Ep 6 Part 1 - Woke up

A/N - Capcom owns Megaman Zero. Not me. Now, I hope you all enjoy, also a majority of the OCs belongs to me, except for Ringo, she's my friend's OC.


("Mmm... Where... Where am I?") Zero thought as he looks around in a pitch black area. He couldn'tsee anything at all. ("Where... what... what happened?")

As Zero looks around, he sees a three reploids that look exactly like the photo from the tablet, except they have their helmets on. But... he notices the spiky haired one lost his arm and has a massive punctured hole on his chest, where the blue reploid is crying his eyes out while the red reploid has a sorrowful frown on his face while gripping his saber tightly.

He notices their lips are moving, but he can't hear anything they're saying. He just... has no idea what is going on, and just so confused. Suddenly, everything starts to distort wildly that it's unbearably painful and that the scene completely disappears, which definitely angers Zero as he yells, "OI! HEY! I WAS SO CLOSE! C-COME BACK!"

However, the scene is suddenly replaced by a little boy rushing to a man wearing a lab coat who is about to walk out of the door. But this time, he can hear.

"Daddy! Daddy!" The boy cried out, "You promise you stay with me for today!"

"... I'm sorry, ." The man apologised, with the name suddenly got distorted, "But I was called for an emergency. I don't have a choice."

"Why can't uncle Light and uncle Cossack do it!?" The boy cried out, "Why you?!"

"Because I'm the only one who can fix it, boy!" The man yelled at him, which scares his son a bit, "... Apology... but I must go now. Goodbye, son..."

The man leaves and closes the door behind him while the boy just stare at the door with a small frown and tears forming in his eyes. A small mechaniloid with a apron pats the boy, not understanding why he's crying.

"... I... I just wanted to play football... father..."


"AAHH!" Zero yelped in shock as he takes a deep breath and looks around, where he realises he's in the same maintenance room he remembered a few days ago... which would mean-

"You're finally awake, kid."

Zero quickly turns to his right side and sees Gavin sitting on a chair. He quickly realised what happened and says, "... Sorry..."

"Don't worry, Zero," Gavin forgave him, "I guess you're still in that mental state, right?"

"... Yeah..." Zero replied, "... Gavin... how long was I knocked out?"

"It's Sunday afternoon." Gavin told him, which shocks him.

"... I... I was knocked out for more than twenty four hours?!" Zero gasped in shock.

"Yep, pretty much," Gavin replied and takes a deep breath, "You gave my little girl a very bad scare... and you know I don't take kindly to those who scares my daughter..."

"... Sorry... it wouldn't happen again..." Zero apologised to him.

Gavin sighs as he takes out his soda and drinks it while Zero just looks out the window. He couldn't stop thinking about what he just saw while he was unconscious. He just couldn't, especially the boy and his father. That man... looks very familiar, but he can't remember who that man is. Than, Gavin speaks, "Oh yeah. I nearly forgot; because of what happened. Ciel have to convince the principle to change the plan; you'll be going to Neo Arcadia High school that is built by none other than the Vernier family aka Ciel herself."

"Got it."

"Also, one of her reploid is employed as the principal, so only he knew about you. Everyone else isn't aware that Zero is here, only that a new student is coming." Gavin explained, "And Ruler Ciel already prepared your uniform."

"Mmm... is that normal or am I just getting the special treatment?" Zero asked.

"Not really. Normally, new students have to meet the principle with their parents or legal guardian," Gavin explained, "They'll be given an ID and a timetable for their classes for the next day. Luckily for you, Ciel already took care of all of those things."

"I see..." Zero muttered, and asks, "So... when will I get it?"

"She'll give the ID and timetable once you recover," Gavin explained, "While for the uniform. It's already been send and it's in your bedroom."

"Got it." Zero replied simply.

"You clearly got something in your mind." Gavin noticed.

"How do you know?" Zero asked in shock.

"Simple; I'm a detective," Gavin replied, "As one, I'm good with reading people's expressions."

"... I see..." Zero mumbled, and says, "... I want to know... what's happening to me?"


"I mean... I keep getting those weird visions, and I have no idea why..." Zero said.

"... As long as you don't passed out again, than I can't say." Gavin told him.

"So you don't know."

"Unfortunately, I don't." Gavin lied to him, which Zero doesn't notice, and he says, "You need some rest. Tomorrow, I'll drive you to your school, but afterwards, you're on your own. So, don't forget your phone like last time."

"Okay, okay! I wouldn't!" Zero replied in a grumpy tone.

The detective gets up and walks away from the maintenance room. Zero takes a deep breath and puts his hand through his bangs. He takes a deep breath and shakes his head.

"... I guess I shouldn't be bother with overthinking stuff..." Zero thought, "After all, the last thing I want is making Gavin pissed, since he is giving me a place to stay."

"Hey Zero!"

Zero turns around to see Passy flying up to him and bob him on the head, which he just gives her a plain expression and asks, "Really, Passy?"

"Yes! You nearly gave me an heart attack!" Passy told him off, "Seriously?! Do you have any idea how worried I was!"

"But we only known each other for a few days," Zero pointed out, "Why are you so worried over someone you barely know?"

"... Shut up!" Passy told him off, "Stop making logical sense!"

"Really Passy?" Zero asked her bluntly, but he takes a deep breath and shakes his head.

"Mm? What's wrong?"

"... It's nothing..." Zero replied.

"... Come on. You can tell me." Passy told him, "After all, I'll be supporting you from now on, even while you're going to school!"

"Wait! Wouldn't people be suspicious about that?" Zero asked him.

"Nah. It will be fine!" Passy ensured him, "If people asked. I'll just say I'm bored and just want to hang out with you while Zero gets repaired."

"... I guess that's a good enough excuse." Zero replied.

"Precisely!" Passy smiled happily.

"... Passy... what... who am I, exactly?" Zero asked her, "And what am I fighting... for?"

"..." Passy stayed quiet; wanting to tell him the truth... but knew he isn't in the proper mentality to be told, so she just says, "Obviously, you're Zero, the legendary hero! And you're fighting for the humans, just like X had!"

"... X... that name..." Zero mumbled as he looks out of the window, where he stares at the sunset slowly going down where the city buildings are about to turn their lights on. "... I should get going."

"You'll be okay, right?"

"Yeah. I will." Zero replied as he gets out of the capsule, than Mark comes into the laboratory. "Oh! Dr Light!"

"Ah! You're okay!" Mark said with relief, "You really gave us the scare back there."

"... Sorry. It wouldn't happen again..." Zero answered.

"That's good." Mark replied, "... So... regain any memories?"

"No, unfortunately." Zero lied. He has regained a bit of his memories, but he doesn't fully grasp the meaning behind those memories since it just flash and go. "Nothing at all."

"I see..." Mark mumbled where he stares at Zero's face, where he suddenly sees a flash of Ethan's face. "... He looks so much like that boy... it honestly hurts... I hope Shawn doesn't realised and freak out..."

"You okay?" Zero asked him.

"Yes. I'm okay." Mark lied to him, "But one thing as a warning."


"... Please forgive my son, Shawn." Mark told him, which confuse him, "... My son is going through a very difficult time after last month."

"What happened last month?" Zero asked him.

"... I can't really say..." Mark told him vaguely, "But since that night... it completely changed him as a person and it deeply worries me. I want to help, but my job prevents me... I hope you will understand."

"... I see. Thanks for the warning." Zero replied as he takes a deep breath and leaves the room with Passy.

Mark glances at Zero one last time and sits on the chair, where he puts his hand on his forehead and tears up out of stress.


"What?!" Mark blurted out where it's only Ciel, Jaroslav and himself inside Ciel's office room.

"Please calm down, Mark." Ciel told him in a scared tone.

"... Sorry... it's just... why Neo Arcadia High?!" Mark asked her.

"I have to agree." Jaroslav agreed with him, "I'm honestly worried how our sons would react to Zero considering... last month..."

"... You're right," Ciel understood, "But it's the only school we can officially trust. After all, that school was created by my own hands, and the principle there was created by my father. So, I can, for sure, trust him with looking over Zero."

"I understand that," Mark understood, "But what about our sons? Especially Shawn. He's in a rather delicate mindset right now."

"I have faith that my son could handle it." Jaroslav said, "My son was always been a very strong boy."

"Lucky you... my son have always been mentally frail." Mark admitted, "He will lose his mind over this. Heck... I'm worried he ends up becoming very violent towards Zero because... well...  for obvious reasons. He would not react very happy about this..."

"Trust me... if I could, I would have picked a different school." Ciel answered, "But this is the only school that would allow Zero in thanks to my request AND keep his identity a secret. The other schools might end up revealing his identity to the public just for publicity or something like that."

"..." Mark takes a deep breath and sits back down as he just nods, "... Fine... I just hope things will turn out okay..."

"I hope you know what you're doing, Ciel." Jaroslav told her.

"... I do." Ciel told them. "Now, I'll start with the process. You two are dismissed."

(Flashback ends)

"..." Mark takes another deep breath and wipes his tears as he gets up from his chair and walks out, but he stops for a bit where he gives a small glance where he notices it's now the starry night, much to his shock. "Wow... I been standing around for that long... that's unexpected... I hope Zero is back home safely..."

Than, Mark switches off the lights and locks the door as he takes a deep sigh, than he looks behind him and sees Jaroslav walking up to him.

"Ah! Dr Cossack!" Mark blurted out, "What are you doing here?"

"I was just checking on you." Jaroslav told him. "You okay?"

"... To be honest, not really." Mark admitted honestly, "I'm very worried for our boys."

"Same... I hope they'll be okay..." Jaroslav agreed as the two scientists heads out.

A/N - And Part 1 is done! Happy late new year and I hope you guys are staying safe out there! Aqua out!

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