Ep 3 Part 1 - Adoption
A/N - Capcom owns Megaman Zero. Not me. Now, I hope you all enjoy.
(Few hours later)
Zero, who is just wearing a red hoodie and black jeans, sits on the bench alongside with Passy while he hears a lot of shouting from the office. He looks at Passy and asks, "Ahem... can you check on them?"
"Sorry, no can do, Zero." Passy told him, "Ciel ordered me to stay out of this and have me look after you."
"... I see..." Zero takes a deep breath and thinks, "I do wonder what they're talking about, though?"
(In the office)
The larger detective slams his hand on the desk and shouts at Ciel, "ARE YOU MAD, WOMAN?!"
Ciel takes a deep breath, Cerveau shakes his head alongside Jaroslav and Mark, Colonel, who has his arm repaired, growls, and Gavin, who is all bandaged up, gives him the death glare.
"No, I thought I made myself clear!" Ciel repeated herself, "Zero will be send to school so that he can learn more about the world and-"
"Screw that!" The detective shouted, "He's a fucking reploid! Can you just upload all of the information to his memory bank or something?!"
"That is not how reploids work, Detective Wolfe," Cerveau called out, "Keep in mind; Reploids could not learn properly by just uploading information. They must be trained properly in order to fully utilise the information."
"Which is still stupid if you ask me!" Wolfe complained, "Seriously?! I have no idea why we're treating those machines like humans!"
"We're right here!" Colonel pointed out, with Cerveau nods in agreement.
"Shut up!" Wolfe told him off, "What I'm trying to say is that we are literally sending an ancient reploid to a school of young children! Am I the only one who is finding this weird?!"
"Well, according to our analysis," Mark interrupted as he takes out his sheets, "We analysis Zero's brainwaves and his brainwaves is exactly like a 16-17 years old's, thus he is clearly not suited to stay in the military like an average reploid."
"Ugh, what is that dumbass thinking?!" Wolfe growled in annoyance, "I still not happy with this stupid idea."
"Oh, put a sock in it, Hector!" Gavin told him off.
"Shut it, you twat!" Wolfe called him out.
"Make me, bitch!" Gavin told him off.
"Silence you two!" Ciel called out, causing the two to be silent. "Wolfe... you are dismissed."
"Dis-missed!" Ciel yelled at him.
Hector growls as he walks off from the office, where, on his way out, glares at Zero and Passy. The two responds by glaring at him back as he just walks away.
"... What's his problem?" Zero asked Passy.
"He's just a racist." Passy told him. "Don't let him bother you."
"Not planning to." Zero responded.
Meanwhile, Ciel takes a deep breath and says to Jaroslav, "... I honestly don't know what to do with detective Wolfe..."
"Nobody does." Jaroslav responded, "The only reason we keep him around is because the parliament of the eight, other countries recommended him and well... it would be bad to refuse them."
"... Unfortunately, that is true..." Ciel admitted.
The parliament of the eight countries are a group of eight reploids representing the eight leaders of different countries; Brazil, Canada, England, France, Japan, Russia, Australia and USA. Getting them on their bad sides is out of the question, as she would lose their alliance when it comes to economic support, and military support. So, Ciel has no choice, but to accept their 'gift', who happens to be Detective Wolfe, who is a very capable detective with some military experience, but has unreasonable hatred of reploids that, even to this day, Ciel couldn't understand.
"..." Ciel takes a deep breath and looks at Gavin, "Gavin... ahem... can you-"
"Let me guess, you want me to look after the kid?" Gavin guessed.
"You do realise he's much, MUCH older than us, right?" Colonel pointed out.
"Only his body," Gavin responded, "Mentally, he's still a kid. Right Cerveau?"
"Well... he isn't wrong." Cerveau agreed, "Only his body is basically an hundred years old. Mentally, he's still a young teenager, though his brainwaves are a bit... unusual..."
"Mm? What do you mean?" Colonel asked him.
"As in... his brainwaves either match an recently turned 17-years-old... or not," Cerveau explained, "It's like his mind couldn't make up what age it wants to be."
"Must be Harold's doing." Gavin responded. "Considering he tries to resurrect his own kid through the body of an ancient hero... it's only natural the mind couldn't decide the maturity and thus, I bet his personality is stuck between your typical teenager and a veteran warrior."
"That does sound reasonable, Gavin." Ciel understood, "That's why he should stay with you rather than here since I highly doubt his mind would stabilise properly in a military setting, so having a life outside of being the hero would be preferable."
"We're not too sure if it would help." Mark commented.
"Well, we don't know unless we try, Mark," Ciel responded before she turns to Gavin, "Detective Knight... can I entrust you with taking care of Zero?"
"Yes, Lady Ciel." Gavin responded with confidence, "Besides, I'm sure Alouette would be happy to have a new brother, I hope."
"That's good to hear."
"Which reminds me, I should really go to pick up Alouette now." Gavin said as he stands up and turns around, "Don't worry. I'll take Zero with me. Along with the fact I wouldn't tell him about Harold and such."
"Thank you, Gavin." Ciel smiled happily. "I'm sure Meira would be proud of you."
"... Thanks..." Gavin responded.
He opens the door and leaves the office, where he sees Passy and Zero talking with each other.
Before all of this mess happened, he never really knew much about Ethan. Only stories from Harold, even though the two are strictly professional and never really on friends term, but even than... he couldn't help, but pity Harold. If Alouette died... he wouldn't know what to do if that actually happened, after all, he lost his wife when Alouette was just three years old.
The white haired detective takes deep breath and walks up to Zero, which he notices him.
"Alright kiddo," Gavin said, "From now on, I'll be your legal guardian. Got it?"
"Huh? How comes?" Passy asked in shock.
"Well, from the results we got from looking at the brainwaves," Gavin explained, "It would be suitable for Zero to live as an average teenager than a soldier."
"I guess so..." Zero simply replied as he wasn't sure what else to respond to that, "So... do I come with you or..."
"You're coming with me to pick up my daughter." Gavin said.
"Yay! I get to see Alouette again!" Passy cheered.
"Don't get too excited, pixie." Gavin told her off.
"I'm a cyber elf! Not a pixie, damn it!" Alouette blurted out, "Seriously! I'm completely different from a pixie!"
"You could have fooled me." Gavin said sarcastically, "Regardless, you coming or what?"
"Well... I have nowhere else to go," Zero admitted, "And don't exactly have much of an identity other than the fact I'm apparently Zero."
"I'll just accept that as a yes." Gavin said, "Oh! And if anyone asked what's your name is. Just tell them... Mmm... your name is Zack Knight and you're human."
"Really?" Zero asked in confusion, "Why all of those secrets?"
"It's protection reasons," Gavin told him, "I'm sure a lot of bad guys would try to get their hands on you if they found out the legendary hero is awaken."
"I mean... he isn't wrong." Passy agreed, "I suppose all this secret would be for the best."
"Exactly, now come along, Zack." Gavin told him.
Zero and Passy looks at each other, and nods as they follow him from behind.
Later on in the parking lot, Zero sits on the back of Gavin's black, flying car as the car fly through the city. The ancient reploid looks around through the window as he sees the rain and the construction work of Area C-2. He stares at the construction work for a bit, which Passy notices and just as she is about to ask.
"Legendary hero! Bah!"
The young blonde and the cyber elf overhears a masculine voice where they see a mauve purple-haired, late 40's years old reporter with a tobacco who is shouting those words.
"That legendary hero ends up letting some of those civilians to die!" The reporter shouted, "Heck! He causes a lot of collateral damage to the buildings as well, so how long will this so-called 'legendary hero' cause humanity to die out just for his recklessness?!"
Zero bites his lips and grips his hands as he wasn't sure what to make of that reporter. After all, he just defeated a maverick, so why is this guy so hateful of him!? Maybe if he had saved those men who were killed by that maverick, than maybe... just maybe...
"Ignore that bastard. No matter what you do, he always gonna find a way to complain." Gavin ensured him, "He's an anti-reploid bastard. I never understood how he managed to get to the top."
"Anti reploid?" Zero asked him.
"People who is strongly against the creation of reploids," Passy explained you him, "Which is honestly stupid if you ask me cuz they were the ones who created us, but unfortunately, some humans are that stupid."
"... Who is that guy, anyways?" Zero asked her.
"Frederick Santana," Passy told him, "The biggest douchebag in the universe! There is nothing likeable about him as all he screams about is that reploids would take humans' jobs and all that crap!"
"Yeah. Too bad his followers agree with that crap." Gavin scoffed, "Besides, in this world, you can't save everyone. You can only save what you can. This isn't some fairy tale movie, after all."
"Right..." Zero mumbled as he continues to stare, which Gavin just takes a deep breath as he wasn't sure what else to say to the ancient reploid.
Even Passy didn't know what to say to him, so instead she asks Gavin, "Are we there yet?"
"Nearly there."
"Ugh..." Passy groaned as they all decide to stay in uncomfortable silence, "I wonder what's happening to Harold right now...?"
Harold running through the wild forest aimlessly and the rain as he just barely escaped from his chasers, much to his frustration as he grits his teeth...
Harold's eyes turned dull as he stared at not only the corpses laying around the ruined lab... and the empty capsule. His face clenched up as he loudly said, "Where's Ethan...? Where is he...? Where is he...? Where is my SON?!!"
Harold takes out his pocket knife and starts repeatedly stabbing a random corpse as he continued to yell, "YOU BASTARDS TOOK MY SON, DIDN'T YOU?!! DIDN'T YOU?!! YOU STOLE MY SON AWAY FROM ME!!!"
Harold continuously stabbing a corpse as he continued yelling out questions as his eyes started to become more demented and slowly his yelling were becoming insanity as he starts laughing like a psycho. After twenty minutes... he dropped his knife and his eyes started to tear up as he bursted into tears and covers his face with his bloody hands.
"Ethan... where... where are you Ethan...?" Harold whimpered weakly, "I... I just want to reunite with my son... is... is that too much to ask...?"
Harold continued to sobbed uncontrollably as his hands and face are completely stained with blood of the corpses. The scientist glanced at the empty capsule and mutters, "Do not worry my son... I will find you..."
"Whatever it takes..."
(Flashback ends)
"Whatever it takes!" Harold thought as he continues on running, than he steps on something... empty. "... Huh...?"
Harold fell into a hole and crash lands on a massive pile of trash. He rolls over the pile of trash and falls onto the ground. He breathes heavily as he struggles to stand up with his rather weak arms, which he growls and punches the ground with a lot of force, causing his hand to bleed.
"Damn this stupid human hand!" Harold shouted as his right hand becomes bloodier and bloodier, even if his hand is in agonising pain, he refuses to stop. Sooner than later, the pain starts to become numb and he stops once he notices this. "... I damaged my nervous system on my hand... great..."
Harold slowly stands as he feels throbbing pain in his legs from the fall. He wonders, "Where did this hole come from? I can't climb up there since my arms are too weak to handle climbing from that huge pile. It's a miracle that I'm alive right now."
Harold takes a deep breath and takes a better look, where he notices something about those machines... those aren't any old machines; those are ancient reploids and robot masters from the previous eras, much to his shock. He couldn't believe he accidentally found those ancient machines from previous civilisation.
As the scientist goes through the trash and manages to rip out one, worn out, reploid's right hand. Harold shrugs as he puts it on his pocket and continues searching, which he spots something he never thought he would find where he gives the most sadistic and worrisome smirk on his face.
A/N - Oh boy! I wonder what he found? Regardless, I hope you guys enjoyed this part of this episode, and if you did, leave a comment and have a good day, my guild. Aqua out!
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