(Season 1) Prologue: Death At Phoenix Drop High. The Heroes Of Old Returns!
Hello readers! Hope you're ready for a chapter from this book. Just a heads up, I never watched Mystreet or Phoenix Drop High series of Aphmau...yet. I became her fan when I watched her shorts on YouTube and I love it. So keep in mind, that this AU will be different on how I see it. So, forgive me if I get most things wrong. Now, let's jump into the story!
☆Opening 1☆
[Third Pov]
[Location]: Phoenix City
[Time]: 7:00 am (Monday)
(6 hours before disaster)
It was a beautiful morning in Phoenix City. The birds were singing, cars are beeping at eachother, the city was very busy, and the weather was perfect. Well, almost perfect for everyone. Inside a house, inside a room, our main protagonist was sleeping peacefully on his bed, dreaming the love of his life...until the painfully and stupid alarm clock disturbed his slumber.
Alarm Clock:
Our main protagonist eyes shot open in annoyance and quickly got up staring at his clock.
[I bet you can't make a meme about this picture]
He started at his alarm clock for at least a minute, before many tic marks appears around his head as he decided to do something.
Yep...our main protagonist just punched his 10th alarm clock out the window, within the same week. He sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.
???: {Annoyingly sighs} I should really stop buying these alarm clocks...and I was having a wonderful dream about Aphmau feeding me Ice-cream.
Meet our main protagonist: Yami Shadow Akuma, readers. Yami life was complicated while growing up as he wants to get away from his old life. Well, he technically did...but he still gets into fights here and there. Yami just finds his life boring, but it's actually fun when he's with his dream girl, but we'll get to that later.
Right now, Yami yawned again as he looked at the time, then at his calendar.
Yami: {Yawns} Just this week until summer vacation starts. I can't wait to spend all my summer plans with Aphmau.
Yami then got up and quickly got dressed in a grey shirt, a black hoodie, blue jeans and sneakers. At Yami's Highschool, you can wear whatever you want as their is no such thing as school uniforms. Anyways, Yami looked at himself in the mirror in his room and nodded.
Yami: .....I look good.
[Yami's Pov]
After I got dressed, I headed downstairs to the kitchen after I brushed my teeth as I yawned again.
Yami: {Yawns} Damn...I hate waking up earlier as much as I hate Mondays...
Yep, I hate waking up so early in the morning. Heh, I guess I got that from Hiroshi Sans Tatsunori....but....he's not here anymore. I....can't really much remember him anymore or...my childhood that much anymore. Well, he's in a better place now, no need to bring up old mostly forgotten memories. As for hating Mondays....it just reminds me of more depression. I really don't show a lot of emotion other than anger or annoyance, but with my special someone....I tend to be a bit more happier.
Uh, moving on. As I made my way to the kitchen, I sniffed the air as I drooled a bit. I was smelling my Mother's cooking. My Mother saw me as she smiled while preparing my breakfast plate.
Mom: {Smiles} Good morning, sweetie! Your breakfast is ready. Just one more week and summer vacation starts~.
I just nodded and responded.
Yami: Morning Mother and thank you.
Even though I barely show emotions or act like a delinquent or sort, I still love and care about my parents. My Father...wasn't here anymore. Reason why? He died from a heart virus a few years ago.
I sat down at the table and began eating my breakfast. I looked around a bit and was disappointed. My ungrateful stupid older sister isn't here. Well, whatever, not like I care about her anymore. She's just too "busy" with work. Who was she working for again? Er, can't remember. Anyways, while eating my meal in peace, my mother decided to bring up a conversation.
Mom: {Smiles} Sweetie, do you got any plans for summer vacation~.
Yami: {Swallows his bacon} Hm? Oh, yeah. I plan to take Aphmau on many dates, show her a good time, spend time with eachother as much as we could. I got many more plans during those dates.
Mom: Ara Ara~, I can't wait for you and Aphmau to get married and make so many grandchildren for me to spoil~.
I blushed a bit and grumbles a bit, covering my face a bit, as my Mother giggles.
Yami: {Blushes in embarrassment} Grr, stop it Mom. It's too early for me think about that!
I quickly checked the time, quickly finished my plate, grabbed my backpack and kissed my Mother on her cheek.
Yami: Goodbye Mother, wish me luck today. I gotta go.
Mom: {Blushes and giggles} Goodluck dear. Have a safe day.
I then quickly went out the door and headed to school.
[Third Pov]
While heading to school, Yami decided to put his earbuds on while he was listening to music.
Talk about true emo, huh? Anyways, when Yami was enjoying his music and minding his own business, he was thinking on how lucky he was to be in a relationship to a girl who is loyal and loves for who he is. Finally, around 5 minutes to spare, Yami arrived at his destination: Phoenix Drop High.
This school was huge as hell. This school has many classes as in Math, English, Science, History, P.E, hell, even potions. This school also have people that are a hybrid of a type of any animal. So yeah, this school, or even this world isn't even normal/ordinary, but in this au...it is.
Anyways, as Yami was going to his locker number, he saw Gene messing with Nathan. Yami sighed in annoyance as he hate bullies the most and it seems that Nathan couldn't stand up for himself. He found them both annoying.
Nathan Sonic Kazuki
Nathan: {Annoyed} Gene, what the hell do you want? I am seriously in no mood today.
Gene: {Smirks, teasingly} Aw, is this loser upset that he got rejected~. Listen dumbass, since I'm so generous-
Suddenly, a voice cut him off, and that voice belonged to Yami.
Yami: Tch, you, generous? Don't make me fuckin' laugh, Gene.
Both of them turned around to face me, as Gene was starting to shake in fear. Oh yeah, he knows about Yami. Who doesn't? At Phoenix Drop High, Yami Shadow Akuma is one of the popular bad boys at the school. A lot of boys want to be him, a lot of girls wants him. To bad he is taken. Nobody dares messes with him, but if they did, they'll be sended to the hospital as others have gone to.
Yami: {Glares at Gene} Listen here Gene, there is nothing generous about you or your friends. This week is the last week of school before summer vacation starts. You better not mess with Nathan for this whole week, because if I find out that either you or your friends messes with him, I'll make sure you will be in permanent comas. Understand, boy?
Gene was scared and knew better than to mess with Yami, so he let go of Nathan's collar and walked off quickly.
Gene: {Scared} W-Whatever man, this punk isn't worth it!
Nathan chuckled when Gene walked away with his tail between his legs. Nathan was going to thank Yami...but saw him walking away to his class already. Yep, Yami already got his stuff and wasted no time, going to his class.
Yami: {A bit annoyed} 'Seriously, couldn't stand up for yourself, huh Nathan? He needs to learn. I got no time to "hang" out with that moron'.
Yami doesn't even view Nathan as a friend cause he thinks he's babysitting the kid, who couldn't stand up for himself. The only time he speaks to Nathan or hangs out with him is because Aphmau makes him. Yami just finds Nathan annoying and weak.
???: {Excitedly} Yami!~
Speaking of his dream girl, here she is. Yami turned around, gave a tiny smile as he sees his girl waving her hand as she came running through the hallway and tackled him into a big hug. Yami caught her and returned the hug.
This girl is named; Aphmau. She is Yami's girlfriend and the one responsible for making him happy, even though he doesn't show it to most people. Most people are jealous of them, but happy as they make a cute couple. Aphmau did fall for Yami first as Yami himself was slowly falling for her, until they started dating.
Both Yami and Aphmau began walking to class as they have the same schedule, except for 2 classes.
Aphmau: {Smiles} I saw that you saved Nathan from that meanie Gene. I'm proud of you, hon!
Yami: I didn't do it for Nathan....I just hate bullies, period.
Aphmau: Aw, come on, Yam Yam! You can't be distant to everyone. Why can't you make more friends...?
Yami: I got my own reasons, okay? Besides when summer vacation is here, I got lots of plans for just the two of us~.
Aphmau had stars in her eyes and squealed and hugged Yami tighter. She has already know they are gonna spend so much time together. Yami loves making her happy as her happiest only matters to him, nothing else. Just then, Yami made eye contact with someone who he respects: Ruisu Silver Naegi and he looks like he was hanging out with his kitty girlfriend: Kawaii-chan.
Ruisu Silver Naegi
When both Ruisu and Yami made eye contact, all they did was nodded at eachother and went back to whatever they both were doing. Both of Yami and Ruisu aren't really friends, but they do respect their eachothers strength and weaknesses. Ruisu was definitely lucky to score a cutie like Kawaii-chan as a lot of people were jealous of them, but they knew to not mess with Ruisu or cross the line. Rumors has it, that Ruisu can be way more brutal and dark than Yami. Heh, if only they knew.
Anyways, class started when both Yami and Aphmau entered and sat next to eachother. Aphmau leaned her head against Yami's arm as the class began. Yami smirked a bit before focusing on school. They were happy with eachother and couldn't wait for summer vacation to start as they are gonna have so much fun together.
However, unknown to them and others....that this will be the last time Yami and Aphmau will see and be with eachother for a very long time.
Many hours later, we can see Yami looking bored as he was leaning his head against his hand. He was waiting for school to be over.
Yami: {Sighs}....What a drag, I'm tired as hell.
Yami was closed to falling asleep and since Aphmau wasn't with him, his energy was getting low. However, before Yami can completely fall asleep, he heard a loud sound that made him and everyone jumped out their seats.
That's right! An explosion has happened in school, especially in the potion class. Everyone was panicking as the school's speakers turned on, having the Principle talk in panic.
The speaker got turned off as everyone was running out the classroom, through the hallways, getting to the exit. Yami got up from the floor as he was pushed to the ground. It just annoyed him. He wasn't worried for Aphmau as he knew her class was near the exit, so she should be okay.
As Yami finally exited out the classroom, to the left hallway, the roof collapsed as the fire was spreading fast.
Yami: Tch! No use in going that way. I gotta find another way out!
Yami quickly ran down the right hallway, trying to find a path to escape. As he turned the right corner, he spotted 2 girls trapped under the rubble. Nobody seemed to help them as he noticed people passing them, ignoring their cries for help. Gritting his teeth in anger, seeing these weaklings can't help others, he quickly got under the rubble and started to live it with his body as he was struggling to lift it, but he won't give up. The girl's were shocked to see Yami, of all people, helping them.
(Note: Just an example on how Yami is lifting the rubble)
Female #1: {In tears} Y-Yami...?
Female #2: {Crying} P-Please...just leave us, Yami! Save yourself....we're done for...
Yami just about had enough of their whining and snapped.
With more strength put into his muscles, more strength that Yami unknowingly have, lifted the rubble just enough for the girl's to escape.
Yami: {Struggling, losing stamina} G-Go! GO, GO!!!
With barely energy and somehow having their legs unbroken, the girls ran to the exit, however....Yami heard a painful crack, a snap. Yami quickly let go as the rubble fall in front of him, blocking yet another path that the girls already went.
Yami: {Fall to the ground, in pain} Ngh! Shit, my back!!
Meanwhile, outside the school, all the teachers were quickly counting all the students, to make sure they are all here. Aphmau was quickly looking around for Yami, hell, even both Kawaii-chan and Katelyn were looking for current people.
These girls were panicking as they couldn't find current boys. Aphmau was close to tears as she didn't see her boyfriend in the group of students, even Kawaii-chan was in the same boat. Suddenly, the teachers suddenly yelled, that they were missing a few students, making the girl's heart sink.
Meanwhile, back in the burning and crumbling school, back with Yami, he was till in pain, seemingly his back was broken and he was coughing uncontrollably. The smoke was getting to him as it was becoming hard to breathe.
Yami: {Coughing} D-Damn! This smoke...is too much! I can barely see! I-I need to get back to Aphmau...I refuse to die here! I'll die when I feel like dying!
Try as he might, it was hard to get up fully. Yami decided to crawl, but it was a bit painful. Unknown to Yami, that more rubble from the roof collapsed, onto him, trapping his legs and have of his lower body.
Yami: {In pain} Ack! N-No! Not now!! This can't be happening!! This can't end like this! Come on, Yami! Move it!!
Yami tried very hard, but couldn't move his body. He was trapped for good and he was very tired. Just as he was about to give up and accept his fate, suddenly, Ruisu came running towards him and was quickly removing the heavy rubble from Yami. Yami, on the other hand, was shocked to see Ruisu helping him.
Yami: {Shocked} R-Ruisu?
Ruisu: Shut up, Yami! You're not dying today! We are going to survive! Just hang on!
Yami: B-But what's the point! I'll just slow you down as I can barely walk now!
Ruisu: Giving up...isn't in our nature! Right, Yami? You told me that when we first met!
Successfully taking off the rubble from Yami, Ruisu put Yami's arm around his shoulder. Now, they were quickly trying to find a way out. However, after a few minutes, with the smoke making it hard for them to breathe, and bumping into Nathan....the building exploded, killing the the 3 boys.
Outside the school, the students and teachers witnessed the school exploding, pushing them back a bit. Aphmau, Katelyn, and Kawaii-chan seeing this, broke their hearts as they fell onto the ground crying their hearts out, seeing and noticing that their boys....are gone.
Aphmau/Katelyn/Kawaii-chan: {Crying} YAMIII!!!/NATHAN!!!!/RUISU!!!
Hours later, when the police, firefighters, and paramedics came to check the damage and to see if everyone is okay. Unknown to them, a blue, black, and silver aura escaped the scene. However, with the black aura...was unique as we can...voices from the black aura and other voices that didn't belong to it.
"Ngh...w-what happened?...Where...am I?"
"W-What...? Chaos.....what...?"
"I am the world's Ultimate Life Form."
"I promise you...revenge!"
"Maria...is this what you want? This is my promise I made to you."
"Sayanora....Shadow the Hedgehog."
"I am....not Shadow....I am....I am....."
"Who....am I...?"
Many many years later, we can see a beautiful island far far from Mystreet. This island is called: Green Hill Zone.
Just then, we see an dark orange aura, boosting through the zone as very high speeds. This turns out to be a black figure, who is skating with his air shoes. This figure was Shadow the Hedgehog, full name is Yami Shadow Akuma.
Yes, our boi is alive. However, he wasn't the only one alive. Now, he goes by the name Shadow. Just then, Shadow smashed a rock, revealing a green gem. This gem is called a Chaos Emerald. Shadow grabbed the Emerald, smirking in victory.
Shadow: {Smirks} Finally, a Chaos Emerald. A jewel containing the ultimate power!
Just then, some mechs, belonging to an evil scientists landed behind Shadow. However, before they can fire, a cyan green glow surrounded them and blasted them away. The figure who did this, revealed to be another Hedgehog. Our boi Ruisu Silver Naegi, who goes by the name: Silver the Hedgehog.
Shadow put his Chaos Emerald away and crossed his arms.
Shadow: {Crosses} Hmph, y'know I had them, right?
Silver: W-Well, yeah, but I thought you needed the help.
Shadow: I seriously don't need help dealing with the Doctor's stupid robots. Now come on, Sonic should be battling him as we speak.
Silver: {Nods} R-Right!
Shadow the skated ahead while Silver used his telekinesis powers to fly and keep up with Shadow, since he doesn't have speed like them. As they were heading towards Sonic's location, Shadow was in deep thought, about his memories. Even though both Silver and Sonic lost their memories as well (unknowingly to them), Shadow had it worst.
Shadow: {Skating} 'Those nightmares...those voices...who are they? Am I Shadow...or Yami...?? Why is this so hard to understand? Who am I, really? I definitely need answers.'
☆Ending 1☆
There we go! Hope you enjoyed the prologue. This took...a bit longer than I expected and it was annoying to complete. Still, hope you enjoyed and please remember that this is my own AU. I haven't watched Mystreet yet, so a lot of things will be different.
Ruisu5678 (Ruisu Silver Naegi) - Give mah boi some love and support! Thanks~. Also, I hoped you enjoyed the prologue, my friend.
MonarchChaos (Nathan Sonic Kazuki) - Give this dude some love as well and check out his own Mystreet story on his alternate account. Thanks!~
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January 4, 2023
Time: 7:53 am
Words: 3,297
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