Ep 11 Part 2 - After School

A/N - Capcom owns Megaman Zero. Not me. Now, I hope you all enjoy, also a majority of the OCs belongs to me, except for Ringo, who's my friend's OC.

(Later on after school)

The school bell rings for the final time and everyone rushes out of the school - happy to finally be free from teenage prison. Zero signed and says, "Finally, I'm out of that school."

"Yep. man school sucks." Passy sighed.

"you wasn't even participating!" Zero called her out in annoyed tone.

"Whateves!" Passy answered.

While Zero and Passy were bantering for a bit, they see a familiar car where they see Gavin and Alouette in that car.

"Yo Gavin." Zero said as he walks into the car without a second thought and closes the door.

"Hey kid." Gavin replied and just as he is about to drive off, he hears a voice.

"Hey! wait!"

Zero opens the window and sees Iris coming up to him, which confuses him.

"Oh! hey Iris." Zero greeted her.

"Hey. sorry for what happened at lunch time." Iris apologised to him.

"Eh, it's whatever." Zero answered back.

"Still, sorry about that." Iris apologised again.

"It's alright. No worries about it." Zero ensured her.

"You sure?" Iris asked him.

"Yes. I am." Zero ensured her again.

"Thanks." Iris thanked him, "I'll see you tomorrow then."

"See ya then." Zero waves his hand at her back.

Iris runs off to meet up with Ringo where the two continues chatting up while Zero looks at the two; still can't get over those weird feelings he been getting ever since he laid eyes on Iris; as if she's very familiar to someone he once knew in the past, but he couldn't understand what.

Gavin notices Zero's solemn look as he's staring at Iris, and he just sighs. He wasn't sure what's Zero is thinking, but he can tell that he's thinking about his lost memories. After all, he's a detective - reading people's expressions and body language is part of his job. He knew it isn't the right time to tell him, so he has to subtly lie.

"Heh, somebody's in love." Gavin teased him, which snaps him out of his confusion and glares at him.

"I-I'm not in love!" Zero objected.

"Sure you wasn't." Gavin said with a smirk as he starts to drive the car while Alouette tilts her head in confusion; not quite understanding the conversation as much due to being so young. Zero rolled his eyes and cross his arms while he pouts - pissed at the detective for embarrassing him. "Heh, come on. Let's get home. What do you want to eat for dinner?"

"Ramen!" Alouette cheered happily.

"I guess I have the same." Zero answered.

"Ok then. I'll make my special ramen today." Gavin said.

"Yay! Ramen!" Alouette cheered.

"What's Ramen?" Zero asked, which Alouette gasped while Gavin sighs and Passy facepalms.

"How could you not know what ramen is!?" Alouette gasped, "This is... ahem... what's the word? Blas... bla...bla-see... mi?"

"Blasphemy." Gavin corrected her.

"Yeah! That word!" Alouette said.

"I'm surprised you know that word... should I be worried?" Zero asked Passy.

"Eh... it depends." Passy answered.

"You're not helping." Gavin replied while focusing on the road.

"I wasn't even helping." Passy said with pride.

"That's not something to be proud of, pixie dust." Gavin taunted her while smirking.

"What did you bloody kiddin me?!" Passy yelled in anger.

"Oi! There's a kid here, pixie!" Gavin called her out, which Passy just glances at Alouette and sighs.

"Fine..." Passy grumbled as she sits on Zero's shoulder and does the exact same posture as him, which Alouette notices and couldn't help but chuckle.

Gavin rolls his eyes at the two and just focus on the road while Zero is in deep thinking once again as he looks at the window to see the big city since Neo Arcadia high is located on the north part of the capital, so traffics and loads of people are common which is what he expected. However, one thing that bothers him; why was he reawaken? Why is everyone comparing him to this Ethan kid? Does he really look like that kid, but it makes no sense as he is meant to be Zero, though he felt he isn't 'fully' Zero.

He can't understand why that feeling is there. He just knows it exist. He doesn't understand why. He just couldn't understand what's going on. So many questions are popping up in his head and it's honestly driving him nuts. He grunts and puts his head on his forehead, which Passy notices.

"Hey. You okay?" Passy whispered to him with concern.

"I'm fine." Zero lied to her, not wanting to worry her.


"It's nothing. K?" Zero lied again; not wanting to worry her, and the fact he knew she would try to cover up his questions to hide something.

"Okay, okay... geez..." Passy mumbled as she looks away.

"..." Zero kept quiet and focus back on the window, where he soon realised they're at home already, "Woah. That was fast." "Have I been out of mind for that long?"

"Yay! Ramen!" Alouette cheered as she gets out of the car while Gavin is unlocking the door to home. She rushes into home while Gavin chuckles as he follows his daughter.

Zero sighs and shakes his head, "Come on Zero! You're a hero! Why... why do I feel so upset seeing those two close?"

Zero gets out of the car with Passy and enters their home as Gavin is starting to cook the ramen while Alouette switch on the hologram TV that is showing an adorable cartoon about an friendship between a princess and a dragon. He looks away from Alouette and goes to his room, but glances at Passy and says, "Hey. Can I have some space? I need some rest after today."

"Ah! Okay. You sure? You're not planning anything, are ya?" Passy asked with concern and a bit of suspicion.

"No. I'm not." Zero told her, "Besides, what can I possibly do in my room?"

"Fair enough." Passy understood. "Anyways, rest well, Zero."

"Will do." Zero replied as he goes to his room and closes the door while Passy flies next to Alouette.

Zero sits on his bed and looks at the window; couldn't help but wonder about those questions he asked himself earlier. Then again, the last he want is suddenly collapsing just because he's been pushing through his memories so hard that he just got a very painful headache.

"Mmm... I wish I could find the answers to my questions." Zero mumbled to himself as he lays down at his bed and stares at the ceiling. "Why did I feel a sense of... jealousy over me? I don't get it. I can't understand how I feel half of the time. Especially when I'm around that Iris girl... ugh... I can't get any answers if I lay down, doing nothing! I gotta be proactive!"

Zero gets up from his bed and takes a deep breath. "Alright! No more sitting around! Hopefully, one day... I will find my answers one day! Yeah... yeah! I'll find my answers! And no amnesiac cockblocking bullshit is gonna stop me!"

He smiles and his eyes brighten at his own newfound determination to find his answers. Then he decides to walk out of his room and snap out of his deep thinking mode as he goes downstairs to check on Alouette and Passy still watching the cartoon. Then again, it's only been a few minutes.

Just as Zero was about to call out, Gavin calls out to them first; "You two! Dinner's ready!" As he sets the ramens to the dinner table.

"Yay! Dinner!" Alouette cheered happily.

"That was fast." Zero commented.

"Making Ramen only takes a few couple of minutes." Passy explained, "It's the other ingredients on it that takes time."

"Makes sense." Zero understood easily as he goes to the table and looks at his ramen, which contains a few carrots, mushrooms, slices of grilled chicken, noodles and broth.

He looks at his foster sister, who is eating it up with chopsticks, so he copies her behaviour since he doesn't know how else to eat ramen. He glances at Gavin, who is just eating his own ramen and just focus on the foods while Alouette starts talking about her day at school with her dad, who listens in and add in a few nods to show he's listening.

He glances at the family and suddenly a flash of memory overflows him where, instead of the Knight family, he sees the same little boy sitting by himself eating soup while there's a maid reploid next to him. He quickly gets an intense headache and drops his head on the head, spilling some of the broth on him.

"Oi! Kid! You okay there?!" Gavin panicked as Zero seemingly passed out of nowhere.

"Z-Zack!" Alouette gasped as she starts to weep in panic.

"... Ugh... sorry... I'm fine." Zero grunted. "Honestly... just chill..."

"Kid, you literally collapsed out of nowhere. You sure you don't need a check up?" Gavin asked him.

"... Yes. I am very sure." Zero shake off the pain as he continues eating as if nothing happened, much to Gavin's dismay and Alouette's confusion.

"Papa?" Alouette looked at her father with confusion in her eyes.

Gavin sighs and says, "Don't worry about it kiddo. The kid's tougher then he looks."

"Hey!" Zero took offence to that, "I look tough!"

"You look like a typical pretty boy." Passy joked, which Zero glares at her, "It's true."

"I'm not pretty!" Zero angrily announced.

"Hehe! Pretty! Pretty!" Alouette cheered, which Zero just looks at her.

"Not you too, Alouette..." Zero groaned as he facepalms, then Gavin and Passy laughed as they successfully lighten the mood for Alouette's sake. After all, a little girl shouldn't get caught up in this type of issues.

"Anyways, how's school, kid?" Gavin asked Zero as he changes the subject.

"Worst day of my life." Zero told him honestly.

"Really? That bad, eh?" Gavin asked with a cheeky smirk.

"Yes. Bullies, being outcasted right off the way and people hating me for some random reason." Zero told him honestly, which Gavin loses his cheeky smirk and frowns instead.

"I see... that bad, eh?" Gavin asked, which Zero nodded.

"Only three good things happened which is Iris, Gia and joining the football club." Zero told him, "Other then that, the day gone to hell and back."

"I see... also, Iris? I think I recognise that name." Gavin admitted.

"You know her?!" Zero asked him in shock.

"I only know her annoying brother and dad, who is a scientist working under Mark Light." Gavin told him, "That's all I know. I'm super close with her dad, and I definitely don't get along with that pesky jerk."

"I see." Zero understood, "She did mention her dad is a scientist, and she did mention her brother. Unfortunately, I have the dishonour to have met her brother..."

"Yeah. I only talked with her dad a few times, though only when I'm on the job since I am a detective after all." Gavin explained.

"Right. Makes sense." Zero understood.

"Though... that name, Gia. What's her last name?" Gavin asked him, who tries to remember her last name.

"Russo, I believe." Zero remembered, then he notices Gavin's pale expression. "Huh? Gavin?"

"Papa, what's wrong?" Alouette asked her dad.

Gavin's eyes widen in shock, sweating a bit while gulping a bit at the surname 'Russo'. He gets up in a frantic panic and said, "Look, I... I just remembered I need to do some work papers. Sorry, but let's continue at a different time. You two spend some time together."

"Huh? Wait!" Zero yelled out as Gavin leaves to go to his room, which he slums back to his seat and thought, "Shit... what is up with Russo... what's so special about it? Then again, she is a bit strange..."

"What's wrong with papa...?" Alouette frowned as she's upset that her dad suddenly left like that. "... This isn't the first time papa left like that...?"

"Really?" Zero asked her.

"Yeah... papa sometimes have to go quickly because of his job..." Alouette explained.

"I'm sorry..." Passy apologised to her, feeing somewhat responsible for that.

"It's ok. At least I now have a big bro and Passy!" Alouette smiled.

"Alouette..." Zero mumbled, "Right, I can't mope around. Someone has to look after Alouette when Gavin isn't around... wait!" "Who looks after you while your dad is away?"

"No one... I normally look after myself," Alouette answered honestly, "Papa didn't have many friends who can look after me, so I learnt how to cook and clean so that papa doesn't have to worry too much. Oh! And I never answered the door for anyone unless it's our secret knocking."

"At least that's something..." Zero said, "So... after eating, wanna continue watching that cartoon you were watching?"

"Ah! Yes!" Alouette cheered, "The princess and the dragon! Come on! I wanna continue watching it!"

"Alrighty then." Zero said as he continues eating his ramen with Alouette.

(Later at evening)

After spending a lot of time with Alouette where they just talk about random things, such as the cartoon she's watching and such, then taking a shower to wash his hair from the broth which took ages to be honest, and finally, puts on his pyjamas as he hops onto his bed.

"I wonder why Gavin freaked out over Gia?" Zero asked Passy.

"Honestly, I genuinely don't know." Passy admitted, "I most likely wasn't there when it comes to whatever that case was."

"Case?" Zero asked her.

"Yeah. He normally act that way when someone asked about some horrifying case that would haunt a normal person's nightmares." Passy explained.

"Him? Scared?" Zero asked in shock.

"Hey! Even if he normally have nerves of steel, he's still human. He isn't immune to fear." Passy defended him, "Knowing him, the name Russo would have to particularly horrifying that just mentioning the name is enough to scare him since not many things scare him, so seeing him act like this is very rare."

"I see... well, it's 9PM, so I need to sleep for tomorrow." Zero said, "God knows I need it because I have a gut feeling tomorrow will be hell."

"I'm sure you're exaggerating." Passy joked, but her body language says otherwise as she just shakes and sighs, "Anyways, let's get to sleeping."

"Agreed. Good night, Passy." Zero said as he turns off the lights and sleeps on his bed.

"Night Zero." Passy said back as she sleeps on the shelf.

Little did Zero know is that he's right, but in a much more disastrous way...

A/N - HAPPY EARLY NEWS YEAR! Finally! I got this part finished! And episode 11 is finished! Now, we're super close to the fun part AKA the part where I'm genuinely excited for and I been waiting for so long to write about! I hope you guys are looking forward to it like I am!

If you did, leave a comment and have a good News Year eve on the 31st! See ya everyone! Aqua out!

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