The End Of me And Him
"Why did he just leave? Why?" Magnus sobbed in Alecs shoulder and Alec held Magnus tightly. "Shh...I don't know...I..." Alec stuttered he wasn't sure what to say either. He was still shocked that his dad and Magnus dad were dead and would never come back to them. Alecs dad knew that he was gay and he told him to not tell his mother. He told Alec to keep it a secret before he would ashame the whole family. Maybe that was why the death of his dad wasn't that painful but Magnus loved his dad. Magnus dad was a nice person and he always wanted the best for his son no matter what it was his dad always supported him. "It hurts." Magnus cried and Alec cried too because after everything he lost his dad. It would have hurt more to lose his mom but it was still his dad who died way to early. "I know." Alec sniffed and Magnus pulled back from the hug. "Promise me you won't ever leave me...promise me you will always be my best friend and promise me I'll never have to say goodbye to you!" Magnus cried and Alecs heart broke in two pieces when he saw how scared Magnus was. "I promise you. I promise you I'll never leave you and I promise you I'll always be by your side. I don't want to let you go either, Magnus." Alec sniffed and Magnus nodded while he hugged Alec again. "I love you, Alexander." Magnus sniffed in Alecs shoulder and burried his head in the gap between Alecs shoulder and neck. "I love you too." Alec answered but these words meant more than Magnus words. Alec never wanted to leave his best friend and he knew if he would they would both break. "Don't leave me." Magnus sobbed and Alecs cheeks were wet from the tears.
Don't leave me. He told me to not leave him and what did I do? I was right now leaving him for the second time. All the time I had to look back to this moment where he cried and begged me to stay with him. He begged me to not leave him and I would leave him twice. I loved him and I would always do but I was scared. I was scared to get hurt again and I didn't want to feel pain again. I was done with all the pain that Magnus caused 5 years ago and yes I should have moved on but I couldn't. I couldn't do anything against my own stupid heart that was scared to break again and again. It build this walls around himself and even I told Riley I love him my heart new it was just protection. It was easier to lie that I loved him than to admit that I still loved Magnus. I lied to myself and after a while I believed myself but now...Magnus ripped the lies open and the truth came out. "Babe?" Riley asked and came back with something that looked like coffee. "What?" I snapped a little because I couldn't handel my emotion anymore. You know that feeling when you are so sad that it turns into anger? That's what I felt in that moment. "Sorry. I just brought you some coffee. And besides you should tell her that you leave again!" Riley snapped back and it confused me. I didn't saw him snapping for a long time when we were in Seattle but here we seemed to fight a lot. "Sorry, I just...just forget it." I sighed and placed the last jeans I still had left in my suitcase. "Hei...I didn't mean to snap. Just drink something, okay?" He said with a softer voice and I nodded with a weak smile. He wanted to walk out but then he stopped and turned around to look at me with a frown. "Do you still love him?" He asked and I looked at him while I felt like my whole body fell to the ground. "Wh...what?" "I asked if you still love him?" Riley asked me again and I sighed while I sat down on the bed. "We never had a chance, hu?" He asked me and sat down next to me. I didn't know what to answer because I didn't want to hurt him but was it that obvious? "Why do you hurt yourself like that?" He asked me and I looked at him with a blank expression. "I don't know." I sighed and I just didn't care anymore that I talked with my fiance about the person I really loved. "What are we just doing?" He chuckled...wait he chuckled? What the hell this wasn't funny! I just admit that I loved Magnus! "Oh god we are so stupid. You don't want to marry me either." I suddenly realized that this was the truth. "I did want to marry you but...when read this book...they said you have to love the person not their actions." Riley answered and I looked at him with a confused face. "Look, you made me happy and you helped me out of the darkness just like I did with you. But what if we just love that about each other? What if we marry now and realize that we never truly loved each other?" Riley asked and I looked at him with a smile. I never saw it like that but he was right. "We are so stupid. We knew this would never work out." I said and Riley chuckled. "Why did you then want to marry me so bad just a few hours ago?" I asked him and he shrugged before he answered. "I wanted to hold on to something that was long gone...or maybe it was never there. What we had was beautiful and I will never regret it but maybe we have to let go of each other to have something that is even more beautiful. I see how you look at him and you will never look at me like that but that's okay. I can't look at you like that either and we both deserve the best." He answered and his words burned in my heart because it was the truth and it hurt a little. "You know when I met you in the plane I though you are the one? You made me happy again and you made me feel special. I love you but maybe my love isn't enough for a marriage." I confessed and Riley placed a hand on my thigh. "I love you too but no...this love isn't enough for a marriage. Friends?" He asked me and I looked at him with huge eyes. "We wanted to marry and now we aren't even together anymore." I chuckled and Riley chuckled too. "Alexander Gideon Lightwood, do you want to not marry me and become a great friend to me?" Riley asked and I threw my head back from laughing. "I would love that...and you aren't mad?" I asked him and Riley shook his head. "We are so young and if you aren't the one there has to be someone else." He answered with a light smile and I nodded. "You deserve someone who loves you with his heart and sould, Ryles." I said and Riley smiled at me with his ocean blue eyes. "You deserve that too and Magnus too. I...I didn't want to sneak around...but I...I found his letter." Riley stutterd and I raised my eyebrow. "He loves you...he really does." Riley added and I sighed. "Yeah but he forgot it and now I hurt you." I breathed and Riley smiled at me. "No. You don't because you would hurt me if you marry me and figure out a few years later you don't love me. And where the hell is the Alec I know? Where is the Alec that is fighting for what he wants?" Riley asked and smacked my upper arm. "What the hell is wrong with you? I just said I love someone else and you take that as nothing?" I shouted a little bit but not in a mad way and Riley frowned. "You and me are obviously not meant to be. Why should I be mad if this is just the way to find my one true love. Alec, we are so young we need to make mistakes and find the way to the one we're supposed to be with. I loved you and the love we had made us to the person we are now but no...we aren't supposed to be." Riley answered and I smiled at him because after everything I could always count on him. "We are just rocks that we put in the way of each other to the one we really love." I said and Riley nodded while I shook my head with a smile. "Wow 5 years just gone." I realized and Riley looked at the door. "Guess I will book a flight for myself?" He asked and I knew what I had to do. "Take the house...find the one that loves you with everything he has and be happy." I told him and Riley shook his head. "You bought the house. I can't take it." He complaint and I took his hand. "Take the house...I don't need it and promise me to be happy." I told him and Riley smiled at me but it was different. The romantic love was gone and it was probably never there maybe we just wanted to see it. "Thank you, Alexander." He said and I wrapped my arms around him. That was the end of me and Riley and it came unexpected. I came here to marry him and now we would go our own ways. Funny how things turn out but now I had one thing to do. Fuck my fear I wanted him...I needed him and no fear would ruin that. I would fight and if it's the last thing I would do.
I was in my bed and just stared at the celling not knowing what I'm supposed to do now. Suddenly my phone rang and I quickly took it from the nightstand. I looked at the display and the name hit me. Why the hell was she calling? "Hello?" I said with a low voice not really sure if it was the right decision to pick up. "Ma...Magnus?" She sniffed in my phone and I was confused but worried. I couldn't be mad for something I couldn't Remember and on the other hand if a woman calls you and cries you help her even she hurt you. "Victoria? What happened?" I asked her worried and she sniffed again. "An...Andrew...he...he." She couldn't talk and I was angry when I heard that a guy caused her tears. "Where are you? Send me the adress and I will come." I told her and I know some of you will say this bitch doesn't deserve it but I wouldn't leave her alone if she cried like that. "O...okay." She sniffed and a few seconds later she send me the adress. "I'll be there in 20 minutes. Stay where you are." I told her and quickhly got up when a sharp pain ran through my body. I forgot that I almost died but I couldn't care about that now. I knew if I would go and someone would see me they wouldn't let me go so I sneaked out of the room. I checked the hallway and when I saw that no one was there I walked to the front door. I took the keys of Lukes privat car and opened the door as quiet as I could so I could leave without someone knowing. I didn't regret that I left because it was the right decision but I regretted the following decisions...//
tbc ohhhh I don't know why it makes me so sad that Riley and Alec are now really done. It makes you happy I know but still. Please leave a comment and hell Vici is back😱😱😱😱❤❤❤❤❤❤❤(next chapter will be the end)❤❤❤❤
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