Ep 8 Part 2 - Lunch Time
A/N - Capcom owns Megaman Zero. Not me. Now, I hope you all enjoy, also a majority of the OCs belongs to me, except for Ringo, who's my friend's OC.
PS - I know that in Ep 7 Part 1, it was originally Lunchtime, however, I realised the time doesn't make sense, especially with additional scenes I'm planning. So, I created a school timetable to make sense, and so, Ep 7 is changed to break time to make more sense timeline-wise. I hope you understand. Anyways, enjoy!
(Time - 1:10)
The bell rings as Zero and Ringo managed to hide away from teachers as they stay on the rooftop. Ringo sighs as she heads to the door and says, "One more thing before I go."
"Y-Yeah?" Zero asked her.
"We're not friends, so don't get the wrong idea," Ringo told him in a darker tone, "Now, I gotta go to my fourth class. See ya."
Ringo opens the door and goes downstairs, while Zero sighs in annoyance and thought, "I thought as much..."
"...You know, there is a way to befriend her," Passy said. "All you need to do is befriend a girl named Iris Thorin."
"Iris?" Zero asked her. "Oh shit! I gotta go to my fourth class!"
"O-Oh yeah!" Passy realised, "Quick! Check your timetable!"
Zero quickly takes out his hologram journal and it reveals he has music class, so he rushes to the ground floor, and head to the end of the hallway, where he meets a human girl with brown hair, who is quite familiar to him.
"Huh?" Zero thought, as he suddenly gets a glimpse of a older version lying dead, and he quickly shakes his head, "What the hell was that? That woman looks exactly like my classmate!"
"Ciao everyone!" A tall and busty woman with slightly tanned skin, auburn hair tied in a messy bun, and messy red blouse.
"Hello Ms Rivera!" Everybody else said.
"Hey hey! Mm?" The woman named Ms Rivera noticed Zero and says, "Oh! You're the new chico! Ok, ok. Well... sit next to Iris, the brown hair girl."
"Ahem... sure." Zero said unsurely, than thinks, "Wait! This is my chance!"
Zero goes up to Iris and sit next to her, where he notices her looking away from him, much to his annoyance and he thinks, "This is gonna be harder than it looks..."
"Okay everyone!" Ms Rivera called out, "Before we start practicing our instruments. Zack, is there any instrument you want to learn?"
"Ah!" Zero realised, "I haven't... thought of that... sorry..."
Ms Rivera looks at Zero and smiles softly as she says, "That's okay. I guess you never played a instrument. Which is fine. Just pick one you like."
Zero walks around the room, where there's normal classical instruments such as trumpets, flutes, violins, and more. He decides to grab the trumpet, which Ms Rivera is a bit surprised but says "Oh! The trumpet! Good choice!"
"Thanks." Zero said. "At least she's a lot nicer than that English asshole."
Zero sits back down with the trumpet and he glances at Iris, who has a flute in hand. He sighs and decides to think of a way to get to talk to her in order to get more answers on what's going on.
"Okay everyone! Now, let's do a practice round here!" Ms Rivera announced, "Now, a one, a two, and a three. One, two and three..."
Than everyone starts playing their instruments, albeit Zero is way out of sync as he never played it and could barely get any noises in there.
(Later on 2:15 PM)
The bell rings as everyone rushes out of their classrooms as it's now lunch time and everyone is super excited. Zero and Iris was the last people to leave, albeit Iris comes out first and he stands a bit behind her.
Passy asks, "You gonna follow her?" In a whispered tone, which Zero nods. "Alright, but be careful. She might take it the wrong way and see you as a creepy stalker."
"Geez, you're acting like I didn't know that and have no common sense." Zero called her out quietly.
"Well... technically, you don't." Passy replied.
"Whatever, smartass." Zero said as he rolls his eyes and follows ahead while using multiple places to hide such as the vending machine, the pots with the tall plants, and corridors through the hallway.
Soon, as he's hiding behind the corner, he sees Iris picking up a pot of a slightly wilted small plant from the table, and says "Aww. You poor thing. It's ok. I'll take you where I could put you to rest."
Just as Iris is walking down the hallway with the pot and not paying attention. Zero notices three girls who are just talking and snickering as one of them puts out their leg and trips over Iris, who yelps and drops the pot, causing it to break.
Just before she was going to clean it up, the tall and lanky one grabs her long hair and pulls it back.
"I-Ow! Hey!" Iris yelped in pain.
"Mm? What? I was simply pulling up your hair?" The tall girl said mockingly.
"I-It hurts... it hurts!" Iris yelped in pain.
"Oh cry us a river, heartbreaker!" The fat girl taunted her, "As if we should sympathise with a heartbreaker like you."
"Yeah! You're the reason Ethan is dead!" The small girl blamed her.
"That name...!" Zero thought. "What is her connection to him?"
"Zero! Do something!?" Passy told him off.
"I was going to, damn it!" Zero swore her off as he runs out of his hiding spot and rushes to the girls, "Oi! Quit it you lot!"
"Ugh! Great! Someone interrupting our fun!" The fat girl groaned.
"What the hell is going on here?" Zero asked harshly as he grabs the tall girl's arm to stop her from pulling Iris' hair any further.
"Simple - I'm simply teaching this heartbreaker some manners!" The girl said. "After all, she's the reason Ethan is dead!"
"Yeah! We're just avenging him!" The small girl said.
"I-I have nothing to do with his death!" Iris yelled out.
"Liar!" The tall girl accused her as she's going to kick her, but Zero uses his own feet to stop her kick. "Ow! Hey! Why are you-"
Suddenly, Zero apprehend her which scares the other girls while Iris looks at the situation with shock. Passy panics a bit and whispers, "Ahem... Zack... you're not gonna do what I think you're gonna do?"
"... Listen here," Zero said to the tall girl and ignoring Passy, "If you continue this... I'll break your arm. Understand?"
"Y-You wouldn't dare!" The tall girl shouted, than yelps when Zero twists her arm a bit.
"You wanna bet on it?" Zero threatens her, which made her freak out and starts crying.
"I-Ok! Ok! We stop! We stop!" The tall girl begged in mercy.
"Y-Y-Yeah! W-We stop!" The small girl begged as well.
"You better or if I catch you doing it again... you can kiss your arm goodbye." Zero threatens as he lets her go.
"A-AAAAHHHHH!" The three girls runs away as fast as they could in a cartoony manner.
Zero sighs and cross his arms while Passy glances at him and asks, "A-Are you sure that's a good idea? I-I mean... they can easily tell a teacher on you."
"If they do, than I'll expose them for bullying." Zack said.
"I-I don't know if that would work, but okay." Passy said.
Zack looks at Iris, who is a bit sadden by the broken plant pot. He asks her, "You ok?"
"... Yeah... I'm fine." Iris answered as she wipes her tears with her hand and stands up. "Thanks..."
"No problemo!" Passy accepted happily.
"... Right..." Iris faltered a bit and glances at the pot.
"Mmm... I can get a new pot for you if you want?" Zero offered to her.
"... Alright than. It's at the third floor in room 319." Iris told him, "Here's the keys."
Zero accepts the keys and leaves while Iris tries to look after her. He sighs and stares at the keys for a bit while Passy pouts a bit and says, "I guess she doesn't fully trust us."
"... You noticed too." Zero guessed.
"Yep. Especially her body language and the way she stuttered suggests she's either shy or cautious for us." Passy said, "I'm going with shy since I remembered she was pretty shy."
"You know her?!" Zero blurted out angrily. "Why didn't you mentioned this!?"
"Oops... ahem... well..." Passy stuttered as she realises she slip up.
"Well! You gonna explain! Please stop dodging my questions!" Zero yelled out of anger.
"Oi! Don't yell in public, you idiot!" Passy called him out.
"Grrr... fine..." Zero mumbled angrily as he refuses to look Patty in the eyes, which she sighs and feels a bit guilty for withholding the truth from him, but she doesn't want to overwhelm him with the truth.
Zero gets to the third floor and room 319. He unlocks the door where he finds loads of different plants, flowers and even a climbing plant outside from the window. He looks up to see that the lights that seems to be solar powered.
He decides to poke around the room while Passy checks the lights. He was careful to not accidentally step on the vines as he went to the front desk where he opens it and finds a keychain that contains loads of keys.
He grabs it while Passy flies back and says, "Yep! They're 100 percent solar powered."
"Why though?"
"Well, it's to sort of save the bills and the fact Ciel wanted to give the plants natural sunlight rather than the usual lights we used." Passy explained.
"Ah. Fair enough." Zero nodded as he gets to the closet and tries out different keys... much to his frustration, "God damn it! Just open up already!"
("Note to self... teach Zero a thing about patience.") Passy thought.
"Finally! I got it!" Zero cheered with a big grin as he opens it and grabs a small pot from the closet as he puts it on the nearest desk as he locks the closet again. He puts the keys back to it's original placement and grabs the pot as he rushes out of the room and head downstairs.
He finds her in the same position like before, so he went to her and taps her shoulder, which she gasp a bit as she turns around and sees Zero.
"Special delivery!" Zero joked, which Iris just stares and couldn't help but chuckle a bit.
"... Hehe... thank you." Iris answered in a more warmly manner as she takes the pot and starts trying to clean up while putting the plant in the pot.
Zero and Passy waits for a bit as she gets up and holding the pot where she says, "By the way... thank you for the help earlier..."
"No problem." Zero replied. "So... what's up with the plant?"
"Oh, well... since you saved me from the bullies, than I'll tell you." Iris said, "I'm the only member of the gardening club since all of the other members were third years and... they graduated, so I'm the only one left."
"Damn... that sucks." Zero said.
"Yeah... because of that, I'm the only one who can take care of the plants in Room 319." Iris explained.
"Wait! That explains a lot on why there's so many plants on that room." Zero realised. "But why not the roof?"
"Well... from I remembered, the club used to be at the roof," Iris explained, "But a bunch of delinquents were smoking at the roof and were ruining the plants, so we have to move it to a more secure room."
"Ah, that makes sense." Zero understood.
"Yeah. We should talk more in the club." Iris pointed out, "I need to water the plants and such."
"Sure. We do that." Zero accepted.
"Mmm..." Passy mumbled.
"Mm? What's up, Passy?" Zero asked her, which caught her off guard and she starts to stumble a bit.
"H-I-I'm fine!" Passy told him while stumbling about a bit.
"Mmm..." Zero raised his eyebrow at her questionable action.
"Is there something wrong, Passy?" Iris asked hesitantly.
"You two know each other?" Zero asked her. "You never mentioned you personally met her."
"Well... ahem..." Passy starts to stuttered.
"Hey. I think it's better we have a chat in the club." Iris suggested.
"Yeah. That's true." Zero agreed, "We will discuss this, Passy. And don't try to dodge it."
"Ah man..." Passy mumbled, and thought ("I knew going to school here is a bad idea!")
"Let's get going than." Iris said as the three goes upstairs and head to the gardening club's room.
A/N - And that's the end of Episode 8. Finally managed to finish it! I hope the wait is worth it and I hope to see you all in Episode 9 one day!
Sorry I haven't updated for awhile since I have a lot of things to do such as my job, handling my other fanfics, planning upcoming ones, drawing characters and much more. So, that's why the updates are very slow due to the fact I'm an extremely busy person.
I hope you all understand why my updates are extremely slow. Regardless, I hope you all have a good day and staying safe! Aqua out!
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