Marry Me


I was in Lukes car and I was driving like an idiot. Maybe I shouldn't drive with such a high dose of morphine but I was worried about her. I didn't know everything all I knew is that she cheated on me and that the child wasn't mine but I loved her once so I couldn't let her alone now. After like 20 minutes I areived at the house and got carefully out of the car. I still felt pain but I could take it and walked to the front door. I rang the door bell and after a few seconds a woman opened the door. She had a bruise on her cheek and red eyes probably from crying. "Magnus." She sobbed and threw  her arms around my body which caused me to hiss in pain. She pulled back and looked worried at me. I gussed this was Victoria but no matter how hard I tried to remember her I couldn't. "Magnus...what happened?" She asked me and looked at me with teary eyes. "I'll tell you everything but for now let's get you out of here." I answered because I didn't want to tell her that I couldn't remember her. "But...if he...if he hurts you?" She sniffed and I smiled weakly at her. If she knew how hurt I already was and a punch in the face would be nothing compared with the pain in my heart. "He won't. Now come, we will go to my house." I told her and she nodded with a few tears on her cheeks. She took a jacket and got in the car with a confused gaze. "Why do you have Lukes car?" She asked and I gussed she was really close with my family. "Yeah...uhmm...mine is broken." I lied...actually I didn't. "Oh...what happened?" She asked and I sighed then I started the car. "Accident." I answered under my breath and she looked shocked at me. "Oh my...are you okay?" She asked worried and I nodded but every vine in my body yelled no. I was broken and empty but now wasn't the time to say that. "Your lying." She said and I looked at her before I quickly looked back to the street. "I am." I sighed and Victoria let out a chuckle. "No. I know when you are lying and right now you are. What happened? Did you finally tell him you love him?" She asked and I made an up upbeat. What the hell she knew I loved him? What the hell was going on? "What...Magnus?" She hissed and I looked at her with huge eyes. " know?" I stuttered and she looked guiltily at me. "I think you should know the whole truth now." She said with a sad tone and now I really wanted to know what was going one. "Tell me. Now!" I almost yelled and Vici flinched back. "Here?" She asked with a low voice and I realized that we were still on the street. I sighed annoyed and pulled the car down at the side of it. It was a really quiet street and there weren't any cars. "Now!" I said and she placed a hand on her stomach. "I lied...the Baby is yours. But I didn't want to be in your way." She said and I looked at her with a blank expression. So I would be a dad? "Wait...I don't understand." I said and Vici took my hand. "When I saw that you still loved him I didn't want to be in your way so I lied and said she isn't your baby." She answerd and I looked at her bump. She? I would be the father of a girl? "She?" I asked and a light smile crossed Vicis face. "Yes...and I'm sorry that I lied but I knew you would never be happy with me." She cried and I looked at her with a broken smile. Yes I would never be as happy as I would be with Alec but she carried my child. "Victoria...I don't remember the last 5 years." I confessed and let my head fall a little. "Wh...nothing?" She asked with a weak voice and I looked at her to see that tears filled her eyes. "But I'll be here for you...I'll take care of you and the child." I told her quickly but she still cried a little. "Why did you come than?" She asked and I smiled sadly at her. "Alec is happy with Riley and we should try to be happy too. We will have a family and what you did was really kind but you brought yourself into danger and our child. I'll do everything in my power to protect you." I said softly and she nodded while the tears stopped. "You have to show me where we live." I said with a smile and I think it only hit me then that I would be a dad. I would have a daughter and I would have a family. Wasn't that what I always wanted? I knew Alec always thought I would never settle down but I wanted to. I wanted a family and I wanted someone I could love with everything I had. If Alec didn't love me back why shouldn't I be happy with Vici? My child deserved a father and a real family. "Vici?" I asked and she smiled at me. "Yes?" She asked and I took her hand which made her frown. "Marry me."


"Do you know a good hotel here?" Riley asked and I felt bad. The whole time I played with him and now he was the one who let me go. " but you can stay here. I'll sleep in the spareroom down the hall." I told him and he nodded. "Don't you want to go and talk with him?" Riley asked and I knew who he ment. "Maybe...I hurt him." I sighed and Riley chuckled. "I bet the Alec I know is already making plans  how he can win his heart. don't need to win it you already have it." He answered and I smiled at him. I just broke up and he was still so kind and helped me to be happy. "Why are you so kind to me? You should hate me?" I told him and Riley shrugged first. "I guess you can never hate someone you love. Look... we tried to make it work but we faild and that's not your fault. I'm just not the one for you...but maybe he is." Riley answered and sat down on my bed. "So what are the plans now?" I asked and he smiled at me. "I think I'll go back to Seattle and become a doctor." He said and I was surprised. "Wow that's cool...I'll go dowstairs and talk with my brother...he needs to help me." I said and Riley nodded with a smile. "And Alec...don't be scared." He told me and I looked at him when I remembered our  first date. "Maybe I'll just get drunk again. You seemed to like that." I said and he rolled his eyes with a smile. "I did but now go and figure it out with him. You two should finally make up." He says and I nodded before I left the room. I was happy but also really scared and to know that Magnus was downstairs made my heart beat faster.  What if he was crying? God no. He wouldn't be, right? Shit I should go to him right now but I didn't. I walked to the kitchen and saw my brother making out with Aden. Somehow they looked cute together but I needed to talk with him. "Uhmm...yeah.." I said awkwardly and Aden pulled away from my brother who looked annoyed about it. "What? Never saw men kissing?" He snorted and I rolled my eyes. "Can we talk? It's about me and Riley." I answered and Max frowned but then he nodded. I left to the livingroom and after he told Aden something he came too. "So what do you want to talk about?" He ask and I let myself fall down on the couch. "We broke up." I sighed and Max gasp. "Like? Really?" He asked and I nodded. "Oh...sorry bro." Max said and sat next to me. "I love him...I need to get him back." I said and Max didn't know who I mean now. "Are we talking about Magnus or Riley?" He asked and I looked at him. "Magnus." I answered and suddenly he jumped on me to hug me. "Finally. I knew you have a brain you just didn't use it." He cheered and I rolled my eyes. "Okay...okay. I got it." I laughed and he let go of me. "You and Magnus need to figure it out. NOW!" Max commanded but I shook my head and looked at the window. "I hurt him and he deserves now that I fight for him. He gave me up so I could be happy and now I need to make him happy." I answered and Max placed and arm around my shoulder. "What is your plan?" He asked me and I was glad he would help me because Max was something like a best friend. "What if we make a Party? We could place a huge tent in the garden with lights and beautiful decoration?" I asked Max and he smirked at me. "You are 100% a bottem. Magnus will top you." He answered and I looked at him shocked. Did my little innocent brother just say that? Okay I had to remember that the same innocent brother slapped me and he wouldn't hestiat to do it again. "Did you and know?" I asked and now it was Max turn to look at me shocked. "No!" He almost yelled and I laughed becaue I had to remember what it feels like to fall in love for the first time. I fell in love for the first time when I was 17 and I fell in love with my best friend. "You will be top." I breathed and he smacked my arm. "We won't talk about my sex life." He hissed and I smirked at him but he threw a pillow at me. "Did he tell you what happened?" I asked Max and he nodded but then shook his head which confused me. "He told me who did this. He only told me a bit about his past." He answered and I remembered when Riley told me about his ex. Riley and Aden were so simular but Riley had his mom...Aden had no one. "You need to talk with him. He shouldn't keep it to himself it will eat him alive." I told Max and he nodded with a weak smile. "Did you hear what Magnus wants to do?" Max asked and I shook my head while I frowned a bit. "Aden lives in an orphan house but he gets bullied there. Magnus he...he wants to adopt him." Max answered and my heart melted but it also ached. Aden was such a nice boy and he shouldn't have been through all that. "That's great, Max. He is still our Magnus, I see." I smiled and Max nodded happily. "You love him really, do you?" I asked and Max nodded with a smile. "I really do but it is also kind of scary. You feel like this person has your heart in your hands and can throw it away any second." Max answered and I smiled at him because I knew what he meant. "I know. Love is really scary but he seems really nice and kind. He is a keeper, Maxi. You shouldn't be scared because if you are scared you will stop yourself from getting something really great." I answered and then my brother hugged me but this time I knew he did it out of a other reason. "Thank you, Alec. I'm glad that I know I can count on you." He said and I hugged him back. "I'll never leave you again, Maxi." I breathed and he pulled back from the hug. "Dad would be so proud of you and he is. He will look down at you and see how amazing you are. I'm proud of you too." I said and Max smiled weakly at me. "Dad wouldn't be proud. I know he forced you to hid yourself. But that you are proud means more anyway." He told me and I was shocked that he knew Dad did that. "Dinner is ready." Suddenly Aden yelled and Max jumped up. "Alec, you need to taste his pasta it is incredible." He cheered and I stood up. "Can't cook either, hu?" I asked Max and he nodded with a bright smile. He was happy and it made me also happy but I would be even more happy when I would have Magnus by my side. For once Magnus desevred to be the one who people would fight for. I loved him and I would always do...

//tbc damn Alec! Magnus is gone and you should really find him! And what the hell is going on?😨😨😨😨😨😨😨❤❤❤❤

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