I Love You
"I hope you will be happy." He said and ran out of the room before I could say anything else. But I already said enough and I knew what I said was a terrible mistake but I was so angry at him. I had to make sure Riley was okay and maybe it would be the best if Magnus stayed out of our life. I sighed and made my way to my room and when I walked up the stairs I just realized that I lost him. I lost my best friend again and it was because he loved me. At least I knew now how he felt when I fell in love with him. "Riley...are you here?" I asked through the closed door and waited for an answer. "Babe, I come in now." I yelled after I got no answer and opened the door. I walked in and saw Riley sitting on the bed with an empty expression and he looked so lost. "Riley...are you okay?" I asked him and I finally got his attention. "Where is he?" Riley asked and I walked to him. "He left and I promise you he will never come back. Okay?" I asked him and he looked guiltily at me. "I'm sorry, Alec. I didn't want that this happens but he loves you and I don't know how to feel about that." Riley answered and I sat down next to him. "I understand you, Riles." I answered and he smiled a bit because of the nickname. "Just understand that I will miss him." I added and Riley nodded before I kissed him softly. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU TELL HIM?" Max yelled when he stormed in our room and Riley pulled back from the kiss. "Max, kissing...door...knocking." I answered and saw that Max was crying. "IF HE IS DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU I SWEAR I WILL LOSE MYSELF!" Max yelled at me and I looked confused at him. "What do you mean? Who should be dead?" I asked him and he rolled his eyes. "Magnus, called me and said he will say hello from me to dad. YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS? FUCK ALEC WHAT DID YOU DO? FIRST YOU LEAVE ME AND NOW YOU TAKE THE ONLY BROTHER AWAY FROM ME I HAD LEFT." Max yelled and my heart stopped. I just passed Max and ran out of the room totally ignoring everything around me. Magnus wanted to die? What the hell did I just do? If he was dead it would be my fault. I grabbed the car keys and ran out of the house not even listing to Riley who called my name. "Damn." I yelled when I sat in my car and started it. I had no idead where he was or what his plan was but I had to save him even it was the last thing I would do. "Damn it. Drive faster." I yelled and I think I drove at least 200k/h but I had to get to him before it was too late. I think my brain wasn't working really when I didn't stop at a red trafficlight. "Don't leave me, Mags." I mumbled to myslef and just drove to his house. I could kill myself for saying things like that to him and I couldn't believe I was so close to lose him. It was like his life was slipping out of my hands and I couldn't hold on to it anymore. But when I realized I could really lose him I figured something out. I figured something out that would change my whole life but I couldn't think about that now. I was close to go crazy because my car wasn't as fast as I wanted it to be even I drove like a idiot. Slowly while I was driving it made things more clear to me. It made more clear to me that I could really lose him and not just because we weren't best friends anymore. I could lose him to death and this pain I felt in that moment was worse than the pain I felt when I lost my dad. Magnus was always there for me and what did I? I told him to die. Magnus was my best friend...my other half and without him I was nothing. I didn't know why I hurt him so much and broke him even worse than he did it with me all these years ago. What I did was even more terrible. I knew Magnus would have never slept with me if he was sobber but I did all these things when I was sobber. I broke him and not because of an accident I broke him because I wanted to. When Riley told me to choose I had Magnus heart in my hands and I let it fall down. I finally reached Magnus house but his car wasn't there and all the lights were turned off. "Fuck...fuck...fuck." I yelled and suddenly it hit me like a train. The old tree at our rode. "No....no." I mumbled and started the car again. If he was there I knew what he did. "Fuck...Magnus." I breathed and drove to our tree. The tree was only a few minutes away from Magnus place and I was scared to death. I panicked and tears filled my eyes. When I could finally see the tree my worst nightmare came true and my whole world crashed down. I saw Magnus car crashed against the tree and it was already burning at the front. How could he really do that? My heart was beating like crazy and as soon as I reached the car I stopped mine and jumped out of it. I ran to Magnus and saw that he was unconcision but he was breathing...weakly but I could see his chest moving. He was bleeding on his head and out of his nose and mouth. I think I stood a bit besides me the whole time and the only thing I could thing about was Magnus. I broke his car door open because it stuck and after I did it I opened his seatbelt. The heat of the fire was getting closer and I knew I had to hurry so I did. I lifted Magnus up and carried him to the grass a few meters away from the tree. Now I also saw that he was bleeding out of his ear a bit and he breathed so weakly. "Magnus....you have to hold on. You hear me? I'm here." I cried and laid him down on the grass. I took out my phone and called 911 which was the only rational decision I made in that moment. "Hello, what's your emergency?" The woman asked and I had to out myself together so I wouldn't sob in the phone. "My friend he hit a tree with his car." I said and tears ran down my cheeks. "Okay Sir, on which street are you?" She asked me and I answered her with the name of the street. "Sir, you have to stay calm. Can you tell me if he is injured?" She asked me and I looked down at Magnus who was still unconcision. "He is bleeding out of his ear and nose. There is also blood coming out of his mouth...what should I do?" I asked the woman on the phone and was close to freak out. "Okay, Sir. Please calm down and tell me what color does the blood has?" The woman asked and I looked at the blood to see what color it had. "It's dark red...almost black. What does that mean?" I asked deperated and tears ran down my cheeks. "Make it as comfortable as you can for him." The woman sighed and now I was confused and desperated. "Why?" I cried and the woman took a deep breath. "He will die soon. Stay with him...don't let him die alone." She answered and my heart stopped when I heard he would die. "What for help is that? Fuck you." I cursed and threw my phone away. "Mags, I know I said I want to see you dead but that's not true. I want you to wake up and tell me everything will be okay, again." I sobbed and his breathing just stopped. There was no pulse anymore and I was like paralyzed for a few seconds. "No...no...Magnus. You can't leave me. I can't lose you." I cried and then I did the only thing I could think about. I started to reanimated him and even I would break his hips during that at least I tried everything. "Magnus...I love you. You can't give up. Hold on I still want you...you hear me. Come back I still need you because it's you. It has always been you and it will always be you." I cried and started to make cry desperately. "You need to hold on to that. You need to grow old with me. I want to be with you because I love you. You need to hold on and tell me you love me too." I sobbed and finally I heard the loud sirens of the ambulance. I saw the lights of it but I didn't stop to reanimated. "You see. They will bring you back to me." I cried and then I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Sir, please get out of the way we have to bring him back with our machines." A man in a uniform said with a gentl voice and I stopped with the heart pressure massage. "Okay...Ellen rip his shirt open. Dean give me the defibrillator." The man yelled and I sat down on the grass with a shocked face. "Okay...everyone away. One two free." The man shouted and you could literary see little eletric waves going through Magnus body."Again. 1...2...3." The man yelled and pressed the defibrillator again on Magnus bar chest. I was crying and desperated but when I heard how Magnus took a shaking breath I let out a sob of happiness. "Okay. We need to get him to the hospital as soon a possible." The man yelled and the two other guys brough a transport lounger to Magnus. "One...two...three." they said and laid Magnus down on it. One man was suporting his breathing with a mask and another was was putting a stiffneck on his neck. "Sir. What relationship do you have to him?" A guy asked me and I looked at him for a few seconds. "I...I'm...I'm his boyfriend." I lied but otherwise they wouldn't let me go with them. "I was driving behind him because we picked up his car from the garage and then he suddenly hit the tree...I don't know why." I lied and cried. "Okay. We will bring him to the hospital now. You can drive with us and also call someone." The guy said and everyone got in the ambulance. "Mags, I love you and I promise you after you wake up we will get away from all this. We will get out of this town and start new." I cried and held Magnus hand tightly. What felt like hours were actually minutes and we finally reached the hospiatl. From that on everything went really quick and they brought Magnus to an emergency op. "Sir you can't go with him. You can wait here." A nurese said and I looked at Magnus. "You will be okay. I love you...don't forget that." I told him before they brough him to the operations room. I let myself fall down on the chair and started to sob in my hands. How did everything go so down the hill? I could lose him forever. Crazy that I first have to think that I lost him to figure out that I sill loved him. I loved him after all these years he was still the place where my heart belonged to. It was him and it would alwayw be him. Magnus was the man I loved and even I would drive my whole world against a wall I needed to see what would happen if I and Magnus try it. Maybe this was all supposed to happen. Maybe I needed that. But what would all that mean if he died? Magnus had to live and he had to know that I loved him....
// Is it too late for Alec or will Magnus be okay?❤❤❤❤
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