Blue Bruises


"Okay, we should leave now." Riley said when he checked his phone. I and Max talked and caught up what was going on in our life. Aden left 20 minutes ago with his boyfriend and even Max said he was over it I could see he was hurt. Aden didn't even said hello or gave Max any kind of attention which was maybe the best. "Okay, do you want to drive?" Riley asked me and I nodded. "Yeah, we both know I'm the better driver." I laughed when I stood up and felt someone pinching my ass. I looked at Riley with huge eyes and he only smirked at me. "You didn't." I said shocked and Riley shrugged. "I did and say once again I am a bad driver and I will spank you." Riley said with a confident voice and my cheeks turned red because Max was right next to us. "My brother is right next to us and you say you will spank me? What for a boyfriend are you?" I asked him offened and he smiled at me. "I'm not your boyfriend I'm your fiance and I bet your brother heard worse." Riley answered and I looked at Max who rolled his eyes a little. Max was 100% the dominant one in a relationship and I was 100% submissive one. "Okay, we should really get going or mum will kill us." Max said and started to walk to the car again. I and Riley held hands and Max was walking next to us when suddenly Aden stood in front of us. "Max." He said and Max froze. "What do you want, Aden?" Max asked him with a cold voice and I could see guilt in Adens eyes. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry." Aden said and looked to the ground. "Good for you. Then you can go back to your little lover boy and fuck him. I'm done with you and if you excuse me I don't want to see your face ever again." Max snapped and passed Aden who was shocked from Max words. Riley looked again strange at the boy and now I knew I had to ask him what was going on but Max was more important now. I ran after Max and stopped Max by placing a hand on his shoulders. Max turned around and I saw that he had tears in his eyes so I pulled him in for a hug. "He isn't worth it, Max. There will be other ones." I said softly and he nodded weakly after he pulled back. Riley was a bit behind us and we walked to the car. "Max...where does Aden live?" Riley suddenly asked when we sat in the car and Max looked confused at him. "I...I don't know...we were always at my place." Max answered and even I thought this was a bit weird. "Do you notice anything strang about him or something?" Riley asked and I looked at him totally confused. " we drop that? I don't want to talk about him." Max answered and Riley nobbed. "Yeah, sure Max. I am sorry that I asked." Riley apologized and Max didn't said anything else anymore. We drove to our home in silence and when we areived I saw Magnus car in the park place in front of our house. 'What the hell is he doing here?' I thought and felt nervous. Max jumped out of the car and ran quickly inside the house. Riley sighed and got out too with a strange feeling I got out of thr car and walked to him. "Babe, what is wrong?" I asked him and placed my hands on his hips. "Something is not right with that Aden guy. It doesn't seem like he doesn't love Max." Riley answered and I frowned. "Why do you think like that?" I asked him and he just wrapped his arms around me to hug me. "I don't know. Just my gut feelings...never mind let's get inside before your mum gets mad." Riley mumbled in my neck and I smiled softly. I suddenly threw him over my shoulder and walked to the door. "Allleexxxander....let me down." Riley protested and hit my back with his fist but I only laughed and opened the door with my free hand. "We are back." I yelled and then he walked in. He walked in with a bright smile and damn he looked hot as hell. What the fuck was I thinking? Riley was hot as hell Magnus looked hot as hell too but not the way Riley did. I slowly let Riley down while I and Magnus held an intense stare. "Hey." Magnus finally said and I put an arm around Rileys waist. "Hey...didn't know you would be here too." I answered and he smiled at Riley who was buring his face in my neck. "Uhm...well...we should take a shower. We were at the gym." I added with a light smile and Riley finally looked at Magnus too. "Hey, I'm sorry. I was a bit distracted by this beauty on legs but the beauty on legs is right we should really take a shower." Riley said and I blushed because of his words while Magnus only smiled but somehow his smile looked so painful. "Yeah...I'll help your mum then." Magnus answered and left to the kitchen again. Wow this was weird and I could see sadness in his eyes but I didn't know why. "Come on, beauty on legs. We only have 30 minutes to get ready." Riley said and dragged me up the stairs to bathroom.


Ahhhh I wanted to scream and ran out of the house to cry but I couldn't. When I saw how Riley buried his face in Alecs neck my body was tensed and I was angry that I wasn't Riley. Why did they had to be so perfect around each other. I wanted Alec to be happy but deep down I hoped that Riley was an ansshole and I could get Alec back. "Magnus, could you please bring me the
tablecloth. You know the white one." Maryse asked me and she pulled me out of my thoughts. "Yeah sure. I'll be right back." I walked up the stair and stopped in front of Alecs old room. So many memories were in this one room and it broke my dark soul that all these memories would never happen again. I heard him and Riley giggling while they turned the shower on and I needed a few seconds to breath. I walked to the last room of the hallway and walked to the big closet where Maryse kept all the tablecloths. I knew this house like my own home and I bet I knew it better than Alec did. I was about to walk down when I heard something crashing down and loud noise. I heard that it came from Max room and saw that the door was a bit open. I opened it and saw that Max was throwing things on the floor and breaking everything he could find while a tearstream ran down his cheeks. I was shocked and didn't know what to do first but when he was about to throw a picture with him and Aden on the floor I grabbed his wrist. Max probably didn't notice me till now because he looked scared at me but then there was pure anger in his face. "Max...calm down." I said when he freed himself from my grip and continued to break the things in his room. "I DON'T WANT TO CALM DOWN. I WANT HIM GONE. I WANT HIM OUT OF MY HEAD. WHY CAN'T HE JUST LEAVE AND NEVER COM BACK?" Max shouted and threw a glass bottle against the wall. "Max, everything will be okay. I know it hurts but it will be okay." I said calmly because I knew he was talking about Aden. After Alec left I took his role as Max big brother. We never told Max what really happened all these years ago and I hoped that if he would find out he wouldn't hate me. It was enough that I hated myself for what I did and I didn't need his hate too. "I HATE HIM. I HATE HIM SO MUCH, MAGNUS." Max yelled and he sunk to the ground. My heart broke in two pices becaus Max went through so much and he didn't deserved any of that. I rushed to him and wrapped my arms around him to comfort him. "I know it hurts. I know to see someone you love happy with someone else hurts like hell but I promise you it will be okay. You are so young, Max and you will find someone else who will love your heart and soul." I said and he sobbed in my chest while he grabbed my shirt. "But i want him...I want him back." Max cried and I rubbed his back. "I know...I know." I said softly and just let him cry as long as he needed. "I know you think you will never love someone like you loved him but you will. You will fall in love with someone new and you won't even notice it." I said softly and he calmed down a bit but sniffed. "Thank you, Magnus." Max sniffed and pulled back from the hug. "Magnus...Alec told me about him and it all true? Did Alec leave because of you?" Max suddenly asked with red eyes and my heart stopped. "Y...yes but I was so stupid. Max, I hope you don't hate me now." I said guiltily and he placed a hand on my shoulder. "I could never hate you. You are like a brother to me and this will never change. I know feelings can be really confusing and hard to understand. But don't ever think that I could hate you after all what you did for me." Max said with a weak smile and a huge rock fell from my heart. "I'm glad that I could help you, Maxi. You are like a little brother to me and I couldn't stomach the idea that you hate me." I answered and I saw that Max smile lightned up. "You didn't call me Maxi since I was 12." He chuckled and I laughed too. "That's not true when you were in the hospital I only called you Maxi." I answered and he grinned at me. I hated it when he was sad and I was more than happy that he smiled again. "You should take a smell." I said and he puched my shoulder lightly. "Hei. I have feelings even you don't think I have." He said fake offened and I smiled at him with a little pout. "I know. Now get ready or your mother will spank you." I chuckled and he shook his head. "You and Riley like to talk about spanking, hu?" He asked and stood up to go to the shower. I was really confused and just stood up to bring Maryse the tablecloth. When I passed Alecs room my mouth fell open because Alec stood half naked in front of his closet. He only wore boxers and he looked so damn sexy...wait what are all these blue bruises on my back. My heart stopped when I realized that he had a few huge brusies on his arm and lower back. Who did this to him? Did Riley do that? Did Riley hurt Alec? I never thought Riley was someone like that but not everyone who did that had it written on their faces. I looked at Alec and my heart dropped to the ground when I imagined what else Riley did to him. Just when I wanted to say something Riley came out of the bathroom and wrapped his arms around Alecs body from behind. They didn't saw my staring and the anger was riesing but I couldn't just punch Riley. I needed to figure out who did this to Alec and I hope for Riley it wasn't him or he will feel the worst pain he would ever feel...//

Oh noo. Who knows where the bruises are from? I know it and you know it too but Magnus don't 😔😔😔❤❤❤❤❤❤😨😨😨😨

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