I Think About You
"You're ready?" My mum asked me and I smiled at her. "Never have been more ready than I am now." I answered and she nodded with a huge smile. "Your dad would be so proud, Alec." She said softly and tears filled her eyes. "Don't cry. You can cry when it's over but it didn't even start." I answered with a smile but to be honest I was really nervouse and close to cry too. It was my big day with him and I couldn't wait to open that door and see the love of my life. "Okay. Now go and marry the love of your life." She chuckled and I laughed too. "Don't let me fall." I said and she took my arm. "I would never let you fall." She said softly and then the door opened. I looked to the front to the love of my life. There he stood with his bright smile and his beautiful caramel skin. Wait...that was Magnus...
I sat up in shock in my bed and relaized that it was all just a bad dream. Riley slept peacfully next to me and Magnus was not here. I breathed heavy in and out while I tried to clear my thoughts. Did I just dream I was marrying Magnus? Why should I dream about that? I want to marry Riley not Magnus. Magnus is a friend nothing more...at least not anymore. "Hey Babe, what's wrong?" I heard Rileys rough sleeply voice and smiled down at him. "Sorry I was just having a nightmare. Don't worry." I answered and it was true...this was really a nightmare. I was over Magnus and I was happy with Riley. Magnus was happy with Victoria and we had a wonderful life so why should I dream something like that? "Babe? Tell me about it." Riley said and sat up too while he rubbed his eyes. "I can't stop to think about our wedding. What if we make everything wrong?" I lied and Riley chuckled lightly. "Hm...we will only make everything right. This will be the day I finally marry you and nothing will ruin it." He said softly and kissed my shoulder. "Yeah but still..." I sighed and felt something wet running down my cheek. Wait? I cried? What the hell was wrong with me? Riley looked worried at me and laid a hand on my cheek. "Hey, Alec if this is all too much we can still cancle it." He said and I looked shocked at him. "Noooo. I don't want to cancel it. I think it was all a bit much today." I answered quickly and he nodded with a little smile. His little smile turned into a smirk and he gently pushed me down on the bed. "What are you.." "Shh...let me help you to relax." He whispered and kissed my bare chest. He breathed against it and I couldn't hold back a little moan. He kissed his way down to my boxers and placed kisses on my dick throught the fabric. I burried my nails in the sheets and he carefully dragged down my boxers. The could air hit my dick and when he placed kisses on the tip of it I got hard. He grinned up at me and took my whole lenght in his perfect wet mouth. I moaned uncontroalabe and closed my eyes while I threw my head back. He started to move up and down with his mouth and I moaned louder. "You have to be quiet. I think the walls are thin." He said when he let go of my dick for a few seconds. I looked down at him and breathed heavy. "Pleas..." I breathed and then gasped loudly when he took my dick back in his mouth. "Ahhhh Riley..." I moaned and he started to twist his tongue around my member. I closed my eyws and threw my head back from the pleasure. I saw it clearly in front of me...choclat brown eyes...wait what the hell? I jumped up because the person I saw was 100% not Riley. "Autsch, Alexander. What the hell?" Riley asked confused and I just searched for something to wear. "Sorry...I just...I need air." This were the only words that came out of my mouth while I put on a jeans. I ran out of the house to our garden and sat down on the huge garden bed. I ran my fingers through my hair a little bit in an agressive way but actually I was more desperated. What the hell was wrong with me? I was thinking about Magnus while Riley was giving me a blowjob. This never happed before and I just couldn't stop to feel guilty because I thought about someone else in such an intimate moment between us.I leaned a bit back and tried to stay calm but suddenly I felt tears ranning down my cheeks. I didn't know what was wrong with me but I couldn't stop them to fall down. "Alexander?" I heard his soft voice and then the light of the garden was turned on. Riley walked to me with a hug blanket in his hands and a thick hoodie. The hoodie was for me because I left without a shirt and he smiled softly at me. "Hey...what is wrong?" He asked worried and walked quickly to me when he saw me crying. "I don't know." I answered and it was true I really didn't know why I was crying. "Oh, babe." He sighed and whipped my tears away. He looked really tired but this didn't stop him from taking care of me. "First put this one and then we can talk." He said softly and gave me the hoodie. "Thanks." I sniffed a little bit and put the hoddie on. "Now tell me what is bothering you." He said and wrapped the blanket gently around my body. "Maybe it was a mistake to stay away so long." I suddenly said and he smiled softly at me. "Now you are here and hey you said it by yourself that you needed time. You have a lot to catch up and you will don't worry." He said with a soft voice and I laid my head down on his shoulder. I felt somehow so ashamed that I cried me out on his shoulder after I thought about Magnus while he was giving me a blowjob.
"Can I bring you anything?" I asked Victoria while I helped her to laid down on our big bed. "Yeah a cherry juice would be nice. The baby didn't move since we were at the doctor and it usually moves when I drink cherry juice." She answered and I nodded. "Ill be right back just lay down." I said softly and placed a kiss on her forehead before I walked to our kitchen. To see how the doctor was pushing a huge syringe in her stomach was terrible. Even she said it didn't hurt her I knew it hurt her heart just like it hurt me. I could only do now two thinks...being here for Vici as much as possible and hoping our baby was okay. The doctor told us we will get the results in 2 days and to be honest I knew these 2 days would be torture. There were still 45 hourse left and in these 45 hours we could lose our baby but we had to hope for the best. I filled a glass with cherry juice and walked back to our bedroom. I looked at Victoria and she was on her phone with tears in her eyes. "Vic? What are you doing?" I asked and she looked at me with feared eyes. "Googeling what this is all about." She answered and I sighed while I walked to her. I took her phone and places it on the nightstand before I sat down next to her. "Our baby will be okay. We will be happy and it will be healthy." I said softly and took her hand. "I don't know and you don't know either. We have to be prepared for the worst." She said and I placed a hand on her baby bump. "No matter what. It is our baby and we will love it." I answered and stroke over her stomach. "You are right...it's just...we should know the sex now and be happy not being afraid of losing it." She cried a little bit and I took her into my arms. "I know this isn't fair but we will get through this." I promised her and rubbed her back a little. "I don't know what I would do without you." She sobbed in my shoulder and I pulled a bit back to look at her. "You never have to think like that because I will always be here." I smiled softly and she nodded with a weak smile. "We change your cloths now and then we will go to sleep, okay? I asked and she nodded with a more happy smile. I had to admint that I was scared to death to lose our baby but I couldn't show it her...I had to be her rock now. I had to give her hope and the longer I told her it would be okay the more I believed myself. When I came back from the dressing room I saw that she drank the whole glass and was talking with her baby voice to our baby. "You are a fighter aren't you? Mommy and daddy love you, no matter what." She said with a high voice and I giggled a little when I walked inside the bedroom. "You are so cute." I chuckled and she pouted a little. "It is true." She said and I walked to her. "Yeah it is." I said softly and she smiled a little bit brighter but I knew she was really worried about our baby. I helped her to change her cloths into one of my t-shirts and a boxershort of me. She always took my cloths to sleep which was actually really cute. "Victoria, I want to let you know that what ever happens that I will always stay by your side, okay?" I asked her and I probably only said it because somehow I felt forced to say that. "I know now, Mags." She said softly and laid down on the bed. "Change your cloths now." She said and pushed me from the bed. "Okay, okay." I chuckled and walked to the dressingroom again. I changed my cloths and walked to our bed. "Do you think it was a mistake to do that?" Victoria asked suddenly and I frowned while I laid down on the bed. "What?" I asked and she laid on the side to face me. "The test." She answered and I just kissed her softly before I said anything else. "It was the right decision. We need to know if the baby is healthy and if not we need to prepare ourself. But let's think about the best." I answered gently and she nodded with a smile. "I'm just scared, the baby didn't move for so long and I don't know. If I lose it it is my fault because I was selfish." Vici confessed with a guilty tone and I shook my head about that. "No it wouldn't be your fault, don't think like that. You only wanted the best for our baby and that's why I love you." I answered and kissed her softly again. I felt like she needed that now and I hugged her tightly till she fall asleep in my arms. I couldn't sleep right away because so many thoughts were running through my head but my last thought before I really fall asleep was Alec. I had to think somehow about what would have happened if I stopped Alec from leaving New York. I had to think about how different everything would be but I had to live in the here and now. Around 3am I woke up again because I felt something wet on my chest and was a little bit shocked. I opened my eyes quickly and saw that Vici pressed her face against my chest. "Hey, Vic. What's wrong? Did something happen?" I asked her with a sleepy voice and was still not really awake. "Only beautiful things. The baby moved." She answered and I let out a relieved breath. "That's fantasic." I said with a happy smile and she nodded in my chest. This wasn't a sign that the baby was 100% okay but it gave us hope and for now the baby was okay. I hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead before we both fall asleep again. There were only 39 hours left but for now we had hope that everything would be okay again...
Uhm...Alec? What is going on? Magnus you should think about Vici before you fall asleep not Alec.😨😨😨😨please leave a comment ❤❤❤❤
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