and I took Adens hand which laid on the table. "Why don't we go now? I can see that my boyfriend can't wait to help Aden with choosing his stuff." Alec chuckled and I saw how Magnus face lit up when he called him his boyfriens. These two were droks. How couldn't they see they loved each other from the beginning? "Yes. Let's go." Magnus answered excited and pulled Alec up from his seat. "Magnus, we have to pay first." Alec laughed and Aden stood up too. After we payed we drove to the shopping center for funiture and it was fucking huge. "Look at this one, Aden." Magnus yelled and stood in front of a beautiful kingsize bed. "Wow...isn't it too big or too expensive." Aden asked with a shy look and Magnus raised an eyeborw. "You and Max need space when he stays over and what did I told you avout the money?" Magnus answered and Aden smiled happily at me. "You like it?" I asked and he nodded with a huge smile. "I love it." He answered and Magnus wrote it all down on a note so we knew the number to order it. "You need a desk." Magnus sugggested and we walked to the area with all the desks. "This one looks really cool." Alec said and it was true. The desk look like the desk of a king but I could clearly imagine Aden working behind it. "It looks soo amazing." Aden cheered and sat down on the chair. I looked at him with a smile and looked at Alec and Magnus who were holding hands. "You can choose another one if you want." Magnus said and Aden shook his head. "No. This looks really beautiful. I would love to have that one." Aden answered and Magnus nodded with a smile. "Now you need a couch. You will get 3 room in the house. I want the best for you." Magnus said and Aden looked at him with huge eyes. "3 rooms?" He asked with dissbelieve in his voice and Magnus nodded. Aden stood up and ran towards Magnus then he hugged him tightly. "Thank you so much, Magnus." Aden said and I could swear he sniffed a little. "No need to thank me, buddy." Magnus chuckled and hugged him back. Aden pulled back and I walked closer to him while he smiled at me with even teary eyes. I guessed that he really missed that someone cared about him like that. "Why don't we choose a new dressingroom?" Magnus asked and Alec hugged Magnus from behind. "We need fearylights." Alec mumbled in Magnus neck who chuckled. "Yes we do and we need food for tonight." Magnus agreed and only then I realized that I and Aden stood in the same position as Alec and Magnus. Damn it, we were like them in young. "I love you." I mumbled in his ear and Aden sighed happily. "I love you too." Aden answered with a low voice and leaned back against me. Suddenly I felt his body tense and he grabbed my hand tightly. "Babe?" I asked him and Aden turned around to hug me tightly while he buried his face in my neck. "David." He whispered and I looked around while I felt anger rising inside my body. My eyes landed on the most disgusting person on the whole world. I pulled back from Aden and walked over to him. Before anyone knew what was going on I punched David right in his face and he fell on his butt. "Don't ever touch him again or I will make you feel pain you can't even imagine." I warned him and he looked at me shocked. "Max Lightwood! What the hell are you doing?" My brother shouted and was about to help David but when he saw who it was he stopped. "Oh hell no." My brother hissed and pulled David up. He held David tightly on his shoulder and smiled. "I and David will have a little conversation about how to treat a boyfriend. Why don't you and Aden choose a new dressingroom?" Alec asked with a innocent smile and David looked anxious at us. Aden stood behind Magnus trying to avoid David and I nodded. Alec dragged David with him out of the shopping center and as soon as David was gone Aden ran to me. He threw his arms around me and sobbed in my shoulder. I hugged him back and kissed him behind his ear. "Sh...he is gone. He'll never touch you again, I promise." I said softly and Aden nodded in my shoulder while he calmed down a little. "I'm so sorry, Aden. Maybe we should bring you home?" Magnus asked said with a concerned look and Aden shook his head. "No. I want to stay. I don't want that he ruins that day and I won't let him." Aden sniffed a little and I whipped his tears with my thumb away. "Okay. Then we will choose a dressing room for you. Also I and Aden need to go in one shop without you, Max." Magnus answered and while Aden blushed and Magnus smirked I raised an eyebrow confused. They were planning something and I had no idea what it was...//
tbc ohh next Chapter of the Reunion Alec will maybe kill someone.❤❤❤❤❤
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