Is Everything Okay?

               MAGNUS POV

We drove down the streets to the hospital in silence and I had a lot of time to think about a few things. I thought about me, Alec and Riley but also about Victoria. After our fight something in me changed even I didn't want to confess it to myself. The love I felt for her when we started to date wasn't the same anymore but she was caring my child and I didn't want to leave her alone with it. Of course we could break up and still raise the child but I never wanted that for my child. I also had hope that one day when I saw her with our baby my love would be the same again like it used to be. Victoria gave me everything and I knew she was really in love with me. I wanted nothing but her happiness and now she looked more than happy. She had a bright smile on her face like she always had when we were on the way to see our baby. It was time to leave Alec behind me and accept the thought that he moved on. Why was I even thinking like that? I never loved Alec in that way and I still didn't, right? I am happy with Victoria and he is happy with Riley. "He is nice. I really like him." Victoria pulled me out of my thoughts and I smiled quickly at her. "I am glad to hear that. I am really happy that he is back." I answered and she smiled at me. "I can't wait to see our baby." Victoria said and I smiled brightly. I couldn't wait to see it either and everytime we got to see it once in a month at the doctor it was more real. I and Vici would be a family with our baby and I had to push every other feelings away. "Did Alec change?" She asked me suddenly and I shruggred. "He seems happier with Riley. He really loves him, I guess. He looks like a man now...not like the boy I used to know." I answred and stopped the car at hospital parkplace. "He looks really handsome." Victoria chuckled and I gave her an offened look. "I hope not more handsome than me?" I asked and she leaned closer to me. "No one is more handsome than the father of my child." She said softly and I kissed her lips. We pulled back and I got out of the car to open the door for her. "We will find out the sex today...hopefully." She sighed and we walked inside the building. Our baby was a bit difficult and never let the doctor see what sex it had but the only thing that mattered was that it was healthy. "I hate the hospital." I mumbled and she squeezed my hand. "I know but I'm here." She smiled and I nodded. Since my father died I hated to go to the hospital it always brought memories back I wanted to forget. "Just imagine we would have twins." Victoria laughed while we walked throught the hallway to our doctor. "Well...then you would make me happy twice." I answered and she stopped to walk. I stopped too and turned to her with a confused smile. "I am scared, Magnus." She suddenly said and I frowened. "What if the baby hates me?" She said and I looked at her shocked. "Why should it hate you?" I asked her with a gentle voice and walked closer to her. "I don't know." She answered and I placed a hand on her baby bump. "Our baby will love you and you will be the best mother it could have. Just remember you are not alone in this." I encouraged her and she nodded with a little smile. I saw that something was bothering her and I wanted to know what. "Vici, what is bothering you?" I asked and she looked at me shyly. "I...what if I doesn't lose my weight and my model career is over?" She asked and I was so in lost in the thing with Alec that I totally forgot about these things. I felt guilty suddenly that I cancled the meeting for Alec but not for her and I didn't know what she felt about that. What for a person am I? I am terrible one and I really had to forget about Alec once and for all. He means nothing to least not in a way Victoria did. "Victoria, I am so sorry. I was such a jerk and didn't think that you were bothered by that. Hey you look beautiful and to be honest I prefer you with a few more punds on your hips." I answered guiltily and she smiled softly at me. She walked closer to me and placed a hand on my cheek. "Oh Mags, you don't have to apologize. I love you and I am happy that you don't care about me getting fat." She asnwered and I looked at her suprised. "Victoria, you are the woman I love and I love you the way you are not the way you look. The way you look it perfect and you are the most beautiful person I have ever met." I said and her cheeks turned red. "Thank you, babe." She answered shyly and I pressed a soft kiss on her lips. "You will always be beautiful." I whispered against her lips and she nodded shyly. We walked to the office and I knocked on the door. "Come in." A female voice yelled and we walked inside of the office. "A, Mr. and Mrs. Bane." Doctor Jones said and Vici smiled brightly when she called her Mrs. Bane. "I am so sorry that we made the date so late but I was really busy." I apologized and Doctor Jones smiled at me. "No need to be sorry. Why don't we see how your baby is right now?" She chuckled and Victoria nodded happily. "Yeah, that's great." She answered and I squeezed her hand tightly. "Mrs. Watson will make the ultrasound. You can go to the room next to my office." She explained and I nodded before we walked out of the office again. We walked to the room with the ultrasound equipment and since we have been here a few times before we knew what we had to do. Vici laid dow and lifted her shirt already up. "Hello I am Mrs. Watson and I will make the ultrasound." The nurse smiled when she came in and reached out a hand for me. "I am Mr. Bane. That's Mrs. Clark." I answered friendly and the nurse nodded smiling. "I see you are in the 7th month?" The nurse asked and Vici nodded. "Well then let's see how the baby is." She added and took out a bottle with white liquit. She squeezed a bit on Victorias stomach and spread it over her babybump. I stood on the oposite of the nurse and held Vicis hand while the nurse started with the ultrasound. "There you can see the..." The nurse suddenly stopped to talk and looked concentrated on the monitor. "Is everything okay?" Vici asked and already placed a hand on her babybump. I looked at the nurse who smiled somehow strange at us. "I will call Doctor Jones. I just make the ultrasound." The nurse said and left the room. Victoria looked at the ultrasound and then at me with worried eyes. "Mags, please tell me everything will be okay with our baby." She said almost begging and I laid a hand on her cheek. "It's gonna be okay." I said but to he honest I wasn't sure. The nurse basically ran out of the room I don't think that's a good sign. "I love you." Victoria said and grabbed my other hand. "I love you too." I said and kissed her cheeks just when Doctor Jones came in. "Hello again. Well let's see what is wrong." She said and Victoria looked at me with a worried look. "I something wrong?" I asked worried and she looked at the ultrasound monitor. "Can you see the white dot at the heart...right there." Doctor Jones said and placed her pencle on the dot to show it us. "Yeah." I answered and Victoria just stayed quiet. "It's a echogenic focus." She said and Victoria looked scared at me but my eyes were still on the monitor. " it bad?" I asked a bit shocked and Doctor Jones sighed. "By itself it won't have any effect the heart or the health of the baby." Doctor jones explained and I felt Vicis grip tighening on my hand. "Where is the problem then?" I asked and Doctor Jones sat down on her chair. "Right now there is no problem but echogenic focus can be a marker for chromosomal abnormalities but it could also be nothing." Doctor Jones explained and I took a deep breath to let it all in. "And you can't tell if it serious or not?" I asked because I had to know if our baby was okay. This all sounded like a bad joke or someting and I just wish someone would jump out of the corner with a camara but it was real. Victoria just stayed quiet and looked at the white dot on our babys heart. "I can't tell you it now but we can make an amnioncensist to make sure the baby is healthy." Doctor Jones said and I saw that Victoria had tears in her eyes. "Okay and what is that?" I asked worried and looked at Vici. "Its a really common procedure. We will remove test fetal cells. After the procdure you have to rest for 48 hours and when the risk is gone you can go back to your normal life." Doctor Jones answered and I took a deep breath. "What is the risk?" I asked and was already afraid from the answered while squeezed Vicis hand. "Misscarrige." The Doctor answered and it was like a stab in my heart. "We...we could lose our baby?" I stuttered and Doctor Jones only nodded. "Victoria?" I asked and she looked at me before she sat up. "I am sorry I think I'm under shock." She said with a pale face and Doctor Jones smiled weakly at us. "You have time to think about it." She answered and I looked at her. "But Victoria is already in 7. month there is nothing we could do anyway." I said and Victoria took in a shaking breath. "We would have certainty." Vici mumbled and took nother deep breath. "Can we do it right now?" She suddenly asked and I looked at her shocked. "Victoria, don't you want to think about it first?" I asked and she shook her head. "No I need to know if my baby is okay." She answered and I nodded. It was her decision and if she wanted to do that I would be by her side. "Yeah, we could do it now." Doctor Jones answered and I nodded. I was also a bit under shock and scared that we could lose our baby. I had to hope that everything was okay. "I will just need to prepare a few things. Please come to the room 234 in a few minutes." Doctor Jones said and left the room. I sat down next to Victoria and placed hand on her baby bump. "No matter what happens I will always be here, okay?" I asked her  she rest her head on my shoulder. "Thank you Magnus." She answered and I looked confused at her. "You don't have to be sorry, Vici. I love you and we are in the together like I told you." I said softly and she looked at me with a weak smile. "Our will be okay. Like she said it could be nothing." I said to her and she soghed deeply. "Well...we should go then." She said and I placed a short peck on her lips. "Yeah let's go." I said and we walked out of the room. I owned her to be here for her and our baby no matter what...

Let's hope that the baby is alright. Please leave me a comment 😔😔😔❤❤❤😔😔😔❤❤❤❤❤

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