Ep 2 Part 2 - Explanation
A/N - Capcom owns Megaman Zero. Not me. Now, I hope you all enjoy.
PS - I'll add the drawing in the future... just not right now because I can't think of any ideas, so I hope you guys are cool with than.
Zero stays quiet as he wasn't sure to respond to that. Heck, he still not sure if he's truly the Zero they are all talking about as he couldn't remember anything at all. However, he notices Ciel giving him a soft smile and speaks in a gentle voice, "It's okay, Zero. I understand you are deeply confused about all of this."
"To be honest... I am," Zero answered honestly, "So... can you explain what the hell is going on here?"
"Mark, Cerveau, can you two give us some privacy?" Ciel asked them.
"Of course, Lady Ciel." Mark responded as they salute to her and leaves the room, leaving Passy, Ciel and Zero alone.
"Okay... long story short: One of our scientists kidnapped you and tried to modified you until Colonel and Gavin came in." Ciel explained to Zero.
"Okay... and who is that scientist?" Zero asked him.
"Harold Wily..." Passy answered softly, "He... he was a member of the Sage Trinity until he ran away."
"What exactly are the Sage Trinity anyways?" Zero asked them, "What makes them so special, anyways?"
"Well, those three are the descendants of the world's three best scientists," Ciel explained, "Thomas Light, Mikhail Cossack, and... Albert Wily. The last one is the most hated scientist of the world due to trying to take over the world multiple times and the one responsible for dooming the future generations thanks to the virus he created."
"What is that virus?" Zero asked her.
"Well... how about we focus on the topic at hand, then I'll explain the virus thing, okay?" Ciel told him.
"Alright, I guess." Zero responded.
"Good, now, when Neo Arcadia was first created," Ciel continues on explaining, "We end up finding out those three has descendants who are scientists just like them. They become the leaders of three different science teams; Cossack family in charge of the Energy resources, the Light family in charge of robotics, and the Wily family in charge of building up military."
"Okay... so, now the virus thing?" Zero asked her, much to their dismay as he clearly doesn't care much for the history of Ainvia kingdom.
"Long story short; it's called the Sigma virus that originate from the leader of the Mavericks, Sigma." Passy explained, "Thankfully a cure was made after Sigma's final defeat and here we are."
"So, there's no Mavericks then?" Zero asked them.
"They still exists, but nowadays, it's flawed programming and such," Ciel explained, "So it's doable and nothing too serious."
"I see..." Zero said, "Then what's the point of me being here?"
"Well... I..." Ciel stuttered until Jaune suddenly rushes into the room, much to their surprise, "J-Jaune?"
"We have a code yellow, lady Ciel!" Jaune reported to her, "We have a mechaniloid going maverick in Area C-2!"
"What?! But Gavin and Colonel haven't recovered yet!" Ciel told her, "Mmm... send Mr Wolfe and his-"
Before Ciel could finish her sentence, Zero quickly gets out of his capsule and just grabs his armour as he rushes out of the lab, which the blond ruler just stays speechless, while the cyber elf screams, "Oi! Wait up!"
Passy follows him from behind as Zero puts on his armour... even though he was hoping around to put on his armour. She just facepalms and asks, "Seriously Zero?"
"I-I was trying to be a badass, okay?" Zero pouted, which Passy facepalms... again.
"Oh my god... did having Ethan's personality ends up screwing up Zero's intelligence?" Passy thought, and says, "Let me help!"
Passy enters into Zero's body and suddenly, his armour is on his body, which she goes out of his body and asks, "Better now?"
"Better!" Zero smirked, which Passy's face turns a bit pale where she is suddenly reminded of Ethan's smirk, which Zero notices, "Ahem... you okay?"
"Y-yeah, I'm fine!" Passy lied, "Let's just take of this Maverick!"
"Right!" Zero agreed in a serious tone as they rush to the teleport room as he stands atop of it, where he sees Rouge and Cerveau, where he demands, "Send me to Area C-2!"
"H-But you haven't recover yet!" Cerveau pointed it out, "You couldn't-"
"You said I'm the legendary hero, right?" Zero pointed out, "Than would a hero just standby and let those people get killed?!"
"W-Well... no, but even than-"
"I'm not taking no for an answer!" Zero answered and gives an determined look, when Ciel rushes in as she takes a deep breath and looks at Zero.
"Ze-Zero! Wait!" Ciel shouted once she regained her breathe and says, "You can't go out yet! You need to recover! I'm going to send Wolfe and his squads to handle this!"
"Lady Ciel, right?" Zero remembered, "I'm supposed to protect the people, right? How can I call myself this Zero guy if I can't even go out to save them!"
"... Zero, please, I-"
"Just give up, Ciel," Passy told her, "He isn't going to listen to your protest."
"... Fine." Ciel gave up, and turns to the brunette reploid, "Rouge, send him A-3 which is the nearest to C-2."
Rouge just nods as she starts inputting the locations, where Cerveau argues, "W-Wait, Lady Ciel! This is too risky since he could break down during battle and-"
"I know, Cerveau!" Ciel argued back, "But like Passy said, he wouldn't listen to us."
"Thanks, Ciel." Zero thanked her, "Now. Let's go!"
"Hell yeah!"
"Okay than... two... one..." Rouge counted down.
Than Zero and Passy teleports out of the room, while Ciel mutters, "Please... be careful..."
(In Area A-3)
Zero teleports to the area of the big city, where the buildings' colours ranges from peachy pink, white and black, while the screens are either green or blue. The ancient reploid gasps over how big the city is, until he sees smoking from the distance.
"Crap! I gotta run!" Zero thought as he rushes to the building and start wall jumping, which the civilians notices him and start taking pictures of him as he lands on the roof.
He sees a massive mechaniloid who strongly resembles a spider, which he suddenly had an headache.
"G-Gah!" Zero gasped as the sudden pain takes off.
He looks up to see a certain blue bomber shooting at the spider mechaniloid from the sky.
(Flashback ends)
"What... what the hell was that?!" Zero thought, until Passy pops up and slaps him across the face. "Oi! What was that for?!"
"We have no time to waste!" Passy told him off, "Move it, hero boy!"
"Alright, alright!" Zero replied as he continues rushing to the area where he jumps through different roofs, which people are taking notices as they are taking pictures and some of the children just watches him at pure awe.
"Mummy! Mummy look!"
"Is that the hero Zero?"
"No! It can't be! He's dead!"
"Is-Is our Savior back?!"
"Man! So many people talking about me!" Zero thought, "It feels pretty awkward... but regardless..."
Zero continuously focuses on his target as he is getting closer and closer to the situation.
A bunch of flying police cars rushes to the scene of the chaos as the mechaniloid are breaking through the buildings. Many civilians running away for their dear lives. A tough and rough looking, middle aged man who is rather muscular and massive with a moustache, white hair and wrinkles while wearing a similar clothes to Gavin's, except it's beige instead of black.
"Alright! It's time to take that damn machine!" The man ordered the other policemen, "Get those restrictive mechaniloids!"
"Sir yes sir!" His men saluted as they take out some small mechaniloids.
"Those stupid machines... they always do more harm than good!" The man thought as he growls. "I was told some great hero is going to help us... which is bullshit, if you ask me."
Suddenly, he sees a little boy trip over some rubble as a building is about to collapse on him. The man is about to run to save the boy, but a red blur suddenly outruns him, leaving him confused.
"What the hell?!"
The blur stands behind the little boy and he carries him away from the falling building. That blur reveals to be Zero himself as his striking blonde hair flows through the wind and he gives a quick glance at the maverick mechaniloid. He gently drops the boy and he asks, "Can you move?"
The boy slowly nods as he is completely at awe struck by meeting the legendary swordsman himself. Zero says, "Get back to your family quickly! It's too dangerous to be here!"
"Now go!" Zero told him off, which the boy nods as he runs off to his mother.
The man stares at him with shock; completely in disbelief that this is the legendary hero Ciel was talking about when he was arriving at the scene. But he shakes off as he just glared at him and shouts, "Oi! You're gonna kill this thing or what, tin-man?!"
"Oi! His name is Zero, detective asshole!" Passy yelled at him.
"Oh great, you got the annoying fairy with you!" The man complained.
"Who are you calling?!"
"Enough!" Zero yelled at them as he takes out his Z saber, "Let's just be done with it!"
"Damn... his personality suddenly goes from awkward to all serious..." Passy thought, "Must be the side effects of the whole memory thing..."
As Zero dashes right at the maverick, the detective looks back at his men and yells, "Are you done yet!?"
"Ready sir!"
"Than fire, damn it!"
His men gets those police styled mechaniloids ready and it shoot out laser-made binds as it restricted the legs. Zero dash-jumps and cuts off one of it's many legs with saber, where the leg is about to collapse on the policemen, but Zero dashed ahead as he manages to cut the leg in half.
The reploid just notices the large red button on it's stomach and takes out his buster as he readies to shoot it, until...
A fuzzy image of a massive, bald reploid cuts the front leg of the mechaniloid along with another reploid's arm off.
(Flashback ends)
"Wha-What the hell was that?!" Zero thought in shock as he suddenly hesitated... and suddenly hears screaming.
"Zero!" Passy shouted at him.
Zero sees the mechaniloid breaking free of the binds, causing it to destroy their binding mechaniloids as the policemen run away. The leader growls in anger as he shouts, "For fuck sake!"
Zero quickly charges his shot as he quickly slashes the other leg, causing it to collapses to the floor. Passy cheers, "Awesome!"
But than the mechaniloid shoots a large laser right at the police, where the man and some of his men duck down, but the others got a slower reaction, thus... they end up getting vaporised by the laser.
"N-No!" The leader shouted in panic as he witness his men brutally murder right in front of him.
"Oh god!" Passy muttered.
"Crap!" Zero swore was he shoots at the red button, causing a large explosion and the mechaniloid collapses to the ground.
Zero transform his buster to normal and stands atop of the mechaniloid as he makes sure it's dead as he stabs it's head. He pulls out his saber and takes deep breath as he sees many people watching with awe struck as they quickly recognise him as the legendary Zero who fought in the Elf war a century ago.
"So... what Ciel said is right..." The detective thought in shock, "I couldn't believe this... that's... the legendary hero, Zero..."
A/N - So sorry for the fact it was delayed! I got writer's block and stuff happens. You get the picture! Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this and if you did, leave a comment and have a good day, my guild! Aqua out!
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