Lies...Lies and...Lies
I knocked on Max door and hoped that he would let me talk with him. "Max...please open the door." I begged but I didn't got an answer. "Max...please. We need to talk." I shouted through the closed door but didn't get at answer. "Max, I come in now." I said and just when I wanted to open it he answered. "Don't you dare, Alec. If you come in I will throw the bed at you." Max shouted back and I didn't listen. I opened the door and saw Max sitting on the bed. "I told you if you come in I..." "Throw the bed at me. I got it, Max, you hate me and I'm not longer your brother but please let me explain you why I left? Did anyone ever told you why?" I asked him and he looked at me with an angry face. "No. Mum tells me every time you left to follow your dreams...and I don't hate you, I'm hurt. There is a difference." Max said with a calm voice and I smiled weakly. I was glad that my mum told no one what really happened and actually my mum didn't know the whole truth. She never knew that I and Magnus spent a night together. "Can I tell you then the real reason?" I asked Max and he nodded. I was more than happy that Max wanted to talk with me and sat down on the edge of the bed. "Okay you are 15 so I guess Mum won't kill me if I tell you that but you have to promise me that you won't tell anyone...not even your best friend." I told him and he looked now really interested but nodded. "You know Magnus...I had a crush on him." I started and Max got huge eyes. "You...your best friend? Did you tell him?" Max asked and I nodded with a weak smile. "We even had sex but...Magnus...he...he never felt the same and I needed to get away from all this." I just told him how it really was and he looked with huge eyes at me. "So...Magnus played with you?" Max asked me and actually it was true but I shook my head. "Maybe...I don't know. It was all really complicated." I sighed and Max moved aside so I could sit down next to him. "Max, can I ask you something?" I asked to make sure he would be okay to talk with me and he only nodded. "When did you find out you are gay?" I asked him and he looked at the wall. "I was around 12...I don't know really. I guess I never was into girls." He answered with a little smile and I looked also at the wall. "So...Aden..." I started and saw that his expression changed. "Don't." He only said and I saw that he was really sad. "Was he your first boyfriend?" I asked and he took a deep breath. This between us right now was working really good and I wanted to show him I was there. "Yeah...he was. He is 17." Max answered and I smiled softly at him. "Aden moved her a year ago. He was different than the other guys on my school. He always smiled and he made me feel special." Max added and in his voice was this sad tone which wanted me to hug him tightly. "What does he look like...I know you should never stalk ex's but everyone does." I said and Max chuckled lightly. " hurt when he left me for his ex." He said and I was really angry about this Aden. How could he hurt my little brother like that and how could he play with him? "Did you two... you know..." I tried to figure out if my little brother was still a vergin and to be honest it was the most embaressing thing ever. " We were only together for 6 months and he wanted to wait just like me. He was a really kind person." Max answered and a tear ran down his cheek. I know how the first big heartbreak felt and it was probaly one of the most painful things ever. "It will be okay." I comforted him and put an arm around his shoulder. "I hope so...I just miss him." He sniffed and my heart broke. The first big love would always be in your heart even you didn't saw that somone for years. You will always remember the first person you loved and I did that too. "Why does it hurt so much." By now Max sobbed and I could only hug him to make him feel better. After a few minutes he calmed down and looked at me with red eyes. "So...Riley." He sniffed and I got a huge smile."Yeah Riley. You will love him." I answered and Max smiled at me. "Does he know...that you and Magnus...?" He asked and I nodded. "Riley knows everything. Do you want to talk about you and Aden? Maybe it helps to get over him." I said with a small smile and Max shook his head. "We broke up 3 weeks ago and I can't always talk about him." Max answered and I understood him. When I was in Seattle I wanted to talk about everything but not about Magnus. "What I said dowstairs...this isn't true. I'm glad to have my brother back and I am sorry that I never wanted to talk with you." Max added and a stone fall from my heart. "I missed you so much, Max." I answered and hugged him tightly. "Okay...okay. I can't breath, Alec." He laughed and I let go of him. There was a knock on the door and Max yelled to come in. I saw Rileys shy smile and he walked over to us. "Hey, I'm Riley." He said with a smile and Max smiled back. "I'm Max. Sorry for earlier." Max said with a guilty undertone. "You don't have to apologize. I understand you." Riley answered and I pulled him down to sit on my lap. "Heiii." He complained and I kissed his lips which caused Max to make a puke noice. "Why don't we all go to the kickboxing hall?" Riley asked with a smile when we pulled back and we agreed happily.
"Vici, I love you. You are the woman I want to grow old with and of course I ask myself what would have happened if I havn't let Alec go 5 years ago but I don't want that. I don't want him I want you and I don't know why you think like that but Alec and I are just friends. My feelings for him are like a friend has feelings for his friend and yes I love him and I will always do but not like I love you. We will be a family and I'm the happiest person on the whole world because I will have this family with you. I will have a family with the one I love the most." I answered and could already punch myself. What the hell was I doing? I should be honest with her and tell her that everything she said was true but I couldn't hurt her. She carried my child and I had to be here for here even I didn't love her like she loved me. I hated myself for lying but being honest would be even worse and I couldn't ruin her life too. The fear in her eyes was too hard to see and I had to be here for her. "Can I trust you?" She sniffed and every voice in my had was yelling at me to say no. The voices in my head yelled at me to leave her and to be honest but I couldn't do that. "Of course you can." I said with a weak smile and she nodded with tears running down her cheeks. "I love you." She sniffed and I took her in my arms. "I love you too." I answered and lied again. Why was I always lying? I lied to myself. I lied to my mum...I lied to Alec and I lied to everyone. Living a lie couldn't be that bad, right? A lot of people were in a relationship with someone they didn't really love. "I will clean that now and then we will talk a little, okay?" I asked her and she nodded while she laid down again. I wish my dad would be here now. He always had an advice for me and always knew what to do no matter how crazy everything was. I made my own decisions and now I knew they were all wrong but I accepted the consequences...well, at least I tried to. When I cleaned the mess I made Vici a tea and walked back to the livingroom. She looked so peachfull again and her babybump was huge. She fall alseep and I walked to her. I whipped a hair from her face and kissed her forehead before I placed the tea on the couch table. Alec was gone and I had to move one. He did that too all these years ago and if he could do that i could do that too. Suddenly I remembered that I had to go to the family dinner this eving and sighed. I didn't want to face him again...not after what I did. Well now it was too late anyway. "Mags?" Vici asked and her eyes fluttered open. I stood up and walked to her. "Hey...was the sleep good?" I asked her softly and she nodded with a smile. "Mags, I am sorry that I ever doubt that you love me. I think I overreacted because of the hormons." She apologized and I can asure her this wasn't just because of her horomons. "It's okay and I understand you." I answered and placed a kiss on her head. Suddenly the doorbell rang and I groaned. "I'll be right back. Don't move." I said and walked to our front door. I opened it and wanted to close it quickly again because if I hated one person it was the one in front of my door. I was about to close it but he put his foot inside and stopped me. "What do you want, Andrew? I asked him annoyed and he rolled his eyes. He was Vicis ex and he didn't leave her alone even they broke up 5 years ago. He didn't show up for 4 years but since I and Vici had a fight once he was back. "I want to see Vici." He said with a sternly voice and I rolled my eyes. Andrew was as tall as me but he was thinner and he had pale skin. "Too bad that Vici doesn't want to see you." I answered and finally closed the door before he could complain. I hated this guy really and I just want him to leave Vici alone. He wasn't good for her and she knew that. "Who was it?" She asked and I didn't want to tell her Andrew was here again. "Alec...he forgot his jacket." Great another lie on the long list and why the hell did I brought Alec into this. "Oh...I though he put it on when he left." She said confused and I only shrugged. "Well...weird." I said and she patted the place next to her. "I thought we should make the room green." She said and I looked at her confused. "But we just painted it yellow after we painted it blue." I answered and she pouted. "Fine green it is then." I gave up on disagreeing and made my peace with the fact that I had to paint the room of our baby 200 times before she was fine with it. My life was build of lies. It was like a house of cards if one lie came out the whole house of cards would crash together and so would my whole life...
Magnus what did you do??? Stop lying it isn't fair!!! You thought he would be honest? Don't put too much on him. Please leave a comment ❤❤❤❤❤
I am so sorry I don't know why but it didn't post that chapter and I posted it actually yesterday already. I am really sorry😢😢😢😭😭❤❤❤
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