Ep 12 Part 2 - Vs Corrupted Roll

A/N - Capcom owns Megaman Zero. Not me. Now, I hope you all enjoy, also a majority of the OCs belongs to me, except for Ringo, who's my friend's OC.

PS - I'm not very good with fight scenes, so I decided, to make my life easier, have a friend of mine write the scene for me. So, if you notice the style seems a bit different, then that's why.

Zero and Passy sees the city in pure disarray where they see the humans and a few reploids running away from the now-turned Mavericks that are killing anybody in their sight including fellow reploids with no regard.

"What the hell happened here!?"

Zero hears Gavin yelling at Detective Wolfe with a squad of human police due to the virus. He looks back and had a better picture of the surroundings. He uses his green scan vision attached to his helmet to analysis the area where something caught his eye - an flower. Specifically, an purple coloured spider lily that is spewing bits of purple glows.

"What the heck is that?" Zero asked Passy.

"I don't know. Don't ask me..." Passy answered in a sassy, but still rather unease tone.

"Ugh... this is going nowhere." Zero groaned.

He looks at Gavin and Wolfe who are arguing, which annoys him to the point he decides to put on his 'Zero' personality where he gives a more serious expression and walks up to them.

"Oi! We don't have the time to argue here!" Zero yelled at the two adults, "You're law enforcements! Act. Like. It!"

"Tch! Fine!" Wolfe groaned as he walks off from Gavin and Zero where he goes to his men.

"I gotta go and eliminate the source!" Zero told Gavin.

"Right. Be careful, kid!" Gavin told him.

"No promises." Zero answered with a small smirk as he rushes into the battlefield, but he suddenly fell to the ground.

"Zero!" Passy and Gavin screamed as the two rushes to Zero's side where he looks like he is struggling to breathe properly.

"Zero! What's w-Ah!" Passy noticed his pupils were glitching out between black and red. "I-No! Wait... Zero looks like he's... no, no, no! I can't let that happened!"

Everybody in the government knew the truth about the Maverick virus' origins, however the public are left in the dark as it would cause a massive outrage and controversy concerning Zero's own involvement as the original carrier. If Zero gets turned back to his original personality AKA a pure destructive Maverick, then the secret will be out AND everybody's lives will be endangered. The fact it's reverting Zero into his maverick state means only one thing, and she has that solution.

"Oi! Zero! Hey!" Gavin panicked as he shakes Zero to snap him out of it, but it's no use.

Passy quickly taps Zero's jewel part of his helmet and suddenly, his body is surrounded by a transparent and peaceful-looking white glow where his eyes goes back to normal and his breathing starts to calm down.

"Wha-What happened?" Zero asked as he slowly gets up.

"I'll explain that later. I promise!" Passy promised, "Right now! We have much more important things to worry about it! I don't know how much my ability will last since this is my first time trying it, so the sooner we fix this! The better!"

"Right, then let's go!" Zero shouted as he rushes into the battlefield with Passy while the others tried to protect the civilians from the mavericks.

Zero takes out his saber and slices a maverick in half though the torso. He slashes through the crowds of mavericks and he rushes to the source. As he is running through the ruined area, an piercing arrow hits a random building just above Zero.

"Look out!" Passy yelled out in panic as a rubble is falling atop of them.

"Shit!" Zero thought as he dodged the rubbles falling on him and managed to cut through some of it, "Thank god my Saber is strong enough to cut through the rubble!"

He gets out of the situation unscathed and he blurts out, "What just happened?"

"Some light arrow struck that building and that caused that rubble!" Passy explained to fully grasped what just happened in a rather panicky tone.

"Right. That arrow must be from possibly the source." Zero guessed as they continue running through the city.

As Zero continues to slash his way through, he noticed the purple flames are stronger and noticeable compared to the entrance where the fires were smaller and weaker.

"We must be close!" Zero said as he roundhouse kicks a maverick's head off and stabs another one.

"Yeah. I can sense them close by!" Passy realised. "We're so close!"


Later on as they rush through a line of mavericks, Zero couldn't help the feeling things are gonna get from bad to worse as he tries to look around, and suddenly...

"ZERO LOOK OUT!" Passy yelled out.

Zero barely dodges it as an arrow manages to leave a small scratch on his left cheek as 'blood' starts to fall from his scar. He gently placed his hand on the scar as he tried to grasp that he just barely dodged it. If he haven't dodged it... his head would have been wiped clean off. 

"I... I... I could have died..." Zero thought as his fear instinct starts to take over and his breathing starts to go heavy. "Oh god... I... I nearly died! I... I..."

"ZERO!" Passy screamed into his ears which snaps Zero out as she stares into his eyes, "Are you there?!"

"Y-Yeah... just... caught off guard..." Zero admitted. "If Passy haven't called me out... if she haven't... oh god. I don't want to imagine that!"

"Good! Look!" Passy shouted as she points at the female maverick with blonde hair and a bow and arrow as her arm. She pointed her bow arm at Zero who quickly take up arms as he points his saber back at her.

He uses his scanner to analysis her, but when he tried, his scan starts to glitch out and he was forced to shut it off. So, he decides to do the next best thing - calling HQ.

"Hey... who is that!?" Zero asked in a demanding tone.

"That's... no wait, that should be impossible!" Ciel gasped through the comms.

"What's impossible?" Zero asked.


"Look out!" Passy screamed as Zero quickly ducks down.

"Shit. Sorry, gotta go! Big fight incoming!" Zero told Ciel.

"Wait, Zer-"

Zero cut off the comms and he deflects a shot with his saber, which explodes a building nearby.

"Okay, so... you're not much a talker, eh?" Zero asked in a bit of a cocky tone.

He didn't get much of a verbal response, thus he is unleashing his saber to cleave through any attempts of eradication. It became evident that negotiation wasn't really an option.

It didn't matter, he would still carry out the job as always, so he charged ahead as Passy flew close by. Purple flames danced all around them as countless architecture and effort went down the drain.

The distance between them grows thinner by the second, and it didn't take long for him to find out that his target was nowhere in sight. Hidden in flames or the rubble? He couldn't tell which, but he knows that she is hiding somewhere to ambush him with attacks.

More and more buildings began to tear down, and Zero grits his teeth, frustrated at playing defense to whatever his opponent felt like doing. Much to his confusion as she was here just a second ago, and now she is gone.

"You really like playing hard to get?" His remark was met with even more arrows, and even his ingrained instincts began to waver under the overwhelming pressure.

More buildings fell to ruin, the fire burned the ruin to crisp, and Zero knew he couldn't afford a single mistake or else, his head would join the ruin.

"Focus! Keep moving, she's going to charge her direction!" Passy offered her assistence.

"Thanks!" He thanked her, as his feet began to sprint. Focusing his attention on the way those arrows begins to change altitude or direction. Subtle, but nothing he couldn't figure out!

He passes through countless remains of memories and life buried under the hard ground, his face riddles with frustration over what was lost, and it was hard! Managing his saber while trying to pinpoint where the Marvick would be located in.

Nothing about the mission was ever easy though, and he wasn't content in just giving up. Neither was Passy. That's just how they rolled!

The barrier around him glowed, designed to temper the glowing headache that tried to consume him. Damn it! He didn't have time to deal with-


A single arrow that was launched slightly differently made all the difference. Zero narrowly dodged it, thank god, but the 'blood' that fell down his arm. The colour almost making him vomit as the reality of the situation dawned in even further.

"The rubble!" Passy screamed in worry, and Zero went into action quickly. Activating his arm-buster, he shot through with all his might without abandon. He pushed the thoughts of the countless corpses that painted the walls, the carnage and misery caused by the Marvick, all to concentrate his resolve to complete the mission!

"Let's see how well you hide now!"

The concentrated energy reserve kicks into action, fueling the power needed for the buster to unleash a barrage of fire that tore throw the rubble large enough for cover.

The 'blood' had all but disappeared as Passy went into overdrive, for both his physical and mental health. In return, he didn't let up, even when the action of fire wasn't exactly ingrained completely into him.

It still felt unnatural in someway, but the part of him, those fighting instincts of his, told him that it was right!

He quickly pushes away any of those thoughts, instead thinking of a genius way to bait the Maverick out, and he feels a cocky grin form through his features. Leaping, he landed on one of the rubbers, in a height big enough so that the Marvick had to position her arrow in such a way that it was obvious.

Gripping his saber tight, ready to deflect any arrow in sight, and so he waits!

....and waited, and waited, and-

"Where is she?!" He questioned.

"How would I know?!" Passy exclaimed.

A few seconds shouldn't have gone by without aggression. It just didn't make sense! What was the hold up, what could the female Marvick be planning-

All his confusion was answered by a crack under the floor, a piercing presence that almost tore his head off. And now he realized the full picture.

"She's under the rubble?!" He didn't wait for a response from Passy, instead more occupied with the idea of somehow predicting where the arrows would be launched at. His quick movements, guided with years of unknown instinct, was enough to render the surprise attack fruitless.

Two seconds passes by. Zero let his thoughts gathered as the Maverick most certainly was thinking of her next action

Though the slight difference of his position and common sense was enough for him to determine that the Maverick was planning a guessing game like he was.

"Your right!" Passy's quick warning was met with his success, preventing the arrow of damaging any part by the use of his Saber. And wait. His right?

"Left!" Passy shouted, and his body responded in kind. Moving in such a alarming speed that it was enough to catch a glimpse of the blonde hair illuminated by the purple fire, and he deflected yet another attack. Briefly wondering how-

"The holes?!"


Sure enough, even though Passy's description wasn't the most accurate, the Maverick is indeed traveling up through multiple gaps of the floor. Briefly leaving herself wide open to unleash another arrow, and that would have been fine. If she didn't make sure to put quite a distance between them.

"Goddamn it!" Zero thought as he deflected yet another arrow, and honestly, the entire circumstance reminded him of...

"What is this, Whack-a-mole?"

The sheer disbelief in Passy's face at the uncanny resemblance was enough to tell him that any semblance of logic vanished, if it already didn't when he first took up the saber all those days ago.

The entire area around them rambled under the destructive force of those damn arrows, and the rubble would soon collapse so he didn't have much time to play defence again.

"Screw this." His resolve hardened at his new decision, tearing the ground below with his saber and leaving enough space to fit him in. He jumped inside, just to see the rubble crumbled even further as a result of their battle.

"Great job idiot. We're stuck. What's the plan?" Passy replied with frustration.

"Well, that Maverick probably wants my head so the idea here is to bait here-"

"And how's that going to work?"

"She can't see me, and she won't take the chance that I'm still here." Zero answered.

Passy realised the implication, and comments "No sane reploid would be in this dump." And they both had the same thought in mind.

The Maverick wouldn't mind if he borrowed her tactic now, would she?

The goal to stay hidden and alert, actively trying to avoid anything that would draw someone's attention to him, was something he was completely unfamiliar in this circumstance. The survival of the fittest; the one who could fight, move and think the best.

That was how all of his fights went. He charged in, saber at hand, to recklessly tear down everything in his path. And he actively tried to ignore the familiarity of violence, bloodshed and misery.

So it shocks him that his instincts and buried thoughts has no response to this situation, almost sharing his inexperience, and it felt strangely weird to be left in a state of mind completely his own.

So he ignored the discomfort, and focused on the mission at hand. Light pouring from the holes the arrows created, as he and Passy made sure that each step was taken with the least amount of sound created.

It was hard. Glass, machinery and other such things would create the most sounds in this situation after all. But he keeps moving, focusing on any traces of sound that didn't come from them.

Each time the light shined completely around his face was strange, being almost replaced debris, rubble and destroyed remains of what once was-

"Zero, behind." Her voice is but a whisper, yet coated with such concern and warning that he obeyed immediately. Staring at a wall of rubble, noticing the shards of glass shatter throughout. No doubt that was likely why Passy could figure out....

The female Maverick would soon follow them. So he didn't waste time, holding his saber in hand, ready to activate it at a moment's notice. And so he waited, placing his hand at the wall to feel well... anything. Keeping eye contact with the glass shard that allowed a fragment of his enemy's image to be shown.

He waits, and the reflection changes.

An arrow was shot, tearing its way through the rubble. Zero sidesteps to avoid it, and completely tore down the entire wall in two with his saber, his eyes scans the target oh so close to him.

His instincts immediately took over, not noticing that the arrow causes an explosion so great that the momentum of his leap was greatly altered. The ramifications of it soon became apparent, as even when the distance between them closed, the female Maverick held her own response. Her bow-arm smacks his frame away, causing enough diverging to launch him away from her once again.

Not if he had anything to say about it! His arm-buster activated, launching yet another barrage of energy that now forced the Maverick on the defensive. Too busy in decking and evading to actual prepare her strikes.

The light of the sun shined harshly alongside the flames, Zero gritted his teeth as he regained his hold on the ground. The ground rambled as he landed firmly, and he went forward with his assault. Not stopping at any moment.

He pummeled her with a continuous assault of energy ripping within the mechanism of his being, gears turning, circuitry enabling the full overdrive of his very core. All to hammer done the conclusion to the single objective in his mind.

Passy was close behind, cheering him on, and that support was enough to keep his mind focused. Clear, with no sign of the familiarity taking over his body completely. He was here, just him and Passy, and they had a job to do!

Quick and exact, excessive behavior is foreign to the female Maverick, it seems. She was evading or parrying with her arm-bow. A blur that no normal human or reploid could comprehend its existence.

However, He was beyond both, and his very design accelerated beyond understanding to only prove that fact. One arm is concentrated on the buster, keeping in place as he kicked off a sprint that would slowly turn into a certainty, that of the completion behind his duty.

He was certain, and the Maverick shattered it within seconds. The activation of her bow would spell certain doom considering the risk of such an action, but Mavericks rarely follow a degree of logic.

It was stupid of him to assume she had any sense of self-preservation when an opportunity presented itself. Bits and pieces of her armor scatter as she allows the blasts to pierce her, the only attention she afforded at that moment is the ground-


He can't see. Passy' screams were muffled by the smoke and debris that, yet again, covered the area around them. He can't see, and the resulting chaos blinds his senses to what would surely equate to his doom.

He can't see. And the Female Marvick was most certainly close by, he could practically feel the ominous dread that accompanied panic and danger, and he was blind to everything besides his own thoughts.

He can't see. Can't identify the target precisely, can't hear the noise of activation from an arrow that would surely be launched in the one location he couldn't possibly predict.

It's was in this moment that his instincts screamed.

And the only sound that registered is the glowing radiance of the Saber.

It was the climax of a long fought battle. Fire and rock that danced in renounce, the environment which entailed a untold lost of life, knowledge, effort and experience.

One direct hit would conclude this havoc. The boy in red charges blindly into the fare, the Z-Saber being the only light that shined beyond fire and rock.

The Female Maverick awaits, steadily and surely. Her fingertips holding the edge of her climax, the one moment that would foretell her victory. And her mind would not register any possibility of defeat. It was simply not in her processing.

The world stopped mattering to both, their attention focused sorely on their enemies. Green radiance spoke of years that no longer exist, and the bow spoke of a memory forgotten to time.

Three, the Maverick found her target. Blind and consumed with the same intent that she held within her mechanism.

Second, Zero charged without relent, only one goal in sight and the weapon required to achieve that goal is paving the road for the final act.

One, both find eachother in the remains of a lost city; countless relics of life and age erased in a moment's notice. With only the tragedy left beheld to be remembered.

Zero, the time was nigh, and the world flashed in light for the both of them.




A gasp that echoed throughout the silent, broken city.

The Maverick's arrow was astounding fast, enough to surpass any level of detection from either human or basic reploid. Even the most advanced models would find it a momentum task to not only perceive the arrow, but also counter and fight against it.

It was the bow that broke through sound itself, left countless died in its wake, leaving behind corpses to decorate the area consumed by her single-minded goal.

It was an arrow that cannot be blocked in close range, something that would ensure her victory.

The abandonment of the only logical conclusion the reploid came too was what left her processor in flames, producing the first sound she had ever brought forth to the world. Surprised, she cannot fathom how she lost.

But this was the miracle that only a madman's design could bring out. To push past pre-established limits, to shatter expectations and to set standards meant to be broken for later.

That was the meaning behind the name of Zero; the end of every concept. And the boy embodied it for the brief moments where his Saber seemingly shined the brightest of all.

That was why the Reploid is shocked, and that left her eyes open for the first time in this new existence of hers. And so was his mind awakened from instinctual movement.

The world felt frozen, content to let the two combatants properly process the carnage they left behind.

Everything was in ruin. His instincts calming down did nothing to bring his kind at ease. If anything, conscious thought just brought forth the implications of value, and how everything around him reeked of the destruction behind said value.

The girl paused. Not even reacting to the Saber that pierced right through her chest, allowing for machinery and circuity to leave and join the ash. Instead, her eyes scan the area.

It's not of deadly precision, Zero noted. The way her head slowly turned to the countless untold tragedies forced down by her today, the way her face contorted in so much anguish, and realisation that almost made Zero crumble and want to help her despite everything.

He can feel the slight movements, the slight shakes and turns that told of her fading strength. The way her hands screamed for something to hold onto, an answer to awaken her from the nightmare of her very making. She moved not in exact necessity, practically being excessive in his eyes.

It's... it's too human to be the very same actions from the Reploid that brought an end to a city's generation of upbringings, success, failures, dreams and aspirations.

Her face soon returned to him. Eyes that look so alive yet dead, and she seemed to have finally found her answer to this hell. Her realisation at its fullest.

"... T-Thank you..." She crumbled and join the ash and ruins of her making, lost in the countless lives of another time.

He quietly lets go of his blade as they both fall to the ground of the torn up city. He falls to his knees while the Maverick falls to the side where his Saber is still sticking through her stomach. Passy didn't dare say a word, even as they both notice that those strange purple flowers are slowly dissolving into purple particles and the flames calming down.

"... It's over..." Zero mumbled.

"... Yeah..." Passy agreed with him. She stops the white glow from Zero now that those flowers that was spreading it is gone, and flies up to the Maverick's body.

"Passy, what are you doing?" Zero asked her while taking his breath.

"... Again, as I promised, I will explain everything later." Passy told him in her more serious tone as she places her tiny hands onto the Maverick's corpse as it glows white.

"Huh? Are you resurrecting?!" Zero gasped.

"... No, that's impossible." Passy answered to him as a light ball of energy comes out from the Maverick's corpse.

The light ball of energy disperse into a tiny Cyber elf version of the Maverick as she shakes her head and looks at those two as she asks, "...Wha... who are you two?"

"It's ok. I know this is gonna be a lot, but... you're a cyber elf now." Passy explained to her gently as just before Zero was about to comment, "Shhh! Let me handle this, Zero!"

Zero keeps his mouth shut as he can tell she's genuinely serious about this. Then again, he isn't good with these type of things, so he lets Passy handle this.

"A... Cyber elf?" She asked Passy.

"Basically an spirit." Passy told her.

"O-Oh." The Cyber elf said. "... Well, ahh... how long can I-"

"Not long." Passy told her.

"Okay, I'll be quick then." She said, "I'm Roll, the younger sister of Megaman."

"N-No way...!" Passy gasped, "T-H-What?"

"Wait, who's Roll?" Zero asked in confusion.

"Not now, Zero." Passy told him off, then turn back to Roll, "Roll... why? What happened to you?"

"From what I remembered, a mad scientist made me into... this." Roll explained to her.

"A-A mad scientist?!" Passy gasped as cold sweat starts to appear from her forehead as the cold realisation hits her. She shakes her head and asks, "Where is he?!"

"I-I can't say. My memories are very fuzzy. My memory cord was heavily damaged, so it's not very good." Roll admitted to her.

Passy stays quiet and glances away, before sighing and says, "I understand."

"I'm sorry I'm not much help." Roll apologised, "But I do have this, he has my brothers that includes Cut man, Guts man, Ice man, Fire man, Elec man, Bomb man, Blue and... Rock, himself."

"Oh fuck..." Passy mumbled.

"I don't know what order, but that's all I know." Roll told her in a sad tone and looks down to notice her body is slowly going away, "Before I go. I wanna give you something super quick! Ahem... blonde guy!"

This catches Zero's attention as she explains, "Take your Saber out."

He immediately nods and take his blade out from Roll's corpse where Roll places her tiny hand on his Saber as he holds out. Then just as she is about to vanish...

"I'm will see you once again, father... and I hope to see my brothers in the afterlife later on too..." Roll thought, and says to Zero, "Please... put my brothers to rest." Just as she vanishes into small particles of blue light.

Zero and Passy looks up to the dark cloudy sky as the particles flies off. Zero looks at his Saber, where it automatically goes into handler mode which confuses him and it suddenly shift into a bow out of nowhere.

"Woah!" Zero gasped in shock.

"I guess Roll's last gift was an upgrade to your Saber." Passy noted.

"Yeah, I can see that." Zero realised that. He gets up and turns his Z-Bow back into handler mode as he puts away.

"Zero! Passy!"

Zero and Passy turns around to see Gavin and the police force arriving to the scene.

"Gavin!" Zero blurted out.

"Oh thank fucking Mother elf, you two are okay!" Gavin sighed relief, then he looks down and his face turns pale, "I-Is that..."

"Yes. That's Roll, the sister of the famous Megaman." Passy explained to him, "I know what you gonna say, and you're right. It's him."

"Fuck." Gavin swore as he takes a deep breath, "That asshole works way too fast, this is serious. If he can create something like this in just amount of time... this is more serious then I thought."

"Agreed." Passy agreed, "It's not just her though. It's all six of Dr Light's first robot masters, along with Proto man and even Megaman himself."

Gavin covers his mouth as his eyes widen in pure 'Oh shit' expression, but quickly takes a deep breath as he tries to grasp the dire situation and calming himself down, "You two can go. The rest of us will stay and clean this mess up. It will take months, but we try to handle the damage here."

"Wait, what about her corpse?" Zero asked him. "She's a robot... so can we just repair her and stuff?"

Gavin takes a deep breath and says, "That's not gonna work. Her body is beyond repair, and, judging by the state of her body, she's contaminated with those weird stuff, so yeah... reviving her is out of the question."

"And impossible since I already just send her spirit to Cyberspace, which are basically the afterlife for reploids." Passy explained to Zero. "And that weird stuff is extremely serious."

"Oh." Zero noted.

"Extremely serious?" Gavin asked her, then he thinks for a moment, "Shit, you're not implying... of course, if your powers is able to help Zero, then that can only mean one thing."

"Yes. The Sigma virus is back. And even much stronger then it was before." Passy told him. "I struggled a bit trying to make sure the virus doesn't effect Zero."

"That's weird because... you know..." Gavin noted as he glances to Zero, who raises his eyebrow at him.

"Yeah." Passy nodded as she flies up to Gavin and whispers to him, "Normally, yes. Zero should be immune to the Sigma virus, but I don't think it's exactly the same as the original Sigma virus. I think it's much, much stronger then the original. Like it's been upgraded to the point it can effect Zero."

"Shit... we need to report this to Lady Ciel." Gavin said, "For now, you two go ahead. Me and the boys will handle everything. Don't worry about a thing."

Zero stays quiet and simply nods as he walks away with Passy to let Gavin and the police force handle the mess as he sees not just ambulances, but also firefighters, search and rescue squads and other squads of the emergency services arrived to the scene.

Just as Zero is walking away from the ruined area, he looks back to Passy and asks, "Will you finally gonna tell me now?"

"Yeah." Passy nodded, "You see, Cyber elves normally dies after they are used AND they can't be seen by the naked human eyes."

"Then how come I can see her just fine earlier?" Zero asked her.

"It's because of my powers." Passy explained, "Regardless, as I was saying, you might be wondering how I was able to be visible AND still be living even after using a lot of my powers. The answer is simple; I was genetically modified with the Mother Elf's DNA."

"The mother elf?! The same one from that history book I read a few days ago?" Zero asked her which she nods.

"Yes. However, I only have a piece of her DNA." Passy explained, "So no, I can't use my powers to fully cure the virus completely. The best I could do is preventing the infection from taking over or shielding one person from it."

"How did they get the sample though?" Zero asked her.

"Well, they took a sample back when the Mother Elf wasn't corrupted." Passy explained, "They saved that sample till I was created where I am the very first cyber elf who lives."

"I see. That explains everything." Zero noted.

"Also... when I said resurrecting the dead is impossible, that's sort of a lie." Passy admitted.

"You can do that?!" Zero gasped.

"Well, it only works on reploids, and well... it requires sacrificing my life to resurrect them." Passy explained. "So it's a one time use."

"I see. I hope you never get to use it, then." Zero admitted as the two are walking.

"Aww! Do you care for me?"

"Oh shut up. Let's go home." Zero said.

"Agreed... I'm exhausted." Passy agreed with him as the two head home after the chaos they forced to go through, and to prepare the upcoming attacks later on in preparation against the threat that will appear once again in the future.

A/N - Once again, my deepest apologies for taking MONTHS to upload this, but I FINALLY got it up! And once again, a special thanks to my friend who wrote the fight scene for me. I hope you enjoy this chapter because trust me, my friend worked hard on it.

And yes, Zero gets a new weapon each time he defeats a boss. From Roll, it was a bow and it will continue on each battle. I hope you enjoy it! Aqua out!

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